Mail Order Madness (11 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

Tags: #Romance, #Western

BOOK: Mail Order Madness
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He rose to his feet and stood before her trying to force himself to slow down.  He
had to keep saying over and over in his head that this was her first time, and he
couldn’t be in such a hurry with her.

She stood looking at him by the dim light from the moon
drifting in
through the window.  Her mother had talked to her about the way things happened between
a man and his wife before she left, but it hadn’t made her any less nervous.  Of course,
she’d been raised on a farm, so she’d had a pretty good idea of what went into making
babies anyway.

He shut the bedroom door and took a step toward her.  “Turn around so I can unfasten
the buttons on your dress.”

She obeyed, turning around and presenting him with her back.  “I’ll need to get my

“No, you won’t.  There’s no need for a nightgown in the summer.  It’s too hot for
that nonsense.”  He quickly unbuttoned each of her buttons
, pressing quick kisses to the back of her neck,
and turned her around to face him.  He pushed the dress off her shoulders and down
to the floor. 
His fingers went to her hair and plucked out each of the pins that held her hair in
place.  He ran his fingers through her hair his eyes widening as he saw the length
of it.

Once she was standing in just her petticoat, he leaned down and kissed her, his tongue
immediately demanding entrance to her mouth.  She opened for him, and moved her hands
to his shoulders while he kissed her.  Her hands went to the buttons on his shirt
and s
lipped them out of their holes.  She pushed his shirt off his shoulders and down to
the floor.

She thought she’d be more embarrassed about standing in just her petticoat in front
of him, but the relief of the slight breeze coming through the window was almost worth
it.  She wished she could throw cold water over both of them, but was certain he’d
think she was insane.

He continued to kiss her as he dropped his hands to the waistband of his slacks and
unfastened them before dropping them
and his underwear
to the floor.  He stepped out of his s
lacks and pulled her to him, his manhood pressing against her petticoat. 

She was shocked to feel him against her, but knew it was a part of being a wife, so
she said nothing.  His lips went to her shoulder, and he moved the strap of her petticoat
aside to give himself better access to her bare skin.  Soon she felt him push the
other strap down and he dropped her petticoat to the floor.

“You have a beautiful body,” he whispered.

She blushed.  “I’m glad you like it.”  He pushed her backward until the bed hit the
backs of her legs and then toppled her over onto it.  She let out a quick laugh. 
Somehow she’d pictured him picking her up and carrying her to the bed, not pushing
her onto it.

He followed her down, propping himself on one elbow as his hand moved over her bare
breast.  “Are you laughing at me?”

She shook her head.  “At myself more than anything.  I just never pictured my bridegroom
pushing me onto the bed.  I guess I always thought I’d be carried and gently placed

He grinned.  “My way is faster and more fun.”  His fingers plucked insistently at
her nipple.

“I think it is.”  She looked down and watched his fingers playing with her nipple
in the dim light of the moon which shone through the open window.  It was
to watch him touching her that way, but oddly, it sent tingles through her, making
her much more aware of his strength as opposed to her softness.

His lips went to her neck and bit her gently.  “That feels nice,” she whispered.

“Tell me if there’s anything you don’t like.”

She laughed.  “So far that’s just not happening.”

His hands traced her hips and went straight down to the curls that shielded her innocence. 
He smiled at her surprised gasp, and moved his fingers down between her legs, which
were clenched tightly together.  “Spread your legs for me, sweetheart.”

She moved her legs slightly apart and his fingers went immediately to her core, one
of them slipping quickly inside her.  She hadn’t expected him to touch her there with
anything but his man-part, so she jerked in surprise. 
“What are you doing?”

“Don’t worry.  You’ll like it.”  His finger slipped in and out of her slowly at first,
but gathering speed.  “I want you to be ready to accept me.”

She swallowed hard, knowing what he was referring to.  His fingers did feel good,
and they seemed to be pushing her toward some unseen goal that she didn’t quite understand. 
She looked at his face in the darkness and saw an intense look in his eyes, almost
as if he was in pain.  Her hand reached up to stroke his cheek as his finger played
inside her.

After a moment
turned his head and brushed a kiss across the palm of her hand. 
He moved his finger out of her, and before she had a chance to protest, he had slipped
it back in with another finger added.  She moaned softly with surprise and pleasure. 
She’d had no idea this part of marriage would feel so good.  She’d expected to simply
lie back and submit to her husband, but she wanted so much more from him.

She felt like she was getting close to something, and started to move her hips with
his fingers, thrusting back against them.  “That feels so good,” she whispered.

David took that as his cue and removed his fingers and rolled over so he was resting
between her thighs, but catching his weight on his elbows.  “This should feel good
too then.”  He dropped his lips to hers and kissed her passionately just as his member
pushed against her opening. 

She was startled to find him on top of her and pressing against her so quickly and
his manhood felt nothing like his fingers had.  She’d never seen a fully erect penis
and was surprised at the size of the thing pressing against her.  She moved her hips
a little to give him better access, because she believed him.  She’d loved everything
he’d done to her so far, and she was looking forward to having him deep inside her.

When he felt her move against him, he knew it was time, and pressed deep inside her,
breaking her barrier on the way.  He held still when she let out a startled cry and
stared up at him in the dark. 

She wiggled her hips trying to get more comfortable, but it wasn’t working.  It still
hurt.  “It doesn’t feel good.  Your fingers were much nicer.” 
She knew she should just lie back and submit to him, but it hurt and he’
said it would feel good.  Had he lied to her?

He groaned as
he wriggled beneath him.  It was all he could do to hold still while she adjusted
to his invasion of her body, but her movements were just adding flames to his already
burning libido.  “Stay still for a minute while the pain passes.”

“I can’t.  It hurts.”  She kept moving under him, her hips
ng against him and moving from side to side trying to escape the pain. 

After a moment, he gave in and started to thrust inside her driving them both toward
their pleasure.

He wasn’t able to hold out as long as he’d hoped, because it had been so long, and
it was just moments before he let out a groan and collapsed on top of her. 

Susan lay beneath him disappointed.  After the initial pleasure when he had used his
fingers, she’d hoped for more.  Toward the end it hadn’t hurt as badly, but there
had been nothing spectacular at the end like she thought there would be. 

She sighed heavily, and he opened his eyes looking deep into hers.  “You didn’t enjoy
that very much, did you?”

“Not really.  Sorry.”
  And she was.  She’d hoped to enjoy it.  A friend of hers at church had whispered
to her all about how much fun being a wife was, and she’d expected a lot more of the

He rolled to her side, stroking her cheek.  “You’ll like it more next time.”

“Okay.”  She said no more, but it was obvious by her tone of voice that she didn’t
think she would.

He rolled to his back and pulled her against him, pillowing her head on his shoulder. 
“I promise.  It’ll get a lot better.”

She snuggled into his side already closing her eyes. 
She was surprised she was able to get so comfortable with a man in her bed, but she
was so tired, she just needed to sleep.  It had been an exhausting
emotional day, and she had a battle ahead of her training the boys to act the way
she expected. 

He stared down at her wondering what to say, but realized she’d already fallen asleep. 
He smiled.  His new wife was so much more than he’d expected her to be.  Her spirit
would keep him on his toes.




The next morning after breakfast,
sent the twins off with Mrs. Hackenshleimer and sat down with the two older boys. 
“We need to talk for a few minutes before you start writing your sentences.”  She’d
set some paper and two sharpened pencils on the table for them to write with. 

Both boys looked at her with wary eyes as if they were expecting to hear something
they didn’t want to.  They were right.  “We’re going to set some rules for the house,
and you will follow them.  If you don’t there will be consequences.”

Albert sighed and glared at his brother as if it was his fault they were having this

“The first rule,” she said pulling a piece of paper to her so she could write each
rule as they discussed them, “is no fighting.  Never for any reason should brothers
fight each other.  If someone hits you, you may hit them back to defend yourself,
but you never hit your brother for any reason.  Is that understood?”
  Her eyes darted back and forth between their faces as she waited for them to answer

Both boys nodded.  Lewis folded his arms across his chest.  “He started it.”

Susan sighed and shook her head at them.  “I don’t care who starts it.  If I see you
two fighting again, I’ll tie your hands together for an entire day so you won’t be
able to do anything without learning to work together.”

Albert nodded.  “Yes, ma’am.”

“The second rule is always
good manners.  Last night at supper you two acted like ravenous wolves who hadn’t
eaten in months.  I know that wasn’t the case.  You know how to eat correctly, and
from now on, you will.  I don’t care how hungry you are, you will eat with your mouths
closed and you will say please and thank you at the table.”

Lewis made a face.  “What happens if we don’t?”

She hadn’t thought of a consequence for that, so she sat and thought about it for
a minute.  “You’ll be limited to bread and water for
the rest of the meal and your
next meal.  You’ll get to eat whatever the rest of the family is eating as long as
you’ve shown good manners at the previous meal.”
  She thought that sounded like a fitting punishment for bad table manners.

Albert’s jaw dropped.  “There’s no way Pa would let you do that!”

“Your pa told me to teach you to act right.  He told me I can do anything I want.” 
She didn’t add that he’d told her not to spank them.  She didn’t want them to know
that wasn’t something in her arsenal.  “The third rule is always obey the first time. 
If I tell you to get your brother a glass of water, I don’t want to be asked why you
have to do it, or why
thirsty.  I just want it done and done correctly.  Do you understand?”

Albert sank into his chair as if he’d been slapped.  “What’s the punishment for that

“I’ll make you repeat the action ten times.  So if you don’t get your brother water,
or question why he needs it, you’ll make ten trips back and forth to the kitchen with
glasses of water.”  She watched their faces as she told them the punishment.

Lewis put his head down onto the table.  “Are we ever going to get to have fun again?”

Susan laughed.  “All the time.  You’ll find following the rules makes life a lot more
fun for you, because you won’t be in constant trouble.”  She stood up.  “I’ll be adding
more rules as we go, but those are the three we’re starting with.  Go ahead and write
your sentences.”
  She walked toward the kitchen, expecting them to obey her automatically after their

“I don’t know how to spell those words, remember?”
  Lewis made a face at her.

Susan nodded.  She
walked back to the table and
handed him the paper she’d already written the sentence on for him.  “Forty times

She slipped into the kitchen and found Sadie cooking a large pot of beans for lunch. 
“Have they always been this way?”

Sadie grinned at Susan.  “They were good boys before their mother died, but having
an endless stream of nannies here and no one to really take charge made them think
they didn’t have to follow rules at all.  I’m glad you’re taking charge the way you

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