Loving Jay (23 page)

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Authors: Renae Kaye

BOOK: Loving Jay
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Gavin, however, stuttered and hesitated on the handshake. He couldn’t look Jay in the face and turned bright red. Next in line was Alison’s brother, Glen, and I could see what he was thinking clearly.
Holy shit! What sort of family is my sister marrying into?

Darren and Colin were fine with it. But Ben’s mate from work, Taz, just waved at us and made no attempt to come and even shake my hand. It was Mike, however, who caused the most pain. He deliberately left the room before I could get around to him, and he made sure he was seated far away from us throughout the whole night. It hurt.

Pizza arrived and everyone tucked into the meal. The music was cranked up, the alcohol flowed freely, and the language deteriorated with every passing hour. In other words, it was the perfect party. Jay managed to find some conversations to join in and hotly debated with Glen over some sort of cooking reality TV show called
My Kitchen Rules
. My brothers sought him out to get to know him better, although I had to warn Ben off a couple of times when the conversation turned a little dirty and a little pointed. “Ben. Fuck off! You are not asking Jay about losing his virginity are you? Shit, man! Brush up on your manners!”

There were a couple of gay comments made throughout the night that were well meaning and some said with the intent to offend.

Ben: “Liam, go and grab more beer from the fridge. Now that you’re a girl, you should be getting used to that.”

John: “Fuck off, Liam, and don’t go shaking that queer arse of yours anywhere near my drink!”

Colin: “You should let Liam choose the music. Gay men have so much better taste.”

To those comments I simply flipped them the bird or, in John’s case, thumped his arm. I owed him for the thump at the funeral, after all.

But then, there were those deliberately offensive asides.

Gavin: “What? You gave up on ever trying to land a lady, so had to go for the half man instead or something?”

Mike: “Shit. I can’t sit there. That’s where the faggots were sitting. I could catch something.”

Glen: “It’s a joke, right? You are not really gay and you’re trying to yank Ben’s chain for the wedding or something?”

I kept my temper at those comments and let them slide the best I could. It was a party, after all—a celebration for one brother, held at another brother’s house. I didn’t want to start anything that could end in broken furniture or broken heads. Then Mike, with more than a couple of beers under his belt, turned to me and said, “So, since the stripper hasn’t arrived yet, perhaps you can ask your girlfriend to liven up the party with a couple of blow jobs, yeah? I’m sure he will enjoy it, too.”


Even with Jay desperately hanging on to my right arm, I managed to fly across the room and pop Mike one in the mouth. It wasn’t a full swing because I was reduced to using my left hand, but it still landed and bloodied his mouth in a satisfying manner. He began to howl and the room erupted. My vision became a sea of red and I could feel my body shake and quiver, ready to fight. Bodies pushed between us, even though Mike wasn’t fighting back, just kneeling on the floor like a little girl with his hands up to his mouth.

Arms encircled me and lifted me off my feet, swinging me around and pushing me from the room. I pushed them away, happy to be leaving the presence of the horrid man. I found myself in Cameron’s lounge room at the front of the house, my breathing harsh and rapid, my blood at boiling point, and my hand killing me. “Fuck!” I swore to myself, pacing the room and shaking off the pain. I hoped I hadn’t broken anything.

Jay was there, watching me anxiously as he wrung his hands together. “Hey! You okay?”

I distantly realized that Cameron was in the room with us, albeit guarding the door. I wondered if he was stopping me from leaving the room or protecting me from any retribution coming my way. My brother’s existence in the room stopped me from kissing Jay senseless and telling him that as long as he was by my side, I was okay.

Instead, I pulled Jay into a hug, and tucked him under my chin like I loved to do. Immediately, my emotions calmed as if he were Jesus standing on the boat in the middle of the storm. The waves subsided and all the apostles were saved. I turned to Cameron.

“Sorry, bro. I didn’t mean to start a fight in the middle of your house and party.” And I was sorry. I wasn’t just saying it; I really meant it. I didn’t want my choices in life to impact on others.

But Cameron just waved it away. “Hell, no. If Mike had said something like that about Anita I would’ve punched him more than once. It was totally uncalled for. Don’t let it bother you, man.” There were sounds outside the room in the passageway to the front door. Car doors slammed and voices called. Cameron didn’t move from his spot. “They called him a taxi. Time to go home.”

I squeezed Jay and plonked a kiss on his head. “We’ll go, too, once the taxi has gone. I am really sorry.” Cameron was looking at me strangely. “What?”

He gave a really big, fake sniff, and pretended to mop up nonexistent tears on his face. “
Our baby is all grown up and saving the world!

“What the fuck, man?”

He just kept on with that silly grin. “Sorry—that was some stupid quote from a movie Anita always watches. Some cartoon shit—
or something. I am just happy to see you happy, man.”

I looked him up and down skeptically. “Happy? I just punched a guy in the face, and you think I’m happy?”

The three of us laughed; that did sound rather lame. Cameron shook his head and shrugged. “No, bro. I mean you getting all aggro and shit over your boyfriend. You are the most laid-back of all of us. Nothing gets your dander up. Not when Dale took off with your girlfriend, not when Dad gives you shit about not having a license, not even when Mum asks you for the two-hundredth time if you have brought someone to Sunday Roast. You just take it and continue on. I didn’t think you had it in you to care this much about something or someone. I’m glad you have. I guess it took turning gay to make you into a man.” I felt Jay splutter against my chest and was about to give Cameron a piece of my mind when his mobile went off in his pocket. He yanked it out and his face lit up. “Excellent timing! The stripper is about to arrive.”

“What?” I was surprised. “Alison said no strippers.”

Cameron gave me a devilish grin. “What Alison doesn’t know, doesn’t hurt Alison. And no telling Anita either or I won’t be having sex for a good two months. Now, are you guys coming?” I stared at him with my brows raised. “Oh, shit. Yeah. Whoops. Forgot.” He gave a nervous little laugh. “No problem. But you guys are not allowed to leave the party.” He pointed at us sternly, trying for a straight face.

I clapped him on the shoulder. “It’s cool. Jay and I will just have a little alone time here in the lounge, yeah? Some make-out on your sofa? Just knock on the door when the naked woman has left.”

Cameron froze, put his hands up to fend me off, and screwed up his eyes in a look of put-upon disgust. “Oh, gross, dude! Don’t spoil my sofa for me. I’ll never be able to sit on it again! Just tell me you’ll watch TV or something. Fuck, man! I’m going to have to wash my brain with bleach. Show me to some frickin’ naked boobs so I can forget!”

We were all laughing as Cameron exited the room, shutting the door firmly behind him. I reached over and flicked the light off before steering Jay to the couch. He dropped down onto the suede cover and I followed him, pinned him with my weight, and sought out the skin of his neck with my lips.

“Ahh… Liam?”

“Mm-hmm?” My lips and tongue were too busy to worry about forming words.

“What are you doing?” Jay lifted his head, allowing me further access to his earlobe and the golden studs he had put in tonight. The gold ones weren’t as delicious as the diamonds, but they still turned me on something fierce.

“I’m not doing a good enough job of seducing you if you can still talk,” I teased him. Jay moaned and arched up into me, pressing his arousal against mine. I guess that was answer enough for me. I pulled at his shirt, untucking it from his jeans so I could find skin and plunging my hands up to feel the tiny pucker of his nipples. Finally I kissed my way across his cheek until I found his mouth, and locked our lips together so I could kiss him deeply. He placed his hands on my butt, pulled me tighter against him, and ground our hips together.

Somewhere in the back of the house the music started up again, reminding me that it had been shut off when I lost my temper. This new music was loud and sultry, with a throbbing beat to it. In other words—stripper music. We wouldn’t be interrupted any time soon.

I reached for Jay’s shaft between our bodies and yelped in pain as the ache intensified in my hand. “Fuck! That was my sore hand!”

Jay pushed at my shoulders until I was sitting up. He took my hand in both of his, and lightly kissed the knuckles. They were swollen and I could feel the heat beginning to rise in them. I should really have some ice on them.

But then Jay licked at them with his tongue and all thoughts of ice flew out of my mind. Wetness and warmth were all I was thinking about. Jay whispered to me as he covered my entire hand with his lips and tongue. “Oh, my sweetness. You are my hero. You make me melt when you take on the world for me. I would do anything for you. Anything. Every time someone is mean to me, you come across like a raging bull, and that fucking makes me want to cream in my pants. And when I think about the fact that your hard cock will be pounding my arse later tonight, I am instantly hard and horny. You make me want to drop my pants so you can take me right there in the middle of the room with all those posturing heteros looking on. That way they will know I belong to you and they’ll know you will protect me. Fucking hell. You’re so sexy and I can’t get enough of you. I want you to fuck me hard. I want to blow your brains. I want you to suck my dick. I want to stick my tongue in you. I want to ride your fingers.”

By this time my cock was dripping and begging, and I didn’t know how I kept from coming, right then and there. I hauled Jay up against me, all pain forgotten, and locked my mouth to his. This man held my heart, and I couldn’t get enough.

“I love you, Jay. No one will hurt you while I am alive to say something about it.”

It wasn’t really the best place to make the confession to him—in my brother’s darkened lounge room while eleven men nearby hollered and hooted as some stripper took her clothes off. But it was done and I didn’t want to take it back.

Jay pulled back from me, staring with eyes I could just see in the darkened room. “What?”

I wasn’t reluctant to say it again. I would skywrite it if I had enough money to burn. “I love you, James Bell. I love you with all of my heart. You are the missing piece from my life.”

“You love me?” Jay stuttered.

“Yes. Totally.”

His smile was brilliant in the darkness. “Well, that’s good. Because, man, I have been head over heels gone for you for absolutely ages.”


“Of course! Who else would I deliberately miss my train for just so I could talk to them? I knew right then I was in trouble. Shit! I was late to work just so I could talk to a straight dude? I was a goner before you even spoke to me.”

I grinned with elation. “You deliberately missed the train that morning?”

“Hell, yes! I saw you running and so I casually stepped off the beast, then hid behind a pillar and waved that puppy good-bye. It was the best thing that I have ever done in my life!”

I laughed and kissed him again. “And I am ever so glad you did.”

“And now you are mine.” He kissed me firmly, pushing me back on the sofa.

“And you are mine.”

He ran his tongue down the pulse in my neck. “And anyone who wants to hurt me pays the consequences.”

I threaded my fingers through his hair and vowed with my heart. “And anyone who wants to hurt you will definitely pay the consequences.”

Jay kissed his way down the buttons holding my shirt together. My belt had come undone without me knowing. Jay pushed the material aside so he could swirl his tongue around my bellybutton while he unzipped my jeans. He whispered, “And the only person who I am ever giving a blow job to is you.”

My tongue had become disconnected to my brain as Jay pulled my stiffened dick up to his mouth. “Ahh….” I couldn’t answer him, so he simply slithered to his knees on the carpet and took me deep inside the hollow cavern of his warm mouth.

He swirled his tongue around the crown of my arousal, licking gently at the slit. I could hear him in the hushed room, still managing to murmur words of love and adoration at me. “Yes. Gosh, I love the taste of you. Hmm-mm. That prick had one thing right, I do love doing this to you.” He took me in again, bobbing his head to the beat of the music down the hall.

“Jay…. Shit, man. You’re the master and I’m going to come any second.”

He hummed his agreement around the shaft in his mouth and I exploded, my balls drawing up tight and the tip of my penis shooting hard into Jay’s mouth. It was fucking fantastic. I felt like I was coming for days but he simply swallowed over and over, not wasting a bit and not getting any on my clothes or the sofa. Finally, my dick flopped past his lips, tiredly resting on my thigh. “Oh, God. That was the best.”

Jay’s grin was unrepentant as he slithered up my body to once again sip at my lips. “I aim to please.”

I could still feel his hardness in his pants and I fumbled for his belt. “How long until they come knocking on that door, do you reckon? Do I have time to suck you off?”

Jay laughed against my mouth. “Shit, Liam. It will take all of ten seconds to get me off. Don’t rub me, for God’s sake. Get down there and take me in your mouth before I make a huge mess on your brother’s lounge. I will never be able to look him in the eye again if I spill myself over his furniture, so you better make sure you don’t miss a drop.”

I loved it when Jay got all bossy and demanding when it came to his own pleasure. I pulled him up until he was kneeling on the lounge, over and in front of me. His cock was thick but not overly long, which pleased me endlessly. Now that I’d had some practice at it, I could stretch my mouth over that fat sucker and pull him in all the way until my nose was buried in his pubic hair. The smell of sex was deepened down there and I grabbed Jay’s arse, pulling him in until he was fucking my face.

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