Loving A Romano (4 page)

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Authors: Sindee Lynn

BOOK: Loving A Romano
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“Oh God Ashley I don’t know how much longer I can hold out,” he said between his clenched teeth.

“Who asked you to?”

The challenge was clear in the look she gave him. It was all the invitation he needed. Long slow strokes were replaced in with hard short pounding thrusts. Her fingers gripped his hips. Ashley’s fingernails sank into his skin as she thrust upwards to meet his motions. He knew he would be bruised tomorrow but it didn’t matter. Just like he cared less about the bite mark he was sure to have on his chest from the gnawing of her teeth against him with each thrust. None of it mattered. It would be a reminder for him that tonight had happened and it hadn't been a part of his over active imagination.

“Oh Wade I’m so close. Harder. Fuck me harder,” Ashley breathed against his ear before taking his lobe between her teeth and giving a sharp tug.

The slight pain nudged him on and he began to piston in and out of her faster and harder. When his dick hit her back walls, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold on to the orgasm tingling at the base of his spine.

“I can’t hold off any longer Ashley. I’m gonna cum,” he said against her neck.

He felt it moving up the base of his dick. His balls hardened against his body. The first shots caught him off guard and he gasped for breath. His orgasm was so powerful Wade could barely breathe as he continued to thrust into her. He felt her cunt muscles tightening around him and she began to jerk beneath him.

The quiet of the room was only disturbed by the harsh sounds of their breathing as they each attempted to catch their breath. He glanced down at the woman beneath him, her eyes closed, a soft smile on her lips. He brushed the hair away from her damp forehead. All the years he’d watched and waited praying for his chance. Damn had it been worth the wait. Just then her lids opened to display, to his surprise, a look of fresh desire.

“Let’s do that again,” she said wrapping her legs around his waist and wiggling beneath him.

Oh yeah it had been well worth the wait he thought as he reluctantly withdrew from her to pull off the used condom. When she pushed him completely off of her forcing him onto his back, her hand wrapped around his dick, he knew this was where he was meant to be. The only question was if she’d let him stay.


Chapter Five


“What the hell is that white boy doing here again? Doesn’t he have a home to go to?” David said.

Pushing her hair out of her face, Ashley glanced up at David through blurred vision. He towered over the bed. His nostrils were flared and a deep scowl was on his face

“Why are you yelling? It’s just Wade. He came last night,” she mumbled rolling over, giving David her back.

Her body snapped to attention at the reality of exactly how true that statement was. Her face heated as she recalled all the things they’d done last night. Oh God what had she been thinking.

“I know who it is. He can’t find somewhere else to crash when he’s had too much to drink? Why the hell can’t he call a cab like other drunks do and carry his ass home?” he asked still yelling. “It’s not like he can’t afford it.”

Temporarily pushing away any thoughts of what she’d done last night, Ashley rolled over to face David.
Now you're wide awake. Had you been this fired up last night then perhaps what happened wouldn't have happened
. She frowned causing her brow to furrow. Even after she’d returned to her room it had taken her another hour to finally drift off to sleep. Thoughts of a tall lean frame and a silver tongue ring had followed her into her dreams.

“It’s not the first time he’s stayed over.” The reply was automatic. After all this was an old argument between them so she could function on auto pilot for a while at least until she could sort some things out. Her mind was already spinning with all the possible repercussions of her actions last night. She’d never cheated while in a committed relationship. In fact, it was one of the things she’d always prided herself on. What did that say about her relationship with David? But more importantly what did her actions say about her as a person? Shame threatened to consume her.

“I know it’s not the first time he’s stayed over. If he can’t hold his liquor then maybe he shouldn’t drink. Or maybe you and that damn family of his need to consider some sort of intervention.”

The bed slumped as David flopped down on the opposite side. A glance behind her confirmed he was pulling on his clothes. His movements were jerky due to his anger. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. There were so many bigger issues going on right now other than the fact Wade had spent yet another night in her house. How about the fact he’d spent half the night inside of her? But she kept silent.

“I don’t understand your relationship with that kid. It’s almost as if you feel you owe him something. I know his mom and dad took you in after your folks died. But it’s not like your parent’s death left you penniless. They left you better than well off and besides you were what? A junior or senior in high school,” David said glancing at her over his shoulder.

She continued her silence. Nothing good could possibly come from having this discussion with him this morning.

“I mean okay so they were there to help you out, but at some point that debt has got to be paid. Don’t you think Ashley?”

“David let it go. I am not discussing this today,” she said finally.

Any guilt or shame over her indiscretion from the previous night was quickly being replaced by her own growing anger.

“I just don’t get it. That was what? A little over fifteen years ago and they’re still making you pay for taking you in. I think they need to find another mammy to take care of their kid if he can’t take care of himself and let you off the hook.”

Her world paused and she sat straight up in bed.

“What did you say?”

David paused in what he was doing to glance at her over his shoulder again.

“What part? Weren't you listening to me Ashley? I swear the last couple of times I’ve been home it’s like you’re not here. I don’t know where your head has been. But I can hazard a guess. Right up the ass of that whole damn Romano family that’s where.”

Her head was buzzing with the sound of her own indignation over the audacity of the man. It took several attempts of opening and closing her mouth before she could get any words past the anger threatening to choke her.

“Where do those people get off treating you like that and you allowing it? Didn’t you get the memo? Slavery and Jim Crow are over. White people take care of their own damn kids now.”

She shoved the covers back and stood facing his back.

“You don’t know anything about the Romanos’ David. Your opinion of them is based on what?” Her voice came back with a vengeance.

Whatever his response she didn’t want to hear it, she stormed towards her closet. As she rummaged around for sweats and a t-shirt, she could hear him explaining his reasons for his opinions.

“They’re white and they have money for one…”

She pulled her clothes on over the negligee she’d reluctantly pulled on after the shower she’d taken once back in her room. She hadn't wanted David to question the change in clothes. As it was she needn’t have worried because she doubted he had even noticed what she’d had on when he had arrived. She may as well have dressed in a sack. Well someone had appreciated it. Against her will her mind conjured up the image of Wade's appreciative gaze roving over her scantily clad body. The look had done wonders to bolster her ego. As if she needed any help in that area. If nothing else Ashley Morgan had always been confident about the way she looked.

Despite being what society considered a “big girl” she had never allowed it to stop her. She’d always taken pride in how she looked and made it a habit to take care of the body God had given her. The night she’d met David she’d been well aware of the women he normally dated and admittedly she didn’t fit the bill. Yet she’d accepted his dinner invitation anyway. She was no slouch and hadn’t felt like she should deprive herself just because she didn’t have a model’s body paired with blonde hair and big tits—correction fake tits. She fought back the insane urge to giggle.

David was fully dressed standing by the bed when she emerged from the closet. He was still talking and she had to wonder if he’d even noticed she’d walked away. Probably not that’s how self-absorbed he was. It had never been one of her favorite character traits in anyone, which brought up the question of why she’d continued to see him. As she stood in amazement watching him continue to press his point of view as if she’d never left the room, she realized the answer. It spoke to her own shallowness. But the one thing Ashley had always tried to do was keep it real with at least herself.

Seeing him grab his overnight bag snapped Ashley out of her dream like state. He walked to where she stood just outside of her closet door.

“In case you hadn’t noticed I am a highly sought after pro athlete. Who by the way can have any woman he wants. But I chose you. I didn’t choose you plus that damn kid in the other room, his bitch of a sister nor the red and green flagged family they came from.”

“Red, green and white you asshole!” she screamed at him.

Ashley's blood was boiling. David had never taken the time to get to know Heather to know whether her bitch like ways were a front or the real thing. He’d never taken the time to get to know any of the Romanos. When he moved closer to where she stood, her fist tightened at her side. It was amazing how hard it was not to take a swing at him. Any thoughts of guilt she’d had earlier about her actions from last night were all but extinguished. In truth this had been coming for a long time. In a perfect world she wouldn't have wanted it to come on the heels of her cheating on him but that’s how it had turned out. It was anyone’s guess just how long she would have gone on in this farce of a relationship just to say she had David Wright on her arm and in her bed.

“If I wasn’t the man I am I might be concerned about the amount of time you and that boy spend together. I mean some of the guys have even suggested you might be getting it on with him or something.”

Her head snapped up.

“Hell for as much as he’s here and I’m not how the hell am I supposed to know that’s not what’s going on.”

Anger tinged with guilt caused her body to be suffused with heat. His stare was upon her. Ashley realized he was waiting for a reply. But she could not bring herself to sully what had happened last night by blatantly lying. Even if it meant addressing an issue she really wasn’t ready to handle yet. Hoping none of the turmoil she was feeling on the inside would be reflected in her eyes, she took a deep breath before lifting her gaze to meet David’s. His eyebrows were drawn together. The heat of his gaze was made her uncomfortable. It was as if he could see into her soul and he knew what she had done.

“Is that it? You want to fuck that white boy?”

Hearing filthy and offensive words come out of his mouth made her cringe. She was certain it was how he had meant it to sound. No matter how wrong her actions had been last night, she was not going to continue to deal with this bullshit. Not from someone who could stand to take a lesson or two from that “white boy” in the bedroom.

“I think it’s time for you to leave David.” She was glad her voice came out calmer than she felt. Her stomach churned and her body all but shook with her indignation and anger.

“That’s what I’m doing,” he said glancing down at his overnight bag and then back at her. “I noticed you didn’t deny what I said.”

She forced herself to stand a little taller when all she wanted to do was crawl back in bed and hide. Meeting the clear accusation in his eyes, Ashley allowed all the raw emotion she was feeling to show in her gaze and her tone. “I don’t feel your comment deserves a response of any kind.”

That was true. She refused to allow any of what she’d done last night or the pleasure she’d experienced within Wade's talented arms to be ruined.

A look of disbelief filled his eyes before he shook his head and laughed. “That’s fine don’t answer. Hell he’s down the hall right now. No time like the present.”

All she could do was stare at him, her mouth open in shock. The utter audacity of the man. Ashley watched as he picked up his jacket from the chair where he’d laid it last night and then stood in front of her a smile on his face.

“You know if you get it out the way between today and tomorrow give me a call. Maybe we can still spend some time together before I head out again. I don’t leave until next week,” he said leaning close to her as if to give her a kiss.

She stepped out of reach before his lips could make contact. Not saying a word, she turned away from him and walked into her closet. She retrieved the same Austin Blaze bag he had used to bring some of his things in over two months ago from the back of the closet. She walked out and placed the open bag on the bed before once again entering her closet to gather his stuff, all the while mumbling to herself. “Arrogant, egotistical self-absorbed bastard. Always telling me what a good man he is. I should be glad he’s my man. With all that money you would think he would go buy himself a larger dick.”

“What are you doing?” He head titled to the side as he watched her.

Barely sparing him a glance, she headed back to the closet. With each arm load of clothes she brought out she felt lighter. A heavy sigh of relief left her lungs as she dropped her final load on the bed.

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