Madeleine Abducted (22 page)

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Authors: M.S. Willis

BOOK: Madeleine Abducted
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evil in the steel grey eyes that stared back at him twinkled within the
insanity of his gaze. His lips curling at the ends before he ordered, “Have the
blonde work over Aaron’s slave, not stopping until her face and hands are
drenched in the evidence of the other whore’s orgasm.”

tremor ran through Aaron’s body, pure anger igniting within him by the fact
that Madeleine would be touched in such a manner by someone other than him. He’d
risked pretending his father’s threat of rape didn’t affect him. He’d been able
to save
from the shame that’d almost been
inflicted, but there was nothing he could say to stop this assault. His
father’s order fell within the established rules for Aaron’s slave, did not
breach the decree that had been given the other night.

let go of the blonde woman’s hair, pushed her in the direction of
as she remained bound to the
table. Aaron’s eyes followed as she approached the table, wished he could look
eyes to let her know he was tormented
alongside her.

the blonde reached
, a filthy snicker sounded
from her body, almost as if the thought of tormenting another made her feel
more powerful than the used up whore that she was. Her yellow stained fingers
brushed up to
head, pulled through the silken
mahogany waves of her hair. The blonde leaned in as if to whisper, but spoke
loud enough so the people in the room would be able to hear. “Don’t shake,
beautiful girl, I’ll make sure you like it.” Reaching around she slapped her
hand against
ass so hard that just the sound
of the slap made Aaron’s teeth clench. Forcing himself to remain still, Aaron
watched as the blonde continued to torment Madeleine, images flooding his head
of stepping forward and breaking the bitch’s neck for every action she
committed against his slave.

blonde smiled wickedly, enjoying the torment she enacted against
. “Come on, baby girl, you need to get wet for Momma,
I’m going to show you that taking a woman for a lover is so much better than a
man.” Her fingers slicked down between
pressed in and out as she attempted to elicit arousal. Her other hand found
Madeleine’s breast, her fingers teasing the nipple into a tight point before
again caressing the weight of her breast. “This isn’t doing it for you, baby? Let
Momma take care of that for you.” When the blonde moved behind
, she instantly moved her face closer to lick at the
sensitive nub, her hands continuing to work over
body. Aaron watched as a flush of color broke out along
skin, he knew full well that an orgasm was building in her despite her disgust
and shame. He watched as her jaw loosened, her hips beginning to writhe under
the flick of the blonde woman’s tongue. Each man in the room moaned at the sight
of the two women, some pulled themselves loose to jerk off as they watched the
display. Aaron made sure to note which men took the most pleasure in the scene
played out before them, promised himself that the dicks they stroked would be
removed from their bodies when he killed them. The room only held a few of the
men that were part of Aaron’s alliance and he noticed how they would turn their
heads, ashamed to be witness to the rape of a young, innocent woman.

moans began to sound from the table, the blonde successful in her mission to
force pleasure through
. When wound to the peak,
when pushed to the point of eventual release, the blonde took her thumb and
pressed it into
ass just as she screamed out
in the fits of her orgasm, her body quaking from tremors as hormones surged
through her veins. Winding her down, the blonde finally pulled away, cackling
at her achievement. She stood up, turned so that the audience could see the
evidence of
orgasm as it dripped down her

back over the Vincent, the blonde leaned in for a kiss, her pride allowing her
to believe that she was anything more than a tool. Vincent grabbed her by the
hair again, pulled a rag from his pocket to wipe her face clean before dragging
her back out the doors to lock her back in whatever hole she’d crawled out

unimpressed, Aaron turned to his father, saw a glimmer in the eye of the man
who just ordered
rape. “Are we done here?”

father’s keen eyes searched Aaron’s face for any hint of emotion. Not finding
the reaction he wanted, he snapped his fingers, ordering that
be released. “We’re done for now Aaron, take your
whore and return her to your quarters. I will call again soon if I have need
for another demonstration.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

returned to their quarters, Aaron ordered
sit on the couch while he indicated for
join him in his office.
sat down as instructed,
not able to hold back her tears from the events of the presentation. Aaron did
his best to ignore her sobs, slamming the door out of anger, but not closing it
entirely. Moving to his desk, he sat down in the large leather chair as
took a seat on the opposite side.

have to release her,
, she can’t be forced to
endure another presentation. He will only get worse, will come up with new ways
to torment me by abusing her body.” Aaron’s voice was distant, controlled so
that he didn’t go back to that ballroom to kill every man who occupied the

can’t let her go, Aaron.” A truth spoken softly, but the heavy weight of those
words hung amid the momentary silence between the two men. “If she escapes, it
will be your life. The alliance is not yet strong enough to overpower those who
still hold allegiance to your father. A few more months and we’ll be ready to
strike. We have to hold out until then.”

his fist against the wood of the desk, Aaron sat up in his chair, anger
seething within his veins. “She will not live through another few months. At
some point he will push my patience too far, will overstep bounds that will
cause me to lose control. I’ll die either way. If I free her, at least she
stands a chance. She’ll be able to get to someone who can help her, she’ll be
able to escape the disease that The Estate has become.”

she’ll have to live in hiding for the rest of her life, a prisoner to The
Estate even then. If you release her, he will not stop until he’s found her. Whether
you are alive or dead, he will torture her just to spite you once she was
found. There is no place on the face of this Earth that isn’t infected by his

again, a blanket of hopelessness and futility settling over the two men as they
argued over the fate of the young woman currently crying in the room on the
other side of the office walls. Aaron finally spoke again, his voice rough and
cracked through by the despondency he felt. “If I was to be her only abuser, if
it was me she would learn to hate while I fought to keep her alive, it would be
different. I could protect her from the worst; ensure that she remained whole. But
that is not the option I’ve been given, at least not now that he has found ways
around the agreement we’d entered. He’ll rape her at some point,
, he’ll pass her around to the slime that serves him
before ending her life as he has every other woman he’s wanted to use.”

find a way around it. We’ll … ”

IS NO WAY, XANDER!” Aaron stood up from his desk, knocking aside whatever
objects cluttered the expanse of the wood. Walking away he punched the wall,
knocking a large hole in the plaster before moving to the window to look
outside. Thoughtful for a few moments,
dare disturb the beast that was slowly wrapping it’s claws around Aaron’s soul,
didn’t dare disturb a man who could kill within seconds.

breaching the silence, Aaron spoke again, “Retrieve what clothes she has left,
I’ll walk her to the perimeter of the property, take the paths through the
woods away from the cameras. I will not let Madeleine’s life slip away in order
to save mine. She is light while I am darkness, she is raw beauty and so
blessedly pure while I am nothing more than a poison to humanity. She deserves
her life far more than I deserve mine.”

calmed herself while sitting on the couch as
and Aaron spoke. As she stopped the flow of tears
from her eyes, tried to still her trembling body, she could hear the
conversation between the two men, her skin prickling at the realization that
Aaron would set her free. Enveloped in shame and disgrace, her mind flitted
back to the events of the presentation
the inspection
by Aaron’s father, the feel of the other slave’s hands and mouth on her body. But
it was Aaron’s voice and words that had disturbed her the most. The lack of
emotion and the reference to her as nothing more than garbage, she would have
rather died than endured the mockery from the men in the room. As they’d walked
back through the halls toward Aaron’s quarters, she felt more anger at herself
for having believed he cared anything about her, she cursed him silently as she
watched him through her tears as he walked in front of her and

words just spoken to
were in stark contrast to
the man he’d been at the presentation
her confusion
now a deep and dark chasm tearing through her mind. During the presentation,
she’d been so sure that he cared nothing for her that he’d fooled her into
believing that even a spark of humanity could exist within him. After he’d
stepped aside, allowed her to be chained to a table, gave permission to his
father to use her as he saw fit,
believed that
she’d been deceived, that he’d used kindness to train her, that his kindness
meant nothing more than ensuring she was ready for the presentation.

listened intently as
argued against Aaron’s
decision, heard Aaron when he described her as a thing of beauty, a light in
comparison to the darkness of his soul. Her eyes widened at the realization
that he’d never wanted to train her, that he’d rather lay down his life than
witness her endure further abuse, that he would lay down his life to set her
free. Tears again, but this time not from the pain and torment of abuse, but
from the realization that she hadn’t been deceived, that the tiny spark of
light she saw within him hadn’t been extinguished, it had just been disguised.

came storming through the office doors, the dark green of his eyes swirling
with rage and despair, the droop to his shoulders revealing that, at this
moment, the decision he made was his acceptance of defeat.
walked behind him, but rather than stopping in the living room as Aaron had,
continued on until he disappeared down into the
shadows of the long corridor.

waiting for
to return, Aaron stared at
Madeleine, his eyes taking in the vision of her in an effort to commit the
image of the only good thing he’d known in his life to memory. The image
wouldn’t need to last long; as soon as it was discovered that she’d been
released, his father would order his death. Although Aaron was a skilled
assassin, the
, as he was
dubbed within The Estate, he could only survive for so long when fighting the
army of men his father would undoubtedly send to ensure his death.

going to take a walk, Madeleine. I will have to get dressed for the cold
unfortunately I will not be able to provide you
clothes to protect you. I want you to stay here while I change, don’t move from
your seat until I return.” He didn’t wait for her response, knew that she’d
been broken enough that he wouldn’t have to worry about her attempt at
disobedience, hoped that when he set her free, she’d find her way back to the
innocence The Estate had taken from her. Moving quickly to his bedroom, Aaron
put on a large coat, took
clothes from
, shoving them in his coat to hide them until he
could get her to the perimeter of the property.
eyes were bleak and he remained quiet while Aaron armed himself with more
blades and walked out toward
so that he could
set her free.

the front doors, Aaron turned to
. “Stand slave
and follow behind me. At no time should you walk beside me as if you were my
equal. Until we get to our destination, all eyes will be on us as we pass. Be
sure to stick to your role.”

nodded her understanding and took her place behind him. Letting
out a heavy sigh, Aaron pulled open the large front door, stepped out into the
halls and shut the door behind him once
followed him out of his quarters. They walked in silence through the halls, the
men they passed wearing expressions of shock to see Aaron and his slave out in
public so quickly after the events of the presentation. He hated parading her
around in her undressed state, but he had no choice. Exiting the building, the
bite of cold air stung his cheeks. Early evening had begun to settle over the
land and a thick mist hung in the air obscuring the distant tree line. Although
relieved to know that once they entered the woods they would be hidden from
sight, he couldn’t imagine the discomfort
feel from the cold air hitting her skin. The only solace he could find was that
soon she would be free to return to her life. Once they passed the exterior
walls of the building, Aaron led
into the
woods, cringed every time a branch broke under his foot when he realized what
the ground, littered with twigs and rocks, must be doing to
bare feet. He wanted to slow down, to pick her up and carry her as far as he
could, but he had to keep the appearance that she was only a slave, nothing
worthy of his care.

veiled deep within the thickness of the mist and fog, Aaron stopped. Turning to
, he pulled the clothes from inside his jacket. Her
skin had taken on a blue tint from the cold air against her body, her lips and
cheeks already chapped from the wind. Holding the clothes out to her he said,
“Put these clothes on, you’ll freeze to death without them. They’re not much to
protect against the cold, but they’re better than nothing. He attempted to hand
her the clothes, but
just kept her arms wrapped
around her body, refused to reach out to accept them.

tempered back his annoyance with her disobedience, remembered that she was not
the slave she represented. “Please,
. Take the

I speak, Master?” Her voice was shy as she trained her eyes to the ground.

out a sigh, Aaron watched as the warmth of his breath steamed out before him. “I’m
not your Master, Madeleine. You are not a slave, you are nothing as low as I’ve
made you believe.”

you die?” Her head shot up, her eyes the color of a summer sky burning into his
as she shocked him silent with her question.

… ”

Her voice firm, she stepped out of character to find out the truth to Aaron’s
plan. “Tell me now. If I leave here, will you die?” Her voice shook as she
found a hidden strength within her that she’d never known existed.

did you know,
?” The soft tone to his voice was
confession enough, his continued refusal to answer the question she asked. “How
did you know I intend to set you free.”

overheard your conversation with
. You didn’t
close the door all the way; I heard everything.
said it would cost you your life if I were released … you agreed. I can’t let
that happen, Aaron, not after … not after everything you’ve tried to do for
me.” Tears streaked down her face, their warmth quickly diminished by the cold
wind, they felt like ice by the time they dripped from her cheeks.

stood dumbfounded, not knowing what to say to the woman who appeared to be
crying for him when he’d done nothing but torture her. His voice was softened
by disbelief when he said, “I’ve tormented you,
, and I’ve treated you like nothing more than an
object, allowed others to treat you that way.”

her chin up, she continued to lock her eyes with his, not shying away from the
dark soul of the man who stood in her presence. “Have you enjoyed it, the
torment you’ve inflicted on me?”

question struck him. Now was the time for Aaron to answer her truthfully, but
he didn’t know what it was. Had he enjoyed it? Yes; when her body was writhing
beneath him, when she’d bitten him and fought against him; when she was
kneeling before him making him feel things that no woman ever had. “Yes.”

body tightened at his answer, the realization of his honest character apparent
in the way she held herself. “I’m not a good man,
I’ll never be a person worthy of you, of the beauty and light you provide to
this world. I kill, I steal, I lie and I cheat. I take pleasure when I bathe in
the blood of another man’s demise, when I watch the life drain from their eyes
as they die. I enjoyed you as well,
, not when I
had to hurt you, but when I took things from your body that weren’t mine to
take. I’ve done nothing for you, Mouse, nothing but what I wanted to do.”

thought about those encounters, at first disgusted with the feel of his hands
on her body, that disgust had been reduced to ash by the way he made her body
feel. Not the first time, not when she hadn’t yet been exposed to his gentle
side; but after that, yes, she’d wanted the fire he ignited within her, wanted
the feel of his skin, his mouth, his tongue on her skin. Her heart had been lost
to him during those quiet moments between them, when he tended to her wounds,
when he watched her play in the music room. He had given her something; he’d
attempted to give her the only modesty that he could. More importantly, he’d
given her back her music, showed that he knew, on some level, how important it
was to her. Pulling her hands in front of her, one hand moved to spin the
circle of the string around her wrist. Staring down on the silver cord, she
shook her head, refusing to believe there wasn’t a small glimmer of goodness
within him. “Did you enjoy it when you allowed other people to touch me, to
rape me while strapped to a table, to display me to a group of horrendous men
who were turned on by my pain?”

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