Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (17 page)

BOOK: Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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She cringed, thinking about that scene and what had followed in the room afterward. Armando touching her, forcing himself upon her until she finally had the strength and determination to stop him.

She inhaled then stood up and looked out across the backyard and gardens.

“How insightful of you, Gus. To be able to look through binoculars, I’m assuming you had some sort of binoculars because you had not been permitted into the estate yet,” she stated, glancing over her shoulder then back towards the yard again. She continued to address him and express her concern for where his loyalties lay.

“What a talent to be able to see such emotion in one’s facial expression. But then again, agents need to be resourceful. They need to know when to play a role and adapt to play another in a snap.”

“That’s not the case here, Elloisa. I promised you that I would protect you and get you home, did I not?” he asked.

For a moment, it was as if they were the only two in the room. Her heart pounded in her chest. She wanted him to say that he was attracted to her, that he cared for her as more than an assignment and that irked her. Thoughts like this would get her and her family killed.

She turned towards him.

“You are correct, Gustavo. You have yet to fail me, and I will keep that in mind. If you all will excuse me, I think I will go lie down for a while.”

* * * *

Gustavo watched Elloisa leave the room, and when he turned, both Jerry and Mathew were staring at him. He exhaled then leaned back.

“She has a right to be scared and untrusting. I understand that, but the longer she holds out on information, the better chance Sintorez’s people have of capturing her.”

“My sister has changed. Watching her, I see she has developed skills that one can only have from experiencing true fear amongst other things. All I can do is follow her lead and be here for her. I won’t convince her to talk to you and definitely no one else in the agency. That attack on her was bullshit today. It should have never happened.” Mathew stated as he remained holding Gustavo’s gaze.

“I agree with you completely. I’ve seen your sister in action. There’s no doubt in my mind that she would have made it out of Mexico without me. She’s resourceful and she’s determined.”

“I think my daughter wants to trust you, but today’s encounter set that ability to trust back a few steps, Gus. I know your reputation and I know your capabilities. My daughter is finally back in our lives again. I’m asking for your help and your honesty,” Jerry stated. Mathew didn’t look too keen on his father’s request. Gustavo felt that Mathew was just being protective of his sister and the family.

“You know how this works, Jerry. We look at informants or what they are worth, what they are knowledgeable of, as well as their motives for talking. Elloisa is an exception. She doesn’t necessarily want revenge, but she wants justice, and she wants her family to be safe. She knows things that even the deepest of undercover agents weren’t privy to. That makes her high-profile and a target. I want Sintorez and his associates brought down. I’ve seen what they are capable of. I promise you that I will do my best to protect her.”

Jerry got up and shook Gustavo’s hand. “I appreciate that, Gus.”

Mathew stared at Gustavo, looking unsure, but he didn’t ask any questions, so Gustavo said good-bye and left.

* * * *

Elloisa saw her mother sitting in the living room on her way upstairs.

“I see that Gustavo hasn’t left yet.”

Elloisa frowned. “You could have joined us in the sitting room, Mamma.”

“It is better to leave this business to your brothers and your father. They know what to say.”

Elloisa took a seat next to her mother and smiled as she watched her knit.

“What are you making?”

“I think a scarf for the winter. It’s for you.”

“For me?” Elloisa touched the yarn and felt the softness of the black sparkly material.

“It’s lovely yarn.”

“It’s supposed to be very warm. I figured you would need something like this all the time for the fall and winter. The weather is so different here than in Mexico.”

“You’re right. I’ll probably need a full down coat and an electric blanket on my bed.”

Her mom chuckled then added, “We try to go to the beach in the winter. Maybe you’ll join us this year.”

Elloisa felt the tears sting her eyes and then the feeling of uncertainty. Her mom squeezed her hand.

“It is okay to make plans for the future. If you live your life in fear, then he has more control over you now than when he was physically standing beside you.”

Her mom had a point. She just wished it was that easy.

“I understand what you’re saying, Mamma. I think that the attempt on my life or as Gustavo said, the attempted abduction, is still bothering me. Maybe someday I will be able to speak in terms of the future and not just the present.” She rose from the couch.

“I’m going to take a shower then lie down for a bit. I just feel so exhausted.”

“That’s understandable. I’ll wake you for dinner.”

Elloisa smiled then walked out of the living room.

* * * *

“So what do you think, Mathew?”

“I think that that Agent Montoya is around Elloisa too much.”

Jerry chuckled then added, “He’s a good man and a fantastic agent. They went through a rough time getting across the border. Situations like that cause people to connect on a different level. I’m certain he has the utmost respect for her.”

“I’m not certain I trust him.”

“That’s your opinion and you’re entitled to that, Mathew. However, I think you haven’t gotten over the night Elloisa came home and Gustavo didn’t back down from your challenge. You have a tendency to hold grudges.”

“Oh, come on!” Mathew exclaimed then exhaled as he paced the room.

“I’m just being honest with you. I know she’s your sister and you feel obligated to protect her as your sister and as a victim, but she will not respond positively to being coddled or kept under lock and key.”

Mathew ran his fingers through his hair and let out a long sigh.

“You’re right. Let’s just drop it and focus on this case. What can we do to ensure her safety as the raids begin?”

“I’ve got some ideas, but as you know, I’m not really supposed to be aware of what’s going on. I’m supposed to be the father.”

“Bullshit! Forget protocol and let’s kick it Dirty Harry style.”

“Dirty Harry style?”

“Yeah, well, that’s your generation.”

Jerry smiled then added, “Try Steven Segal or Bruce Willis.”

Mathew laughed.

“Seriously, Mathew, I’ve got some ideas I’d like to go over with your brothers. Why don’t you call them and see when we can meet.”

Mathew looked at Jerry and saw the seriousness in his tone.

“You bet, Dad. I’ve always wanted to work with you.”

Jerry laughed as Mathew pulled out his cell phone.

* * * *

“What are we going to do?” Gustavo asked as he sat in a private meeting room at DEA headquarters with John Falcon.

“We haven’t got much of a choice, Gus. Sintorez wants her dead.”

“I think he wants her alive. This guy could have taken her out in a second. He wanted her alive, I know it,” Gustavo stated as he ran his fingers through his hair.

He was having a hard time getting Elloisa out of his head. The way she clung to him in the elevator, the way she stood up to Williams. The way the perpetrator grabbed her around the neck so forcefully it left a red mark.

“What are you thinking, Gustavo?”

He let out a long breath then looked at his friend.

“She’s very intelligent. She’s the whole package and maybe Armando Sintorez has come to need her. She knows a hell of a lot more than she’s telling us and…”

“And what?” John asked.

“And I can’t blame her for not talking. I couldn’t even imagine being in her position. She can’t trust anyone.”

“She seems to be warming up to you.”

“To me? No way. I just happen to be around when someone wants to hurt her.”

“You can make her trust you. You have a way with women,” John added with a smile.

“I wouldn’t do that to Elloisa. She’s been through enough. I see that now.”

“Yeah, you look like you’re having a change of heart.”

“She’s not who I first thought she was. Her family is close. She treasures that. She stayed with Armando because she thought her family was dead. He made her believe that she had nothing to come back to. She’s incredibly strong, but her family is too important to her. If Armando gets to her family, there’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll return to Mexico.”

“We can’t let that happen. He’ll kill her.”

“I know he will, but not before he punishes her. She’s a noble woman. She’ll give her life for her family if it comes to that.”

“We need all the information she’s got so we can put Armando and his people away forever. Her brothers have initiated four separate raids already that turned out to be fronts for larger inventory. Sintorez is going to catch wind of these raids and he’s going to increase his attempts to get to Elloisa. I don’t think he’ll stop until we catch him.”

“In the ground would be better.”

John laughed then stood from his seat and Gustavo did the same.

John looked at Gustavo. The thought had entered his mind earlier, but now it seemed to be their only choice.

* * * *

Gustavo was a top special agent. His tactics weren’t always humane, but John didn’t feel too bad about it as long as the bad guys were on the receiving end.

Gustavo and Elloisa seemed to have some sort of connection, but John couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He just knew the two would make a great team. Gus could get her to open up to him.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Gustavo asked as he slightly adjusted his holster.

“I’ve got the okay to place the Givani family under protective custody, but I don’t want them all together. It would be too easy for one of Armando’s people to get to all of them at once.”

“So what are you thinking?”

“The two brothers will stay here in constant contact with us. Salvatore and Jack are involved with the case. Word is that they have been working on a major international smuggling case. They could come in handy with this investigation into Sintorez. Mathew and the parents will be placed somewhere else.”

“And Elloisa?”

“Assigned an agent and placed somewhere isolated but where we can keep contact with her. Perhaps constantly moving her around and changing her location every few days would be wise.”

“Who would you trust for this? Agent Williams?” Gustavo asked with an attitude. It was obvious to John that Gustavo didn’t like that guy at all.

“You don’t think Williams would be right for the job?” John asked, sounding every bit as sarcastic as he could.

“I don’t trust him.”

“Good! Because neither do I, but that’s another story. When I heard and saw the way Elloisa was reacting to him, I started to get an off feeling. I don’t want to make accusations. Damn it, I don’t want to even think that this agency could have dishonest or corrupt agents, but there have been too many coincidences. I’m not willing to get Jerry’s daughter killed over it. So what do you say? Do you want the assignment?”

“You haven’t given me any choice, so I guess you know the answer. What about Williams and the others?”

“I’ll handle them, Gustavo, and you take care of Elloisa. Anything and everything she tells you, I want you to inform me only. I will then decipher the information and spread what I think is necessary and enough. The most important thing is that the entire Givani family is kept safe. We’ll get Sintorez. I know we will.”

* * * *

Elloisa and her family spent the entire day together enjoying one another’s company.

Mathew, Jack, and Salvatore sat around Elloisa on the couch in the living room. Their parents went over some last-minute instructions with the housekeeper and security.

It was Salvatore who took Elloisa’s hand and brought it to her cheek. “This is so difficult, Elloisa.” He sighed then kissed the top of her hand.

Elloisa felt the tears reach her eyes, but she would not cry. She needed to be strong.

Salvatore was very handsome with dark hair and an olive complexion. He was serious, strong, and passionate about his work.

“It is difficult for all of us and I’m sorry.”

She turned away and focused on her clasped hands.

It was Jack who tilted her chin up towards him and held her gaze.

“You have nothing to be sorry about. You are a victim in this situation. Everything will work out fine.” He smiled kindly then gently rubbed his finger across her chin before tapping her nose softly. She giggled. It was something her brothers had often done to her growing up. They would touch her nose or call her squirt. They did that up until the day she was taken away.

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