Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
time has been fulfilled, it enters into the
Not even heaven is pure before him.
tomb and dies.
But see! We who inhabit clay houses are
But when its flesh rots, a worm is
ourselves made from the same clay. He
born. And nourished by the secretions of
smashed them like a moth, and from
the dead creature, it sprouts wings. Then
when it becomes strong, it takes the tomb
containing the bones of its predecessor
and bears these from Arabia to Egypt, to
mMeaning obscure
the city called Heliopolis.
In the daytime, while all are watch
Cf. Isa 13:22 (LXX); Mal 3:1. 431 Cor 15:20.
44Mark 4:3; cf. 1 Cor 15:36ff. 45Ps 28:7. 46Ps 3:5.
ing, it flies onto the altar of the sun and
47Job 19:26.
dawn to dusk they are no more. They
Brothers, let each of us be
perished, unable to come to their own
pleasing to God by keeping to
our special assignments with a good con
He breathed upon them and they died
science, not violating the established rule
for want of wisdom.
of his ministry, acting in reverence.
But call out; see if anyone listens or
The sacrifices made daily, or for
if you observe any of the holy angels.
vows, for sin, or for transgression, are not
For wrathn destroys the ignorant and zealo
offered everywhere, brothers, but in Jekills the one who has been deceived.
rusalem alone; and even there a sacrifice
I have seen the ignorant casting forth
is not made in just any place, but before
their roots, but their sustenance was imthe sanctuary on the altar, after the sacmediately consumed.
rificial animal has been inspected for
May their children be far removed
blemishes by both the high priest and the
from safety; may they be derided before
ministers mentioned earlier.
the doors of their inferiors, with no one
Thus, those who do anything conthere to deliver them. For the food pretrary to his plan bear the penalty of death.
pared for them will be devoured by the
You see, brothers, the more knowlupright, and they will not be delivered edge we have been deemed worthy to
from those who are evil.”48
receive, the more we are subject to
40 Since these matters have been
clarified for us in advance and
The apostles were given the
we have gazed into the depths of divine
42 gospel for us by the Lord Jesus
knowledge, we should do everything the
Christ, and Jesus Christ was sent forth
Master has commanded us to perform in
from God.
an orderly way and at appointed times.
Thus Christ came from God and the
He commanded that the sacrificial
apostles from Christ. Both things hapofferings and liturgical rites be perpened, then, in an orderly way according formed not in a random or haphazard
to the will of God.
way, but according to set times and hours.
When, therefore, the apostles re
In his superior plan he set forth both
ceived his commands and were fully conwhere and through whom he wished vinced through the resurrection of our
them to be performed, so that everything
Lord Jesus Christ and persuaded by the
done in a holy way and according to his
word of God, they went forth proclaimgood pleasure might be acceptable to his ing the good news that the Kingdom of
God was about to come, brimming with
Thus, those who make their sacrificonfidence through the Holy Spirit.
cial offerings at the arranged times are
And as they preached throughout the
acceptable and blessed. And since they
countryside and in the cities, they apfollow the ordinances of the Master, they pointed the first-fruits of their ministries
commit no sin.
as bishops and deacons of those who
For special liturgical rites have been
assigned to the high priest, and a special
place has been designated for the regular
priests, and special ministries are estabnOr:
lished for the Levites. The lay person is
assigned to matters enjoined on the laity.
48Job 4:16–18; 15:15; 4:19–5:5.
were about to believe, testing them by
Moses did not know in advance this
the Spirit.
would happen? Of course he knew. But
And this was no recent development.
he did this so that there might be no
For indeed, bishops and deacons had
disorderliness in Israel, that the name of
been mentioned in writings long before.
the one who is true and unique might be
For thus the Scripture says in one place,
glorified. To him be the glory forever and
“I will appoint their bishops in rightever. Amen.
eousness and their deacons in faith.”49
So too our apostles knew
And why should it be so amaz43
44 through our Lord Jesus Christ
ing if those who were in Christ
that strife would arise over the office of
and entrusted by God with such a work
the bishop.
appointed the leaders mentioned earlier?
For this reason, since they under
For even the most fortunate Moses, a
stood perfectly well in advance what
faithful servant in all the house,50 rewould happen, they appointed those we corded in the sacred books all the direchave already mentioned; and afterwards tives that had been given him. And he
they added a codicilp to the effect that if
was followed by all the other prophets,
these should die, other approved men
who together testified to the laws he laid
should succeed them in their ministry.
Thus we do not think it right to re
For when jealousy fell upon the
move from the ministry those who were
tribes and created internal factions over
appointed by them or, afterwards, by
the priesthood—concerning which of
other reputable men, with the entire
them should be adorned with that glorichurch giving its approval. For they have ous name—Moses commanded the
ministered over the flock of Christ blametwelve tribal leaders to bring him rods, lessly and with humility, gently and uneach one inscribed with the tribe’s selfishly, receiving a good witness by all,
name.51 Taking these he bound them tomany times over.
gether, sealed them with the rings of the
Indeed we commit no little sin if we
tribal leaders, and set them in the Tent of
remove from the bishop’s office those
Testimony on the table of God.
who offer the gifts in a blameless and
And he shut the Tent and sealed the
holy way.
keys just as he had done with the rods.
How fortunate are the presbyters
And he said to them, “Brothers, the
who passed on before, who enjoyed a
tribe whose rod will blossom has been
fruitful and perfect departure from this
chosen by God to serve as his priests and
life. For they have no fear that someone
will remove them from the place estab
When early morning came, he called
lished for them.
together all Israel, some six hundred
But we see that you have deposed
thousand men, and showed the tribal
leaders the seals. He opened the Tent of
Testimony and brought out the rods. And
the rod of Aaron was found not only to
pThe text appears here to be corrupt, and several
emendations have been proposed.
have blossomed, but even to be bearing
49Isa 60:17 (LXX). 50Num 12:7; Heb 3:5. 51The
What do you think, loved ones? That
following account is drawn from Numbers 17.
some from the ministry held blamelessly
For it is written, “Cling to those who
in honor among them, even though they
are holy; for those who cling to them will
had been conducting themselves well.
themselves be made holy.”54
And again in another place it says,
45 You should strive hard, broth “With an innocent man, you too will be ers, and be zealousq in matters
innocent and with one who is chosen,
that pertain to salvation!
you will be chosen. But with one who is
You have gazed into the holy and
corrupt, you will cause corruption.”55
true Scriptures that were given through
Therefore we should cling to those
the Holy Spirit.
who are innocent and upright, for these
You realize that there is nothing unare God’s chosen.
just or counterfeit written in them. There
Why are there conflicts, fits of anger,
you will not find the upright cast out by
dissensions, factions, and war among
men who were holy.
The upright were persecuted, but by
Do we not have one God, and one
the lawless. They were imprisoned, but
Christ, and one gracious Spirit that has
by the unholy. They were stoned by those
been poured out upon us, and one calling
who transgressed the law and killed by
in Christ?56
those who embraced vile and unjust envy.
Why do we mangle and mutilate the
And they bore up gloriously while
members of Christ and create factions in
suffering these things.
our own body? Why do we come to such
For what shall we say, brothers? Was
a pitch of madness as to forget that we
Daniel cast into the lions’ den by those
are members of one another? Remember
who feared God?52
the words of our Lord Jesus,
Or were Ananias, Azarias, and Mis
for he said, “Woe to that person! It
ael shut up in the fiery furnace by those
would have been good for him not to be
who participated in the magnificent and
born, rather than cause one of my chosen
glorious worship of the Most High?53
to stumble. Better for him to have a mill
This could never be! Who then did
stone cast about his neck and be drowned
these things? Those who were hateful
in the sea than to have corrupted one of
and full of every evil were roused to
my chosen.”57
such a pitch of anger that they tortured
Your schism has corrupted many and
those who served God with holy and
cast many into despondency, many into
blameless resolve. But they did not
doubt, and all of us into grief. And your
know that the Most High is the chamfaction persists even now!
pion and protector of those who minister to his all-virtuous name with a pure Take up the epistle of that
conscience. To him be the glory forever
47 blessed apostle, Paul.
and ever. Amen.
What did he write to you at first, at
But those who endured in confidence
inherited glory and honor; and they were
exalted and inscribed by God in their own
memorial forever and ever. Amen.
And so, we too must cling to
Dan 6:16. 53Dan 3:19ff. 54Source unknown.
55Ps 18:25–26. 56Eph 4:4–6. 57Matt 26:24; Luke 17:
these examples, brothers.
the beginning of his proclamation of the
able to speak forth knowledge, let him be
wise in his discernment of words, let him
To be sure, he sent you a letter in the
be pure in deeds.
Spiritr concerning himself and Cephas
For the more he appears to be great,
and Apollos, since you were even then
the more he should be humble, striving
engaged in partisanship.58
for the good of all, not just of himself.
But that partisanship involved you in
a relatively minor sin, for you were partisan towards reputable apostles and a 49 The one who experiences love