Love In A Nick Of Time

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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Love In A Nick Of Time







Stephanie Jean Smith



Hootyhoo Media Publications

Copyright January 2011, All Rights Reserved

This book is for mature audiences only it contains explicit sex and violence. This book is a work of fiction, the characters were created by the author and do not resemble anyone either living or deceased.

Chapter 1

It was late in the evening by the time Samantha got home from work. She dumped her purse and laptop on the dining room table. The she pour herself a nice glass of wine. She was excited about today’s turn of events and couldn’t wait to tell everybody her good news.


She signed up the largest insurance company in Nebraska as a new client for Graham and Johnson Resiliency Consultants. Slowly but surely they were establishing a good customer base. So far they had five clients, considering that they’ve only been in business for two months, this is exceptional news.


She came to the realization that it’s better to be your own boss than to answer to a lousy bastard who doesn’t have a clue about what the job entails. Samantha and Jenna worked as colleagues at the bank in the Disaster Recovery Department: writing business recovery plans, strategic analysis, drafting reciprocal agreements with other companies, and training the business units. What did they get for their trouble a big fat pink slip and a sorry your services are no longer needed.


Jenna was better off financially than Samantha, especially with the trust fund she received from her grandparents. Samantha wanted an equal partnership. She put up her severance package, her 401K plan, and some of her savings. She was an equal partner in what she was sure to be a very profitable business.


Samantha and Jenna went through a lot this year. First Jenna’s sister Laura was murdered and then both of them were fired. Jenna was held hostage in her home by their former boss who coincidently murdered Laura. Then Jenna married Michael, the detective investigating Laura’s murder. Yes, the last five months were busy indeed; they worked so hard to pull everything together. Now finally, their dreams were a reality.


Too bad Brian didn’t agree with her plans. He wanted her to sink her money into some scheme he cooked up with one of his relatives she never met, only heard about. He even played the old marriage card. Suggesting that they would be married soon and the money was actually theirs. So the decision on how to invest the money should be made by the both them.


Marriage, what a joke, she never planned to marry anyone. No one was going to have that much control in her life. Brian needed to realize that this was about fulfilling her dreams. For the first time in years, she was excited about going to work.


She sat on the sofa and put her legs up enjoying the quietness of her sanctuary. She turned on the television and flipped around from station to station when mind turned back to Brian. The more Samantha thought about the situation, she felt that maybe she owed Brian an apology.


When she and Jenna decided to go into business for themselves, Brian was supportive. He tried to help them find a good location. He searched for a bank that would offer them the best rate for a small business loan even though it wasn’t his employer.


She was thankful for all of his help. As the weeks slipped by and the business took more precedence in her life she began to see Brian less and less. Samantha was so focused on getting the business up and running leaving no time for him.


When she was able to schedule in dinner or lunch, Brian was a no show. She had a great idea, Brian likes to sleep in late on Saturdays; she would bring him breakfast in bed tomorrow. Then they needed to have a long talk about their future together.




Early Saturday morning Samantha let herself into Brian’s apartment. She put the grocery sack on the kitchen table and within minutes, she had breakfast cooking. The smells of bacon, eggs, hash browns, and pancakes permeated the kitchen. She was putting the cover over the tray when she felt the presence of someone else in the kitchen with her. Samantha turned around and came face to face with a young girl wearing her robe.


“Who are you?” the girl whispered.


“I thought I was the woman in Brian’s life. Who might you be?” The girl’s eyes got as big as saucers.


“He didn’t tell me he was involved with anyone!”


Samantha was beginning to enjoy herself, “sweetheart they never do? How old are you anyway?” The women-child was backing away from her as if she were afraid Samantha was going to pull out a knife and cut her to bits.


“I-I’ll be nineteen next month.”


“What’s your name?”




“Shanita, I suggest you get your things and get out of here before you witness a murder. Another thing put my robe back where you got it.”


Shanita needed no further urging, the last thing she wanted was trouble. Older guys are no different than the guys her age, except they were better liars. It was a shame; Brian was such a good lover.


Samantha took the cover off the tray and started eating the breakfast she made for Brian. A few minutes into her meal, a scared Shanita was running for the front door with a naked Brian chasing after her.


“Shanita I told you before there is no other woman in my life.” It was too late; Shanita was already out the front door and down the steps running for her car.


“I suggest you shut the door before you get arrested for indecent exposure.” Samantha said as she grabbed her keys and purse heading for the door. The look on Brian’s face was priceless. The sad thing is after being in a relationship with this man for two years she didn’t really give a damn about his infidelity, but she was sad to lose a great friend.


“Samantha, what are you doing here?”


Brian obviously forgot that as his girlfriend she had a key to his apartment. People tend to do that when they’re in a monogamous relationship. “I came over to surprise my man with breakfast in bed. I was actually going to apologize for being too absorbed in my new business. I guess the joke was on me because you already ate.” Samantha made her way past him when Brian grabbed her arm.


“Wait a minute; you’ve got to let me explain…”


“There’s nothing to explain! I caught you in the act. You can’t reason with me or sweet talk me. At least you could have replaced me with a full grown woman instead of a little girl.” Samantha started towards the front door. Before she turned the handle Brian pressed her against the door and she could feel his erection prodding her backside.


“This is entirely your fault anyway. I didn’t know I still had a girlfriend. You spend more time with that bitch Jenna than you do with me.”


Samantha didn’t turn around to face him she just wanted to leave. At this point talking about their relationship was a waste of time. “Brian, Jenna is my partner and we’ve been very busy trying to start a new business. I didn’t realize how strenuous this endeavor would be, but I thought you of all people would have my back. I don’t blame you Brian. It’s nobody’s fault, this relationship was going nowhere and we want different things in life.”


Brian turned Samantha around and made her face him. He was angry that she wasn’t upset. “I can’t believe that you don’t have any feelings for me. We had some good times together and I’m not going to let you throw what we have away. Kevin is getting married in a couple of months and I know you don’t want to attend the wedding alone. Besides I bought first class tickets to Seattle. You don’t want them to go to waste.”


“Oh! I should stay in a relationship with your cheating ass to avoid showing up at my brother’s wedding alone. That’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. I’ll send you a check for the tickets; believe me when I say we’re through.”


Brian pulled Samantha closer rubbing his erection against her stomach. The sex between them was always hot. Samantha was very adventurous in the bedroom and he wanted her right now. He’d make her realize that she couldn’t live without his loving. “Come on baby give me some of the good stuff.”


“Get off me!" Samantha tried to break free from Brian’s embrace but he tightened his hold. She stomped on his foot, and he immediately set her free. Then she took her purse and hit him in the head. “Do you honestly think I’d want to have sex with you? Another woman just left your bed and I can smell her on your breath!”


Brian was agitated. He could tell by the look on Samantha’s face that she wasn’t in a mood to listen to anything he had to say. “Try to understand where I’m coming from, you cut me off like I just didn’t matter anymore.”


Samantha rolled her eyes and put some distance between them. “As busy as I am I still tried to include you in my life. I called you about the progress we were making. I would shift my schedule around to have lunch or dinner with you. You either wouldn’t show up or you’d call at the last minute telling me you couldn’t meet me.


In the back of my mind, I knew something was going on so I got myself tested weeks ago. You haven’t been making love to me so I wondered if you were screwing someone else. There’s nothing like seeing the evidence for myself. I’ve got no more chances to give you, we’re through.” Samantha opened the front door, ran to her car and drove away like the devil was chasing her.


Brian watched Samantha leave; she would get over this little lapse in time. Shanita was just a piece of ass; she didn’t mean anything to him. He invested two years in Samantha, hell, he already told his mother they were getting married later this year. He closed the door and went into the kitchen to eat the breakfast Samantha prepared for him. If she had been taking care of his needs he wouldn’t need other women.


Brian knew what his problem was; he had been too soft with Samantha. Instead of slapping that ass, he was trying to show her that he’s a supportive man. The hell with that shit, he has dreams too, and to fulfill those dreams he needed Samantha and her money to make them come true. He had to come up with a plan to save their relationship. Samantha needed to realize that he couldn’t live without her and he wasn’t going to let her live without him.




Samantha drove over to Jenna and Mike’s house. They were virtually still on their honeymoon, but she needed to talk to her partner and closest friend about what transpired with Brian. Brian took her by surprised when he grabbed her. She never seen him so aggressive before, it didn’t matter she made her position clear, she never wanted see him again.


Michael was leaving as she pulled into their driveway. “Hey Mike, how are you doing?” She gave him her brightest smile even though she didn’t feel like smiling. Michael was a homicide detective and he was very protective of his wife and her friends. She didn’t want him getting wind of her situation with Brian.


Michael hugged Samantha and kissed her on the cheek. “Hey sweetie, how does it feel to be an entrepreneur?”


Samantha returned his hug, “It feels great! Is Jenna home?”


“Yeah she’s in the dining room eating breakfast. I saw you coming so I left the door unlocked. Are you okay?” Michael knew something was up, but he didn’t want to pry. Anyway, he would get the low-down from Jenna later.


“I’m just a little tired. I’ll talk to you later,” Samantha said walking up the steps waving to Michael as he drove off. She locked the door behind her as she sought Jenna out in the dining room. “Hey girl, I hope I’m not bothering you?”

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