Read Love In A Nick Of Time Online

Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

Love In A Nick Of Time (16 page)

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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“I have to do what Brian says or he’ll get really mad. He does bad things when he gets really mad.” Bernie stopped in front of the warehouse and pulled Samantha out of the van. He put Samantha in his chair and turned around to face Brian. Before he could say anything Brian hit him in the head with the butt of his gun.


“I told you to wait for me! What in the hell were you doing leaving when I told you to wait?” Brian hit Bernie with the gun several more times until he got control of himself.


Samantha shot out of the chair to check on Bernie, he was lying on the floor motionless. “Brian what have you done!” Samantha kneeled next to Bernie to check him. “Bernie are you okay? Bernie please talk to me!” He was bleeding badly from his head. “Brian we have to call an ambulance right away or he could die.” Samantha turn to face Brian and he slapped her across the face, knocking her to the floor.


“Get away from him bitch! He shouldn’t have crossed me now he has to pay the price. All he had to do was kidnap you and I was going to save you. Then everything would go back to how it was when you loved me.


Samantha couldn’t believe how unstable Brian is; he never acted this way the whole time they were together. “What’s wrong Brian, everything not going according to your plan? You were going to save me from Bernie and then I was going to be so grateful that I would let you back into my life.”


Brian walked toward Samantha until he stood in front of her. “I loved you, but you never loved me back. I knew it, but I thought if I gave you time you could learn to love me. Then you break up with me and started fucking that Asian bastard. Now suddenly you’re getting married. You’re out of time Samantha; I can’t give you any more chances.” Brian lifted the gun and pointed it Samantha’s head.


“No!” Bernie jumped Brian from behind and the gun went off, leaving a hole in the wall. “Run Samantha! I’ll protect you.”


Samantha didn’t need to be told twice she ran for the door as Brian and Bernie fought for the gun. She heard another shot before she ran out the door heading for the next building across the road. The thick socks couldn’t protect her feet from the sharp edges of the gravel road. Samantha ignored the pain in her feet and ran to the first building she came to; she heard two more shots, which made her run that much faster.


Samantha saw a man getting in a truck; it looked as if he were leaving for the day. “Help! Help! Please help me! The man turned towards her an immediately picked up his cell phone. She hoped he was calling the police. As she got closer to the man she heard him give directions to the warehouse. “Thank you!”


“Ma’am I heard shots we need to get you to safety.”


The man helped her to the building. He unlocked the door ushering her in and locked the door behind him. “How long do you think it will take for the police to get here?”


“Abbott drive is congested this time of day, were looking may be five to ten minutes if we’re lucky. Ma’am I want you to go hide in my office behind the desk. That should give you some cover, I’ll keep the lights off and hopefully whose ever shooting will go on by. Now don’t you make a sound and don’t leave this room unless I come for you.”


“Thank you!” Samantha heard the click of the door as the man shut it behind him. Several minutes later she heard glass shattering, she did as she was told and stayed put. She had never been more afraid in her life. She didn’t know if she was going to survive. Would she get the chance to tell Allen how much she loved him? Would she ever see Kevin, Jenna, and Connie again? Shouting and noises were coming from the other room. A few minutes later she heard police sirens; Samantha stayed in place and didn’t move even when she heard more shouts at the front of the building.


The door opened abruptly and the light flickered on, “Ma’am my name is Officer Pierce are you in here?”


“I’m under the desk.” Samantha was afraid to move fearing that she was still in danger.”


Officer Pierce went in search of the victim he moved the chair and tried to help the woman hiding under the desk. “What’s your name?”




“Come out Samantha, we got him and he can’t hurt you anymore.” He helped her from under the desk and noticed there was a fair amount of blood on the floor. “Have you been shot?”


Samantha felt nauseous, was it really over? Was Brian dead? “I don’t know.”


Samantha felt cold to the touch and she seemed to be going into shock. She had blood on her side and the socks she was wearing had blood on them too. He took off his jacket and draped it over her and quickly got on his remote radio contacted his partner to send emergency team back to the office. He got on his knees and began talking to her.


“Samantha can you hear me, if you can I want you to squeeze my hand.” She had a healthy grip, which was good; he kept talking to her as the emergency technicians arrive back in the office.


“Looks like she’s going into shock! She has blood on her side and feet, by the amount of blood I think she was shot.” He moved out of the way and let the emergency team take over. He stayed in the room as they worked on her, they moved quickly, putting pressure on her side while placing her on the gurney and wheeled her out to the waiting ambulance.


Samantha was fading in and out she had a vague memory of riding in the ambulance and the EMT asking her questions. When she got to the hospital, she heard the hospital staff talking about loss of blood and bullets. She tried to stay awake, but she was just too tired.




The police were in Samantha’s house taking pictures, they even took some items from the house as evidence. Allen just finished his interview with the police as Michael walked through the door. Allen didn’t like the expression on Michael’s face. “Just tell me what happened!”


“Allen I just received news about Sam. The police received a call regarding shots fired in the warehouse district just off of Abbott Drive. They found Sam. She was shot while trying to escape from a warehouse where she was being held by her ex-boyfriend and his cousin. Something went down and the two cousins started fighting, Brian shot his cousin in the process.”


Allen was on his feet, “Where’s Samantha?”


“She’s been taken to Immanuel Hospital.” Michael put his hand on Allen’s shoulder for support. “I don’t know how bad it is, I just know that she’s in surgery. I’ll take you there, while these officers finish up here.”


The ride to Immanuel Hospital was made in silence. Allen was mad at everybody: mad at Samantha for going to work this morning. Mad at himself for not stopping her and mad at the police for not finding her sooner. Allen should have known that Samantha’s cowardly ex-boyfriend was going to be a problem; he should have taken care of him weeks ago when he visited her at the hospital.


“Allen I know you’re angry right now, but the officers from the scene assured me that Samantha’s condition was not life threatening.”


“I’m tired of playing games with Samantha. When this is all over I’m going to lock her in our bedroom for the rest of her life.”


Michael chuckled to himself. “Yeah good luck with that little project.” He sobered up once he realized that he hadn’t called Jenna to tell her about the situation with Samantha.


Allen looked over at Michael and gave him a knowing glance. “You forgot to tell Jenna about Samantha’s disappearance, didn’t you? All hell is going to break lose at the Johnson household tonight.”


Michael pulled his car into the Emergency parking lot at the hospital to drop Allen at the door. “My wife is a reasonable woman and she’ll understand that finding out about Sam was more important than filling her in on the case.”


“Now who’s being delusional, I do not envy you at all. I’ll bet you twenty bucks that after Jenna rakes you over the coals you’ll be back at the hospital, probably before I even find out what’s going on.” Allen got out of the car and went through the double doors to the front desk. The woman working the front desk was concentrating on the screen and not really paying him any attention. “Excuse me Miss, I’m here to check on my fiancée Samantha Graham?”


“Just one moment Sir I need to check our records.”


“Okay.” Allen was grinding his teeth, there’s nothing worse than waiting for information. How many gunshot victims came into the hospital today?


“Thanks for waiting Sir, Miss Graham is stable and heading for her room, she’s being moved to room number 7204.”


“Thank you! Could I speak to the doctor?”


“Yes sir, just walk through the double doors. If you give me a minute I’ll buzz you in.”


“He walked through the doors and the doctor stood there waiting for him. Are you Samantha Graham’s doctor?”


“Yes I treated Miss Graham and sent her upstairs. Are you the fiancé?”


“Yes. So how is she?”


“Well, Miss Graham was grazed by a bullet on her side; we stopped the bleeding and stitched her up. She has a few other bruises and abrasions other than that she’ll be fine. I admitted her because I found out she had major surgery a few weeks ago, I just want to monitor her tonight and make sure she’s alright. Any other questions?”


“No. Could I get her room number again and which way do I go?


“She’s been moved to room 7204, just follow this hallway until you get to the gift shop then you want to take a left to the elevators.”


Allen called Mike and told him Samantha’s condition, there was no need for him and Jenna to make a special trip. He bet Mike wouldn’t be able to keep Jenna from the hospital. Allen walked through the bland Emergency corridors making his way to the hospital’s main building. When this was over and Samantha is able to say “I do” they were getting married. A husband has so much more rights than a mere fiancé.


It took him about ten minutes to make it to the seventh floor. Samantha’s room was a couple of doors from the elevator. Samantha was out like a light when he entered the room. Allen sat in the chair next to the bed and started arranging for their future. He called Mary and gave her an update on Samantha and to call the courthouse tomorrow and secure the next available date for a civil ceremony.




Allen jumped when he heard Samantha’s voice. “Woman you’re in so much trouble. I knew you just couldn’t go to work and come back home.”


“I’m sorry baby. Do you forgive me for all the trouble I’ve put you through?”


He kissed her before responding. “You owe me big time for the scare you gave me today.”


Samantha put her arms around his neck and kissed him gently on the mouth. “What kind of forfeit do you want me to pay?”


Allen pulled the box that held the diamond ring out of his pocket. He showed it to her before putting it on her finger. “You’re probably not ready to hear this, but I want you to be my wife. I love you and I know you love me too and we’re too old to be playing games.


Some people have an instant connection. If you weren’t so afraid of being rejected we could have been married by now. I knew back in Chicago that I wanted more than a one-night stand. I told Kevin I wouldn’t ask you to marry me I would just command you to marry me. That’s not what I want we’re in this thing together so I’ll ask you again. Samantha you’ve captured my heart, will you marry me?”


Samantha lifted up her hand to look at her ring, it was a beautiful diamond encrusted in smaller diamonds. “My ring is beautiful Allen, and yes, I’ll marry you on one condition.”


“What is that?”


“No big wedding, you, me, and a judge, maybe a couple of friends as witnesses.”


There was no way Allen was going to tell her that he had Mary working on it already. “Thanksgiving’s in a couple of weeks we probably wouldn’t be able to schedule the ceremony until the following week. I’ll get Mary working on it right away.”


“We’re having Thanksgiving dinner at Jenna and Mike’s house. What are Mary’s plans for Thanksgiving?”


“She probably doesn’t have any plans since we’re the only people in town that she knows.”


“Make sure you invite her to dinner she’s a part of our family too.”


“You know there's another reason why I love you. You’re so generous and compassionate.”


“Well I guess I met my perfect match.”


Sure enough before Allen could take a seat, Jenna and Mike burst into Samantha’s room. “I expected to see you guys earlier.”


Jenna frowned at Allen, “We would have been here sooner if Mr. Homicide saw fit to tell me that my best friend was missing in the first place.” Jenna turned to Samantha ignoring Mike and Allen. Then she screamed when Samantha showed her the engagement ring.


Allen held out his hand and Mike took a twenty-dollar bill out of his wallet and gave it to him. “This was easier than taking candy from a baby.” Allen held the twenty up to the light to make sure it was real.


“Yeah just you wait; your days as a single man are numbered.”


Allen gave Mike a devilish grin, “I certainly hope so.”



Chapter 14

A lot had happen since her attempted kidnapping. Brian was in jail waiting for a February hearing for two counts of attempted murder and conspiracy to kidnap. ACLU was pushing for another charge of corruption of a mentally disabled person. His cousin Bernie was in the Immanuel Village undergoing therapy. His doctors didn’t know if he would walk again. Charges against him are pending based on whether not the judge deems him mentally competent to stand trial. With Samantha’s encouragement, Allen provided him with the best lawyers in the state of Nebraska.

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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