Mandy's He-Man (10 page)

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Authors: Donna Gallagher

BOOK: Mandy's He-Man
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The friendship and camaraderie between the players was evident to Mandy. Also evident was the high esteem in which the rest of the team held both Brodie and JT. Mandy was effortlessly fitting into this small community. All were shocked to hear of her problems with Con—many of the fit, tough men offered their services to even the score on her behalf. She made them all promise not to do anything that would get them into trouble, reminding them about Rookie having been arrested because of her. The many masculine voices were quick to expunge her of any blame, saying any one of them would have done the same thing. Mandy couldn’t help but feel as if she had somehow lessened Rookie’s heroic deed.


* * * *


As she and JT walked up the stairs that led to her apartment, finally home from the long day, Mandy felt an incredible rush of hormones. Her body was anxious for the touch of the man beside her. JT seemed tired, though, and Mandy remembered the rough abuse his body had endured earlier. After she had closed the door to her flat behind them, she took his hand and led him to the bathroom.

“I’m going to run you a hot bath, JT. I want to massage your body,” Mandy said as she started to undress him, “as a reward for all its hard work today.”

She had expected an argument from JT, so Mandy was relieved when he sat on the edge of the bath and waited while she ran and tested the water for him. The antique claw-foot tub was just big enough for JT to sit and recline with his legs outstretched. The sight of JT filling her bath was so sensual and erotic that Mandy had the urge to sketch him. It would give her the ability to savour the scene long after. She not only loved him, he made her so damn hot, and he was all hers. But she decided she was too
to sketch.

After lathering her hands with soap, she began to massage JT’s broad shoulders, loving the feel of his shapely muscles under her fingers as she imagined drawing every sinew, tendon and hard mound. As she slowly moved her hands down to his pectoral muscles, the broad, raised shelf of his chest, she circled his nipples, stroking her fingers over the tight, flat buttons, feeling them harden. JT jerked and water splashed over the edge of the bath.

Deciding she didn’t want her clothes getting wet, Mandy removed them quickly. Completely naked, she knelt back down to continue her journey, all the time ignoring the hungry look in JT’s eyes as he watched her every move, like a large predator about to attack.

She continued running her hands and fingers over JT’s abdominal muscles. He had more than a six pack—more like eight well-defined, separate ridges. Each ridge got harder, almost flexing under her touch, as Mandy stroked and rubbed. Then, ignoring JT’s growl of disapproval, she changed course and moved to the end of the bath, rubbed her palm up one hard foot and over his thick ankle, felt the coarse hair that covered his shin, then travelled past his knee and up his rock-hard thighs before repeating the action on the other leg.

JT was breathing heavily, the sound clearly audible in the quiet room, mixed with the sounds of water lapping against the bath. Mandy finally gave up on her slow, deliberate torture and took JT’s thick, hard cock in both hands, the tip bobbing out of the water. She massaged that warm, silky-smooth appendage with one hand after the other, sliding up and down from the base to the rounded head. JT bucked in time with her movements. Mandy felt moisture weep from her folds as her nipples, puckered and hard, bumped the cold side of the bath. She moaned.

She was so hot. She climbed into the water, sliding her sopping wet entrance over JT’s engorged penis, and sat, engulfing him completely, her legs folded on either side of him. JT reached for her but she knocked his hand away, whispering, as she began to rock up and down on him,
“This is my time, He-Man… You just lie back, watch and feel.”

Mandy studied JT’s face intently, looking for clues as to what was the best motion to pleasure him. She was so close to orgasm herself that she decided to help along her own release, so she could concentrate fully on JT’s needs. Mandy sat back a little and pushed two fingers in past her wet, swollen lips in search of her clit, and began to swirl her fingers over the sensitive nub. With her free hand, she squeezed one of her nipples. Rocking and moaning, she brought herself over the precipice.

Before the wave of pleasure had dissolved, JT began thrusting up into her. It took him only seconds to reach his own climax.

Getting out of the bath, Mandy could not help but feel satisfaction with her seduction technique—pleasuring JT was so very fulfilling and exceptionally rewarding. As was the sight of JT as he stood with water dripping from his body. It was like seeing water falling from a statue, or from the body of a mythical god. Her man was awesome in the nude.

She rubbed at him with a towel, drying him off, until he picked her up and walked with her to the bedroom.

Chapter Fifteen




Their lovemaking had been monumental, a feast of pleasure so fulfilling it took all that was left of JT’s energy to gather Mandy to his chest and stumble to her bed. Holding Mandy tightly, JT whispered for her to sleep. She looked so beautiful in her slumber. JT felt the sense of protectiveness grow stronger as he gazed lovingly at his woman. She was so small, yet so vibrant and alive. JT would never in a million years understand how anyone could cause her harm.

“I’ll never let anyone hurt you again. You are safe now. I’ll protect you,” JT whispered to her sleeping form. He lightly kissed Mandy’s cheek and pulled her in close, wrapping his arms around her body. His mind drifted back to the pleasure she had just given him. He had been enthralled, had never experienced anything as intimate or as erotic as what he had just experienced with Mandy.

JT was hard again—hard as a post. All his reminiscing and the feel of Mandy’s warm backside against him had his cock full and ready for action. He should let her sleep, though. God, the woman certainly deserved the rest after what she had been through just that day.

You’re a selfish prick. Forget about your dick and go to sleep
, JT cursed himself.

He distracted himself by thinking about the following morning’s training run, therefore managing to find a semblance of control, enough to try to sleep. Just as JT had settled down, he heard a whimpering sound. Confused, he tried to figure out where the noise was coming from. It took him a moment to realise that the pitiful sound was actually coming from Mandy.

She was crying in her sleep. She moaned, then cried out, “No!” and “Please, stop!”

She was having a nightmare, JT finally realised. He shook her shoulders gently.

“Baby, Mandy, wake up. It’s just a bad dream. I’ve got you… Shhh…”

It broke his heart to watch the fear cloud Mandy’s eyes as she sat up abruptly, her arms flailing out wildly. A scream tore from her throat as she scrambled from the bed to tumble onto the floor.

“Mandy, stop, you’ll hurt yourself. It’s me, JT… You’re safe. Come here, baby, come back to me.”

JT crouched down in front of her, his anger simmering under his skin at the sight of the woman he loved so distraught. He gently gathered her into his arms, then stood and carried her back to bed. She had curled her body into his. JT could feel her tears on his bare skin.

“Hush now, you’re okay.” He stroked her back, feeling so inadequate over his inability to calm her, to take her fears away. He was like a giant oaf, certainly unable to find the words or deeds to comfort someone as precious as Mandy.

After what seemed an eternity, Mandy finally raised her tearstained face to his and kissed him. It took JT by surprise as he felt her lips on his, but too quickly they were gone again.

“JT, I’m so sorry. I was having a nightmare. I didn’t mean to disturb you. I have them all the time. I usually don’t sleep very well and spend most nights working on my designs to keep the dreams at bay. This is the first one I’ve had since we’ve shared a bed—I feel so safe held in your arms. It must be because of what happened today. God, was that only today? He’s really worked me over, has turned me into a basket-case. I just can’t seem to shake the fear off. I want to… I feel so helpless and I hate it. But the things he did to me—I should have fought more, left him after the first time…but I didn’t.” Mandy shivered, and another throaty sob tore from her mouth.

“You have me now. I love you, Mandy, and no-one will hurt you again, least of all that lowlife scum. If I even catch sight of him in the same suburb as you, I’ll make him wish he had never been born.” JT growled, the sound low in his throat. He was trying not to scare her any more than she already was, but he was so filled with absolute rage, the need, desire to rip Con apart with his bare hands was all but overwhelming him.

“Just hold me, JT. I feel safe with you. I can see the warm, safe colours now. They are washing away the fear. You do that for me—bring me peace. Just like you saved me physically at the club, you can also save me mentally… Hold me tight.”

“Always, Mags, always. Whatever you need, I’m there for you.” JT held her tightly, afraid he might be causing her pain because his grip was so strong, but his need to hold Mandy was just as strong as her need to be held.


* * * *


JT jerked awake. He hadn’t thought he would be able to fall asleep after Mandy’s nightmare, but he obviously had. He looked over at the clock on the bedside table—it was nearly eight, and Brodie would soon be waiting downstairs for him to go to the recovery session. JT was opposed to the thought of leaving this warm bed, and was still concerned for Mandy. He hoped she was feeling better, because he’d have to go. He did have time to remind Mandy she was his, though…

“Hey, gorgeous. As much as I hate the thought, I have to leave for a while, but before I go, come for me,” JT whispered into Mandy’s ear.

JT pulled Mandy’s bottom against his erection and pushed his finger into her pussy. He stroked and plunged one, then another into her tight channel, feeling the moisture build. To his delight, Mandy’s body started to move, to dance in response to his intimate caress. JT drew his fingers from her warmth and licked the juices that covered them, before returning them inside her hot, wet and throbbing pussy. He speared in and out while he pushed the knuckle of his thumb on her clit.

“Come for me now,” JT demanded as he nipped at Mandy’s earlobe.

And she did, pushing hard into his hand and crying out his name.

“That was a small token of my thanks for giving me such a special night last night. I love you, Mandy. Go back to sleep—it’s still early. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

JT reluctantly left the bed and the warmth of her body before taking one last look at her, curled up and surrounded by the many snakes that made up the intricate features of her bed’s frame. The eyes glittered at him, as if in confirmation that the snakes were protecting their sleepy queen.


* * * *


Mandy snuggled back into the warm bed. She could still smell JT and the musky odour of sex on her sheets. She smiled up at her snakes happily, the horrors of her nightmare having been lessened by the light of day and the sated feel of her body, thanks to JT.

“Girls, what do you think? Am I one lucky woman, or what?”
She spoke as if the snakes would answer her, before shutting her eyes and falling back into a deep and restful sleep. She dreamt of JT and how wonderful her life was turning out to be.

Mandy could hear a banging sound, and she slowly opened her eyes, still half asleep, wishing the sound would go away.

Someone was knocking on her door. Loudly.

“I’m coming… Just give me a sec.” She squealed when it finally dawned on her that it was JT, back after training, and immediately jumped into action. She ran for the door, shrugging into her robe on the way, trying not to trip over the fabric in her haste.

JT didn’t have a key. She would be sorting that problem out immediately, she thought as she threw open the door to reveal the breathtaking sight of a smiling JT. He was holding take-away coffee cups and a brown paper bag.

“I’m sorry, Jon,” Mandy said as she dragged him inside. “I was still asleep. Someone gave me a new type of sleeping medication, and it worked—nothing like a good orgasm to relax you, I always say,” she added with a cheeky grin. “Mmmm… Is that coffee?”

JT had bought croissants as well, so Mandy placed all the food out on her worktable, the memory of how she and JT had used it only nights ago making her blush. As if reading her mind, JT mentioned something about preferring the spread from a few days ago as he parted her robe and stroked her bare leg.

“Could life get any better?”
Mandy happily asked.

Unfortunately, that happiness was quickly shadowed, as JT explained the team was leaving on Wednesday and travelling to Townsville for the game on Friday night. They would not be returning until Saturday. He didn’t want to leave Mandy alone. He wanted to go with her today and organise the AVO against Con. He even asked her to travel to Townsville and meet him up there.

Mandy was happy JT was concerned for her safety, and agreed to go to the police station, but not to meeting up with him in Townsville. As much as she might have liked to visit the North Queensland tropical township, she had to sell her jewellery at the markets. It was what she did for a living, she explained to an unhappy JT, who had even offered to buy all her stock just so she would go with him. Mandy tried to explain to JT how much she loved what she did, just as he loved what he did, and was a bit shocked when he mumbled something about not loving it quite as much as her.

“Don’t you do this, JT. You go and play. I will be watching the game, probably with Riley and Caitlin—you play for me, make me proud. If you’re good I’ll make it worth your while, He-Man,” Mandy said, trying to sound cheery.

JT stood and dragged her into his arms, holding her close for a long time before he agreed, somewhat reluctantly.


* * * *


Mandy and JT had spent every spare minute together. Mandy had still managed to make plenty of new pieces of jewellery and had even started a sketch of JT—a nude, naturally. Although she never seemed to get very far, since every time she ran her hands over him—for the sake of her art, of course—she was distracted by another round of intense, fulfilling lovemaking, or just good, old-fashioned down-and-dirty sex, depending on the mood.

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