Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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The man pulled out a gun and held Elloisa in a headlock.

Gustavo quickly jumped towards the man’s side, and one shot was fired. A series of loud alarms went off as Elloisa fell to the floor with the man still holding her. She heard another shot and the arm around her neck released.

Immediately, Gustavo pulled Elloisa up off the floor and into his arms. He turned her away from the body on the elevator floor.

She held on, in shock and not sure what the heck just happened. It had all taken place so quickly.

She was breathing heavily and Gustavo was calm, too calm. He was cold as ice.

Elloisa looked up into his eyes for answers. Her heart was racing.

“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Gustavo rubbed his hands over her arms and checked her over for injuries as he cupped her face with his hands.

She shook her head.

He touched her lip with his thumb and stared into her eyes. His eyes looked dark and intense as the words left his lips in a whisper.

“That was close…too close.”

She couldn’t seem to find her voice to reply to him. She felt nervous in his arms, and when he touched her she was hot and aroused. That can’t be a good thing. What was he up to? Her mind began to refocus on what just took place. Someone tried to kill her. Then she thought about her family.

“Oh my God. Oh my God! Mathew. Mathew is downstairs,” she cried as she held her hands against Gustavo’s chest, and he held her around the waist tightly.

“I’m on it.” He spoke into his cell phone with his other hand. She never saw him reach for it.

“Are you all right?” he asked a second time once he hung up the phone.

“I’m fine. I want Mathew,” she demanded, pulling away from Gustavo.

They stared at one another a moment, both obviously feeling the attraction but trying to ignore it. He bent down and checked the guy. He looked for identification.

“Is he dead?” she asked.

“He’s barely breathing.”

Gustavo took out his cell phone and took a picture of the guy’s face. Then he took a picture of something else. Elloisa couldn’t tell what. She didn’t want to keep looking at the man who tried to kill her. She just wanted Mathew.

Just then, the doors opened and Mathew was there as well as a bunch of agents.

“Elloisa!” Mathew cried out, and she jumped into her brother’s arms.

“What the hell happened?” Mathew asked, and Gustavo explained as they headed back upstairs.

* * * *

“I want protection for my family immediately!” Elloisa screamed at Agent Williams, who looked rather calm considering what just happened.

“We’re on it, Elloisa. You’ll be safe,” Williams told her, and she gave him a dirty look.

“I heard that before. You don’t know who you’re dealing with. I’m not talking. Do you hear me? I’m not saying another word until my entire family is protected,” she screamed then turned toward Gustavo.

“Who knew it would be just you and me in that elevator?”

“Too many people,” he told her and gave her a look that said he was already ahead of her.

“He had official identification on. How the hell does that happen in the fucking headquarters of the Drug Enforcement Agency!”

“We’ll look into it.” Williams’ snide response bothered her.

She gave him a look. She didn’t trust him at all.

“Let’s get you somewhere safe,” Williams stated as he put his hand on Elloisa’s shoulder. She immediately got the chills then moved to step away from him.

“Such a place does not exist when Armando Sintorez is on the hunt,” she said softly. She felt all eyes upon her.

They were silent until Gustavo moved next to her. He took her hand into his and she didn’t pull away. They locked gazes.

“Let’s get you home and figure this out. We need to make some changes, and you’ve been more than cooperative.”

She nodded then looked towards Mathew.

“Let’s go home.”

Chapter 11

DEA Secret Headquarters, New York City

“It’s incredible news about your sister. My heart goes out to your family during this happy yet scary time. It must be bittersweet to know your sister is safe but also that she is a target,” Investigator Higgins stated as he leaned against his desk.

“We appreciate that, sir. We hope that we can finally bring Sintorez down and end his cartel,” Salvatore replied, sitting in the chair across from Higgins.

“This morning’s attempted abduction right in the main headquarters was unexpected and also pretty damn ballsy on Sintorez’s part,” Jack added. He looked at his brother Salvatore, who released an angry sigh. The moment they received news from Gustavo, Jack and Salvatore had been furious. Apparently, Elloisa handled things well. They were all learning that she had become independent and self-sufficient. She wasn’t a naïve young woman, nor was she the same person they knew before she was abducted to Mexico.

“It was ballsy, but that is exactly how Armando Sintorez operates. He thinks that he is above the law. This operation the two of you have been involved in has uncovered some pretty interesting connections. The team has identified five main operators while you were away the last two days and after information your sister gave during questioning.” Higgins smirked.

Jack and Salvatore exchanged curious looks.

“Miguel Philippe, Enrique Avalar, Demacio Cruz, Jah Jevaughn, and…Armando Sintorez,” Higgins stated then leaned back against his desk, smiling.

“What?” Jack was shocked. How could these five men be the ones their force was investigating? It was as if they had been granted their family wish to bring Sintorez to an end.

“I can’t believe it is this huge. Typically, national and international smuggling is conducted under one main drug lord, one original place, and then smuggled in and distributed through the little guys. These men are all major drug lords. Miguel Philippe, Columbia has always been into growing and selling marijuana. He has a huge following, and I know guys who have been after him for over a decade,” Jack stated.

“Avalar is from South America. Cruz is from Mexico, and Jevaughn is from Jamaica,” Salvatore added, and Higgins just stood back listening to them.

“You heard me correct, gentlemen. After your sister gave some information to the DEA and Agents Williams, Thomas, and Rimarez, we were able to make these connections through some of their snitches. It’s turning into quite the investigation. It also means big-time danger for your sister and your family.”

Salvatore and Jack showed concern.

“Williams said he has Elloisa covered, but after today’s attempt on her, we’re not so sure,” Salvatore stated.

Higgins stared at them a few moments before he spoke.

“What are you thinking?”

Jack and Salvatore exchanged looks.

“Our family needs protection all the time,” Jack stated.

“Including our parents,” Salvatore added.

“You both want off the case so you can take care of your family?”

“No, sir. We just want to be sure that they are protected while we’re still trying to catch these men. Protective custody may have to be our only option,” Jack added.

“Elloisa, never mind Mamma and Dad, is never going to go for that.” Salvatore shook his head.

“Let’s leave it up to Williams and the others. Elloisa is technically their case. Maybe we can influence them in who they place as guards for Elloisa and your family. Now let’s talk a little bit about this operation. You two have some work ahead of you.”

“Yeah, we need to decide whether we’re going to have to go after these men one at a time or do a simultaneous raid,” Salvatore added.

“First, we need to find out where they are then where their distribution centers are. We’re going to need a lot of men, which means the risk of leaking information,” Jack added.

Higgins shook his head. “I hate to think that we have rats in our own organization, but these dealers, these drug lords, have ways of making people work for them.”

“We’re going to have to choose wisely. Right now there are about ten men and women who know we’ve identified these five men as the operators. We need to bring them in and lay down the law,” Salvatore replied.

“Let’s work on this and see how we want to proceed. It could ruin everything if we were to attack too early or on a small shipment being smuggled in. We need to get in touch with our inside people and see if they have any news of anything big happening. I think we should do a link analysis to confirm what groups, organizations, businesses, and so forth are involved with the criminal activity. We need to identify the money investors, the businesses used as fronts, and gather what we can,” Jack added.

“Okay, then. I’ll let you two get at it. Call me if you need any assistance and as you have updates to the investigation,” Higgins stated then Salvatore and Jack left his office.

* * * *

Teressa gave Elloisa another hug before she left the porch.

Elloisa looked at Gustavo sitting in a chair, leaning forward as if he were ready to jump into action at any moment. He had insisted upon accompanying her and Mathew back to the house after the incident at the DEA Headquarters. She had spoken to Salvatore and Jack and ensured them that she was safe and that they needed to continue with their investigation. Mathew and her father made small talk as Elloisa listened.

But she couldn’t focus on them when Gustavo was there. No matter how hard she tried to ignore his presence, she failed.

Gustavo reminded her of one of those sexy, rugged models in an erotic romance novel. His crew cut hair was slicked back with gel, and there was barely enough length in the front to spike it up, but somehow he did it. From his hairline to probably his toes was pure muscle. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He was very trim and solid like a soldier who went through boot camp a thousand times. His muscles had muscles. Yet, his clothing fit perfectly. The shirt was not too tight to show his body off, but tight enough to see that he had an amazing body. His eyes were a deep color brown, mysterious, and yet, telling. There were light lines extending from them as if caused by squinting in the sun. When they were in the elevator after the incident, he first showed no emotion after shooting the guy who tried to hurt her. Then, after he knew she was safe, he looked concerned and sympathetic. But he was quick to hide that, especially when they locked gazes for too long.

Gustavo was definitely a mystery.

“Elloisa.” Mathew said her name but she had barely heard him. She was too caught up in watching Gustavo and trying to figure out whether he could be trusted.

Gustavo looked at her, and her gaze never faltered despite the others’ presence in the room.

She acknowledged her brother, who looked annoyed at her attention towards Gustavo.

“Maybe you should lie down. You’ve missed our whole conversation, Elloisa.”

“No, Mathew. I don’t need to lie down,” she responded then leaned back in her chair, never taking her eyes off Gustavo.

“Why are you still here?” She directed her question towards Gustavo.

He held her gaze then released it a moment to glance at Mathew and her father before locking gazes with her again.

“I was concerned over your safety. It…bothered me that Sintorez’s men were able to get through security and into the elevator.”

“Understandable, however, your mission is over. Your job was to get me out of Mexico and across the border. Why are you still here and present during every meeting at DEA headquarters?”

“Elloisa, what are you trying to say?” Jerry interrupted, and Elloisa felt only a moment of remorse for hinting that she didn’t trust Gustavo because obviously her father did.

“Jerry, it’s okay. Let Elloisa ask me anything she wants to.”

“Well, then why are you still here?”

“My original mission was to infiltrate the Sintorez organization, get into the compound to do intel, then gain Sintorez’s trust. I was making very slow progress when I mentioned sighting you to my commander back at headquarters. After a few days, my mission was changed to capture, secure, and transfer you safely across the border.”

“So you have to blow your cover over me and I’m to believe that you’re not pissed?”

“Not pissed off enough to send you back to Sintorez.”

“And I’m supposed to believe you because…?”

“Because the number of people you can trust is limited. I didn’t have to succeed in the mission. I could have brought you back to Sintorez myself and come out a king and gained his trust while simultaneously gaining deeper access into his organization. Then I would have informed intel that I was too late in getting to you.”

She eyed him for a moment wondering still whether or not she could trust him. He was resourceful, a trained killer, an agent capable of playing whatever role he needed to.

“But you didn’t, so tell me why Gus?”

He took a deep breath, never letting his eyes leave her.

“I saw a beautiful young woman standing on a balcony, looking sad and terrified. I’ve been trained to follow my gut instincts, and at that moment, they told me that you didn’t want to be there.”

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