Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
judge over us? Do you want to kill me,
as you killed the Egyptian yester-
6 To these men who have conducted
themselves in such a holy way
there has been added a great multitude
Because of jealousy Aaron and Mirof the elect, who have set a superb exiam had to stay outside the camp.13
ample among us by the numerous tor
Jealousy brought Dathan and Abiments and tortures they suffered because ram down into Hades while still alive
of jealousy.
because they created a faction against the
Women were persecuted as Danaids
servant of God, Moses.14
and Dircaef and suffered terrifying and
Because of jealousy not only did
profane torments because of jealousy.
David incur envy from foreigners, but he
But they confidently completed the race
was even persecuted by Saul, the king of
of faith, and though weak in body, they
received a noble reward.
Jealousy estranged wives from their
But to stop giving ancient exam5
husbands and nullified what was spoken
ples, let us come to those who beby our father Adam, “This now is bone came athletic contenders in quite recent
from my bones and flesh from my
times. We should consider the noble exflesh.”16
amples of our own generation.
Jealousy and strife overturned great
Because of jealousy and envy the
cities and uprooted great nations.
greatest and most upright pillars were
persecuted, and they struggled in the contest even to death.
We should set before our eyes the
The author’s meaning is unclear. Some scholars have
suggested that he is referring to Christian women margood apostles.
tyred under Nero, who was known for his creatively
There is Peter, who because of unjust
brutal excesses [see Suetonius,
11, 12]. If so, women executed as Dircae may have been dragged to
jealousy bore up under hardships not just
death in the arena, bound to the horns of a bull, like
once or twice, but many times; and
Dirce of Greek myth. The reference to the Danaids is
more puzzling. Some scholars have seen it as an alluhaving thus borne his witness he went to sion to the legend that the daughters of Danaus were
the place of glory that he deserved.
taken by men against their will—i.e. that the Christian
Because of jealousy and strife Paul
women were publicly raped before being put to death.
Others have thought that it refers to the punishment of
pointed the way to the prize for en
Danaus’s daughters in the afterlife, where they were
compelled perpetually to fill leaking vessels—i.e., that
the Christian women were subject to pointless and
Seven times he bore chains; he was
seemingly endless torments prior to their deaths. In
sent into exile and stoned; he served as a
either event, the text is so difficult that several emendations have been suggested to eliminate the reference herald in both the East and the West; and
to “Danaids and Dircae” altogether, the most popular
he received the noble reputation for his
of which changes the text to read: “persecuted as
women, maidens, and slave-girls.”
He taught righteousness to the whole
11Genesis 37. 12Exod 2:14. 13Numbers 12. 14Num
world, and came to the limits of the West,
16:13. 151 Samuel 18ff. 16Gen 2:23.
We are writing these things, loved
return to me with your whole heart and
ones, not only to admonish you but
say, “Father,” I will listen to you as to a
also to remind ourselves. For we are in
holy people.’ ”20
the same arena and the same contest is
And in another place he speaks as
set before us.
follows: “Wash and become clean; re
For this reason we should leave bemove from yourselves the evils that are hind empty and frivolous thoughts and
before my eyes; put an end to your evil
come to the famous and venerable rule
deeds; learn to do good; pursue justice,
of our tradition.
rescue those who are treated unjustly,
We should realize what is good and
render a decision for the orphan and do
pleasing and acceptable before the one
what is right for the widow. And come,
who made us.
let us reason together, says the Lord.
We should gaze intently on the blood
Even if your sins are like crimson, I will
of Christ and realize how precious it is
make them white as snow; and if they are
to his Father; for when it was poured out
like scarlet, I will make them white as
for our salvation, it brought the gracious
wool. If you are willing and obey me,
gift of repentance to the entire world.
you will eat the good things of the earth;
Let us review all the generations and
but if you are not willing and do not obey
learn that from one generation to the next
me, a sword will devour you. For the
the Master has provided an opportunity
mouth of the Lord has spoken these
for repentance to those wanting to return
to him.
Because he wanted all his loved ones
Noah proclaimed repentance, and
to have a share in repentance, he set it in
those who heeded were saved from
place by his all-powerful will.
Jonah proclaimed an impending dis
For this reason we should obey his
aster to the Ninevites; and those who
9 magnificent and glorious will and,
repented of their sins appeased God
as petitioners of his mercy and kindness,
through their fervent pleas and received
fall down before him and turn to his comsalvation, even though they had been espassionate ways, leaving behind our tranged from God.18
pointless toil and strife and the jealousy
that leads to death.
Those who administered the gra
We should gaze intently on those
cious gift of God spoke through
who have perfectly served his magnifithe Holy Spirit about repentance.
cent glory.
And the Master of all things himself
We should consider Enoch, who
spoke about repentance with an oath:
was transported to another place be
“For as I live, says the Lord, I do not
cause he was found to be righteous in
want the sinner to die but to repent.”19
his obedience; and his death was never
And to this he added a good pronouncefound.22
“Repent from your lawlessness,
house of Israel. Say to the children of my
people, ‘If your sins extend from the
earth to the sky and are redder than scar
Genesis 7. 18Jonah 3. 19Cf. Ezek 33:11. 20Possibly drawn from Ezekiel 33. 21Isa 1:16–20 22Gen 5: let and blacker than sackcloth, but you
24; Heb 11:5.
Noah, who was found to be faithful
through his service, proclaimed a new
Because of his hospitality and
piety, Lot was saved out of
beginning to the world; and through him
Sodom when all the surrounding counthe Master saved the living creatures that tryside was judged by fire and brim-entered the ark in harmony.23
stone.29 The Master thus made it clear
that he does not abandon those who hope
10 Abraham, who was called “The in him, but hands over to punishment and Friend,”24 was found to be
torment those who turn away.
faithful when he became obedient to
Lot’s wife was made a sign of this:
God’s words.
for when she left with him but then
In obedience he left his land, his famchanged her mind and fell out of harily, and his father’s house, so that by mony, she was turned into a pillar of salt
abandoning a paltry land, an insignificant
until this day—so that everyone may
family, and a small house he might inknow that those who are of two minds herit the promises of God. For God said
and who doubt the power of God enter
to him,
into judgment and become a visible sign
“Depart from your land, your family,
for all generations.
and your father’s house to the land I will
show you. And I will form you into a
great nation and I will bless you and
Because of her faith and hospitality Rahab the prostitute make your name great; and you will be
was saved from danger.30
blessed. And I will bless those who bless
For when reconnaissance scouts had
you and curse those who curse you, and
been sent into Jericho by Joshua, the son
all the tribes of the earth will be blessed
of Nun, the king of the land discovered
in you.”25
that they had come to scout out their
And again when Abraham separated
country and sent men to arrest them, so
from Lot, God said to him, “Lift up your
that once detained they could be
eyes and look out from where you are
now to the north, south, east, and west;
And so, the hospitable Rahab
for I will give all the land that you see to
brought them inside and hid them in the
you and your offspring forever.
upper room under a pile of thatching
And I will make your offspring like
the sand of the earth. If anyone is able to
When the king’s men arrived and
count the sand of the earth, your offsaid, “Those who are scouting out our spring will also be counted.”26
land came into your house; bring them
Again it says, “God led Abraham out
out, for so the king has ordered,” she
and said to him, ‘Look up into the sky
replied, “The men you are seeking did
and count the stars, if you are able to
come in to see me, but they left right
number them. So will your offspring be.’
And Abraham trusted God, and it was
accounted to him as righteousness.”27
Because of his faith and hospitality,
23Gen 6:8; Heb 11:7. 24Cf. Isa 41:8; Jas 2:23.
a son was given to him in his old age;
25Gen 12:1–3. 26Gen 13:14–16. 27Gen 15:5–6;
and in obedience he offered him up as a
Rom 4:3. 28Gen 18:21; Genesis 22; Heb 11:17.
sacrifice to God on one of the mountains
The following account is drawn from Genesis 19.
30The following account is drawn from Joshua 2. Cf.
that he showed him.28
Heb 11:31; Jas 2:25.
away and are going on down the road.”
kindness be shown to you; the amount
And she pointed them in the wrong
you dispense will be the amount you
And she said to the men, “I know
Let us strengthen one another in this
full well that the Lord God is handing
commandment and these demands, so
this land over to you, for fear and tremthat we may forge ahead, obedient to his bling has seized its inhabitants because
words (which are well-suited for holiof you. When you take the land, save me ness) and humble-minded. For the holy
and my father’s household.”
word says,
They said to her, “It will be just as
“Upon whom shall I look, but upon
you have spoken to us. So, when you
the one who is meek and mild and who
know that we are approaching, gather all
trembles at my sayings?”33
your family under your roof and they will
be saved. For whoever is found outside
And so it is right and holy for
the house will perish.”
14 us to obey God, brothers, rather
And they proceeded to give her a
than follow those who instigate a foul
signh, that she should hang a piece of
jealousy with arrogance and disorderscarlet from her house—making it clear liness.
that it is through the blood of the Lord
For we will subject ourselves not to