Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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“My God, Elloisa. I pray this is true and you really are alive.” Mathew’s eyes filled with tears.

He prayed, and then he buzzed his partners and cancelled his other appointments this morning. He was headed to his parents’ house to talk to his father.

He would wait to talk to Salvatore and Jack. They were getting closer to identifying the supplier and all those involved with a drug trafficking ring that spread out of New York State and into Columbia.

The family was determined to try to destroy men like Armando Sintorez and other high profile drug lords.

Wait until his father heard this news about Elloisa. Again Mathew shook his head in surprise and awe. The smile lightly pulled at his lips. “Elloisa,” he whispered, and his heart ached.

Chapter 3

Evening had been the scariest. Elloisa had survived on adrenaline and determination as she traveled over hills and through dangerous areas outside of the estate. She had made it farther than she thought. Thank God she had avoided any travelers, as well as poisonous insects, animals, and snakes. That was all she needed. She couldn’t even imagine dying from a bite now that she escaped the claws of a notorious drug lord.

Just as the sun was beginning to rise, she heard the sound of the walkie-talkie. It was her first contact person. A thick Mexican accent echoed over the two-way radio, confirming a location to meet. Shit, she should have been more careful. He must have seen her through a pair of high-end binoculars and now confirmed her location through the walkie-talkie. Her heart pounded in her chest and the tears stung her eyes. She wasn’t trained military. She had been a damn college student when she met Armando and he swept her away to his country. What the frig did she know about any of this? Reprimanding herself for the stupid mistake, she slowly made her way down the steep dirt hill and to an awaiting Jeep.

Elloisa was exhausted, dirty, and starving as she quickly jumped into the front seat of the old, brown, rusty Jeep. She would have second-guessed the Mexican guy she had verified the next steps with to ensure her escape, but so far, everything was going as planned. Josè Meza just cared about making money and screwing Armando Sintorez. He was the perfect scumbag for Elloisa to engage and contract for her escape. This guy he sent to meet her looked just as shady and scrupulous as Josè.

Elloisa was drenched in sweat and dirt, but she was alive. She made it out of Durango and was on the outskirts of Saltillo to meet the escort in Monterrey. She hadn’t wanted to wait around for him like some sitting duck. Every noise she heard, every local who caught her eye was a potential threat. The radio she held was not working well, and she couldn’t understand the man’s directions or coordinates. The ignorant moron had no idea how difficult it had been traveling on foot. Her body ached but she needed to continue.

Monterrey, being a city of mountains, was spectacular. She was able to mix in with the crowds of tourists and spend the night since her escort had yet to meet up with her to bring her to Father Zipotto.

* * * *

Elloisa absorbed the culture of the city. It was filled with tourists and had plenty for people to do. The sight of the stunning pink marble Palacio de Gobierno was breathtaking. If she were here for pleasure, she would have loved to visit the inside of the church or perhaps even the Museo del Vidrio, a museum dedicated the local art of glassmaking. She had read that the museum contained gorgeous exhibits.

She had passed the many vendors showcasing the handmade leather bags and other fine clothing and jewelry from surrounding artisans. The views of the cityscape could be seen in the far distance. Monterrey was one of the largest cities in Mexico and brought in big business. The sight of both couples and families enjoying their vacation brought sadness to her heart. Would she ever be so free as to travel on vacation or enjoy relaxing on a beach or a resort somewhere? More than likely, once she was back on U.S. soil, she would never leave it again.

But she couldn’t think about a future she may not have. First things first. She needed out of Mexico as quickly as possible.

* * * *

Agent Gustavo Montoya listened in on the instructions over the radio. The men around him packed their gear as they heard about Elloisa’s escape. The details were sketchy but he gathered from their conversations that Armando was pissed off, and there was a lot of blood in his bedroom.

He silently cursed under his breath. This made getting her out alive more difficult. As a matter of fact, she probably just signed her own death wish. Gustavo discreetly exited the room and headed to his bunk house. He grabbed some gear then walked closer to the estate where he could find some tracks that would tell him which direction she had run.

Most of the men were on route by Jeep or on foot. He grabbed a ride with two other men as they chose to head toward the mountains. It was a long shot, and more than likely, a woman of her size and lack of training would not make it far. He checked his weapon as he eyed the two men, knowing that they would be dead as soon as they were at a safe distance from the estate.

The Jeep bumped and rocked with the rough terrain. The moment they were clear from anyone’s view, he disposed of the two men.

He was on a mission to locate, capture, and return Elloisa back to the U.S.

* * * *

Another day had passed, and Elloisa had yet to hear from her escort. She was desperate to move on and get closer to the border. At this rate, she may have to get to Father Zipotto herself.

After packing her gear and grabbing an early breakfast in the city, she headed out with her destination a four-hour hike away.

Just as she started to feel frustrated and as if her plan was failing, the sound of the military walkie-talkie gave her hope. Reaching for the handheld device, then answered. Josè’s voice came over the line. They made a plan to meet in twenty minutes not too far from where she was. She released a sigh. Luckily she had headed out on her own without hearing from Josè, or she would have been more than an hour away from the meeting location.

Her initial plan was to go straight to the border and get the hell out of this country ASAP. But then she figured Armando and his men would assume she would do that because they thought she was weak and stupid. Yes, she would have to spend more time in the country and basically go a distance then backtrack around, but it would be more difficult for them to track her this way. It was exhausting, but it had to be done. She just prayed these last two days weren’t for nothing.

* * * *

Gustavo was at his wits’ end.
Where the fuck did she disappear to?
He was an excellent tracker, and so far, it appeared she traveled on foot. She was out of her mind to travel across the lands of Mexico on her own. She was an attractive woman, young and vulnerable to the elements and the criminals that wandered in search of prey. He had to find her. Gustavo followed her tracks, and a glance at the map he held told him that she more than likely headed into the city of Monterrey. Maybe she thought she would be able to hide out in the crowds and escape by bus to the border from there. It was at least another two days away. Why would she head in the opposite direction of the border? Maybe she wanted to trick anyone who followed. It appeared Elloisa had planned this escape and thoroughly looked at her options.

Gustavo pulled the Jeep into a parking lot by the hotel that looked the least expensive.

He would ask around and find out if anyone had seen her.

* * * *

Elloisa thought that Father Juan Zipotto was very kind as he sat behind the wheel of the old Jeep just waiting for Elloisa to settle in her seat. She went from one Jeep to the next, and her butt was sore, but at least she didn’t have to walk the many miles to the convent. After her long journey on foot across the desert and hills, she was tired.

She would be hiding out in a convent a couple of days then crossing the border into the United States and hopefully make it to Corpus Christi. The village outside of Heroica Matamoros was poor and broken down. She wanted to leave now, but they advised her that it wouldn’t be wise and that someone might report seeing a young woman arrive in town and set out to cross the border. There had been numerous killings along the route as well, and it appeared that some kind of drug war was brewing out of control. She would stand out during the day, and traveling at night had its own high risks. The town and surrounding villages were dirt poor. People were desperate, and one word about seeing a woman in town or walking about could potentially get to one of Armando’s people. That was a chance not worth taking. By staying a couple of days in her new role as a nun, she would make her presence less obvious.

Inside she wondered if it was a trap just to get her money. She was after all, offering a lot of it. Anyone who knew of Armando’s reputation feared crossing him. But what choice did she have? There were no resources, no means of assistance other than what money could buy and dealing with unscrupulous dirt bags.

Josè handed her an envelope. Inside were the proper documents she needed to cross the border. It was the best three thousand dollars she ever invested. She had been slowly stealing money from Armando for the past six months.
Thank God he never caught her.

“El plan era acompañar al padre Zipotto y a tres otras monjas verdaderas a través de la frontera. El exclamó que los bandidos escondidos en el desierto y en los lugares entre aquí y la frontera no los molestarían por el miedo de Dios,” Jose stated.

Elloisa nodded at his explanation that the plan was to accompany Father Zipotto and three other real nuns across the border. Elloisa wasn’t too sure about his claim that the bandits hidden in the desert and areas between here and the border would not bother them because of their fear of God. She had personally met men that wouldn’t think twice about killing their own family. She wished she had a gun. When she mentioned this to Josè, he said if she wanted one it would cost her, especially since she would be discarding it once she came to the border patrol station. She was seriously considering it. That was one thing she had learned to do. Shooting a gun was a pastime at the estate. She had learned to shoot as a freshman in college. It was at her father and brothers’ insistence. Then when she got to the estate, Armando and his crew practiced often. She remembered asking him if she could have a try at shooting the targets one day. The men around them had laughed but then saw her determination to try and encouraged her. When it was her turn, she took out every target and shocked them speechless. Armando was so turned on he picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder, and carried her to their bedroom. Those were the beginning days of their relationship and love. That was before he began to share more of his true identity and capabilities.

She swallowed the lump of emotion in her throat. Then she wished she had thought about shooting him. But she couldn’t go backwards.

* * * *

Gustavo had been right. Elloisa had been there and stayed at the hotel. She was a few hours ahead of him, but on foot, he would be able to catch up rather quickly. He gassed up the vehicle and headed out towards a small village that bordered open land before the U.S. borders and Texas. On his way, he decided to ditch the noisy, military Jeep. It was drawing too much attention to him.

He also made use of the town by making contact with the bureau. He was notified of the things to look for on Elloisa to confirm her identity. More information would follow once they were across and out of Mexico, they said.

* * * *

Elloisa glanced down at the papers and saw that she was now Juanita Aquilera.

Although she was mostly American, she was a descendent of Spain on her mother’s side and Italy on her father’s side. It was a Godsend that she had such an olive complexion and tanned remarkably. Being fluent in Spanish had saved her as well. She was sure it was one of the reasons Armando kept her alive.

After living in Mexico for the past year and a half, she had begun to look just like a local. Armando loved that about her. He would make her sunbathe in the nude so she wouldn’t have any tan lines. Damn, she hated that man and all the horrific things he had forced her to do. His control, his manipulation and ownership of her was sickening. But that was behind her now. She was headed into a new life and a new hope for a future without him.

She tried to shake the thoughts from her head, but the impact of Armando Sintorez and his actions was sure to scar her forever. She tried to focus on the next step.

In three to four days, she could be safely in the States and the hell she lived through would be behind her.

“Hola, señorita Elloisa.” The priest smiled.

“Hola, Padre Zipotto.”

“Lograste ir por el desierto sin escolta. Impresivo.”

“Sí, Padre Zipotto. Estaba resuelto hacerlo y sabía que lo podía hacer.”

She smiled at the priest’s approval that she had made it across the border, and although he raised an eye when she told him she was determined to make it, she knew she could do it.

They got into the Jeep and traveled quickly down the dirt road.

She had been attending mass in a large village outside of the compound, and during confession, she confided in Father Zipotto.

As she developed her plan, she needed more help and asked Father Zipotto for assistance. She prayed that the priest was truly one of God’s workers and would choose doing right over doing wrong. By the grace of God, he immediately obliged despite the risk. Surely he knew about the consequences of betraying Armando Sintorez, yet he chose to help her anyway, and she was grateful.

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