Madeleine Abducted (11 page)

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Authors: M.S. Willis

BOOK: Madeleine Abducted
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become lost to his work, he didn’t hear when a knock sounded at the doors of
his apartment. It was only when
moved to
answer that Aaron looked up from his desk, gazing across his office and the
room beyond to watch and see who stood on the other side of those large, wooden

spine straightened and the muscles beneath
his shirt tensed, Aaron understood who’d arrived. He pushed back from the desk,
stood swiftly and moved to receive the visitors that darkened his door.
stepped aside, revealing Emory and Vincent standing
in the hall.

in. I’d like to say I’m surprised to see you, however I suspect you’ve been
sent for a particular purpose.” Aaron stopped and stood in the center of his
living room, watched as his father’s men moved into the interior of the
apartment. Both men were large, their height and brawn matching that of Aaron
. But their eyes held a different light, a
deep-seated insanity that spoke of violence and decay.

men stood, both with brown hair slicked back, revealing brown eyes so dark they
mimicked the darkest of night. They could have been twins, had their facial
features not been so drastically altered. The tan skin of Emory’s face was
shadowed by stubble, the only break in the hair being a large scar that ran
down the side of his cheek. Vincent also had the coloring of a
who’d spent hours in the sun, but his face was clean
shaven, his cheekbones sharp points that made his face appear sunken and
hollow. Silence hung heavy between the four men, the threat of violence
scenting the air, creating a heaviness that seemingly absorbed the oxygen in
the room, made it difficult to breathe. Emory spoke first, his voice grating
against Aaron’s nerves.

a rumor circulating the house; one that’s peaked your father’s curiosity. The
maintenance crew could swear they saw your slave beating against one of the
windows of your quarters. They weren’t sure, Aaron, but they believe she was
clothed as she attempted to gain their attention.” Emory moved forward, a slight
curve to his mouth, the only indication of his amusement. “You must know better
than to provide clothing to a slave.”

stood strong, his shoulder’s pulled back, his spine locked into place. “Of
course. I’m sure it was only a reflection that they saw. The slave is as she
should be; she had a moment of insanity that has been curbed. It’s to be
expected while she is being trained.”

glanced back at Vincent, both men wearing expressions of ill intent. Vincent
spoke next, thoroughly enjoying his next words. “We will need to see her,
Aaron, so that we can report back to your father as to how she was found.”

stepped forward, anger raging red across his face. Aaron held
up a hand, reminding
to hold his temper. Stepping
toward the doors of the corridor, Aaron spoke back to the men from over his
shoulder. “Then come take your look. But in the future, I do not appreciate
being disturbed while in my quarters. I’ve been given a week, I’ll use it
without interruption after this visit.” His words a razor edged warning, Aaron
led the men to
room, cursed under his breath
about what he must do. Opening the door, he stepped into the room, held the
raging blue of
eyes as the three other men
entered behind him. Her skin blushed red when she noticed his guests, her arms
and legs uselessly pulling at the chains keeping her bound and displayed.

to the men, Aaron motioned to the naked woman. “As you can see, she wears no
clothes. She’s been used to my satisfaction. You can report back to my father
that there is no need for concern.” Shifting back to the door, Emory stepped
close to
, moved as if to touch her when Aaron
quickly moved to block her from Emory’s hand.

words dripping with menace, he spoke a reminder. “Is it your hand you wish to
lose today? You heard my father, it was you that he requested spread the word
of his directive.” Emory’s dark eyes met Aaron’s as he pulled back from his
attempt. Through clenched teeth, Aaron continued. “Do not think you stand in
his place just yet, Emory. He has not been so completely lost that he’s placed
you on his throne.”

smiled, a veiled threat hidden behind the face of a man not unknown to violence
and death. “Then you will touch her for me. Give us something to take back to
your father, so that he can feel satisfied to know that you are well aware of
how to appreciate his gift.”

tensed at Emory’s words, looked to Aaron with eyes filled with
panic and disgust. Letting out a slow breath Aaron turned to glance at his
mouse, his eyes begging her to understand that, in this moment, she must behave
appropriately. Blinking once, Aaron moved to demonstrate his dominance over the
small creature that lay helpless before him.


breath caught as Aaron moved closer to her, saw something in
his eyes that she thought she’d mistaken for remorse. He slowly reached toward
her, rubbed the tips of his fingers along her legs as he held her stare. Leaning
down he brought his mouth to her ear, whispering so that only she would hear
the words he spoke. “Behave for me, Mouse, and I’ll keep the wolves behind me
from touching you. Struggle against me, and I’ll have no choice but to leave
you to their mercy.”

his head slightly, she could feel the warmth of his breath brushing down across
her cheek. His lips, so close to hers, she wondered if it was his intent to
kiss her like a man would a lover. Such an invasion would be an insult, but
then again, every touch, every brush of his fingers against her skin had been
taken against her will; the ultimate insult being her continued display to the
multiple men in the room. Her eyes moved to look over his shoulder, to the two
men with whom she’d not yet had contact. One man, the one with a jagged, wide
scar that ran from his ear, down his cheek, to the tip of his chin … his was
the face of a monster. His cruelty was openly displayed in the violent black of
his eyes and the threatening leer on his face, the wicked curl to his mouth. Her
eyes went to the second man, his expression no different than the first. She
shivered at the sight of the men, knew that they would be more cruel than the
ones who’d held her until this point. Looking back into Aaron’s eyes, she saw a
small glimmer in the deep shades of green, a plea that she wouldn’t have
noticed if her fear hadn’t been mirrored back in his gaze. He was nervous,
afraid of some unknown threat; one that
must have something to do with their newfound audience.

eyes never left hers as his hands traveled back down her body, along the length
of her torso, winding it’s way back to the apex of her thighs. Standing up
straighter, Aaron kept his gaze locked to hers; his eyes, the color of a forest
blanketed in the shadow of a violent storm. They were so green, set against the
thick black of his lashes, the sun-kissed tan of his skin. His finger found the
same spot as before and he started moving it against her, causing her breath to
hitch, her body to tremble. His eyes were still and resolute on hers, never
moving even when he finally opened his mouth to speak again.

me how much you want me, slave. Thank your Master for granting you pleasure
before his own.” The bitter film of disgust covered her
she bit down to stifle the embarrassment and anger building up inside her. But
he still worked at the bundle of nerves, her body’s natural reaction a thing so
far outside her control, that it slickened even in her repulsion. His other
hand came to her breast, his fingertips trailing along the side of it, the
chills causing it to peak on its own. She swelled under his touch, kept her
eyes trained on his, tried to forget the more frightening men that stood behind
him. A now familiar fire began to simmer within her, a tingle along her skin
and deep within her body at the same time. Her breathing grew impossibly
faster, her eyes daring to break his gaze to roll back in response to what his
hands were doing to her body. His fingers pinched down on the sensitive skin of
her breast, a sudden flash of pain shooting through her, causing her to cry out
from the sensation. Opening her eyes she found mock rage burning behind his, he
pinched her again, this time hard enough to induce tears from her eyes.

next words sounded like both a command and a plea at the same time, “I told you
to thank your Master, slave. Do so, now.” His voice was saturated in anger
while his eyes begged her to respond. He was worried. Only she could tell, the
other men at his back not able to see the expression on his face. She opened
her mouth, not understanding why she felt compelled to respond.

you.” Her lips cracked from her breath brushing across them. Her voice, so low,
that she wasn’t sure he had heard her speak.

as they stared at one another, relief seeming to flood his body, his eyes lit
for a split second by her compliance. His brow furrowed again and he bit out
another command so condescendingly, that she imagined she’d been hallucinating
to think he could have, for a second, been concerned for her. “Say ‘thank you,
’ Another pinch to the side of
her breast, the sensitive flesh shooting out sparks of radiating pain. The men
behind Aaron laughed, took pleasure in the violence and insult used against

tear finally fell down her cheek. Biting back her instinct to rebel, she
decided to play along, somehow understanding that she faced far worse torment
if she refused to obey. Her lips ached as she spoke, her voice cracking from
the unending friction of his hand against her sensitized flesh.

you … Master.” Breathy and shallow, her voice caused Aaron’s breathing to
become irregular. He felt sickened by the erotic rub of her words against his
skin, the odd satisfaction he felt when he should have been enraged. He was the
worst kind of bastard, his pants tightening in response to her forced
submission. When her eyes began to roll back again, he quickened his movements,
added more pressure against her swollen skin. Her lips parted, her head fell
back. He felt her muscles quiver against the tips of his fingers as he slid one
down to rest atop the opening of her core. The sound of her moans excited him;
having become so lost in the expression on her face, he’d forgotten about the
men standing behind him. Wrenching himself back to the situation, he brought
himself under control, straightened his shoulders and settled a mask of
indifference back on his face.

she stilled and had seemingly recovered from the violent quakes tearing through
her body, Aaron pulled his hand up, trailing her own moisture up along her
stomach, between her breasts, stopping at the base of her neck. She looked up
into his eyes, an odd emotion racing across his face before being replaced with
a distant and emotionless expression.

cleared his throat, lifted his hand to tap a single finger against her lips. “Good
girl.” He turned suddenly and took a few steps in the direction of the other
men in the room. Indicating the door with his hand, he stood blocking Madeleine
from their eyes. After several moments, she heard footsteps as the men left the
room. Her eyes followed Aaron as he moved to the door, glancing back at her one
more time, before stepping out into the hallway.

the door, Aaron followed the men as they moved into the living room. Once freed
from the confined space of the hall, he watched as
broke off from the group, immediately moving to open the front doors in
invitation for Emory and Vincent to leave. His father’s men began to step
through the door when Emory stopped, turned back to look at Aaron.

find it
that you chose to
get the bitch off instead of taking your fill of her and tossing her aside. Perhaps
your father never taught you what he meant about how to use the whore.”

attempted to stifle a grin, but its force was so strong that one side of his
mouth curved
as the grin broke free. “I’m flattered
you were hoping for an opportunity to stare at the movement of my bare ass, but
unlike some … ” His eyebrow arched to indicate the man to whom he was speaking.
“ … I don’t display my cock in public. I prefer a much more, private,
location.” A humorless laugh escaped him. “Now scurry on back to my father. Perhaps
he can give you more lessons on what it means to use a whore.”

scowled at Aaron’s implication. Nodding once, Emory turned and walked out
through the doorway, followed closely behind by Vincent. Once Vincent’s foot
had cleared the doorway,
slammed the door so
hard, the walls shook from the impact. Eyes the color of a raging sea met eyes
the color of a dark forest when
finally turned
back to face Aaron.

me the keys to her chains.” Aaron’s hand came up immediately, taking the keys

could hear the sound of weighted footsteps approaching the
room. Since having been left alone, she hadn’t stopped crying. Her shame, the
grueling pain of her bindings, and the orgasms she’d been forced to experience,
wept from her in the form of tears produced from a body in need of water. The
salt of her tears burned her eyes as they fell, trailed hot along her cheeks
before pooling at the corner of her mouth and the dip between her lower lip and
her chin.

a building volcano within
she cursed herself for
having given in to his commands. However, in the back of her mind, she somehow
knew her fate would have been much worse in the hands of the men at Aaron’s
back. She found it odd that, even though Aaron had been the one to violate her
the most, she somehow trusted him more than the pure evil that’d stood just
behind him.

heard the sound of key being turned in a lock, the door being pushed open, and
Aaron walking through swiftly before closing it behind him. A few large steps
and he was by the bed, immediately moving to unlock the chains at her feet.
silently watched him, wondered what horrors she would
endure once freed. After Aaron removed the first shackle from her ankle,
hissed as air met the cuts made by the metal against
her skin. Aaron’s face twisted momentarily before he set out to release her
other ankle. Once her legs were freed, he moved up to her wrists. Before
removing the shackles from around her wrists he quietly instructed, “You’re not
going to want to pull your arms down immediately when I release you, your
shoulders are going to hurt. Once you are freed, I will help you lower them.”
listened to the sound of the metal key being inserted
into the first lock. As soon as she felt air in place of where the metal had
circled her wrist, she pulled her arm down in an attempt to cover her body. The
pain that shot through her shoulder and arm caused her to cry out. A low sigh
sounded above her.

are you going to start listening to me, Ms. Clark?” Aaron shook his head, an
amused grin peeking out from the corners of his mouth.
scowled at him before looking back to inspect the damage to the skin on her
wrist. He released the second hand, reached down to massage the sore muscles at
her shoulder. She wanted to pull away, to resist his touch, but the firm grip
felt good as he slowly lowered her other arm from above her head.

bed lowered underneath, taking Aaron’s weight as he sat down beside her. His
eyes watched her hands as she rubbed at the red and torn skin at her wrists. They
sat silently for a while; she refused to look up at him, to acknowledge his
presence beside her. Having grown accustomed to the lack of sound, she jumped
when he finally spoke again.

need you to understand something about where you’re being held.” His voice was
soft, regretful, as if confessing. “There is no person on these grounds that
does not belong to The Estate. Maintenance men, maids,
… they all are loyal to the family. What you did this afternoon, when you
banged on the glass, it endangered you more than you realize.”

hand came up to softly grasp her chin, move her head so that he could lock his
eyes with hers. Concern etched his gaze as he spoke again. “I am your Master,
Madeleine, but I am not the worst nightmare you will have to face in this
house. Those men … ” His eyes narrowed at his inner thoughts. “ …
will hurt you, make you feel pain that you never
imagined possible. Death would not be granted quickly. The torment they would
inflict, it would be endless; hours, days, weeks, that is the amount of time
you would suffer at their hands.”

chill brushed across her body, the truth of his words a stream of ice weaving
through the blood in her veins.

staring down at her for a few minutes more, he released her chin, and spoke to her
in words meant to be obeyed: “You will get cleaned up and eat something. It can
be different this time, not as violent as our encounter this morning.” He
couldn’t help himself, even chapped, her lips called to him with the lush
fullness of her pout. Leaning down he brushed his mouth across hers, reveled in
the feel of the stolen kiss. He was not surprised when she pulled away
suddenly, detesting the feel of his lips against hers. A warning in his eyes,
he stood up, reached his hand down to her. “Follow me to the bathroom, Mouse. We
need to get you cleaned and I need to tend to your wounds.”

her arms came down beside her as she attempted to push herself up into a
sitting position. The jolts of shocking pain traveled down her arms, causing
her to fall back against the mattress. Aaron reached down as she tried to move
away from his touch. “I’m going to pick you up, Madeleine, carry you to the
bathroom due to your weak state. Do not fight against me. I’d hate to have to
correct your behavior while you’re already so injured.”

arms slid underneath her, the tips of his fingers trailing along her back and
underneath her bottom. A slight thrill of remembered pleasure ran through her
body at his touch, and
winced in shame at the
feeling. Aaron’s eyebrow arched, his knowledge of her reaction an unhidden
thing. His mouth came to her ear, the warmth of his breath tickling the skin,
trailing down her neck. “I hope there comes a day when my touch does not
disgust you; that, rather, you can smile when my hands rub along your body.”

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