Mandy's He-Man (6 page)

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Authors: Donna Gallagher

BOOK: Mandy's He-Man
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Mandy felt settled, as if she belonged in this small group. They were a family of sorts—something she hadn’t realised she had been missing. A group of special people who didn’t judge her or try to make her act
more normal
. Mandy didn’t need to change for them—they seemed to be happy with her the way she was.

Looking forward to the night, everyone headed out. Brodie was holding Caitlin’s hand, and had an arm around Riley’s shoulders affectionately. Mandy was fitted snugly under JT’s arm, as if her body had been made for that area alone. She thought she would burst, hardly able to contain the emotions that she was feeling. Mandy’s mind was a volcano erupting with colour—hot and heavy, passionate reds and purples, which were quickly replaced by calm, safe, flowing greens and browns, then turned into a rainbow of happy pinks and yellows.


* * * *


Mia’s Restaurant was crowded. More and more customers were coming to enjoy not only the food and entertainment, but also the opportunity to dine with the local sports stars who seemed to be regulars these days. Caitlin had told Mandy that many of Brodie’s and JT’s friends had made the restaurant their regular, dining in quite often. Mandy was introduced to the restaurant’s owner, Angelo Donetto, who greeted Brodie and JT as if they were royalty. He personally showed the party to their table. Angelo’s profits had definitely taken a turn for the better since his first meeting with Brodie, a few months before.

Mandy enjoyed listening to the light-hearted banter around the table, as the three males devoured their plates of pasta and garlic bread. She had ordered a generous helping of pesto linguine, which was scrumptious. The colour of the green sauce, made from basil leaves, appealed to her artist’s persona.

Throughout the meal, Mandy had to learn how to twirl and eat her pasta one-handed. JT would not give up possession of her right hand, holding it in his and occasionally brushing little kisses over her knuckles, or just stroking her fingers with his thumb. Luckily, being left-handed made the task of eating a whole lot easier for Mandy, although the sparks from JT’s touches were making her hungry for something that was not on the menu at Mia’s.

Caitlin sang beautifully, as usual. Mandy enjoyed seeing the look of adoration on Brodie’s face as he was mesmerised by his woman’s voice. He really loved Caitlin. It was obvious to anyone who watched the man. Mandy glanced over at JT, who was in the middle of another arm wrestle with Riley, and wondered if he would ever look at her that way.

Riley was a cheeky monkey all night, teasing Mandy about her liking JT. Mandy threatened revenge on Riley when he least expected it, which brought another round of laughter from the happy table.

As JT, Mandy and Riley walked home, Mandy found it hard to fathom how, after so many years of feeling as if she didn’t really belong anywhere, she could now feel so much a part of this world. And all due to the man who was walking beside her.


* * * *


It had taken a while, but finally Riley was asleep. Mandy and JT were cuddled up together on Caitlin’s sofa-bed, which was still in its sofa position. It was as if they were teenagers, not game to go too far and risk getting caught by their parents—or in this case, Caitlin and Brodie. JT’s kisses were like a drug. Mandy was addicted—she couldn’t get enough of them. His mouth tasted like vanilla and spice with just a hint of garlic, and all male.

“If you knew the things I’ve been thinking, the images of what I want to do to your body. How hard it was to sit at that table with my cock rock-hard and hold a civilised conversation with Riley…”

“Really, is that so?” Mandy purred against the side of JT’s neck, delivering little kisses repeatedly. She was so hot for him, her nipples hard and her breasts full as they ached for the touch of his mouth. She could feel his solid length pressing against her, and just wanted to be filled by it. “Let me see if I can guess. Would you have been thinking about stripping me bare, spreading me out on the bed, fully open to you—on display, hiding nothing from you, my body wet and glistening, ready for your cock, the cock that I can feel pressed hard against me now…?”


“What’s the matter, JT? Worried that you aren’t going to make it?” She stroked his erection through his jeans, gently applying a little pressure. “You’re not going to go off before Caitlin comes home. That would be a waste, especially when you could be inside me, all warm and wet… Or, better yet, maybe I feel like a bit of dessert. Maybe I could use that nice, hot rod of yours like an ice cream. Lick and suck on it till I get some cream.”

Mandy could not believe the words spilling from her mouth—they were downright dirty! But they sure were having the right effect on JT, who moaned and growled in her ear, finally cutting off any more of her provocative words by covering her mouth with his.

His kiss was deep, desperate and so, so very hot. Mandy was sizzling.

JT pulled away from her.

“You’re not playing nice, woman. I’m so hot for you right now, it’s bordering on painful, my dick is so hard. I love the way you talk, but just so you know, you will not be involved in any licking or sucking anytime soon, because for the first good long while after we’re relieved of this babysitting torment, I will be doing all the sucking, touching and licking. I’m looking forward to devouring that sweet-tasting pussy of yours. I’m thinking of a number—a very high number—of orgasms you will have to endure before you get anywhere near my cock.”


* * * *


The time it took for Caitlin and Brodie to return after Riley had gone to bed was the longest, most torturous and yet most pleasurable hour Mandy had ever experienced, as she and JT each took turns trying to outdo the other in describing the ways they intended to pleasure each other.

At the sound of the key turning in the door’s lock, JT jumped up. He scooped Mandy into his arms and headed for her upstairs flat, not even stopping to speak to Caitlin and Brodie in the doorway on the way out. Mandy just heard the sounds of their laughter behind her, as her He-Man carried her away to ravage her—she hoped!

Unlocking and opening the door while still in JT’s arms was an easy task for Mandy. He walked them through the door with his mouth attached once again to her lips, and with his heel he kicked the door closed behind them. Both were so hot from their time spent petting that it took only seconds before they were both naked, still standing only a few feet from the doorway.

Mandy ran her hands over JT’s sculpted, hard chest, moaning and panting as the feel of him under her hands aroused her uncontrollably. She kissed his flat, dark nipples, as they were on a level she could easily access with her mouth, and grabbed his shaft in one hand, loving the feel of it—hot and throbbing because of her. Mandy heard JT moan as he grabbed at her and turned her around, so she was facing away from him.

“My God, Mags, I can’t wait. I need you now. Bend over the table and spread those pretty legs wide for me. I’m going to ram my cock so far into that sweet, hot pussy of yours, you’re going to feel like I’ve become a part of you.”

Mandy could not have been any more excited by the way he pushed her down onto the worktable, his voice sounding so gravelly and needy. She all but came apart at the sound. Even though JT was acting dominant, she was not the least bit concerned. She knew he would not hurt her—he was nothing like Con.

Her aroused nipples pushed against the cold table and puckered even more as she waited for him to finally fill her. Using his feet, JT spread her legs even wider apart, and she felt the end of his cock part her swollen and wet lips from behind. Expecting him to plunge in, Mandy was surprised at his breathtakingly slow entrance. Impatient, she tried to wiggle back onto him, but he held her still as he inched his cock home.

Ever so slowly.

Mandy could feel her inner muscles at first trying to repel him, before opening and welcoming him in, holding him tight as he slowly stretched her womanly core. When finally she thought she could take no more of this exquisite torment, JT pulled back, nearly retreating all the way out of her, only to repeat the entry process again, even more slowly. Mandy was actually begging him, surprised to hear the sounds of her own voice sobbing and pleading for him to fuck her hard and fast. She was relieved when JT did just that.

At the sounds of her begging, JT seemed to lose control, slamming in and out of her relentlessly. She was lucky the table didn’t break apart under the force. Mandy could do nothing more than hold on as she took this man fully into her body and soul. The orgasm hit Mandy hard, the feeling so intense that she seemed to hover for minutes in pure ecstasy. Streaks of silver exploded like stars in her mind, before liquefying to form a lake of melted silver ore—pure perfection. She felt JT empty himself into her, shooting hot wads into the inner depths of her pussy.

Mandy said nothing, not wanting to mention to him that they had forgotten a condom.

Her body trembled underneath JT’s weight, not because of it but because her whole body was like warm, mushy jelly. JT had not mentioned the lack of protection either.

As he picked her up around the waist, her bottom against his stomach, she felt like a ragdoll. He just seemed to carry her around so easily. Which was an added bonus, as Mandy was not sure she could have made her legs function anyway. They headed towards the bedroom. JT, still holding on to Mandy, managed to crawl under the covers, laying them both down and pulling her even closer to him. She fit so well beneath his chin and with her bottom tucked up against his groin.

Mandy was so sleepy and satisfied, her body humming with pleasure.


* * * *


When she woke, again held tightly in warm, strong arms, she couldn’t help but smile. How complete she felt when she was with JT. It was as if she had found her other half—the half that made her whole, happy and content. The sound of his husky morning voice was so hot and arousing.

“Hey, my sexy woman… How did you sleep?”

“Mmmm… Like a baby,” she replied. It was then that she remembered the night before and the lack of protection. “JT, we didn’t use protection last night,” Mandy whispered, almost scared of what his reply might be. “I’m so sorry. I should have stopped you, but I just forgot all about a condom. It’s okay—I’m clean. I got tested just recently, and I’m pretty sure there is nothing to worry about, but I won’t hold you responsible…”

Before she could finish, JT had flipped her on her back and was staring down angrily at her. Mandy was not scared of him, not like she was of Con. She knew somehow deep inside her that JT wouldn’t physically hurt her. Emotionally, he could devastate her—but that wasn’t his fault. She had to take full responsibility for falling so fast.

“What do you mean, not hold me responsible?” JT’s voice was both powerful and direct. “It was as much my fault as yours and I can’t ever remember forgetting a rubber before. I sure as hell wouldn’t walk away from the responsibility. Fathering a baby is something that I wouldn’t mind considering in the future.”

After holding her gaze for a time, the serious expression on his face plain for Mandy to see, JT kissed her roughly, possessively, not giving Mandy any time to react to his words. The passion in his kiss was so intense the sparks could have lit up the room. Mandy felt swallowed up by JT’s mouth as he started to move down her body inch by inch, taking ownership of her senses. Kissing and licking. Biting and soothing. Setting every nerve on fire. She would never get enough of him.

He was a dominant male, yet she didn’t feel trapped or pressured. She felt cherished, adored.

Mandy knew this was meant to be. The colours inside her mind were almost fading away as they seemed to reach for JT. It was as if they were telling her they were not needed anymore. It was his turn to be inside her head, to inspire, soothe and ultimately love her. Well, she hoped that JT would grow to love her, because she—Amanda ‘Mandy Magenta’ Smith—ignoring any sense of self preservation, was fully, without any doubt, in love with him.


Chapter Eleven




JT was calm. He had left Mandy’s bed knowing, in his mind, that she was his. He knew it to be fact—just as the sun would come up tomorrow, it was understood. Mandy was, and always would be, his woman. Now all he had to do was convince her of that, without coming off as some kind of controlling nut-job, like her ex. No wonder his father had never dated again after his mother had died—if his father had felt about his mum as JT did about Mandy, what would have been the point? No one could compare.

JT had to attend a training session, then he was taking Mandy over to meet the old man. He wasn’t worried—he knew his father would love her. How could he not?

Mandy had said she had some work to finish first. She had a market stall on Saturday to prepare for, and had told him she needed to make some more bits and pieces of jewellery to sell. He didn’t know much about women and fashion, but even with his limited knowledge JT knew one thing for sure—Mandy’s designs were good. Good enough that he would purchase something from her if he was looking for a gift.

JT wanted to be with Mandy every free moment they had, but he had already promised young Riley that he would go and watch the boy compete in a swimming carnival. So he had made Mandy promise that she would go with him to the league game that Saturday night, offering to seat her next to Caitlin and Riley so she wouldn’t be alone. The thought of her sitting in the stands, watching him, made him smile. It would be a good feeling to play for her, knowing she was cheering for him.

JT was in love and he wanted the world to know. The fact that Brodie and JT had both met their true loves around the same time, living in the same building, was not lost on JT.

“Good things come to those who wait.” JT laughed.

But first he had tonight with Mandy, and was looking forward to showing her his family home—and his bed!


* * * *

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