Read Make Me Yours Online

Authors: Marie Medina

Make Me Yours (11 page)

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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* * * *

Erik watched Susan from across the room after he emerged from the bathroom and returned to the reception hall. They’d had a lovely day, and she hadn’t seemed too bored by the presentations. He was still worried about David in the back of his mind, but for him their frenzied coupling that morning had changed everything. He knew how he affected her body, but her response this morning had proven her words. He did have an amazing effect on her heart as well. Letting him come inside her was like telling him she loved him. He knew it wouldn’t be long. She wouldn’t have wanted him to touch her if she’d truly believed he was out and out lying to her. She probably still had many doubts, but he was glad he had told her the absolute truth. David was the one who was lying, and he would be the one to fall in the end.

Susan glanced up at him and smiled a “save me” smile. He extracted himself from the group he was in and made his way over to her.

“Worms?” she said as he approached and slid his arm around her.

The man she was talking to nodded with enthusiasm. “My daughter had one as a pet, and one day it just occurred to me to try using them in the experiment.” He grinned, obviously thrilled to have such a beautiful woman paying attention to him. “I didn’t use hers, of course.”

“Oh, of course not,” Susan said.

“Darling, we really need to get going. Your parents are waiting for us,” Erik said.

“Oh yes!” she exclaimed. She smiled at the man. “Do excuse me. Nice to meet you.”

He extended his hand quickly. “Pleasure was all mine.” They shook hands, and then after polite nods Erik moved her away.

“I think the pleasure was all his,” he whispered in her ear as he moved her toward the door. “Hope you weren’t too bored.”

“The talks were interesting. Most of the people I talked to were a bit more…”


She laughed. “Maybe not normal.”

“But not an awful way to spend your Sunday afternoon, I hope.”

“No. It was a nice change.”

The sun was setting as they walked down the street to the lot they had parked in. “Have you had enough of me or would you like to have dinner?”

“I would love to have dinner.”

He smiled at her. “I love you.”

She blushed. “I know. What did I say?”

He shrugged. “You’re simply too perfect. I love being with you.”

She blushed a deeper red. “I’m glad.”

“Where would you like to eat?”

“How about sushi?”

“Sounds wonderful.” They stopped at his car, and he leaned against the trunk and pulled out his phone. “Where would you like to go?”

“Isn’t there a new place across from the bookstore?”

“Yes,” Erik said, pulling up his search app. “It didn’t look open yesterday afternoon, but maybe it’s only open for dinner.” He found it, but he couldn’t tell if it was open or not. It didn’t seem to have any online reviews. He dialed the number and discovered they were open for business.

“So, are you up for an untested sushi experience?”

“Why not?”

The restaurant wasn’t crowded when they got there. They opted for a secluded booth far in the corner.

“It’s nice,” Susan said as she settled into the booth. The cushions were soft yet firm, very comfortable, but he wished the table wasn’t so wide. He wanted to be closer to her. He reached across and took her right hand as they looked over the menus. She rubbed his fingers absently as she considered the choices.

They ordered the chef’s special, which would include fifty random pieces of sushi, and sake. After the waiter had gone, Erik took her other hand in his as well.

She gave him a questioning smile. “What is it?”

“I’m just happy. I hope you are too.”

She nodded. “I am.”

“I want to ask you something.”


“Now, I’m not asking you to move in, but I would like it if we could be together most nights. Not every night, and we can take breaks at any time, but I’d like to not be apart more than a few nights a week. Would you like that? We’ll work completely around your schedule and preference.”

She squeezed his hands and laughed. “My schedule isn’t quite as important as yours.”

“Doesn’t matter. I want you to say yes, so I’ll be willing to work around you.”

She nodded. “I would like that. I miss you when we’re apart.”

“I miss you too.”

“I was thinking I could keep some clothes and other things at your house. I like being there.”

“I like having you there.”

“It will be easier. Until I figure David out, especially.”

He’d hoped David wouldn’t come up, but that had been a foolish hope. They couldn’t avoid the subject of him until things were settled once and for all. “You didn’t see him this morning?”

“No. I stayed in my room until you were done in the shower. I never heard him leave his room, and his door was still closed when we left.”

What might David have in mind? Erik didn’t know what to expect. He couldn’t blame David for loving her, but he could blame him for not caring about her feelings. If he cared about her friendship, he wouldn’t try to manipulate her. He’d be honest. Not that Erik wanted David to get down on one knee and declare his undying love, but he did prefer a straight fight to all this high school posing. He’d had his chance with her in college without the excuse of an age gap. He’d had time since her husband died. According to her, he’d never even hinted at his interest. He’d lost his chance, and Erik would not let him ruin his.

“Maybe his sober explanation will be better than his tipsy one,” Erik said.

“I hope so.” She looked into his eyes. “I’ve been thinking about what you said.”

“Which part?”

“About David pretending with me. Every time I think I know what to believe, I have my doubts. There was a gap, but I’ve known him for over a decade. He has such a hard time expressing his emotions, it’s hard to imagine him being able to pretend that much. I can’t imagine him lying to me either.”

“But,” Erik said slowly, “if he has a hard time expressing his emotions, maybe he’d be very good at hiding them.”


“You really do love him?”

“Yes, but not that way.”

He waved her defense away. “I know that, darling. I don’t want you hurt. That’s why I get so angry and frustrated. I did not tell him to stay away from you, but in a way that is what I want. Just some distance. I’m not afraid he’ll steal your heart from me. I’m afraid he’ll break it.”

“What do you mean?”

“You can’t believe he would lie to you. Won’t it hurt if you discover he has lied to you?”

She nodded.

“That’s what worries me. I don’t want him to hurt you in any way.”

“I understand, Erik.”


Their sake arrived. Erik poured it into the small cups and decided to make a toast. “Here’s to us. And second chances.”

She smiled and lifted her cup. “To second chances. And us.”

Erik drank and smiled back at her. He took her hand, wanting to say so much, but the look in her eyes told him he didn’t have to.

* * * *

Susan leaned back against Erik as he kissed her neck. His cock pressed against her ass while his lips moved behind her ear. He tightened his grip on her hair and put his arm around her waist to pull her closer. She felt so good pressed to him. She sighed and moaned. He bit her neck gently, and she gasped, grinding her ass against him.

“Mmmm. You’re playing with fire, my dear,” he said with a growl.

She ran her hands over her breasts. “Fuck me, Erik. Just fuck me.”

A bottle of wine on top of the sake they’d had with dinner had definitely put more fire in his veins, and it seemed to have had the same effect on her as well. He yanked her blouse open, sending two buttons flying across the floor. He pulled it off her and rushed her toward the bed. He nibbled on her neck again, very pleased with the excited little gasp he got in response. Then he bent her over the mattress. She braced herself with her arms and rubbed her ass against him again. He ran his hands up and down her arms as he kissed her hair. She continued to taunt him with her soft, sweet ass so he pulled back and gave it a hard slap. “If that’s what you want,” he whispered into her ear.

“Yes,” she said, her voice trembling with desire.

He fumbled with her skirt, but he soon got it off. Tonight she wore black lace panties and a matching bra. He loved the contrast against her ivory skin. Her skin was a little pink where he had slapped her. He got on his knees and kissed it. “I think I got over excited.”

“I didn’t mind.”

He ran his hand over her ass and then between her legs. He could feel she was already wet. He popped her other cheek, and she giggled. “Glad you’re having a good time.” He moved her panties to the side and licked her clit. She moaned as he circled it with his tongue. “You taste so good.”

He stood up and leaned over her. “Don’t move.” She nodded, and he stripped his clothes off, unable to get free of them fast enough. “Touch yourself.”

She shifted and slid one hand into her panties. Her sighs made him even harder, and he wanted to be inside her, but he was enjoying the view too much. He slid her panties down and watched as she rubbed her clit. She slid two fingers into her pussy and arched with a moan. He pulled her hand away and licked her fingers before covering her with his mouth and pushing her onto her stomach. He held her hands at her side pressed onto the mattress so she couldn’t move. He switched between using his teeth and his tongue on her clit. Her cries became more and more desperate until she came for him, moaning his name. He stood, undid her bra, and flipped her over. He slid into her before she could protest, and she gasped as he filled her. She was so wet, and her hot pussy clenched around him as she rode out the last moments of her orgasm. He kissed and sucked her breasts, enjoying her cries and moans of pleasure. She ran her fingers into his hair and tugged on it as she arched beneath him.

He fucked her hard and fast, taking her close to the edge again and making her gasp over and over again as the friction built and made them both tremble with anticipation. He felt her clenching, felt the tension ready to unleash, but he wanted to draw out her pleasure. He slowed his pace, moving in and out of her in long, deep strokes. He feathered light kisses over her face. She clung to him, her fingers relaxing and tangling lazily in his hair as he made love to her.
I love you. I love you.
He longed to say it with each stroke. He pulled away briefly to put a condom on, and then entered her again. He loved that first moment of penetration when her body welcomed him. The way she sighed when he was in to the hilt nearly drove him mad with need every time. He found a steady rhythm, listening to her breathing to tell what she liked the most. She’d come hard and fast with his mouth on her, but this time she came slowly, melting in his arms and sighing his name. He quickened his pace briefly and found his own release. He captured her mouth in a deep kiss as he came, feeling complete in that moment.

He pulled out and quickly got rid of the condom. She was sitting up when he came back, and he kissed her again and swept her into his arms. He put her in the middle of the bed and stretched out next to her without releasing her mouth. She smiled up at him sleepily when the kiss ended.

“Did you like that? You seemed to enjoy it quite a lot, unless I’m completely delusional,” he said.

“I did. That was wonderful.”

“You’re so beautiful when you come. I love all the sounds you make.”

She blushed.

“And I adore making you blush.”

“You are good at it.” She yawned. “What time do you need to be up tomorrow?”

“I’m going to work from here. I just need to do a bunch of paperwork. Do you need to be back by a certain time?”

She shook her head.

“Good.” He kissed her softly. “I’m already thinking of ways to wake you up.”

She giggled as he pulled her into his arms, and he’d never heard a more perfect sound. His heart swelled with love as he kissed her and then pulled her close. Her breathing steadied soon, and he settled her on her side of the bed, covering her gently with a blanket before kissing her forehead and drifting off into a much more peaceful sleep than the one he’d had the night before.

Chapter Eight


Susan woke to an amazing smell. She searched for something to wear and settled for a flannel shirt she found draped over a chair. She walked into the kitchen, where Erik was making breakfast.

“Good morning,” he said, stopping what he was doing and pulling her into his arms. He kissed her with more passion than she’d expected, but then he let her go quickly to return to the sizzling bacon on the stove. “I decided this would qualify as a sensual way to wake you up.”

She laughed and took another deep breath. “Yes, this is perfect.”

“Did you sleep well?” He moved the bacon onto a plate and took it to the table.

“Wonderfully. You?”

He pulled a coffee mug down from the cabinet and brought it to her. “I slept very well. I had some pretty erotic dreams.” He pulled her close again and slid his hand down her ass. “Hope you aren’t sore this morning.”

She shifted closer to him. “A little, but I’m not objecting.” Hungry as she was, she wished he’d whisk her back to bed. “I liked it. A lot,” she whispered against his lips.

He took the mug from her hand and set it down as he drew her into his arms. He kissed her deeply, and she sighed, remembering how good he’d felt the night before, how powerful and masculine. He pulled away with a protesting groan.

“We need to eat. I have to start working eventually.” He filled her coffee mug and pushed the sugar and creamer in her direction. He gave her an appreciative once over. “Thought it might be hard if you don’t put some pants on.”

“It would be a nice way to test your willpower. I need to bring some clothes over so I don’t have to borrow yours.” She stirred sugar into her coffee and turned to go to the table.

“We should go shopping after I finish these reports. You can keep everything you need here so you never have to worry about forgetting something.”

She smiled politely. “I can’t really afford much after the new phone. I have extra pajamas and jeans. I can bring them next time.”

He brought the eggs and some sliced fruit to the table. “I wouldn’t invite you out shopping and expect you to pay, darling. My treat, since I’m forcing you into it.”

She knew that would be his response, and she shook her head. “I can’t let you do that, Erik.”

He frowned. “Why not? I’m not talking about a new wardrobe. Just enough for you to be comfortable here.”

He wasn’t asking her to move in, but wasn’t it almost the same thing? She’d agreed the night before that being together most nights would be good, and she really liked the idea. She missed him when she slept alone, even though they hadn’t been together very long at all. He wanted her there for her own sake. She had no doubt of that. However, she also felt sure he wanted her away from David. Maybe he’d told David to stay away from her or maybe he hadn’t. Even if he hadn’t said it, she knew he did not like the idea of her being alone with David at all. Most men would not like the woman they were in love with living with another man they were sure had feelings for her. Even if it were not true, Erik believed it. He was like Mark. He adored her and thought every man who looked at her saw what he saw. She bit her lip as her thoughts returned to David. Had David lied to her? That thought hurt her feelings more than she’d expected. It changed their friendship completely, if it were true.

“Okay. A toothbrush, some shampoo maybe, a new brush. Two outfits. That’s it.”

He raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Very exacting, aren’t you? I do like that.”

“If I must do things your way, it has to be my way just a little.” She shoveled eggs onto her plate and speared two pieces of bacon with her fork.

He laughed. “I can live with that.”

Her eyes widened when she tasted the eggs. “Wow. Very good.”

“Thank you,” he said. “I just added some cheese and rosemary, but I think they came out well.” He tasted them himself. “Yes. Very good indeed.”

“What are you working on today?”

“Going over the financials for the project. I need to compile some of my data with information from others. I actually only need an hour or two. The meeting last week took care of several things, so this week will be very light.”

“The project is almost done, right?”

He nodded. “Everything is finished, actually. I’ll spend the rest of the year writing articles and maybe doing a conference or two.”

“How scholarly of you. Why didn’t you go into academia? You’d have made a dreamy history professor.” She rubbed her foot over his under the table.

“I considered it, but math and science fascinate me as much as history and literature do.” He smiled as he gazed into her eyes. “Though I do owe quite a lot to my love of history. If I hadn’t met Ted in a history class, we wouldn’t have been roommates and I never would have come to his class. I’d never have met you. Even if I’d seen you on campus, I never would have approached you.”

“So if the chair next to mine hadn’t been free that day?”

“Too tragic to contemplate!” he said with feigned terror.

She laughed. “Well, we don’t have to. It happened, and here we are.”

“Yes.” He reached across the table and took her hand. “Here we are.” He squeezed her hand and then released it. He finished his coffee and then picked up an orange slice. “I need to go check on a few downloads. Take your time. There’s plenty of coffee if you want more.”

She watched him go into the living room and then turned back to her food. It felt nice to sit and finish her breakfast while he went off into the other room to work. She would enjoy spending every morning with him. It all sounded perfect: coming home to him, spending the evening with him, making love and sleeping next to him. She sighed. She’d never experienced a more eventful, or more pleasurable, two weeks in her life.

“Two weeks,” she whispered. She couldn’t believe how much had changed so quickly. Her phone buzzed. She got up and went to her purse to check her texts.

She had a text from David.
Where are you?

At Erik’s. Be home later. Need something?

She almost hadn’t added that last bit, but he had to have a reason for wondering where she was, right? Maybe they were doing something at the store and hadn’t told her about it. They did need to finish up cataloging the books so they could begin arranging the shelves and sections.

Just wanted to make sure you were okay.

She blinked. Why wouldn’t she be okay? Her car was at the house, and Jeremiah had seen her leave with Erik. Why would David be worried? His text pissed her off a little. If something had happened, she would have called. Or Erik would have called. She glanced at Erik, but he was occupied with the computer. She sent David a text back.

Why wouldn’t I be okay?

She got more coffee and sat down again.

Just checking. I didn’t see you yesterday.

She sighed.
You were sleeping it off. I went to a conference with Erik and stayed here.

Nice to know whose side you’re taking.

“Excuse me?” she hissed at her phone.

“You talking to me?” Erik called.

“Just griping at my new phone’s texting feature. Getting used to it,” she called back.

None of your concern. We’ll talk later.

Maybe, if he lets you. Can’t he keep his hands off you for two minutes?

She would have thought he was drunk again, but his typing was perfect. She didn’t respond. Erik had told her the truth. David was jealous, and he had a problem with Erik because of his reputation. What was she going to do? David had lied to her. She felt a dull ache begin in her head, and her chest felt tight and heavy. Since her husband’s death, she’d become so close to David again. Was that the problem? Had he misread her behavior? Was he under the impression she had led him on? She didn’t think so. Had he remained silent and given false encouragement about Erik just to hide what he really felt? Maybe he’d hoped she and Erik wouldn’t work out. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Or maybe he was trying to make sure they didn’t.

She felt horrible for fighting with Erik. Every word he’d said was true. His concern for her feelings was genuine. She wanted to go to him and be comforted, but she wanted to think first. She also didn’t want to interrupt his work. She composed her face and tucked her phone in the shirt pocket. She rushed up behind him and kissed his cheek, dashing away quickly. “Going to take a bath.”

“Okay,” he said absently.

She closed the bathroom door, glad he hadn’t seemed to notice her agitation and especially glad he hadn’t asked who she’d been texting. She started to run a bath. She put her phone on the table next to the tub and peeled the shirt off. Her phone buzzed again.

You’d reply if it weren’t true.

That did it. She dialed his number. He answered after one ring.

“Susan, before you yell at me, please consider that I am trying to protect you.”

“It’s not your place to do anything of the kind. And from what? One of my oldest friends? A man who is in love with me? What are you protecting me from?”

“Yourself. You’re dazzled by him.”

She bit the inside of her lip. “So I’m a naïve child who doesn’t know what she feels?”

“I didn’t say that. He’s more experienced than you are. You know that.”

“Yes, I do. I know everything because he told me everything when I asked. He didn’t seduce me, David. I wanted him. I wanted him when I was nineteen but that simply wasn’t the right time. I’m very glad I am getting a second chance with him.”

“I told you what he said, Susan. He’ll hurt you. He’ll get too possessive. You won’t be happy with him.”

“You’re lying to me, David.”

He didn’t reply for a long time. “Excuse me?”

“I said that you’re lying to me. The tone you took with me today proves it. Your getting drunk proves it. You checking up on me, all of it is proof.”

“Proof of what?”

“That you’re lying about things being fine between us. They obviously aren’t. You’re lying to ruin my chance with Erik.”

“What has he been telling you?”

“The truth! He told me what he suspected and he told me what you two really said to each other Saturday. That’s all. He’s not making it up. I wasn’t there, and at first I didn’t believe him, but you’re backing his story up for him.”

He paused, and she almost thought he was going to hang up on her. “I want to talk about this in person.”

“Okay, maybe tonight.”

“Maybe?” His voice went up an octave. “Aren’t you coming home? Can’t he let go of you for ten seconds?”

to be here. I
being here. David, I’m going to say something very important. It’s a point Erik made.” She took a deep breath. “If you really care about me, you’ll want me to be happy whether that happiness involves you or not.”

He let his breath out in a huff. “I don’t want to say this over the phone.”

“Say what?”

“That I’m in love with you.”

He’d spoken so softly she wasn’t sure she’d heard him right. “David?”

“I am. Don’t
try to tell
that I don’t know what I feel.”

He was confused. He didn’t love her. He couldn’t love her. They were friends. That was all. She wished she could make him take the words back. She wasn’t sure they could still be friends at all now.

“David, we’ll talk about this face to face tonight when I get home. I promise. I will be home tonight. We’ll talk.”

“Okay. I am in love with you, Susan. We’re going to talk about that, so be ready.”

Even though tears had formed in her eyes, her temper flared one last time. “I will. You better be prepared to talk about the fact that I’m in love with Erik.”

She hit the End button and set her phone down. That had been cruel, but she felt too angry to care. She turned the water off and put her hair up in a ponytail. She snagged several hairs with her angry motions and ended up throwing the rubber band across the room. She got into the tub and sank down into the water, tossing her hair over the back of the claw-foot tub.

Tears streamed down her face, but she tried to be quiet. She had to handle this alone. She wanted to be in Erik’s arms, but that could wait. He’d still be able to comfort her after she settled this with David. What was Jeremiah going to say? How were they going to work together? She had to try to calm down so Erik wouldn’t see how upset she was. She’d have to get through the rest of the day without letting him know what had happened because he would insist on confronting David with her. He’d probably also insist that she stay with him indefinitely. She wasn’t ready for that yet, even though she knew in her heart she’d meant what she said to David. She hadn’t been trying to hurt him. She hadn’t done it out of spite. She was in love with Erik. Perhaps she had been years ago. It wasn’t so hard to believe. He’d always seemed perfect to her. It hadn’t only been his looks and charm. She’d loved being with him, simply being near him.

She sighed as she tried to dry her eyes, a small sob escaping. She would make things right. She would set David straight and try to salvage what she could of their friendship. Then, she would tell Erik she was in love with him. She wrapped her arms around her body and slid deeper into the warm water, feeling better thinking of him.

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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