Madeleine Abducted (10 page)

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Authors: M.S. Willis

BOOK: Madeleine Abducted
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shoulder straightened, the muscles of his chest going rigid underneath his
shirt and the tendons of his neck becoming clearly defined. "Explain."

found her voice again, this time screaming for help while banging on the
windows of her room. I knocked her out, chained her to the bed to await your

anybody see her?"

maintenance crew was working outside. It is without doubt that she was seen. She
was clothed at the time, Aaron."

his head, Aaron swiftly moved to the doors leading to the back rooms. "I'll
change before checking on her. If any people come to inspect my progress with
our guest, tell them I do not wish to be disturbed. Rumors spread quickly in
this place. I expect to be hearing from my father before long."

will you do with her?"

stopped, his shoulders dropping in defeat. "I'll ensure that she appears
as she should, at least until such time that I no longer have to be concerned
that visitors will be arriving."

large steps down the corridor, Aaron began to strip off his shirt, but then
stopped. He thought of how Madeleine welcomed death and wondered how she would
react to the unquestionable evidence of such a fate. Unlocking her door, he
pushed into her room, anger boiling within his gut to find her chained,
forcefully exposed atop the bed. Shaking himself free of pity, he set out to
become her waking nightmare, knowing his cruelty may be the only thing capable
of saving her from the unimaginable horror her rebellion could bring about.

the room, he allowed his eyes to rake across her body as he approached the bed.
Small hints of dove white skin peeked out from underneath the light blue
material of her clothes, the contrast startling in its temptation.

out, he ran his fingertips across that small area of skin, watched as her
muscles twitched in response to his touch. Lust was a fire within his mind, the
smoke from which clouded the restraint he'd wanted to maintain. But his little
mouse had made a spectacle of herself, had revealed his kindness, his weakness
in this game. She couldn't be allowed to seal her own fate, to unknowingly cast
herself to the wolves that awaited her. Aaron would have to be her monster, one
that by his own cruelty would shield her from the true madness of The Estate. Resigning
himself to the task, he ran his hands up under the thin camisole that covered
her, over the softness of her skin, cupping the heavy weight of her breast. A shudder
ran over his skin as he fought back his desire to take this woman while she was
bound, at his mercy alone. His fingers grazed over the peak of her breast
before taking it roughly, pinching it, enticing it into a taut point that his
tongue ached to run across. Her lips parted, a moan rolling out from behind her
gag before she'd found consciousness. That pleasure would become terror soon
enough as Aaron took from her the dignity he'd attempted to give her before.

his hand over her, he shaped and molded her other breast until both pointed up
at him, teasing him with the display of feminine beauty and form. Madeleine
began to writhe under his touch, his cock jumping in response, begging for
release, begging to be buried within the warm heat of her body. He couldn't
help himself as he watched her hips roll in response to his touch. Reaching
down, his hand slowly disappeared beneath the material of her pants, along the
delicate trail of hair, stopping just short of the place he knew would elicit
sensation that would turn her body into a traitor against her soul. Her eyelids
fluttered, her body slowly moving, inviting his touch. He watched as
realization dawned within her, a light coming into her eyes, with terror
following shortly behind it. Within seconds the movement of her body changed
from invitation to defense.

morning, beautiful. It's about time you joined me." He spoke in the
softest tone he could manage, attempting to hide the lust winding itself
through every cell of his body.

started to cry out, her attempts only infuriating him, causing him to shove his
hand further down. Applying pressure to the point of her body he knew would
cause unwanted pleasure, he shook his head. "Tsk, tsk, Ms. Clark. Continue
fighting and I'll turn your own body against you."

stilled suddenly, but couldn't stop the flow of tears from her eyes. No mercy …
he fought against the impulse to pull his hand away, to dry the tears running
trails down her face. Slowly he rubbed circles over her, felt as her body betrayed
her by readying itself for his intrusion.

heard about your spat with
this afternoon. You
do realize punishment is the only alternative I have for your behavior?"

eyes widened, fear dampening the earlier defiance that had beamed from those
brilliant blues.

leaned down, until his lips trailed along the rim of her ear. "I can make
you feel things that would go against the hatred you have for me. I can make
you scream out in pleasure while causing you to die inside." To prove his
point, he moved one finger along the soft skin between her legs. Her hips
bucked up against his hand while her eyes narrowed in disgust.

hatred from a little scared girl. I'll enjoy myself thoroughly, you know."
His lie, an acrid film on his tongue, but her life was on the line. Pushing
forward with his torment, he bit down on her ear, hard enough to cause pain,
but light enough as to not leave a mark on the perfection of her skin. She
attempted to turn, to break free of the teeth wrapped around the sensitive rim
of her ear.

his hand from her pants, he grasped at the material of her shirt, ripping it
apart easily to reveal her supple chest. "I give you clothes, and how do
you repay me?
By bringing attention to yourself?
To my
kindness?" His fingers quickly found her nipples again, pinching them,
stimulating them into tight pebbles. "Look how you respond, you like my
touch, don't you?"

whimpered protest snuck out from beneath the material tied to her mouth. His
cock pressed harder against the abrasive material of his pants. Pushing himself
back up to stand above her, he looked down at the perfection of her breasts,
licked his lips so slowly as to ensure that she saw his desire. His guilt
warred against his lust. Her eyes closed and opened again as she turned her
head back to him, widening impossibly more as she recognized the blood adorning
his shirt.

down, he let out a humorless laugh while pulling the material out from his
body. "What are you looking at? The evidence of what happened to the other
mouse that dared deny my will?" Another lie, but one that might instill in
her the knowledge that death was, in fact, a viable consequence to derision.

out, he grasped her face in his hand, turning her head to examine the red stain
left from
hand. "I see you've been
marked again." A pause as he gathered his resolve to continue his taunts
rather than sooth her as he wished he could.

you like for me to spill your blood, Mouse? Or can I trust you to behave when I
release you from your binds?"

started to remove his shirt, slowly undoing each button. When
moved to turn her head away, he reached over to
correct her behavior. "Keep your eyes open, Ms. Clark, I like my slaves to
watch me as I undress."

opened her eyes as instructed, watched as his muscular chest,
his skin kissed by the sun, was revealed with each button released. Aaron
noticed how her obvious fear mixed with the unusual taste of seduction, how her
mind fought against attraction toward a man built to make women want the sin he
could bestow. Grinning down at her, he took pleasure in making her witness each
step toward his violation of her body. His muscles flexed as he slowly pulled
one sleeve off, then the other. When his hands moved to the button of the slate
grey dress slacks,
pulled at her chains, winced
as the metal cut into the tender skin of her wrists and ankles. Aaron stopped
suddenly, watched as she fought for escape.

you fight me even now? After seeing what will happen to a woman who refuses my
touch?" Aaron leaned down again, placed his hand spread wide over the
expanse of her stomach. His voice no more than a whisper, he warned, "Do
not mistake death as your escape. I will grant you pain, I will spill your
blood, but I will not release you as you hope."

stilled. Aaron laughed; a wicked chuckle that he knew would elicit dread from
the woman he teased. He felt sick for what he was about to do. Knowing full
well that if he didn't bring her under control, she would ultimately suffer
even harsher consequences at the hands of the members of The Estate, he pressed
on with his assault.

his lips back to the shell of her ear, he whispered, "Have you ever known
the touch of a man, Madeleine?" Standing back to gaze down upon her, he
noticed her erratic breathing, imagined he could hear the staccato of her
beating heart. "I've researched you, and from what I've found, I don't
think you've experienced much in your young life."

looked down at the beautiful woman, bound and gagged, completely at his mercy. Guilt
reared its ugly head but he allowed the fire of lust to reduce it to ashes. He
would not lose total control, but he would enjoy touching the woman who'd
captured his attention so many months before. Her body shook and quivered
before him, her glorious tits bouncing with the small movements of her body.

intend to introduce you to the darker side of life, to teach you what a man can
do for you, to make you beg for more."

light of defiance shown forth from her eyes, he wanted nothing more than to
replace that defiance with the sated satisfaction of pleasure.

watched as Aaron sat down on the bed, his hand still splayed
over her stomach, the warmth of his skin seeping into hers. Hatred, an ugly
beast roaring loudly within her, she held still, refusing to clue him in to his
effect on her. His hands, rough and calloused, began to travel down, pushing
her pants from around her waist, down further, until completely exposing her to
him. She could feel the wetness induced by his earlier touch, felt angry and
confused that she'd reacted, wanted more. His finger found her clit, rubbed at
it in slow circles until she was assaulted by a litany of electric pulses. Her
body truly did betray her in that moment. Starting as a slow burn, the foreign
sensation rolled up her core. She found herself pressing into his touch, her
hips moving in such a way as to increase the pressure. Tears streamed from her
eyes as the tips of her breasts tightened, the weight of them swelling, aching
to be touched. The deep green of his eyes held hers as he continued the
grueling rhythm, never speeding or slowing, simply enticing her body to feel
something completely alien to her mind.

toy being wound up, her body hummed from his touch. She wanted him to stop, her
mind bathed in revulsion at the moisture she could feel between her legs, at
the way her body wanted to push up into his touch, while her mind screamed to
put distance between them. The rattling of the chains grew louder as she
uselessly pulled at the bindings. The deep, endless green of Aaron’s eyes
burned into her, a wild glint in each, telling her that he enjoyed what he was
doing to her.

body continued building in fervent intensity, traitorous jolts of mind numbing
gratification. Tears flowed freely as her breathing became more erratic and her
heart hammered against the walls of her chest. Her eyes rolled back and when
she finally released, the confusion of what had just happened to her body,
mixed with her shame for having experienced it, tore her into pieces, leaving
her pooled in guilt and hatred toward Aaron and toward herself.

the slick warmth between her legs, she began to sob, the physical evidence of
her arousal and orgasm a humiliation for Aaron to witness. Though liquid and
distorted by her tears, she could see that his sculpted lips curved in
amusement and triumph.

did that make you feel, Madeleine?” His voice rubbed over her, rough and gritty
from his arousal. His fingertips trailed down, through her slick skin, causing
another jolt to shoot through her body. “I’ll make you moan even louder when I
finally kiss you there … but that’s for when you are a good girl. And, trust
me, Ms. Clark, you will WANT to be a good girl after you feel my kiss.”

stood up and walked to the door, leaving Madeleine damp and exposed. “I’m going
to shower and get dressed. I expect that when I return, you will be more
willing to work with my instructions and appreciate my kindness. If you do not,
then I will leave you soaked in your shame once more, but this time, I won’t
give you the pleasure of a release. I’ll leave you in the madness that comes
just before it.”


the door of her room behind him, Aaron leaned back against it, letting the cool
temperature of the wood seep into his overheated skin. With each loud sob he
heard from behind the door, his heart broke apart into pieces, each sliver
falling away at the sound of her pain. Yet, even with the sound of her pain, he
could not forget the small sounds, the moans she made while he worked her
toward orgasm. Judging by the look on her face, the confusion and surprise, he
suspected it could have been her first, and it left him feeling like an even
bigger bastard than he knew he already was.

upright from the door, he turned, and the heavy weight of his steps echoed
against the wood floor as he moved back, deeper into the corridor to his room. Shutting
the door behind him, he moved across the room, his hand reaching over to flick
on the stereo. Releasing the sound of Madeleine’s instrument, he let her
torment envelope him as he listened to the sad song. She was a slave to his
lust, while he was a slave to her pain.

cock still rigid against his pants, he moved into his bathroom and turned on
the shower. Stripping himself of the offensive material, he stepped into water
so hot it would strip him of the film of shame on his skin. His hand found his
shaft, so full of blood it felt as if the skin would split from his urgings. Slick
from water, he gripped himself hard, sliding his hand up and down to the same
rhythm he used on that beautiful woman only moments before. His other hand
braced against the tiled wall, his eyes closed and he imagined that the pain of
his grip was, instead, the pain of sliding inside the tightness of Madeleine. A
virgin, no doubt, the conquest would be sweet for the taking. But the rhythm
was such a tease, Aaron worked himself faster, harder, until he felt his balls
swell with his future release. His lips parted, the water dripping as it ran
down his cheeks to his mouth. A hiccupped moan burst from his chest, the salt
of his seed spilled out onto the tiled floor. Shame, a warm blanket suffocating
him, he lowered his head into the spray of the water, opened his eyes to watch
the evidence of his lust as it rinsed down the drain.

His voice tore against his throat as he screamed out his frustration. He wanted
this woman, there was no fucking doubt that he itched to bury himself deep in
her soft heat; would work her into a frenzy that gripped at him, milking him of
everything he had to give her. The temptation was so strong. How easily he
could slip into the corruption dangled before him by the man whose blood he

shock shot down the bones of his arm as he slammed his fist against the tiled
wall. The skin of his hand tightened, white peeking out where the blood had
been squeezed aside. Stepping out of the shower, he toweled off, before moving
into his closet to get dressed. After slipping a simple black t-shirt over his
chest, he pulled on black slacks and buckled a leather belt around his waist.

song played throughout the room, the deep resonance of the cello haunting him
with loneliness and the depth of misery. Had she somehow known her future would
be so bleak? Was her soul aware of the circumstances that would follow from her
public performance on that fated night? If her music was any indication, then
Madeleine knew that the outside world would
eventually steal her away, toss her into a nightmare from which there was no
imaginable end. That’s why she’d hidden herself away behind an instrument so
large, behind the safety of the studio walls.

his door open, he stomped down the hall, pausing just outside Madeleine’s door.
His head dropped to his hands, he needed her ready in case company arrived. Unlocking
the door, he stepped in the room, stopped suddenly when her head turned to him,
her eyes the color of an angry sea burned into his. She was livid, rage pouring
from her razor sharp stare.

you need to be fucked into compliance, Ms. Clark?” His hand reached to his crotch,
her eyes following, widening at the reminder of how he could take her anytime
he pleased. His steps were purposeful, almost feline in their quality. He stalked
his little mouse, his breathing becoming ragged at the temptation of her skin
laid out like a sinful buffet, begging for his indulgence. Running just the
pads of his fingertips along her stomach, his mouth filled with desire, his
cock reawakened at the goose bumps that formed beneath his touch.

the color of forbidden forests gazed down upon her, desire and lust burning
behind the swirl of multi-hued leaves.
up at Aaron, her chest heaving as his hands moved up her abdomen, stopping short
of her breast before he removed his touch from her skin.

cleared his throat. “If I remove your gag, will you promise not to scream?” His
finger slid along her bottom lip that was pressed outward by the cloth tied to
her head. His hands reached behind her, loosening the material, pulling it away
from her face and leaving the skin at the corners of her mouth burning from
their collision with the cool air of the room. Her instincts told her to
scream, to use her voice to chase away the demons that held her. But it was
useless while bound by her metal shackles, stretched out taut across the length
of the bed.

the cloth silently to the ground, he reached up to brush his finger across the
marks it had left on her mouth. His finger slid along her lips, dipped down
into the warm moisture of her mouth. The invasion angered her, her teeth
locking themselves against his skin. Aaron hissed above her, his eyes closed
and his head falling back from the pain she returned to him. He pulled his
finger free, brought it up to his face to inspect the blood, the color of
scarlet rubies, as it dripped from where her teeth had broken through.

should have been returned to her, the sting of his fist as it met with her
face; but instead, Aaron gave her a wicked grin, and lust was now a raging
inferno behind his eyes. His voice rasped out from between his full lips. “Oh,
the things you do to me, Madeleine.” Her body clenched at the depth of his
voice, the sound of raw desire pouring from each word, fur and razors, satisfaction
and pain.

reached down to rub his finger around the peaks of her breast; the angry color
of blood staining the milk of her skin. His head lowered suddenly, taking her
nipple into his mouth, his tongue laved against the peak, the warmth and suction
working the tip into a tight pebble. Intense pain followed, the feel of his
teeth as they bit into her sensitized flesh. She cried out, her body bucking
against the warring sensations, her breast swelling with pleasure and the sting
of his teeth. Continuing to work at her breasts with a mouth skilled in sinful
decadence, his hand moved down her stomach, down farther until his fingers
rested atop the opening of her body. She stilled, her breath catching, forcing
her breast against his face while fear soaked every inch of her skin. With one
final stroke of his tongue against her taut peak, he stood up, his lips swollen
from his torment of her breasts. His hand remained against her, his eyebrow
arched in question. “Do you want me here, Madeleine? Inside you?”

her head, her eyes begged him to stop, to not take from her something she’d
never offered. He smiled at her response. “I like pain, but you must
understand, that I also like to return it to the giver. You can bite me as much
as you please, but know that the sting of my teeth will follow.”

shuddered at the venom in his words. There was no doubt that this soulless
creature was made more beautiful in order to entice even the most virtuous of
women. Pure mockery was his tone
conquest and spite,
the meaning of his words.

not fuck you now … ” A finger slowly slid along the crease of her silky slickened
skin. “ …
I will have you — and when I do,
you’ll be dripping wet, crawling towards me. You’ll be
for me to take you.” Quickly, his hands reached up, ripping
away the remaining material from her body. Once her pants and shirt had been
removed, he moved to pick up the other clothes spread at the base of the bed. “Modesty
was a gift I attempted to give you, but your behavior shows me you cannot be
rewarded as of yet.” Moving to the door he cradled the pile of clothes in his
arms, turned to look back at her naked form once more. “You’ve undoubtedly
attracted some unwanted attention today, Madeleine. As a result, I’m
expecting guests
. I’ll leave you, naked and bound for their
inspection, but I’ll not let them touch you …
you behave when they visit.” He allowed her a moment to let his
words sink in before delivering the final threat. “If you misbehave, Mouse,
I’ll leave them alone with you, to play with you as they see fit.”

closed the door, but didn’t bother to lock it. His mouse was chained to the
bed, locked into a position meant to seduce and satisfy the feral side of a
man. The slick of blood on her skin coupled with the indignity of her nakedness
and position would suffice to make any man believe Aaron was doing as he was
told. Moving quickly to his room, he dumped the evidence of his kindness where
they would not be found, before he walked back out into the living room, into
the concerned glare of his friend.

silent question, Aaron moved to the
bar, picking up the scotch and filled his glass to the rim. He slammed back the
strong bite of the liquor, replaced the glass on the surface of the bar and turned
toward the man standing faithfully behind him. “She’s been prepared. There will
be no question that I’ve succumbed to cruelty and lust.”

took a few steps back, leaned casually
against the wall as he scrutinized Aaron. “I heard her cries. Do I even want to
know what caused them?”

lips turned up into a savage grin. “She’s been left dripping wet and displayed
for any man that arrives. The smell of sex has been left as a fine sheen on her
skin … ” He eyes glared back, daring
protest his actions. “ … That is all you need to know.” As Aaron turned to walk
toward his office, he heard
push himself
upright, his footsteps following closely behind. Aaron turned back, met eyes
with the raging blue orbs that glared back in his direction.

worry about you, Aaron. Do you slip as your father did? Have you lost yourself
to the temptation of flesh that has been gifted by a madman?” Carefully spoken
words, questions that could easily result in violence.
stood strong against Aaron, a beacon anchoring him to sanity, to remaining true
to his task.

sighed, his shoulders dropping with defeat and regret. “I didn’t fuck her if
that’s what you are wondering. I did enough to make it appear that I have, but
she remains whole, untouched inside.”

winced, instantly understanding what Aaron must have done. His
eyes softened as pity coursed through his veins. Wishing to free Aaron of his
guilt, he nodded his head, spoke lies intended to soothe. “It is understandable
Aaron. Your mouse would forgive you if she knew how your actions are designed
only to save her life. You had no other option.”

if they don’t come … if the maintenance crew somehow kept to themselves the
sight of a clothed slave?”

considered Aaron’s question, knew better than to believe that
any person within The Estate could keep such a sight a secret. “They’ll come. How
long have we lived here that you can possibly doubt that the rumor isn’t
spreading like flames within the network? You did what you had to do.” A
meaningful look occurred between the two men, prisoners, themselves, to a world
of brutality and madness. “The regret you wear is enough to tell me you haven’t
been lost, Aaron. He will not win in this game. We are too close to ending it.”
was resolute in his words, sure that they
would pull enough men to their side, that, eventually, they could overpower
even the most evil of the devil’s creatures.

they don’t, I’ll be nothing more than an animal. A man who took pleasure in a
woman’s torment.” It was a confession; one he knew his lifelong friend would
hear. Turning again, he took long strides toward the doors of his office,
throwing them open, he walked to his desk, sat down the full weight of his
guilt into the leather chair, picked up papers that would lead him to the next
man that dared to steal from The Estate. His hands itched to take a life, the
satisfaction of watching another traitorous creature go blank underneath the
slice of his blade. It was a cruelty built from years of being the executioner
for The Estate
the lethal force hidden behind the
cloak of a suit and tie. He wondered if it was any different, the amount of
lives he’d extinguished surely made him nothing more than a man who deserved to
end up on the receiving end of that same blade. Before, he’d been able to
soften the brutality, been able to mask it under the belief that those he
killed deserved their fate. In a sense, he’d rid the world of thieves and
murderers; he’d helped eradicate a filth that poisoned other innocent lives. But
there was no such excuse for his actions against Madeleine. Only that he would
save her from a more brutal form of rape, of the pain that would be inflicted
on her by men with no morality left within their conscience.

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