Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series)
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I want nothing to do with you! Get off of me!” she whimpered as he crawled on top of her.

Ignoring her pleas, he kissed her gently and held
the chains securing her wrists down above her head. The nerve of the creep offering for him to change bodies! Now that she knew the truth, that Dezmon was possessed she had no real gripe with him. He was a demon sure, but hadn’t gone on a random killing spree as she was lead to believe. She had no problem with Dezmon, he was handsome and had this been an alternate universe, she would’ve probably dated him. She was betting Samael had no problem bedding women using Dezmon. He had gorgeous green eyes, auburn hair and even though he was a little shorter than his brother, they shared the same wash board abs. It was like they had worked out every hour of everyday.    

“Please!” she begged as he ran his hands down to her thighs, moaning in her ear.

              Shutting her eye slightly, she felt his fingers trace the lining her lace panties. Tears burned at her eyes because she couldn’t believe the predicament she was in. Fallen in the trap of an evil bastard—her thoughts were interrupted when Vulcan crashed through the door. Samael spun around startled as Athena looked at the now splintered door. Lucien stepped threw it moments later as Samael rolled off of Athena. A tug tried to tease her lips because she was glad to see him, but she wouldn’t allow it. She was still confused as all hell and didn’t know who to trust.

“She asked you nicely.” Lucien said through clenched teeth.

Looking over to Attie, he wanted to rip his brother’s head off. Not only was she bound, she was half naked and shaking like a leaf on the bed. Those were grounds to kill
, let alone his own flesh and blood. He wasn’t about to let anyone touch

“If you were a little later, she would’ve changed her tune.” Samael smirked and Lucien clenched his fist a bit tighter.

Enough that he was tearing into his own hands with his nails drawing blood. Not holding back any longer, he rushed his brother. Samael grabbed Lucien and they struggled as he slammed into the wall. The impact caved the plaster, sending crumbling pieces down to coat them. Laughing, Vulcan jabbed Lucien in the gut, breaking ribs on impact. Lucien roared, but didn’t let go of his grip. Cocking back, he punched Samael square in the mouth sending blood gushing from Dezmon’s mouth and nose.

tipped into the room and went straight to the bed. She’d already gotten the key from Vulcan’s pocket before even attempting to help Athena. Grabbing the lock, she jammed the key in with a shaky hand. The sound of Lucien screaming jolted her and she dropped the key. Athena’s eyes shot to Lucien as he thrived in pain on the floor. Going to pick it up, she felt hands snake around her waist. Yanking her backward, Samael spun her around and pulled her close. Stopping abruptly after seeing her face, he released his grip.

“Hazel?” Dezmon asked with his voice caught in his throat.

Staring into his eyes, she thought she saw the guy she’d fallen in love with. But all that burned away the moment she remembered he was the same guy who ended her life. The same guy who plunged a dagger in her gut and caused her to bleed to death in agonizing pain. Eyes flickering red, Samael regained control of Dezmon before squaring his glare on Hazel.

“I killed you.”
Samael snarled grabbing for her, but she stepped away.

“Don’t you touch
her!” Dezmon shouted as Lucien flung an orb at him, hitting him in the back.

Lucien was hot on his brother’s heels, placing his arm around his neck he held him in a choke hold, cutting off his oxygen.
Hoping to put him to sleep rather than hurting him. Dezmon struggled as he clawed at his brother, but to no avail. Hazel regained her thoughts and grabbed the key before unlocking the chains that were holding Athena in place. Vulcan took that very opportunity to stir.

Dezmon struggled against his brother as his vision blurred, he felt his breath leaving him with haste as he became dizzy. A scream startled Lucien, so he
whirled to see Hazel on the floor clutching her cheek and Vulcan holding Athena by the throat in the air as her feet dangled. She clawed at Vulcan to release her, but the sick bastard grinned as he clasped tighter, pushing her to the wall. Moving toward her, he licked her throat before plunging his fangs into her it. Tearing her open with no remorse, her shrill scream echoed from the room and tears fell from her eyes as Vulcan began to drain her.

Fire boiled inside Lucien as he shoved Dezmon aside.

“You taste—like nothing I’ve ever had before. Need more.” He said heady as he went to bite her again, but Lucien’s fist connected with his jaw. Lucien felt bone crunch, but he felt that it still wasn’t enough punishment for the asshole.

Roaring, Vulcan dropped Athena to the floor and turned to face Lucien as another fist flew at him, knocking him to the floor. Turning to Athena, he saw the blood gushing from the puncture wounds Vulcan made. Kneeling to her, she inched back weakly, afraid of him.

“I promise I won’t hurt you.” He reassured. Not knowing how she’d react, he slowly reached for her and scooped her in his arms.

“Time to go.” He said helping Hazel up and she nodded swiftly.

“You’re not going anywhere with my
.” Dezmon growled as his eyes flickered red.

Not paying him any mind, Lucien ran to the huge window

“Hold onto to me Princess.” He whispered in Attie’s ear as he shifted her in one arm. Grabbing Hazel in the other, he
leapt out, shattering the glass.

Hazel shut her eyes tight as
she clutched onto to Lucien tight and they fell until he drew his wings. They were black as midnight and as beautiful as any creatures. Flapping them, they ascended gracefully through the air. He felt Athena fading in his left arm, so he clutched her waist tighter. Her weight made him dip a bit, so he flapped his wings harder, faster—he needed to get her somewhere safe before she bled out.

“Stay with me Princess.” He pleaded as she moaned.

Being that Athena’s house was no longer safe, Lucien didn’t take them there. Instead, he took them to a seedy motel far away from Dezmon’s house. The trip seemed quick enough, but Attie was pale by the time they’d arrived. Lucid but pale. Hazel nabbed the room as Lucien hid in the shadows and cradled Athena in his arms. The moment they got in the room he laid Attie on the bed and looked at the wound. The fucker had torn an artery and ripped it open. Granted, Athena’s blood was sweet and different from anything he’d ever tasted. Lucien knew what Vulcan meat when he said that because he’d almost lost himself when she let him feed from her.

Athena stared at Lucien with hard eyes, studying him
as he placed the last bandage on her throat. Hazel had left them alone to go get everyone a bite to eat.

Stop staring at me like that.” He said finally cutting his eyes up to her.

“Why should I? Who are you? Really?” she choked out afraid of the answer.

“I’m exactly who I said I was. Did Dezmon get into your head and fill it with crap?”

“He didn’t have to. Is it true? Is he your brother?” she pushed staring him in the eyes.

“Yeah.” He sighed nodding as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Why didn’t you tell me he was your brother?!” she shouted irate and he looked at her.

“Because you were trying to kill him.” He said truthfully.

“None of this makes sense to me.” She said turning her head away and wincing in pain.

Brushing her hair away from her throat, Lucien went to stroke it, but she pulled away cautiously. He hated this! She was the strongest woman he had encountered in all of his centuries of living and here she was shaking like a leaf because some prick—who happened to be his own brother tried to have his way with her. And to top it off a scumbag tore into her throat like she was a Thanksgiving feast!! But she never showed it. She was still being a hard ass and he loved her for it.

Whoa loved?

What the hell was happening to him?! Pulling away from her, he swallowed hard.

“I’m sorry for what happened.” He said standing and turning to leave.

“That’s it?!” she screamed. “You owe me more than that!”

“What do you want from me?!” he shouted turning and looking at her.

“The truth for once!” she screamed back.

“What have I lied to you about so far?” he asked snarky.

“I don’t know.” She said teary eyed. “You tell me.”

Sighing, he felt he did owe her.

“Lucien is my name.” he mumbled and Athena rolled her eyes as she finally let the tears burning her eyes out.

“I don’t have a last name. Being a demon, I guess it’s irrelevant.” He said walking to the bed.

“I’m 235 years old. But that’s in Earth years because in Hell—time is longer. A month down there is like a year.” He said cringing at the thought.

Leaning over her, he wiped the tears dry from her cheeks before standing upright again. He refused to be the reason she cried. Especially after the crap she’d just endured.

“I was born in Hell but I don’t know my parents. My mother left me when I was a few months old. All I know is that whoever she was—she was a succubus and my father was a demon.” He said as if the idea left him devastated.

The more he talked, the more she wanted him. She never knew anyone like him. Even angels were a bit emotionless. She sat quiet, fearing that he’d stop talking if she asked anything.

“Because of that I’m a mixed breed, something that’s not accepted down there.” He mumbled.

*Lucien wiped the blood from his mouth
as he looked up to Fury, a fellow demon who was a little older than him. Just like clockwork he and his group of friends bullied Lucien to no end. Beating him until he bled, only for him to heal and they’d do it again until they got tired.

“Baby gonna cry?” Fury chuckled as Lucien bawled his hands into fist.

He was lying on the scorching ground looking up to the group staring down at him. There was no way he could take them and he knew it, but that never stopped him from trying. Fury was after all surrounded by Vengeance, Brute, Carnage, and Vicious. Who all got their names by being nothing less than that. Pushing up from the ground, Lucien attacked Fury, in hopes of knocking him to the ground. Instead, Fury caught his fist and hit him in the gut before laughing as he crumbled back to the ground.

“Enough.” Lucien heard a voice rumble and the demon boys scattered into the darkness.

Clutching his stomach, he looked up to see Dante looking down at him.

“Get up.” He ordered and Lucien staggered to his tiny feet.

He was seven but small for a demon, hence why he was always bullied. Dante never helped anyone, so Lucien pondered why he stepped in. Was it to punish him for being too weak? Had the trainer told him how poorly he was progressing in class?! Everyone else practically laughed him out of training every day. Standing tall, he waited to see what his fate was. Looking Lucien in the eyes, Lucien could swear he saw a smile teasing his lips. But that was impossible because Dante

“You never back down.” His deep voice thundered.

“It doesn’t matter because they still beat me up.” Lucien replied as tears burned his eyes.

“Crying is a sign of weakness.” Dante warned.

“I’m already weak.” Lucien replied letting the water works flow.


Without warning, Dante threw a punch at Lucien. Rolling out of the way, Lucien ran at Dante with full force, trying to attack him. Stepping out of the way, Lucien tumbled to the ground.

“Weak people don’t try to attack me.” Dante chuckled. “Come with me.” He ordered walking off and after jumping up, Lucien followed

“Dante trained me himself
after that day. Making me everything I’m worth—a cold hearted killer.” Lucien replied still not making eye contact with Athena.

He was too ashamed of what he was but she asked to know. Telling her what he’d done would be a good thing because they weren’t destined to be together

“That’s all I’m good at. He used me to torture demons, monsters…things nightmares are made of. And to top it off--I killed humans for years. I’m better than anyone else at it.” He said coldly turning his back to her. “So if you know what’s good for you, you’d stay away from me.” 

With that, he strode to leave, but she caught his hand. When she’d gotten off the bed? He didn’t know, but she was right on his heels. Spinning him around,
she stared into is striking emerald eyes.

“Well I guess I don’t know what’s good for me.” She replied kissing him fiercely.

Lucien stood firm as
Athena’s mouth caressed his. Standing with both hands fisted at his side, he made no movement and she noticed. It wasn’t exactly the reaction she was fishing for. Drawing back a bit she looked up to him and saw the hard look in his eyes. He had never looked at her like that before and she damn sure didn’t like it.

BOOK: Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series)
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