Birthday List

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Authors: Willa Edwards

Tags: #romance, #erotic romance, #birthday, #naughty list, #naughty holiday list, #willa edwards

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Naughty Holiday List






Willa Edwards

Edited by Annabelle Crawford










Willa Edwards

Copyright 2012 by Willa

Edited by Annabelle Crawford

Cover design by Winterheart

Smashwords Edition


This literary work may not be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or
photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express
written permission.


All characters and events in this book
are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is
strictly coincidental.




To all the readers of the Naughty
Holiday List series. I hope you find these characters as hard to
leave as I do.







Naughty Holiday List Book



Copyright © 2012




Callie turned over, throwing her arm
over her eyes to block the sun flaming through her lids. She
glanced over at the clock – nine am. Even on a day off, she was
incapable of sleeping in.

She slid her hand over the pillow next
to her, still warm from Eric. Unlike her, he didn't get a spring
break. He'd talked about taking some time off while she was on
break, but true to form, one of his charges had a competition and
he couldn't miss it. He was completely devoted to those kids.
Callie smiled. She loved that about him. His giant heart and his
loving devotion to the handicapped kids he worked with. That kind
of caring was sexier than washboard abs any day, though Eric had
those too.

She rolled over, stuffing her face
into the pillow and inhaling deeply. His masculine smell tickled
her nostrils. Wetness dripped between her legs. The only problem
with his big caring heart was he wasn't here with her.

She had all kinds of fun plans for the
break, including joining Amy, Krista and Giselle for a Mirage
concert. Mallory, one of their best friends and Mirage girlfriend,
had even sent them backstage passes to spend the evening with her
and her guys. But she’d rather spend the whole time in bed with
Eric, screwing him every way she could think of, and a few more.
Especially today.

Every man deserved a good morning fuck
to start off his birthday.

She moaned softly, an ache beginning
between her legs. "Damn I wish he was here right now." She ran her
fingers down her body, caressing her chest. She grazed her peaked
nipples, already awake and ready, long before the rest of her. She
pinched and tugged them through her thin tank top, imagining it was
Eric’s mouth nipping at her. She arched her back, the deep tugs
zinging down her body, straight to her clit.

She slid her other hand down her
chest, along her stomach, to the spot aching for attention.
Slipping her fingers inside the elastic waistband of her underwear,
she experimentally brushed along her slit, finding the flesh there
already slippery and tingling. It had been so long since she’d
touched herself. With Eric in her bed every night, she had no need

In three years of friendship, she
never guessed he was so talented with his tongue or fingers. Just
the thought of him could make her this crazy – this aroused. When
she reflected about all the time they’d wasted, she always felt a
little sad. But she had him now, and that’s what

She rubbed her thumb across her clit,
arching her hips into her own hand. Her heart pounded in her ears.
She moaned, imagining it was Eric’s hands touching her. Stuffing
three fingers into her pussy, she thrust them deep, dreaming they
were Eric’s cock inside her. She continued to pull at her nipples,
twisting the swollen tips between her fingers.

Goosebumps rose across her chest. Her
nipples and clit ached. The muscles of her thighs shivered and
quaked. Her pussy rippled around her fingers and her breath became
raspy. On the last deep thrust of her fingers, she pushed down on
her clit. The pressure sent all her nerves into overdrive. She
screamed out, her entire body shaking. Sweat beaded along the back
of her neck. Her nipples tightened into hard nubs beneath her

Her pussy continued to clench around
her fingers, her clit vibrating as the pleasure ripped through her
body. She gave a little moan, biting down on her lip as she came.
Replete, she relaxed into the soft bed beneath her. It wasn’t
nearly as good as coming with Eric, especially the lack of his warm
arms around her and his soft whispered words of love. But it’d be
enough to hold her off until tonight, or at least until the moment
he walked in the door. She made no promises after that. Who didn’t
love a little pre-dinner birthday hanky-panky?

She rolled over into the still warm
spot on the other side of the bed. Something crinkled beneath her
and she let out a little shriek. Startled, she leaned back and
stared down at the object. Across Eric’s side, in the neighborhood
of where his chest would have been, a white piece of paper lay on
the sheet. A red rose, now slightly flattened, lay across the

Sitting up, she picked up
the flower and drew it to her nose. The smell was sweet and fresh,
more pungent for her unintentional muddling. She picked up the
paper, pulling it close and read the title written across the
What I Want Callie To Do To
Her temperature climbed as she read
each line. Her man had a very naughty streak. And she loved

Callie smiled. The list was very
similar to the one she'd made three months ago. The list Eric had
found and snuck into her home this Christmas Eve to fulfill the
first three fantasies. They hadn’t made it all the way through her
list yet – mostly because she kept sneaking additional items onto
the page. She was pretty sure he knew she’d continued to add new
wishes, but he’d never complained.

Ever since their first night together,
Eric had made all her dreams come true. In and out of the bedroom.
Now she had the opportunity to return the favor.

She pushed the hair back from her
face, smiling as a naughty idea began to form in her mind. She
jumped from the bed, composing a whole new set of to-dos. She
already had a present for Eric wrapped and hidden under the dining
room table, but she didn’t see any problem with adding a little
more celebration to his birthday.

Smiling to herself, she grabbed the
paper and rose. She ran to the kitchen, ready to put her new
birthday surprise into action. If she had anything to say about it,
this would be Eric’s best birthday ever.


Using the key she'd given him a month
ago, Eric walked into Callie's house, much later than he’d hoped.
He’d planned to take a half day and spend the rest of his birthday
with Callie. But as usual, he’d been roped into staying longer than
he’d wanted.

An eerie quiet settled over him and
his nerves jangled as he walked into the house. Though Callie
wasn't a loud person, it was rarely silent when she was home.
Callie was always doing something – cleaning the house, watching
ESPN, or preparing lessons for her elementary gym classes. Tonight
Eric could have heard a pin drop in the still air, though he
doubted Callie even owned one.

"Babe," he called out, slipping his
coat off and hanging it on the rack just inside the

"Yeah," her voice echoed back to him
bright and sweet. Eric heaved a sigh of relief. Nothing was wrong.
No crazed murderer had broken into the house and tied her up. He,
of all people, knew how easily that could be done. Though he’d
installed a new, sturdier deadbolt since then.

"Where are you?" He hollered back,
walking through the house. He crept past the silent dark living

"I'm in the dining room. Come get me!"
There was a giggle to her voice that made his stomach clench and
his cock harden against his stiff denim jeans. He knew that giggle.
He knew that bright tone. Over the last three months he'd come to
love it. He could hardly remember his life before her naughty
giggles had filled his nights. He didn't even want to remember the
time before her. This was so much better.

"What are you doing in the dining

Unlike some of her friends, Callie
wasn't the domestic type. She rarely used any item in her kitchen
beyond a microwave to heat up frozen pizzas and her fridge to keep
soda cold. If the preparation didn’t include plastic, cardboard, or
paper plates, she didn’t cook it. Not that it mattered to him. He’d
much prefer she spent her time in bed with him, than in the kitchen
cooking. He couldn't remember the last time he’d been in the dining

"Come and find me. You'll see." Her
voice was husky, whispering through his whole body.

Just her voice was enough to turn him on so much it hurt. His
balls ached as he walked, each step vibrating through him and
settling with a dull pain in his crotch. He sped up anyway, needing
to be close to her.

Calm down!
He took a deep breath, attempting to soothe his
raging hormones. She’d probably just splurged and gotten him a
birthday cake or maybe a nice take-out dinner. If he didn't calm
his raging libido it would be the most painful dinner he ever sat

"Babe, you didn't have to go to all
this trouble for my birthday—" The words died on his lips as he
turned the corner. His breath caught in his lungs. Callie lay
across the table, completely naked, adorned with the array of foods
she’d spread out across her body.

Her hands were bound together with red
licorice. Though he doubted the candy could keep her contained –
with one good bite she’d be free – but the sight still drew an
audible moan from him and his gut clenched. His little red hellion
loved to be tied up, bound and whimpering beneath him. That he was
the only one to ever rope her made him crazy. Clenched between her
tied hands, she held a bottle of dark beer.

Onion rings encircled her breasts and
her nipples were a slightly darker shade than usual. The waft of
barbeque sauce floated through the room, though he couldn’t tell
exactly where the scent was coming from. Pretzels marched down her
body in a neat line, starting between her breasts, across her
stomach, all the way to the junction of her legs. He groaned as his
eyes travelled down her nakedness. Resting between her legs – right
across her pussy – sat a decorated birthday cake, complete with
candles. Though they were unlit.

"Happy Birthday, honey," she whispered
in a deep breathy voice that would give Marilyn Monroe a run for
her money.

Eric stared at her. His mouth hung
open, drool no doubt running down his chin. Not that he cared.
There was no one there to see him act like a high school dork about
to get lucky for the first time. Only Callie. His cock hardened
further, standing at full salute in his pants. The rough denim
burned along his length.

"Don't you like you're birthday
present?" Callie's bottom lip puffed out in a little pout, but her
eyes still gleamed with wicked intent. Her gaze crept down to his
crotch, where he no doubt sported a sizable pop-tent.

He nodded dumbly, speech completely
beyond him. His eyes continued to scan up and down her length,
taking in each delectable treat she’d decorated herself with, and
the equally desirable form beneath it all. Legs that went on for
miles, shapely and smooth. Firm breasts, just the right size to fit
his hands. Topped with her lovely face. She was the most beautiful
woman he’d ever seen.

"It was on your list…" She bit her
lower lip, her eyes gazing up at him with concern, a taste of
hesitance to her words. The tone shot straight through the haze of
his arousal. He hadn’t meant to make her self-conscious. It was so
easy for him to forget the timid woman Callie had been only months
ago, still hurting from the betrayal of her ex-fiancé.

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