Love Me Again (14 page)

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Authors: Teresa Greene

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Then his expression softened as did his tone. “I’m sorry, Abby. I love you, but I can’t seem to move past the fact you denied me my son. Give me two weeks to spend with you and Daniel. I’m sure we can be a family.”  

Abby wanted to tell him to go to hell, but she feared he would take Daniel from her. She had wronged him and he was not likely to let her forget it. “Give me a chance, Abby. Please, you can love me again.” 

Abby didn’t tell him she never stopped loving him. However, she would not give him the satisfaction of knowing she still lay awake at night yearning for his touch. She hated his effect on her. At least he was willing to make the effort. Maybe they could be a family. “Two weeks.”

Cord embraced her. He lifted her chin and pressed his lips lightly against hers causing butterflies to flutter in her stomach. She met his gaze and saw the lust in his eyes. At least he still desired her.      


After Abby laid Daniel down for his nap, she found Taylor in his study nursing a whiskey. “Isn’t it a little early for drinking?”

Even though his expression remained grave, her uncle smiled. “I’m worried about you. That was your handprint on Cord’s cheek?”

Abby plopped down in the chair dangling her legs over the side and sighed, “Yes, he gave me an ultimatum. He plans to court me for two weeks. If I don’t agree to marry him at that time, he will take Daniel from me. He said he has the money to do so. Do you think he can take Daniel?” The unwelcome memory of his words caused her stomach to clinch in pain.

“He is a very wealthy man. Abby, I did a little investigating. Not only is he financially well off, he knows a lot of people in high places. I don’t think he would act on his threat. I can tell by the way he looks at you, he loves you. He knows a mother’s love for her child is strong, and I don’t think he would take Daniel from you. But he is angry. His plan was to take you and his son when he left today. I would have done everything in my power to stop him, but I am no match for Cord Sutton. I think he will use Daniel to control you.”

Abby pursed her lips in concentration. “Do you know what Bart Langley did to Cord?”

“Yes, but I think he should tell you. The man deserves Cord and his family’s anger. From my investigations, Cord is a decent man. I would not have allowed him in our home if I did not think so. Maybe you should trust him.”

“I am so afraid it is Daniel he wants and not me.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Abby. The man loves you.” Abby frowned, remembering the passion they had shared. Yes, he was attracted to her, but did he love her?


Wind blowing in her face, her hair flying out behind her, Abby streaked across the road as she gave Sugar her head. She bent low over her horse’s neck and tried to leave all her troubles in the dust. Her conversation with Uncle Taylor did little to ease her worries. Cord’s threats kept repeating in her brain.

Above her on the knoll, she saw the rider approaching and reigned in Sugar to wait for him to come closer. When she recognized James McDonald, she smiled. “Hello, James.”

Sugar snorted loudly as she sucked air though her nostrils after her mad dash across the countryside. With gloved hands, James leaned against the saddle horn and gazed at Abby. A hint of a smile playing at his lips, he asked, “Do you always ride at such speeds?”

Not wanting to confide her problems to James, she struggled to keep the pain from her voice. “From time to time.”

Patting his horse’s neck to calm the high-strung animal, James asked, “Do you mind if I ride along with you?”   

“Nothing would give me more pleasure. I have to be home in about an hour.” Abby thought about Daniel. He usually slept two hours after lunch. An hour should give her plenty of time to return before he wakes.

As he reined his horse along side Sugar, James pulled back on the reins to slow his horse’s faster gait. The spirited horse strained at the bit, and tossed his head.

“James, do you live close by?”

“No, my father owns a plantation in Raleigh. I am visiting with friends for a few days.”    

Curious, Abby asked, “You mentioned your last name is McDonald. Are you Scottish?”

“My father’s grandfather came from Scotland over eighty years ago and settled near Raleigh. We have prospered ever since.”

A frown creased James’ brow. “I hope you don’t mind me being so bold, but why haven’t you married, Abby? You are very pretty, surely you have had offers. How old are you?”

Abby thought about Andrew and Cord. “I am nineteen, and yes I have had offers of marriage.” She decided to be honest with James. “I am getting married in a few weeks. Do you know Cord Sutton?”

Surprise showed on his face. “Yes, I know Cord. He has a plantation near Raleigh. I thought he was a confirmed bachelor. How did you ever meet Cord Sutton?”

“It’s a long story. One I would rather not get into.” To change the subject, Abby asked, “How old are you?”

“I am twenty-one. I am in my last year of law school.” 

Abby stared at James. Again she couldn’t believe how similar their features. Not wearing a hat, his deep, rich, auburn hair shown in the bright sunshine. Blue eyes almost the same shade as hers watched her intently. “I can’t believe we look so much alike. Even my Uncle Taylor noticed.”

“It is odd isn’t it? We could pass for brot
her and sister. Do your parents have auburn hair?”

“No, only me.”  Abby
didn’t want to discuss her mother so she did not mention she was dead. All the pain of her death was still too fresh. “I have a brother, Nick, but he resembles my father.”

“What are your parents’ names?”

Was she imagining, or did she really hear excitement in his voice? Why did he seem so interested in her? Before coming to Durham her life had been nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, he asked about her parents. “Jacob and Martha Henley.”

“And you mentioned you are from Tarboro.” 

“Yes, we have a small farm near the Tar River. Abby knew she should be returning home soon. “We had better head back to my uncle’s.”

“I’ll ride along until we come in sight of the house, then I will leave you. I have plans tonight in town with some friends so I can’t tarry long.”


Cord chose the most elegant restaurant in Durham. Understanding Abby was nervous because this was her first time eating in a restaurant, Cord tried to relieve her anxieties by asking for a secluded table on the terrace. The half moon drenched her in enough light to make her seem mysterious. The emerald green dress she chose to wear shimmered in the glow of the lit candle on the table. The bodice dipped low, revealing a lot of cleavage, which kept drawing his attention. Her brilliant, russet hair never looked more seductive, especially in the romantic glow of moonlight. She wore it the way he preferred, hanging loose down her back. Funny, how she seemed to grow more and more beautiful every time he saw her. Delighted she made the effort to look pretty for him, a broad smile crossed his face. A gentle breeze blew and Cord breathed in the scent of her. “I prefer vanilla.” 

“Beg your pardon.”

“Your perfume, I prefer the scent of vanilla.”

Abby’s cheeks turned pink. “You knew I used vanilla for perfume?”

“Yes, it reminded me of sugar cookies. My grandmother use
d to bake sugar cookies with us when we were little. The scent of vanilla is so fresh, clean, and down to earth. Just like you.” His heart skipped a beat when Abby smiled sweetly. “I have missed your smile, Abby. I hope to see it more often. We can’t go back to the beginning but we can make a new ending.”

Her eyes dropped to the table. “A lot has happened since then, Cord. I don’t know if I will ever be able to trust you. It broke my heart when I saw you in bed with that harlot.”       

“I have all the faith in the world that you will trust me again, Abby. I remember all those nights you slipped into my bed. You could not keep your wild little hands off me.  I can’t wait until we are married so we can rekindle those feelings.” 

Abby’s face went up in flames as her eyes came back up and locked with his.  “I’m glad you are enjoying my discomfort. You are such a devil.” Her furious whisper made him laugh. 

Before he could tease her further, the waiter arrived and took their order. She kept her eyes downcast as Cord ordered their meal.

The moment the waiter left with their order, Abby asked, “Tell me about your family, Cord. Do you have other siblings besides Adam?”

“Yes, I have two younger brothers and one sister. Because Adam is home more, they live with him at his plantation. He is also better at handling the trouble my two younger brothers cause. He thought they would never finish their studies because of all the times they were kicked out of school. My sister, Meredith, is at a marriageable age but every time Adam makes a decent match for her, she does something to ruin his plans. It will not be easy to find a man to put up with her fiery temper and spirit.”

“Does Meredith resemble you or Adam?”

Cord smiled as he thought of his sister. “She is a mixture of us both. Her hair and eyes are dark like mine.” 

“She sounds lovely.”  

Cord reached across the table and took Abby’s hand in his. Her calluses were no longer so noticeable. At least she didn’t have to work so hard at her Uncle Taylor’s home. “I have given our situation a lot of thought. I know you have been able to keep Daniel a secret. After we are married, everyone will know about him. The best way to explain you having a child is to tell people we are already married.” Cord felt her tense and knew the lie would not sit well with her. He rushed on before she could interrupt him. “We can say we married before I left Tarboro. I will get a document falsified stating we were married a year ago. Then that will explain everything.”

With trepidation on her face, she replied, “How will you explain the fact I told people I was not married. I told several men at the Lewis party I was unmarried. I met several young men at Taylor and Judith’s wedding that know I’m not married.”

“We can tell people you were angry at me and considering divorce. The gossip has made the rounds about our terrible argument at the Lewis party. We will convince everyone that you could not resist my charm and allure and forgave me.” For a split second he thought he had convinced her, until her chin rose in defiance. He continued before she could interrupt, “We will make it sound so romantic. I came to the party knowing you would be there so I could convince you to take me back.”

Eyes wide and glaring she explained, “No, I do not care what people think. I would rather be honest. We will tell them the truth. I kept Daniel’s existence from you. Then when you found out about him, you asked me to marry you and I accepted.”

Cord replied stiffly, “Daniel will still be branded a bastard even if we get married. I want my son to be respected and admired.”

“Uncle Taylor told me your family has wealth and connections. He will be accepted.” 

Cord wanted to scream at her. She had no idea how snobbish some people could be. The thoughts of anyone ever calling his son a bastard caused him physical pain. 

Abby squeezed his hand. “It will be okay, Cord. Daniel will have enough love and support in his life, it will not matter what people say behind his back. He will have family. I will not be able to look people in the face and tell a lie.”

Cord thought Abby was so naïve. Raised by extremely religious parents on a farm in the middle of nowhere, she had no idea how cruel people could be, especially people with wealth. The only evil that ever came to her door was the three men who tried to rape her. She led a sheltered until he showed up and showed her passion.

Remembering how she felt in his arms caused him to become hot and flushed. In his mind he could see her naked and moaning in pleasure by the light of the lantern their last night of making love. One thing he learned about Abby, she knew how to pleasure a man. It would be wonderful to make love to her every night once they were married.

By the time Cord and Abby arrived at Taylor’s, Daniel was fretful. Used to getting his feedings every three hours, he was hungry. Judith had mixed some cow’s milk with mush, but he would not eat it. He demanded his mother’s milk. The moment he saw Abby, his chubby arms reached out for her to take him.

Cuddling Daniel, Abby replied, “Good-night, Cord. I had a pleasant evening.”

Not ready for the evening to end, Cord replied quickly, “I would like to spend some time with Daniel.”

Abby stopped on the bottom step and tried to calm the squirming Daniel. “I’ll be down in a few minutes.” 

Cord didn’t understand why he could not watch her feed Daniel. They would be married in less than two weeks. It wasn’t as if he had never seen her breasts before. 

The door to Taylor’s study opened. “Come have a brandy, Cord.” A cigar clamped between his teeth and a glass of brandy in his hand, Taylor stepped to the side and motioned him inside. 

Cord sat on the leather sofa and waited for Taylor to pour his brandy from the cut glass decanter. 

When he sat down and handed the glass to Cord, his eyes sparkled mischievously. “How is the courting going?”

“I guess you think it is funny. Well, the joke is on you. I had a great time tonight.” Never before spending time with a woman he cared enough to court, Cord found it quite stimulating. In the past the only thing he had on his mind was getting to the bedroom.

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