Love In A Nick Of Time (9 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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By the time they made it to the lobby, Ted one of the company’s security guards was waiting for them. “Mr. Archer your secretary called, we have a car waiting to take you to the airport.” He followed them out of the building and before you know it they were on their way.


Allen was losing his mind as well. He gave no thought as to how he and Kevin were going to get to the airport. Mary seemed to have things under control. Someone had to have their shit together because if he lost Samantha his life wouldn’t be worth a damn.



Chapter 8

Three hours and thirty minutes later Allen, Kevin, and Debra entered University Hospital through the Emergency entrance. Allen approached the sign-in desk to ask for information. “Excuse me miss, my fiancée Samantha Graham is here and I need some information on her status.”


The nurse checked the system before replying. “Sir the only information I have is that she’s out of surgery and the surgeon will be down momentarily.”


“Thank you.” Allen turned around to the stunned expressions on Kevin and Debra’s faces. “Samantha and I are getting married, deal with it.”


Kevin and Debra gave each other puzzled glances, but they had more important issues on their minds than Allen’s fabrication. They sat down close to the desk and waited for the surgeon to come. Allen didn’t want to sit down he began walking around the waiting room.


“Are you Allen?”


Allen turned around, in front of him stood two women one was pint size woman with fiery eyes and red hair. The other woman was several inches taller with shoulder length platinum blonde hair and she had bluest eyes he’d ever seen. The shorter woman’s firsts were balled up at her sides. He expected her to hit him at any minute, “yes I’m Allen Archer.”


“It’s nice to finally meet you, we’re Samantha’s friends. I’m Jenna Johnson, Samantha’s business partner. Samantha has told me so much about you. I’m just sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. I’m glad you were able to get here so quickly. Samantha told me you were arriving to night. Jenna started crying and Michael stood beside her to comfort her.


“Nice to meet you Allen I’m Connie. I came right over as soon as I heard about Samantha’s accident.


Allen politely greeted both women he was glad that Samantha had such friends who would drop everything to be at her side. “It’s nice to meet you both.”


A huge man not quite as tall as him wrapped one arm around the smaller woman and offered his other hand to Allen. “I’m Michael Johnson, and this little bundle of energy is my wife. We were planning a get together to introduce you to Samantha’s friends, but this is not what we had in mind.”


Allen shook the man’s hand; he liked him without knowing why. He looked into his eyes and they showed the signs of tough times. “It’s nice to meet you Michael. Samantha’s one tough lady and I’m sure were going to have a reason to celebrate very soon.” Allen needed to believe that what he was saying is true. He didn’t believe that God would allow him to find Samantha only to take her away.


Jenna didn’t know what to feel. She’d lost so much within the last year, she couldn’t’ take another hit. “I'm going to sit with Kevin and Debra.” Both Jenna and Connie left the men alone.


“We’ve been here since they brought Sam in. We haven’t gotten a lot of information other than she’s out of surgery. I’m told we have you to thank for bringing Kevin and Debra.”


“I appreciate that Michael, I was coming anyway it took very little to bring two additional passengers.”


“Please call me Mike; I’m glad you and Sam worked out your differences. When she came back from Chicago she was a wreck. If I had got a hold of you at that time I would have decked you. Then I came to my senses and thought about the situation. Jenna and Sam are very much alike. Both are very stubborn and independent. That being the case I believe I owe you an apology for what I intended to do to you.”


“You could have tried anyway, if anyone tries to get between me and Samantha there will be hell to pay. That includes you and your wife.” Allen didn’t like being threatened. He certainly wasn’t going to take any shit from Michael or his little spitfire of a wife.


Michael started chuckling, “truce I was in was in your position not too long ago. My courting period with Jenna was less than smooth. Allen, I don’t envy you the path you will follow. Do you want to sit down? Can I get you something to drink?”


Allen stuck his hands in his pockets and began walking down the corridor. “I can’t sit down. I won’t be able to relax to until I hear about Samantha’s condition.”


“I’ll walk with you and fill you in as best I can. Sam was at a stop light when some asshole rammed her from behind sending her straight into oncoming traffic. The police report states that the truck left the scene. We haven’t found the vehicle yet, but I’m willing to bet when we do it will be stolen.”


Allen arched his brows. “We?”


“Yes. We. I’m a homicide detective that’s how I was able to look at the police report so soon.”


“What else do you know that you aren’t telling me?”


“I have nothing to say as an officer. My intuition is telling me that this was no accident and that Sam was a target. I don’t know if she got around to telling you this but, she broke up with a long-time boyfriend months ago. He’s been sniffing around trying to get back in her life.”


Anger was pulsing through his veins. “Is he a suspect?”


“No, we have no proof that he was involved, but we will be looking at him as a person of interest.”


“What’s his name?”


“I don’t think so; I don’t need you getting involved in police business.”


“Don’t fuck with me Mike, my woman is fighting for her life and I can find out more information than the police.”


“What are you going to do, that we can’t?


“I own a security firm. I can get access to information you can’t so tell me his name.”


“I like the way you think, but I can’t have you running around half cocked. I think your place is here by Sam’s side. Let the police handle police business. While we’re on the subject, I think I should tell you that I love my wife. I’m very protective of her and her friends. I’m glad to see you because I barely have enough energy to take care of my own woman.”


An excited Jenna found them walking back from the vending machines. “Guys the surgeon is here.” Allen and Michael quickly followed Jenna back to the waiting area.


The surgeon was talking to Kevin, Debra, and Connie as they approached. He eyed them and continued with his report to the family. “The surgery was successful we were able to stop the bleeding. We had to remove her appendix. She had a lot of internal bleeding, fractured ribs, one of her lungs collapsed, and she has a dislocated shoulder.


Miss Graham is also in a coma, according to MRI there’s no swelling on the brain. However, she is suffering from a concussion. She’s been through a lot and it’s going to take time for the healing process to begin. If Miss Graham had been in a smaller a vehicle she’d be dead. We’ll know more in the 24 hours. Miss Graham is in post-op, she will be moved to ICU within the hour. She can have visitors, but at this stage she won’t even know you’re in the room. Any questions?”


Allen spoke up, “I’m her fiancé and I’ll be staying with her?”


She can have one visitor at a time. As long as you don’t get in the staff’s way you can stay. The best thing you can do is get some rest if you can. Miss Graham is a fighter. I’ve seen a lot of accident victims in my day and I think she’ll pull through.”


They watched the surgeon disappear down the hall. Allen was the first one to break the silence. “There’s no reason for the rest of you to stay. I’ll keep you posted as Samantha’s condition changes.”


Jenna didn’t like Allen’s highhanded manner. Who in the hell does he think he is, God? “I’m staying too.” Jenna said with great certainly. She was dog-tired but she wanted to see Samantha before she left for home. She looked into Mike’s face and she knew he was going to make waves.


“Sweetheart there’s nothing you can do except wait for Samantha to regain consciousness. Her fiancé is here, plus her brother and sister-in-law are here too. They’ll keep us posted on her condition. You and Connie need to go home. You especially need your rest and I’m taking you home.”


Mike was doing his detective thing. She knew from experience that regardless of the embarrassment it would cause her, he would pick her up and haul her out of the hospital. “Okay, I’ll go home for a while.” She turned to face Allen. “You better keep us posted”.


Allen didn’t know if he should be intimidated or laugh. Looking at Kevin and Debra he continued his instructions. “Mary booked us a couple of suites at the downtown Hilton. I’ll have the car pulled around for you.”


Jenna wasn’t having that, what kind of friend would she be if she let Samantha’s family stay at a hotel. “Please, we have plenty of room and you’re all welcome to stay at our house.”


Connie piped in, “I have two guestrooms in my home too.”


Kevin was dead on his feet, but there was no way he was leaving the hospital. “I’m staying with Allen, it seems he and I have a lot to discuss.”


Debra wasn’t going to leave without Kevin. “Then I’m staying too.”


“Baby, please go with Jenna and Mike that way I won’t have to worry about you.”


“Okay, I love you, and I want you to promise to call me if Samantha’s condition changes.” Debra hugged and kissed Kevin before leaving with Jenna and Michael.


Michael shook Kevin’s hand and offered his hand to Allen. Allen shook Michael's hand but he was still curious about something. “How did the women know who I was?”


Michael and Kevin started laughing. “I don’t know about Seattle, but there aren’t too many Asian men over six feet tall in Nebraska. Kevin has my number, if you need anything I’m at your disposal. Now I need to find that woman of mine before she gets into trouble. Goodnight fellas.”

Chapter 9

The elevator ride up to ICU was quiet. Both Kevin and Allen were lost in their own thoughts. Kevin was the first one to break the silence. “Did you really ask Samantha to marry you?”


Allen didn’t want to discuss his relationship right now, not even with Samantha’s brother. “I have no intention of asking Samantha to marry me. I’m just going to tell her we’re getting married. She'll make excuses about why we shouldn’t get married and I don’t want to go through the drama.”


Kevin couldn’t contain his laughter. “Buddy I want to be there when you tell her she’s going to marry you. Samantha doesn’t follow directions very well. She hates being told what to do, she always has. If anyone can get her to the altar, I’ll put my money on you.”


The elevator opened on ICU, Allen and Kevin made their way to the nurse’s station. “We’re here to see Samantha Graham. Has she made it out of post-op yet?”


The nurse behind the desk watched them as they approached the desk. Both men were tall and sexy, but the Asian made her wished she taken more care with her appearance. “Miss Graham will arrive within the next 20-30 minutes. You can have a seat in the waiting room around the corner. Someone will come for you as soon as Miss Graham makes it to her room.”


Allen and Kevin went to the waiting area and they were the only ones there. Kevin let Allen take a seat before sitting right next to him. “Samantha was very vague about her relationship with you. How did you guys really meet because I know you met before my wedding?”


Kevin was not going to let this drop. “Okay we hooked up in Chicago a month before your wedding. We had a misunderstanding and Samantha ran out on me. We reunited at your wedding and had a night of fabulous sex. Then I convinced her to spend the rest of her time in Seattle with me.”


Kevin was thinking back to his wedding. He remembered Debra throwing the bouquet to Samantha and Allen catching Debra’s garter. He lost track of them after that. He couldn’t recall seeing either one of them the rest of the night. He looked over at Allen; he didn’t look like his confident boss who ran Techtron with a velvet glove. He looked as if he lost his best friend and didn’t know how he was supposed to feel about it. “Samantha didn’t run out on you. Knowing my sister she wasn’t going to wait for you to reject her.”


“I had a detective agency trying to find her and I didn’t even know her last name. She told me she was going to contact after the wedding. Up until then, I was under the impression that she didn’t want anything to do with me.”


Kevin couldn’t let this go he couldn’t imagine his boss falling for any woman let alone Samantha. Women more beautiful than her have clamored for Allen’s attention and he just never seemed to care. Granted he dated several women over the years. They were more like arm candy, not someone he had feelings for. “Are you saying you love my sister?”


Allen ran his hands over his eyes. All this talk about feelings and love was giving him a headache. He looked Kevin in the eyes and decided to tell him the truth. “I don’t know if I love Samantha. I don’t even know what love is supposed to feel like.


What I can tell you is that Samantha made me feel more that night in Chicago, than all the women I’ve ever been with. I do know that she belongs to me. I’m willing to be whatever she wants me to be. I would like it to end in marriage and kids, but I’ll take whatever she’s willing to give.”

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