Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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His cologne was consuming, his strength conquering. She hadn’t planned on this. His muscular hands pressed against her hipbones. Her head banged against the hard wall behind her as Armando rubbed his chest then his erection against her.

“Armando, your guests…are arriving,” she whispered, out of breath as his moist lips and saliva covered her neck. Her stomach churned in disgust.

She hated this man, detested him in every way.

He didn’t listen.

The room was darkening as the sun began to vanish behind the hills.

The muffled sound of music, guitars, people singing, and the fiesta downstairs could be heard in the distance.

Her head rolled to the side, and she clenched her eyes.

Elloisa caught herself drifting towards the sounds, forcing her concentration on each chord and word she could hardly hear from the bedroom.

She’d try anything to take her mind away from his touch, his scent, his controlling, commanding hands.

She couldn’t let herself do it.

Tonight was different.

Tonight she had an overwhelming desire to be free.

* * * *

Armando pulled the white material off of Elloisa’s shoulders.

“My lovely Elloisa…you are mine for eternity.”

His hands roughly pulled apart each button and removed the material that covered her breasts.

Flesh instantly emerged to Armando’s complete satisfaction.

“Get this off! Now!” he demanded. His gold and diamond ring scratched her breast then her shoulder,
as he ripped
the material from her body the rest of the way before she could move.

There she stood, against the wall

“Please, Armando…No…Please stop,” she pleaded, and he laughed at her.

Anger filled her gut. She couldn’t allow him to do this to her anymore. She was not staying here. She would not be his possession any longer.

She thought back to a time when she gave herself so freely to this man. They were so in love. That was the past, a time before the lies and deceit emerged and her rose-colored glasses were removed and reality and truth were shoved in her face.

She needed her freedom. She needed to get away from Armando and begin a new life.

A combination of panic mixed with determination filled her to her core. Her small bag was packed and hidden in the back closet. Her plan was to sneak away during the party and escape in the night, but obviously her plans needed to change.

With every disgusting touch, she thought about what Armando had taken from her.

“I can’t seem to ever get enough of you,” he whispered, biting and kissing her collarbone then moving lower.

She closed her eyes, fought the urge to fight him with strength. She would only lose and suffer the consequences.

She thought about the way he destroyed her life, her family. He killed her brother Mathew, took her hostage as payback to her father for crossing him in some international smuggling deal gone bad. At least that’s what Armando told her.

Her father was a detective working undercover along with the Drug Enforcement Agency.

Armando said her father was on the take. He had accepted bribes and was working hand and hand with some local dealers in the States.

She hated him for it. She lost all respect for her father and couldn’t help but wonder if her brothers were involved. Her assumptions about their involvement with drug trafficking and accepting bribes were all she had to think about over the months that passed.

Maybe that was why Mathew was shot and killed?

“You’re not smiling my dear. Smile for me,” he ordered, out of breath, and she stared at him, her facial expression blank.

Armando grabbed a fistful of her hair and used it to drag her across the bedroom. She held on to his wrists to try and stay a foot away and ease the tension, but she couldn’t. This was bad. She had made him angry, and now he would be rough.

She contemplated giving in. Just one more time and then he would never touch her so intimately again.

No. She couldn’t take this anymore. She couldn’t let this man have her again. She did not want to smell his cologne, the way the smell of his saliva lingered in the air and against her flesh. No!

She scanned the table by the bed. A solid brass ashtray sat there. It was heavy, and if used properly, it would make the perfect weapon. Armando loved his expensive cigars. He especially enjoyed them in the evening after they made love.

Armando grabbed Elloisa’s face.

“What is it with you tonight? You know the rules, Elloisa, or do you need to be reminded of them?”

She tried to turn away. “No, Armando, I don’t…I…”

The slap came out of nowhere, and she fell to the floor, holding her cheek, crying in pain.

Armando ripped off his shirt, undid the buckle on his designer dress pants.

He pulled Elloisa up in one swift motion then onto the bed. Her body bounced and she nearly went over the other side, but Armando grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her legs towards him.

She screamed for him to stop.

Elloisa cried, “No….No, Armando, please.”
But he was determined to put her in her place, show her what defying him would get her.

He had trouble lowering the zipper to his pants.

There is a God

She made the move. It was now or never. She had to escape or he would eventually kill her.

Elloisa grabbed for the ashtray just as Armando got the zipper down.

She slammed the shiny object as hard as she could against the back of his head.

Armando froze but he was awake, conscious.

She hit him again. Her arms were shaking. Her whole body was as she cried and panted, waiting for him to stop.

He was still conscious. Was the man truly invincible? She shook with fear and her courage began to waver, but she couldn’t turn back now. Elloisa had to finish him. She struck him again, feeling the slight hesitation right before the brass hit his skull. Finally, he dropped to the floor and appeared unconscious.

Elloisa jumped up from the bed and ran to the closet. She retrieved the hidden bag then tossed on some jeans, a T-shirt, and boots. She had a desert to cross if she made it over the wall.

Her plan was in motion three hours earlier than arranged. She would have to hide out and pray no one followed her.

Armando lay on the bedroom floor, moaning in pain.

That was nothing compared to the pain he had caused her here at the mansion, never mind the pain he had caused her family.

She looked around the room, grabbed what she needed, then headed slowly out the door. Luckily, she peeked down the hall first. Ramos, Armando’s bodyguard, was heading down the hallway. “Shit!” she said softly then closed the door. He was probably wondering where Armando was. The guests were still arriving.

There was a knock on the door.

“¿Armando, estás ahí?”

“Armando, are you in there? Everyone is asking for you. Elloisa, is Armando in there?” he called through the door, and Armando made a groaning sound.

“Boss, are you all right!” Ramos called and Elloisa could hear the concern in the man’s voice. His hand was on the doorknob, and she heard it rattling.
Think, Elloisa, think.

She giggled then moaned.

“Oh, Armando…please, baby…harder, más, más duro, así como así.
Oh, yeah, oh…” she exclaimed as she tied the scarf around Armando’s mouth.

“Sorry, boss, I thought something was wrong. I’ll cover for you two,” Ramos said. She heard the piece of shit chuckle.

* * * *

Ramos walked back down the hallway thinking what a lucky man Armando was. Elloisa was a goddess, her body was pure perfection. He had always admired it and often fantasized about doing her, but his boss would kill him on the spot.

Elloisa was Armando’s prize possession. If another man even dared to look at her, he would be killed.

“Ramos. I am looking forward to meeting with Armando to discuss that issue in New York. Demacio wants to make some additions to the facility,” Miguel stated after he shook Ramos’s hand.

“Sí, Armando will discuss it with you when he comes down,” Ramos replied then glanced around him.

“Is the lovely Elloisa joining us this evening?”

“Por supuesto. Elloisa es su princesa.”

“His princess indeed. I need to get me one of those,” Miguel added and both men smiled.

The outdoor patio filled with guests, and everyone waited for Armando.

The Mexican music played, señoritas served beverages, and hired prostitutes entertained the men.

Tonight, there was to be a grand fiesta.

Ramos took in the sights around him. The fun and excitement filled the air. It was exactly the way Armando liked to throw a party.

“¿Dónde está Armando?”

Ramos smiled, remembering where they were.

“Él decidió tomar el postre antes de cenar esta noche.”

They raised their glasses and roared with envy as Ramos told them that Armando decided to have desert before dinner this evening.

* * * *

Avalar leaned over and whispered to his guard. “If I had a woman like that Elloisa, we would be in bed all the time.”

“Sí. She has become quite valuable to him. Perhaps something to keep in mind if things don’t go well in New York.”

Avalar squinted his eyes and thought for a moment.

“Good thinking. See what you can find out about her. I know she was born in the United States and that there was some controversy around her coming here, but Armando pulled it off.”

“I will, sir.”

Avalar glanced at his watch. What the hell time was Armando planning on arriving? This was kind of rude. He had things to discuss with Armando.

* * * *

Elloisa realized the only way out was down the side of the balcony. She couldn’t chance being seen without Armando by anyone. The guests were probably asking where they were, and Ramos would be back again. This was what she trained for. The long jogs, crunches, and intense workouts were not to please her captor, but were to prepare her as much as humanly possible for tonight.

She gently dropped her backpack and bag onto the ground. There was no one around and the guards were probably in the front by the gates and entrance. Too many big shots were expected tonight.

Elloisa slid down the side of the clay building. She landed half on her feet then fell to her backside. Relief filled her mind.
Not yet, Elloisa. Far from it
. She slowly and inconspicuously made her way to the wall.

There was one small spot between the corners of the courtyard where three large bushes sat. She happened upon it one afternoon and nearly blurted out a Hallelujah! Obviously, Armando and his guards had no idea the spot existed. If he knew, he would have closed it up immediately. Armando took his security very seriously.

Elloisa slowly exited. She was on the outside, but cars were continually coming up the dirt roadway. She needed to hurry across between vehicles without being seen.

She waited, praying Armando stayed unconscious. She ran across the road and into the fields.

She took out the walkie-talkie and prayed the guy was in the vicinity.

There was no response. She needed to get over the first hillside then into the clearing. Perhaps reception was bad down here but would improve the farther up she traveled.

She was shaking but was physically ready for what was next as she started jogging up the hillside.

The feel of the sand beneath her shoes was not foreign to her. She had jogged many times over this hill with Ramos or one of the other guards following in a Jeep close by. Her ankles were strong, and her training would surely be tested tonight.

The more she ran, the smaller the Armando Sintorez Estate looked. Durango had been her prison for the better part of a year. Being south of the Cerro del Mercado, she had some major traveling ahead of her to get to Saltillo. She was alive and she would be free from him forever.

* * * *

New York

Teressa Givani kneeled down and began to pull some of the new weeds from the rose garden beds. She was compelled to keep up the garden even though that had been a pastime that she and her daughter Elloisa did together. She wouldn’t let it go and she wouldn’t allow the gardener to maintain it. Elloisa and she had planted every seed together. They started creating the garden when Elloisa was five. Every year, they would add another type of rose bush. They now had a beautiful garden of various types of roses. Elloisa loved the altissimo rose best and its vibrant pink and cream colors.

Teressa smiled at the thought. It seemed hopeless to wish for her daughter’s return. However, every time she came out to this garden, she couldn’t help but pray to the roses for help. She inhaled their floral scent then prayed that some way, somehow, they could bring Elloisa back to them.

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