Lost in His Love 3 (11 page)

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Authors: Shantay

Tags: #Fiction, #Urban, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Lost in His Love 3
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Chapter 23

Ice went back to Oakland but he planned on coming right back within a few days. He had business to take care of that he couldn’t put on hold. Jayceon picked him up from the airport and when he got in the car it was all business first. Ice told him about Kaylen being pregnant and how he was moving to L.A. Jayceon was actually happy for Ice. He knew where Ice’s heart was and to say cupid finally shot him in the ass was good. Jayceon accepted his position to oversee Oakland. He was in full beast mode and ready to work. He knew that his pockets were about to be fatter and that’s going to set him up good.

When Jayceon dropped Ice off home he didn’t know what to do with himself. Ice was sad that he was leaving his hometown. He thought about his life in Sobrante Park. His hood was a big part of who he is. His mom gave birth to him but Sobrante streets raised him. Sobrante made him a man. He was going to L.A. with wisdom and a different type of hunger for the game now.

Ice’s house was paid for and he wasn’t going to give it up. He was going to move most of his things to L.A. especially his cars. He was going to get someone to pack up his things for him so it could be shipped. Ice hopped in one of his cars and went to visit his mom. Since the fight between Kaylen and Amber it did put a huge strain on his relationship with his family.

Ice was at the point in his life where he had to man up in different ways. If his family loved him like they say they did they were going to have to be accepting of Kaylen and their child. He wasn’t going to even bother to tell Natasha anything because he was sure that Amber was going to do it anyways. When he pulled up to his mom’s house she had a full house. All of his sisters and brothers were there. He used his key to walk right in.

“Wassup y’all?” Ice said when he walked in. Everyone greeted him but his mom was standoffish.

“Ma come here I need to talk to you,” Ice said. Him and his mom went into the kitchen to talk in private.

“How have you been?” he asked.

“Fine,” she vaguely said.

“Ma why gotta act like that?” he asked but she didn’t have an answer.

“What is it that you want Zion?” she asked.

“I came to tell you that Kaylen is pregnant and I’m moving from out of here,” his mother was shocked.

She didn’t like how Kaylen came into his life and changed everything. Ice was her first born and he always had her back. She just couldn’t see him moving away so she can’t see him everyday. She wasn’t acting like his mom but she didn’t see that.

“How you know it’s your child Zion? Don’t be a fool!” she said.

“Why can’t you just be cool like before? You always have something negative to say. You can’t just be happy? She’s not a hoe for you to say it’s not my baby.”

“How could you believe it’s your child and you don’t even know the damn girl?”

“See mama that’s how much you know that you don’t wanna accept her. I’ve known her for the last two years. She’s having my child and you never gave her a fair chance before you judged her. I want my family to be in our baby’s life but if you can’t get right with yourself I am not brining my baby over here.”

“What?” she was shocked.

“How could I even bring my baby around here and you don’t even respect the mother of my child? You let Amber and Natasha brain wash you!”

Ice didn’t have much to say anymore. His mom was doing her own thing and he didn’t even care. His baby was going to be loved regardless. His mom was going to be the one missing out not him. He has done everything he could have as a man to make it work.

Ice walked out of his mother’s house as a better man. He was going to provide for his family anyway he could and every an anything else was irrelevant. He wasn’t going to put too much thought into it because he needed to look for a wedding ring for his future wife. When he got back to L.A. he was ready to start the rest of his life with Kaylen.

Chapter 24

Today was Lamont’s birthday and everyone tried to be happy. Kaylen, Donte, and Jared were going to his lawyer’s office to find out what was in their father’s will. Jared and Donte knew that there was a will but they never had a hearing of the will. Kaylen was very nervous and had so many unanswered questions.

The car ride to the lawyer’s office was pretty quiet. Kaylen wished that Ice were in town for moments like these. She wanted him to be there for her so he could comfort her. When they pulled up in front of the lawyer’s building everyone felt weird. It was an unsaid feeling that nobody wanted to speak on.

“You three must be the Carters,” the lawyer said when they walked into his office.

“You must be Alex,” Kaylen said.

“Yes let me show you to the conference room while I gather your father’s things,” he said escorting them to the conference room.

“What things is he talking about?” Kaylen asked after Alex left.

“I don’t know,” Jared said. They were all confused until Alex came back with a huge box that had a silver lock on it.

“Okay this is a recording of your father’s will. He came in right before he past and dropped all of this stuff off and he had very special instructions,” Alex said.

“What are they?” Donte asked.

“Well he said for his daughter, Kaylen, to receive this box and to not open it until the end of the hearing but there’s a little box I’m supposed to give you before that,” Alex said handing her a little box.

“Play the recording,” Jared demanded and Alex did so.

“I know it took you guys some time to find each other but the part that matters the most now is that you guys are together. I wasn’t the best man that I could have been and I know I was a terrible father for not being there like how I should have and that resulted in you guys suffering.

Donte, my first born, you have my stubborn ways and I need you to change that before you end up like me. I know you think that it’s okay to roam the streets while you have Mariah but it’s not, please take me for an example. If you are doing what I think you are doing still I need you to change that as soon as possible. Son I love you and I want you to marry that girl because no one loves you like how she loves you. 

Jared you remind me the most of myself. I know I have failed you many times but I thank you for still accepting a relationship with me before I die. I want you to stay strong for me but just know that it’s okay to break down sometimes. You have feelings too and it’s okay to be hurt. You don’t always to have to have your guard up. Learn how to slow down and just enjoy the moments you have left on this earth. Continue to take care of my grandchildren. By the time you hear this I hope you and Jasmine had more children. Take care of Jasmine she’s a strong woman. She loves you unconditionally. I won’t be able to rest knowing that you two aren’t right with each other. You two are a force together.

Kaylen I know you’re listening and I am so sorry that I’ve never been a father to you. When I met your mother I was still very much in a relationship with Shariece and couldn’t leave her for the strength of Donte and Jared. I fell in love with your mother. She had this persona about herself that was memorable. We created you out of love and trust me it was never a mistake. When she had you I was trying my hardest to not hurt my family but I did.

Your mom felt like she couldn’t wait for me any longer so she moved on with her life before she went into labor. I wasn’t called on to be there for your birth. I was never able to find you or your mother after that. It wasn’t until years later I found out that your mother past away. When I found out she died apart of me died as well. I searched high and low for you but you were nowhere to be found. Baby girl listen to me if you’re anything like your mom I know you’re a fighter, I hope that you have her soft green eyes, and please make sure to wear her same bright smile wherever you go. Since I never had the chance to tell you I want to tell you now, Kaylen I love you. You’re my child, a big part of me. One day we’ll get to meet and even then it’ll be too soon.

Jared and Donte I know that you two will take care of Kaylen in my absence. Please don’t fail me. I put my trust and faith into you two. She needs guidance in her life and you two are the correct people to give it to her. She needs you and you guys need her as well. I want you guys to have a relationship with each other until you three leave earth.

Jared and Donte since you two were born I left stocks and bonds in your names. It has grown over the years until the day you get to hear this message. Alex has all of the information for you guys. Please invest and do something with your life. The fast life can only last for so long.

Kaylen I left you something special that is worth more than money can buy. Your mother and I were planning for your arrival when we found out she was pregnant with a girl. She and I used to write letters after letters for you to be able to show you when you were of age and now that she’s gone and I’m barely hanging on I’m giving them to you. There are two boxes that Alex has that belong to you. The little box is for you to open right now. It’s a key for you to open your trunk that’s in your next box. I hope that one day you’ll be able to forgive me and pass on these keepsakes to your children because that’s what your mother and I wanted. Open the box when you are in the privacy of your own home. For you baby girl my house is in your name. It’s for you to do what you want with it.

Donte, Jared, and Kaylen take care of each other for me. I will see you guys in your after life. Make me proud. I’m always here watching over you guys. I love you all dearly,” was the last thing Lamont said before the recording went off.

Donte, Jared, and Kaylen were all in tears. Donte and Jared couldn’t hold it back anymore. They were hurting and like Lamont said it was okay to be hurt and to let it show. They were human and had feelings too. Kaylen was heartbroken and didn’t think it would hurt as much as it did. She wanted her parents to hold her in their arms so bad. She wanted for them to love her. She wished that they could have watched her grow up. She just wished that they could have been there.


To Be Continued . . .

Author’s Note

Whew, I struggled to write this book a little bit because I had so many feelings when I wrote this one. The writing was a little intense for me. You probably have a lot of questions about this book and I want you guys to save them all for next week. Next Saturday October 24, 2015 at 8pm EST we’re having a live book discussion/release party on YouTube. On that day everyone please click the link that I will post on all of my social media to tune in. Submit your questions through Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.



Shantay xoxo




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