Love Lost (Love's Improbable Possibility) (39 page)

BOOK: Love Lost (Love's Improbable Possibility)
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Do I trust him?
What kind of question was that? I trusted him to tempt me but I wasn’t sure of anything more,
yet and still
I answered, “Y-yes.”

“I just arrived in Phoenix and will be checking out in the morning to
go to New York for a couple of days. I would really like to see you and prefer not to wait until my return home. Would you mind having dinner with me tonight? I promise to have you back at work tomorrow morning at your appointed time.”

My breathing accelerated pushing ferociously through my nostrils like steam blowing out of a train. Without thought I answered, “Sure, I’ll trust you.”

I was shocked to hear Azmir’s sharp intake of breath. Was he nervous?
Am I nervous?

“Indeed. I’ll have Brett forward you the flight and car service itinerary.”

“Okay,” I breathed but with a little more stability in my voice than before.
What did I just agree to? Traveling to another state for a few hours with him?
But he wanted to see me and made it clear.

“Ms. Brimm…” I was snatched from my trance.


“Thank you. I look forward to seeing you this evening.” His words were filled with promise. I wasn’t sure of the details of them but was receptive to whatever they were.

“Okay. Same here.” I felt my response was dorky but was proud of myself for not giving away my excitement.


On the ride to the hotel
, I took in the scenery and energy of Phoenix. It was my first time in the state capital of Arizona. I observed the hustle and bustle of the residents in the downtown area trying to get home ending their days and believed my heart marched along with their rapid paced feet. I was extremely nervous and beside myself in anticipation. It was just after 6PM and I was grateful that my hour and twenty minute or so flight had no delays. I didn’t have luggage and therefore had no need to wait to retrieve any at claims once I had landed. I was determined to get to Azmir and be in his all-consuming presence once again.

It tickled
and impressed
me how I wasn’t in my office for 20 minutes that morning before Brett called over to ask what time was I scheduled to see my last patient. He explained Mr. Jacobs requested that I’d be on the first plane after work. Upon consulting with Sharon I learned my last appointment was at 2PM this particular day because I was supposed to start my quarterly reports, something I opted to do during my travel to Azmir. By 2:45PM I was on my way to the airport all eager and antsy to see this man. I called Michelle to give her the details of my day all to have her nearly blow out my eardrum screaming into the phone with pure gusto. I don’t know who was more excited, me or my best friend.

Once let out of the car by the ever-professional driver who refused my tip, I entered into the hotel lobby to experience opulence beyond comparison. The lighting was strategic and illuminated the delicate details in every decorative piece. I knew right away this was a 5-star facility. Everything from the woodwork to the carpeting was of grand elegance. I made my way to the front desk, per the instructions of Brett, and asked for the room of Azmir Jacobs.

“Ms. Brimm, we’re so delighted to have you with us this evening!” A picturesque Caucasian woman with bright auburn hair and welcoming eyes moved over to a file compartment case, looked through a few cards and said, “Mr. Jacobs has not yet returned to his suite but asked that you take a key and go right up. His suite is located in the penthouse, the presidential suite.” A brunette with a pleasing smile directed me to the elevator.

On my ride up I was able to gather myself knowing that Azmir wouldn’t be there waiting for me. I wondered how long he’d be. When I pushed down the lever of the door to step inside
, magnificence hit again when motion lights appeared at every step I took inside the suite. The place was quiet but the ambiance was breathtaking as the sun had started to set and illuminated the orange rays of the sky. The living room was huge, the furnishings very traditional and rich in taste. I didn’t want to travel too far in and risk being caught snooping so I stopped at the contemporary kitchen that hailed mahogany cabinetry and stainless steel appliances with a bar table that fit six.
Who would entertain in a hotel? Is this extent of elegance even practical?

I found my way to the powder room to relieve myself and take the time that was luckily bestowed in his delay to freshen up my soft-handed make-up. I assessed my eyes for sleepiness and saw none.
Well, of course! You’re too damn excited!

All of my anticipation concerned me. I had never put so much
headwork into a man since my high school sweetheart. When I walked back into the living room, I noticed the bar in the far corner and went over to browse the selections. They were fine liquors that I couldn’t pronounce.
All of this ambiance with no Mr. Jacobs.
Hmmmmmm…where are you?

It was just then that I heard vague clacking from the opposite end of the room. I looked to find Azmir’s tall frame sauntering through the door, pulling the key card from the lock device and depositing it into his suit jacket pocket. His head was low and he was on the phone. My heart rate accelerated and my legs started quaking in my pumps.

“I can’t believe those racist bastards tried that shit right after I left,” Azmir snorted slightly affronted. “Damn. It hasn’t even been twenty minutes since we were all at the table…Yeah…yeah. It’s all good. This isn’t the first and won’t be the last. Do what needs to be done to seal the deal. Slick ass bastards.”

He walked out of the foyer and into the living room when his eyes landed on me. He squinted softly. I
then saw a hint of a smile break out on his face.
Were you not expecting me? Am I dressed pleasingly?
I’ve always prided myself on knowing how to dress and selecting fashions that fit my body shape, but I always felt inadequate and less than secure around Azmir. I didn’t exactly dress with him in mind today and therefore hoped that he liked what he saw. 

“Yeah, Rich. You go ahead and enjoy.” A deeper smile appeared on his face as he listened into the phone. “No, I’ll be preoccupied this evening so you’ll have to roll dolo. DND. Indeed.”

He ended the call with his deep mesmerizing gaze stapled to me. He didn’t say anything, I took the opportunity to drink him in. He donned a black suit tailored to his glorious frame. His tie was electric blue and his oxfords matched his overall ensemble: urbane and elegant. I had to break the energy in the room that would have led me into one direction—the bedroom.
He only asked for dinner.

“DND?” I asked.

“Do not disturb,” he said as he pulled his Blackberry out of his pocket and powered it off.

softly snorted.

With brows knitted
, he tilted his head to the side pulling his tongue to the back of his mouth trying to mask his smile.
The sexiest smile I’ve ever encountered
. I blushed inside and out. “What’s so funny?”

Oh, I’m not going there.
“Man talk?” I chose to placate his curiosity.

“I guess.” He raised his eyebrows simultaneously letting out a
long sigh. I could tell it wasn’t that deep to him. Then Azmir ambled over to me without the smile, his luscious scent preceded him sending me into a carnal zone as he wrapped his long arms around me in a warm embrace.

“Hey there, Ms. Brimm
,” he growled and when his arms motioned up and down my back it sent tingles up and down my spine.

“Mr. Jacobs
,” I breathed trying not to moan. I felt so safe and nestled against his hard chest.
A girl can get used to this shield.

“I’m sure your day was long. Thanks for coming to see me.
” I felt the vibrations of his throat against my head as he spoke each syllable. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, you know that?”

“Thanks for the invitation. I’m sure you can say the same about your day
,” I said regrettably breaking our embrace not wanting him to do it first.

He exhaled as he brushed over his face with his hands. I took note of his long fingers.
I could lick them one by one.

“Yeah. Long doesn’t begin to describe it
,” he muttered into the distance almost caught in a trance. Snapping himself out of it he continued, “I’m really pleased you’re here.” His narrowed peer settled into my eyes searing me. I couldn’t fool myself into believing it was insincere,
I couldn’t help but to wonder if he’d missed me so much why hadn’t he called for two days.

“It’s nice to feel so welcomed, Azmir.” I supplied a soft nod.

“I know you must be hungry. I took the liberty of ordering for you. I presume you eat duck?” He was walking off to the iPod docking station and punched a few things into his iPhone before porting it. In no time, I heard Jill Scott streaming throughout the room from surround sound speakers. 

“Ummm…I have, with Michelle a year or so ago. Tasted like chicken to me.”

“That’s what they say. The house chef makes an excellent hazelnut-crusted duck in a sun-dried cherry sauce. It’s to die for,” he appraised while continuing that deep gaze.

I couldn’t help but blush. “Can’t wait.”

He cracked a smile. “Dinner should be up any minute now.” He checked his pocket watch before removing his jacket. “You don’t mind staying in, do you? It’s just that it’s been a busy day. I’d really like to unwind.”

“That’s fine.”

I felt like an angelic perpetrator with the way I kept my hands
interlaced in front of me as I stood awkwardly trying to follow his lead.

Azmir walked over to the bar. “Noir?”

“One of my favorites.” I nodded in accord.

…this and Riesling,” he said as he removed the cork from the bottle and poured me a glass.

He knows my favorite wines?
“Good observation.” I was beyond impressed. He poured cognac into a tumbler for himself and walked over to hand me my glass.

“Let’s have a seat
,” he gestured with his arm to the couch. We sat and sipped.

“This is good
cognac,” he blew through his teeth.

“Not better than this Pinot.”

“Is that right?” His eyes were filled with wonder. I nodded. “That’s the best bottle in the cellar, so I’ve been told.”

“All for you? I’m impressed, Mr. Jacobs.”

“Actually, I ordered it for you.” Currents zapped through my body at the point where he enunciated
for you

This man!

With batted eyes and a concealed smile I murmured, “Thank you, Azmir.”

There was a knock at the door and before I knew it
, the concierge was wheeling our dinner in.

“In the dining room please, Oscar
,” Azmir requested before turning back to me and saying, “Bon appetite,” with a very curvy tongue. He grabbed my hand and led me to dine with him.

We returned to the living room after a scrumptious dinner. I couldn’t fit dessert in. I was too full and slightly inebriated from drinking on an empty stomach before my meal. Although I wasn’t drunk
, I stumbled a little into the living room.

“You okay?” Azmir wore a slight smile, at my expense of course.

“Err…I’m fine. Just overly comfortable.” Which was mostly true.

“It’s after
eight at night and you’re still wearing those heels. Come sit,” he ordered taking my hands and guiding me over to the sofa.

I sat down and Azmir squatted before me to remove my shoes. When he slipped off the first one
, I noticed how he looked inside.

,” he mumbled, much to himself referring to the brand of shoes I was wearing.

“Do you have a problem with
?” I feigned offended.

“No. Not at all. It’s just that if you were mine…” He shook his head at his pending thoughts. “Have you made Michelle aware of your abbreviated trip this evening?”
He changed the subject as he swung my legs over toward the other side of the sofa and sat beneath them. His touch, even through my pantyhose, had scorched the blood racing through my veins.

“Y-yeah. I’ve alerted her of my arrival.” My breath caught as he lifted my left foot and began to massage it firmly between his large and capable hands, paying attention to every inch of it
, and singling out every toe. He tried to maintain a conversation about my day and then my flight but I was in and out of consciousness, trying not to moan.

“You okay, Brimm?” his forehead wrinkled and he tried to hide his knowing smirk.

I didn’t know how to say that if he continued I may have had an orgasm right there on the couch.

“I’ve never had my feet rubbed before.”

As the words left my lips, I rolled my eyes and giggled in embarrassment.

His face twisted in disbelief. “This can’t be true. A sexy woman of your stature has never had a guy drop to his knees and massage your beautiful toes?”

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