Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (18 page)

BOOK: Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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“We love you, sis. We’re going to get through this,” Mathew stated as he placed his hand on her shoulder. She nodded and hoped they were right.

Her parents entered the room, and she knew it was time to get going.

Then they kissed, hugged and departed, all in hopes that one day really soon, they could live a normal life as a family.

Chapter 12

“You’re awfully quiet. Are you feeling all right?” Gustavo asked as he drove the black pick-up truck along the mountain road. They had been driving for hours.

“Why are you here with me? Why not one of the others?” Elloisa asked as she adjusted the seat belt and faced sideways toward Gustavo.

“Why? Are you disappointed? Would you have preferred someone else?” he asked with a smile, and she couldn’t help but blush. Gustavo was good, but he would have to do more than just flirt with her, compliment her, or play with her emotions. He would have to gain her trust, and that wouldn’t be easy.

“Maybe Williams, but then again, he was a bit on the touchy side and I like my space. He’s a space invader,” she added and Gustavo laughed.

“A space invader, huh? Would you like to elaborate on that for me? I’m not sure I understand.”

Elloisa exhaled.

“Do you know when you’re having a conversation with someone and they get close to your face or are practically bumping bodies with you? That’s space invading. I need at least an arm’s length of space all the way around me when I’m talking to someone, especially someone I don’t really know.”

Gustavo smiled then laughed. “I’ll try and remember that.”

“Thanks. It’s very annoying,” she added then laughed.

She hated to admit it, but Gustavo was a likable guy. He seemed sincere, and she was positive that Williams wasn’t one of the good guys. She had no proof of that but figured since Gustavo was with her instead of Williams that maybe she wasn’t the only one who suspected Williams of the same thing.

Elloisa caught sight of the sign that read “WELCOME TO LAKE LUZERNE” in bold letters.

The sign was small and the town not much bigger, but it was clean, well landscaped, and very private.

Gustavo pulled the truck down a long dirt road in the middle of nowhere. As they traveled over two small hills, they approached a small log cabin on a private lake. There wasn’t a soul in sight. As they got out of the truck and walked around a little to stretch their legs, it felt quiet, and eerie. They were definitely isolated from their neighbors.

There was a beachfront area in front of a gorgeous lake. The view of the surrounding woods and mountains was breathtaking. The water sparkled with the sunlight. She was surprised to see it so empty with no boats or much activity. In the distance, way across the lake, there was a person in a canoe and a small beach with some people on it. That was it. It was quiet, private, and peaceful. After asking Gustavo about the place, he informed her that it belonged to a friend of his and that no motor boats, wave runners, or other engine-operated vehicles were allowed on the lake. It was in the middle of the Adirondacks. Laws were strict and preservation of the environment was top priority. It was nature in its finest and purest form.

“Do you like to fish?” Gustavo asked.

“Never been fishing,” she replied as she took off her sandals and felt the sand beneath her toes. Tilting her head toward the sun with her eyes closed, she let the rays caress her face. Then she felt Gustavo staring at her.

A glance in his direction and she saw he was watching her as well as looking past her toward the water and scenery.

Considering she had been around many good-looking men in Mexico who always were armed and very dangerous, nothing compared to Gustavo.

He stood there, so authoritative and commanding. Yet, he wasn’t rugged-looking like when she first had met him back at the convent. His face was cleanly shaven, his hair was shorter and tight in a military type of style and his clothes were more relaxed. Instead of camouflage pants or military cargo pants, he wore dark blue jeans that hugged his muscular thighs and a tight, dark, navy blue T-shirt that showed off his tan and brought out the color in his eyes. For some reason, the navy blue made his brown eyes sparkle with flecks of blue.

The sound of him clearing his throat interrupted her thoughts. She blushed at the fact that Gustavo caught her staring at him.

She felt compelled to say something, anything that would eliminate her attraction to him and the blush against her cheeks.

“You clean up nice, Gus. You’re not as scary looking as back in Mexico,” she stated then smirked before looking back out toward the scenery one more time.

“Thanks, I think,” he replied then walked toward her. Now he stood next to her and took in the same sight she was so fascinated by.

“You…Elloisa…look better without the habit,” he teased, and she chuckled as she recalled what she looked like dressed as a nun.

“Let’s go inside and get settled in. There’ll be plenty of time to explore the property and sit by the lake,” Gustavo stated, and she immediately followed him inside.

He made her feel safe, and she was beginning to feel at ease with him even though he was always in soldier mode. His commanding voice should have irked her or angered her after her stint with Armando. Instead, Gustavo’s control, his authority, and his demeanor enticed her, put her at ease and unfortunately for her…turned her on.

He was there as her protector, nothing more. “Mi soldado,” she whispered then shook the thought away.
is not my soldier and he could never be mine.

* * * *

The days had passed slowly, and Gustavo could tell that Elloisa missed her family. She referred to things her brothers had said or described some custom her mother taught Elloisa during conversations with him. The information she was giving to Gustavo was then checked out and confirmed by the agency. Gustavo knew she was reluctant to tell him more information than necessary. She didn’t fully trust him, but they were working on it.

Gustavo was getting a better understanding of Elloisa and her experience with Armando. It was sad in a way. She had been so young and completely unaware that she was being duped. Knowing what kind of a monster Armando was, Gustavo was certain the man had fallen in love with Elloisa. If he had only wanted her for revenge or even as a pet, she would have been dead long before a year’s time.

Gustavo had spent a few months at one of Sintorez’s offset locations not too far from the estate in Durango, Mexico. Not many people were allowed on the Sintorez estate, but he managed to sneak around and get close enough to record who came and went and to also see his prize possession, Elloisa.

The night she escaped was vivid in his mind. He remembered the way she looked standing on the balcony dressed in white and the sadness he saw in her eyes. He never would have guessed that she was planning her escape and buying time. He had wondered how she had gotten away from him. Armando had his hands all over her as they stood on the balcony. Gustavo wondered if Armando had made love to her. It wasn’t right for him to think about it. After all, Elloisa had been Armando’s woman. Of course they shared his bed.

Gustavo cringed at the thought but was also surprised by the jealousy he felt. She was not his señorita. She was a witness, an informant for the case. He had to remember that.

* * * *

They spent a few hours walking the property and getting to know the area.

“I want you to remember a few things, Elloisa in case we need to get out of the house quickly and we are separated. I want to show you something.”

She followed him over some rocky terrain. Her sneakers weren’t cutting it. Just as she slipped on a rock, Gustavo grabbed her around the waist, catching her before she fell. Her face landed against his chest, and his arms pressed over her breasts. It was an awkward way to be caught but also pleasurable. Gustavo had quick reflexes. He helped her get balanced then took her hand and led her carefully over the rocky hill. There were branches and trees that surrounded a cluttered area and that was where Gustavo took her.

“This morning I found this spot.” They approached what looked like a cave between two large boulders. It was hidden beneath the brush.

She looked at him strangely, wondering if he intended for her to enter the dark, confined space. As he pulled her closer to it, she stopped short, causing him to stop as well.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, standing there in front of her all macho and casual. He more likely was used to dirty caves, stinking jungles, and who knew what else because of his line of work. She was a completely different story.

He gave her hand a small tug. “Come on. It’s not bad.”

She shook her head. He took a step toward her. He was a breath away from her when he spoke.

His beautiful brown eyes sparkled with mischief.

“I’m not fond of caves, Gus.”

“You don’t have to live in it. I just want you to able to get here if you’re in trouble.”

He reached his other hand toward her cheek and caressed it. “You trust me, don’t you?”

Son of a bitch. There he was, using the old “you trust me” bit. And with those gorgeous eyes and that sexy smile, of course she trusted him. She would go anywhere Gustavo asked her to go. Shit.

She released an annoyed sigh.

“Okay, soldier. Onward.”

He chuckled then pulled her along with him and inside of the cave.

It was dark and cold, but Gus was prepared as he shone the light inside. There were three duffle bags, a lantern, and a plastic container filled with stuff.

“I want you to know how to get here to hide. I brought some supplies from the house so at least you’d have food and warmth until help arrived.”

She swallowed hard. “Where would you be?”

His expression turned serious.

“It’s in case I get into some trouble. The most important thing is to keep you safe and alive.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“I want you to be able to get here and to hide. Sintorez and his men cannot capture you.”

She nodded in agreement. Then he took her hand and led her out of the cave. They walked for a while, and then he had her lead them back to the cave. It was trickier than she had thought and nearly got lost. Gustavo pointed out familiar landmarks, and then he got out his knife and made markings in the trees. He was ensuring that in case of an emergency she could get to the cave safely.

“Let’s head back. It’s getting late,” he told her and began to walk. He remained holding her hand long after they traveled over the rocky terrain.

* * * *

It was late in the afternoon, and they were working together in the kitchen, trying to prepare dinner.

“I thought you knew what you were doing,” Gustavo teased Elloisa as he took the paring knife from her and took over the job cutting the carrots.

“I do know what I’m doing. You said thin slices, fancy ones, and that’s what I was doing.”

“No, like this,” he told her then sliced the carrots perfectly. Elloisa rolled her eyes then laughed. She was amused to think that such a large man, a trained killer, was capable of getting angry over sliced carrots.

“What are you laughing at?” he asked Elloisa on the defensive as he nudged her with his hip.

“Nothing, Gustavo,” she said then smiled. She was caught off guard at the silly, girlish feelings he gave her.

She was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable she felt with him.

The simple fact that she was attracted to a man came as a shock.

Since arriving home, looking through family pictures, reminiscing about the earlier years, she couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever truly fall in love. Did she even have the right to? Would a man accept her for who she was? What about for all her faults and for being with a man like Armando?

The thoughts and tears emerged, stinging her eyes.

She quickly moved away from Gustavo and walked towards the glass slider doors in the kitchen.

She wrapped her arms across her, feeling the chill and Armando came to mind.

Would he always have this control of her? Would her past with him always be a wall an unbreakable barrier? She placed her head against the cool glass and stared at the magnificent lake.

She felt so alone, so isolated, and she wondered if that was all her future held.

She jumped when she felt Gustavo’s warm, strong hand on her shoulder.

“Elloisa, did you hear me? Are you all right?” he asked, but she wouldn’t look at him. Those big brown eyes made her confess so much too easily. He was either very good at his job or he actually sympathized with her and cared.

She couldn’t be sure, but she hoped he really cared.

* * * *

Gustavo turned her toward him, and immediately he could see the tears in her eyes.

“Was it something I said?” he asked, wondering if he brought back bad memories. He didn’t want to say or do anything to hurt her.

“No. I’m fine,” she replied in a whisper then turned towards the glass.

Gustavo knew she was lying because she always looked him in the eye when she spoke.

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