Macy’s Awakening (10 page)

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Authors: Pepper Anthony

BOOK: Macy’s Awakening
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In the bright light of the kitchen, Macy peeled away the brown paper. Inside was a brightly printed box about half the size of a shoebox. The outside bore the product name:
Stimulate-Her 2000
, and showed a picture of something made of pink plastic that looked remarkably like Jerrod’s penis. She knew immediately what it was. A vibrator! It looked similar to the one Leticia had.

Macy felt her face getting warm. She glanced around, making sure no one could possibly see in the kitchen window to what she held in her hands. Then, feeling deliciously naughty, she opened the box.

The thing was smooth, firm and flexible, with life-like details such as the shape of the bulbous head and the veins running down it. The back end unscrewed to accept a pair of batteries, which were included in the box. She stared at the batteries, trying to decide whether she dared to put them in. She glanced at the clock. Jerrod wouldn’t be home for at least two hours. What would be the harm in turning the thing on just to see if it worked?

She inserted the batteries and twisted the base. A soft, high-pitched hum came from the little appliance, but nothing seemed to be moving like she expected it would. She wrapped her fingers around the head. A pleasant buzzing sensation filled her palm, eventually transmitting up her arm. She blushed as she imagined touching it to her pussy. What would happen if she held it there for a while, letting that buzzing sensation build up? Quickly she turned it off and stuck it back in the box. What a joker that Leticia was!

Macy grabbed her cellphone and punched in her friend’s number.

“I can’t believe you sent me this
,” she said as soon as Leticia answered.

The other girl laughed. “You like?”

“It’s kind of gross-looking actually.”

“You’ll get over that once you try it, trust me.”

“Oh, like I’m really going to use it.”

“Hey, you told me you had a lot of free time on your hands every day. Why not have a little fun? It’s not like you need a man to make you come, you know. Let me give you some pointers…”

Ten minutes later, Macy hung up and took the vibrator out of its box again. Staring at it, she thought about Jerrod’s cock, how silky and hard it had felt in her fingers. How it had parted her flesh down there and disappeared inside her body, pulsing in and out. A long shudder of anticipation ran through her.

Since the morning her dad had called and interrupted Jerrod as he was licking her pussy, she’d thought a lot more about masturbating. She’d touched herself a few times, through her panties, but as soon as the sensations started to build she would stop, feeling uncertain about going further. She didn’t know what to expect. What if the sensations overwhelmed her and she passed out, and Jerrod found her there later with her panties pulled down? What if she lost control and let out a really loud scream? What if nothing happened at all?

But what if Leticia was right? Maybe it really was okay to try this thing out and see what would happen.

Glancing once more at the clock to assure herself that she’d be alone for at least the next hour, Macy went into the living room and sat on the couch. The room was fairly dim with the drapes closed. It felt nice and private. No chance that anyone could see her.

Today she was wearing her favorite yellow sundress again. She lifted the skirt of the dress out of the way and parted her legs. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out, staring down at her white cotton panties. Then she turned on the vibrator. She held it against her inner thigh and inched it upward until it barely grazed the elastic leg band. A warm, tingling feeling suffused her pussy and spread to her whole body. She remembered a feeling like that when Jerrod had touched her. Part of her felt ashamed, wanted to turn the damn thing off and go back to making that batch of oatmeal cookies, like she’d planned to earlier. But another part of her was very curious and aroused.

Opening her legs further, she touched the vibrator to the crotch of her panties. The feelings intensified, swirling and buzzing until she finally had to move it away again. She could feel her heart pounding, her breath getting irregular. A guilty excitement filled her. What would happen next? Closing her eyes, she pulled the crotch of her panties aside and put the tip of the thing to her bare flesh.

Oh! The feeling was incredible! It was almost as nice as when Jerrod had used his fingers there. She moved the tip back and forth between her pussy lips, discovering which areas were more sensitive, as Leticia had suggested. As it neared the front of her body, a hot zing of intense sensation spiraled through her.
That must be my clit.
Leticia had spared no detail when she’d described that tiny bundle of nerves and how to simulate it. Macy let out a moan as she circled her clit with the vibrator. Around and around and around it went, her body’s delicious response intensifying with each pass.

* * * *

Jerrod’s first thought, as he came in through the kitchen door, was that someone—probably Macy—was in pain. Low moaning sounds came from the darkened living room. Had she fallen down the stairs? His heart jerked in his chest. He started to call out to her.

In the same moment his gaze fell on the colorful box lying on the kitchen counter. He blinked. Was that a picture of a plastic sex toy? He picked up the box and examined it. Why in the world would Macy feel she needed to buy such a thing?

A strange feeling came over him, not unlike the way he’d felt earlier when Jeff asked if he could take Macy out on a date. It was silly to feel jealous of a piece of plastic, he knew, but he couldn’t deny the feeling was there. It smacked him right in the face. It should be his cock between Macy’s golden thighs.

Then he noticed the outside wrapper and return address. Of course. Macy’s friend Leticia had sent her the dildo. That would fit with what Macy had told him; Leticia was sexually experienced, and that no doubt included the use of toys.

Another moan came from the living room. Now he understood. The box in his hand was empty. Macy must be trying out her new toy right this very minute

He really should leave. Just quietly back out the door, get into his car, and drive away. Give her an hour alone. He shouldn’t have come home unannounced to begin with.

It wasn’t like there was anything wrong at all with what she was doing, but who wouldn’t feel awkward being walked in on? It was a very private matter, especially for someone as inexperienced as Macy.

He really should leave, he told himself again.

But his feet seemed rooted to the floor.

The sound of her voice, husky with arousal, seared right through him. His cock got harder and harder as he imagined her using the toy. The longer he stood there, hearing her make those sounds, the more he wanted to see what was going on. He crept toward the door, holding his breath.

Chapter 10

“Oh, Jerrod!”

He froze. There was no mistaking that Macy had just cried out his name. But a solid wall still separated them. How could she possibly know he was here?

“Yes! Oh. Mmm. That’s right, Jerrod. Just like that.”

Oh. My. God.

She was pretending the toy was him!

Without thinking, Jerrod turned and strode toward the patio door. A minute later he was safely in his car, being careful not to rev the engine as he backed out of the driveway. Two blocks from his house he pulled to the curb and turned off the key. Then he leaned back in the seat, scrubbing at his eyes to clear his head.

Holy shit.
Walking in on such an intimate act was really the last straw.

His self-control had been stretched to the very limit. Yes, he’d enjoyed getting to know her better, and yes, it was wonderful to come home to her even if they weren’t having sex. She was an intelligent, beautiful, remarkable young woman. A delightful companion.

But the naked truth? He
wanted to fuck her.

He couldn’t go on denying it. His reaction to Jeff today had been a big clue that he was barely holding himself in check.

And just now, hearing her call his name while she pleasured herself, it was all he could do not to storm in there, grab that damn plastic toy away from her, and remind her what it felt like to have a flesh-and-blood cock buried in her hot little pussy.

The fierce desire still raged through him while he sat there in the car, imagining again how she might look with her legs wide open and the dildo entering her body.

He had it bad.

Then he remembered why he had rushed home early. The case was breaking open. It was only a matter of time until the police backed Egan Jones into a corner and got a confession. Then with a little legal paperwork and a perfunctory court appearance, the charges would be dropped and Macy would be free to go home.

The goal of setting her free was all he’d been focused on. Now it struck him full force what her freedom would cost him. With three hundred miles—and twenty four years—separating them, it was foolish to imagine he’d ever see her again. She’d no doubt meet a man her own age sooner or later, and fall in love.

And that was what he wanted for her, right?

A sense of loss rolled over him like a bulldozer, squeezing the air from his lungs. He felt it in every cell of his body, along with the knowledge that he’d allowed himself to get way too attached to her. Maybe he was even a little in love with her in a schoolboy crush kind of way.

What an ass! He was a middle aged man, for God’s sake. A respected professional. And here he sat, mooning over a teenage girl.

He started the car up and drove down the hill toward Joe’s Burgers. He figured he’d better kill another hour before he went home. Give Macy plenty of time to finish getting acquainted with her
Stimulate-Her 2000

Inside Joe’s, he passed up the booths and tables in favor of a stool at the counter and ordered a chocolate shake. But when the drink arrived he found he had little stomach for it. He toyed with his straw, licking it clean, staring into the mirrored wall across from him. He sat up a little straighter as a pretty blonde woman appeared in the mirror and took the stool next to his.

“Well, hi there, Jerrod.” It was Pam, the grocery checker. She touched his arm with her flawlessly manicured hand and pressed her bosom against him. “What are you doing here in the middle of the afternoon?”

“Closed up shop a little early.” He tried not to look directly at her.

“Where’s your cute little brown girlfriend?
that’s what she is?” She drew these last words out as if insinuating that something unsavory might be going on between him and Macy. Irritation pricked at him. What right did Pam have to make such assumptions?

Especially when I’m not getting any.

“She’s a client,” he said. “The daughter of a friend.”

Now he did turn to look at her. Pam wore too much lipstick and a white blouse that showed too much cleavage—as usual. But aside from that, she was pretty, and had to be at least thirty, much closer to his own age. And hell, she’d make it easy for him to ask her out. Maybe he ought to consider it. But the words wouldn’t seem to come out of his mouth. Instead, he stood up and made a show of looking at his watch.

“Time to get on home. See you around, Pam.”

“Oh. Yeah. See ya.” Her red lips pinched shut in disappointment.

Back in the car he looked at his watch. He’d given Macy another half hour. Was that enough time? He drove at a snail’s pace up the hill to his street and pulled into his drive. Slamming the door hard to make as much noise as he could, he ambled toward the gate. Inside the back yard he set his briefcase down and pretended interest in pulling dead blossoms off the potted geraniums. Peter showed up from nowhere, snuggling up to his ankles.

“Is it all clear?” he whispered to the cat, squinting over his shoulder toward the kitchen window. Peter blinked and headed for the door. Jerrod decided to follow. He opened the back door and peeked in. The counter had been cleaned off. No wrapper. No incriminating box. Relief flooded him.

“Macy?” He called loudly enough that she would hear him from any room in the house. There was no answer. She must be in her own apartment. Good. He would just change his clothes, grab a beer, and wait for her here as if nothing had happened.

* * * *

Macy stepped out of the shower and began to dry off, watching herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. She realized that she was seeing her body in a whole different way than she used to. Instead of appraising each part and judging it too small, too large, not smooth enough, she was seeing herself as the sum of all her parts. A sensual, sexual woman, with an amazing, responsive body.

It was a completely new awareness.

She put lotion on her hands and ran them down over her breasts, cupping them, fingering the nipples until they peaked. Her breath hitched as she detected the faint stirrings of arousal once again, just as if there was a wire telegraphing signals from her nipples to her pussy. How awesome was that? The response was starting to be predictable now. She was beginning to know herself. What Jerrod had awakened in her on their one night together, she had really expanded upon this afternoon with the vibrator. With just a little practice, she’d learned to tease her own clit with it and pump it in and out of her pussy until she brought herself to a crashing orgasm. Alone with the sensations, she had felt free to really let go and enjoy herself.

It had been a fantastic and fun experience, just like Leticia promised it would be.

But it wasn’t the same as making love with Jerrod. Now that she understood things so much better, all she could think about was inviting him into her bed again. She wanted to feel his mouth tugging on her breasts, his tongue curling between her pussy lips, his rock-hard cock moving inside her.

And she wanted to know more. What about putting her mouth on his cock? As she thought about licking and sucking him, wondering how he might taste, a telltale dampness trickled between her thighs. She grinned at her reflection and gave herself a thumbs-up in the mirror. It was time to leave the rest of her innocence behind and take a more active role in things.

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