Lost in His Love 3 (4 page)

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Authors: Shantay

Tags: #Fiction, #Urban, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Lost in His Love 3
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Chapter 6

Everyone was on time this morning surprisingly. Everyone took note of how nice Ice and Kaylen acted to one another. Mariah and Jasmine knew that their plan worked while Jared and Donte didn’t want to know what they did to make it work. The entire flight Kaylen and Ice slept peacefully.

“Wassup with them?” Donte asked.

“Oh nothing,” Mariah giggled.

“Y’all are up to some shit,” he said.

“No we aren’t, stop being paranoid,” Jasmine said.

Donte left it alone and they enjoyed the rest of their flight. When they finally landed they all were able to fit in the Escalade that was waiting on them. They all went straight to their resort to check in. Kaylen and Ice were the only ones who had separate rooms but Mariah made sure it was adjacent rooms just in case they wanted to slip in each other’s room in the middle of the night.

All of the couples went to their separate rooms. Kaylen loved how her room was designed it was a perfect fit for her. She was lying on her bed when Ice came walking into her room. He didn’t care he always did what he wanted anyways.

“How did you get in here?” she asked.

“The door is connected to my room,” he said and she rolled her eyes. That’s another thing that had Mariah and Jasmine’s names written on it.

“So wassup, you need something?” she asked.

“Nah why I always gotta need something? I was just trynna see what the door was connected to,” he said.

“Okay Ice,” she said ignoring him.

Ice turned around to leave from out of Kaylen’s room mumbling under his breath. He was feeling Kaylen but she always had a smart ass mouth and that’s something he’ll never get used to.

“Ice do you wanna come with me on the beach?” Kaylen yelled out just before Ice exited out of the door.

“I didn’t even think you wanted to be around me in public,” Ice said turning back around.

“I don’t because you have the cooties,” Kaylen laughed, Ice smiled.

“When you trynna go?”

“In 30 minutes let me take a quick shower and get dressed,” she said hopping up off of the Queen size bed.

“Alright,” Ice said going into his room to get ready too.

Ice was from the hood and although he splurged on himself occasionally taking trips and being in exotic places wasn’t his cup of tea. He was a product of the hood so this was something new and fresh for him. He has traveled before but it was always business and nothing intimate like Cabo.

Kaylen took a quick shower before she changed into her bathing suit. She was happy that she bought all new sexy bikinis since she had no idea that Ice was tagging along on the trip. In a way she was happy that Ice came because everyone was coupled up and she was lonely. It’s not like her and Ice was going to leave Cabo in a relationship but they could build something if that’s what Ice wanted. Kaylen was letting bygones be bygones and starting fresh.

After Kaylen was dressed she waited on Ice. She couldn’t wait to explore what Cabo had to offer. She has never seen a prettier place before. The sand was almost white and the water looked so beautiful. It definitely was nothing like the Los Angeles beaches. She told Ice to come in when he knocked on the door.

“You ready?” Ice asked walking into her room while she laid on her bed posting pictures on Instagram.

“Yeah let’s go,” she said standing up grabbing her purse.

Ice looked Kaylen up from head to toe. Her sex appeal was on all time high without even trying. Her nipple piercings showed clearly through her bikini top and that made Ice’s mind wonder even more.

“I would compliment you but you might bite me,” Ice said chuckling.

“Shut up you get on my nerves but you don’t even gotta say it ‘cause I already know I look good so thank you,” she cockily said walking ahead of him leaving out of the room.

They both walked out of the resort that was located on the beach. Along the boardwalk there were many stores and bars as they walked by. Of course Kaylen had to stop in all of them and pick up souvenirs. When they finally got to the bar they started to order drinks until Kaylen was feeling tipsy. They say a drunken mouth always speaks a sober mind.

“Whatever you got going at home needs to stop Ice. I’m tired of playing with you. I want you,” Kaylen said as she drunk her liquor.

Ice already knew what was going on with Kaylen. He always stayed three steps ahead of her. Even though there was no one in his life he would never let her know that. He just listened as she rambled on about her feelings for him. He was well aware of the feelings that she had for him it was just good to hear it come out of her mouth for the first time.

Kaylen was tipsy but she wasn’t drunk yet. She knew that she was letting her guard down by telling Ice her true feelings all with the help of her liquor. She felt comfortable and it was the right time. Even though Ice wasn’t saying anything she knew he understood because their souls connected. With Ice she felt a deeper bond with him than anyone else. They had the type of relationship where they didn’t need to talk much because they could read each other. 

“Let’s go back to the room before I have to carry you from out of here,” Ice said paying the tab on their bill.

“You promise?” Kaylen winked.

Ice shook his head and followed behind Kaylen as they made it back to their room. Jasmine, Jared, Mariah, and Donte were all resting before they all had dinner. They were jet lagged and wanted to chill for a few before they joined the festivities. The trip was for Kaylen and Ice anyways so they weren’t missing out on anything.

When Kaylen made it back into her room she dropped her purse down on the couch and went to undress from her booty shorts that she had on. Ice went his separate way in his room. She was going to order a bottle of champagne and fruit for them. She turned on the Jacuzzi in her bathroom and filled it to the top with water. After her champagne and fruit tray she ordered came she went to find Ice. She tiptoed into his room because she didn’t knock at first. She found Ice on his balcony rolling a neat blunt.

“Hey you,” she said wearing only her bikini.

“What you doing in here?” Ice asked as he took a puff from his blunt.

“I came to get you,” she innocently said.

Ice looked at her strangely since she was being so nice. Kaylen grabbed one of his hands and led him into her room through their adjacent bedroom door. Ice looked around her bathroom noticing how much she was thinking of him. He couldn’t lie he did like it and was happy about the time they were spending together alone.

“Come in,” she said as Ice helped her into the Jacuzzi then he followed behind.

Kaylen handed Ice the bottle of champagne as she held the two champagne glasses. Ice poured champagne to the rim and they toasted to a great trip. Kaylen laid back on one end of the tub as Ice laid back on the other.

“Is this enough to show you that I am through with all of the bullshit?” Kaylen asked.

“Come here,” Ice said as Kaylen stood in between his legs. He finally kissed her lips and that was something he wanted to do for over a year. They weren’t in a relationship but they were going to date and see what one another had to offer.

Chapter 7

Everyone was seated at dinner looking over the menu. It was a weird feeling for Jasmine and Mariah noticing how cool Ice and Kaylen were. They weren’t acting childish towards each other and they were communicating like adults.

“I guess it’s safe to say that y’all fuck with each other now,” Jasmine said.

“You’re so damn nosey,” Kaylen said.

“We straight,” Ice spoke up.

In actuality they were better than straight. They were on a fresh start of something new. They both had the potential to turn their friendship into a relationship. Kaylen was happy inside but she didn’t let it show. She was going to tell Jasmine and Mariah all about it in private later but for now they were going to enjoy their night. Everyone ordered their food and discussed their hopes for the trip. Their was so many things that they wanted to try and do.

“Let’s go to the club tomorrow,” Kaylen suggested.

“Yes I can’t wait to show these people how I get down,” Mariah said dancing in her seat while Donte gave her a side eye as he drunk his beer.

“You will be showing nothing before your daddy beats your ass,” Kaylen sarcastically said.

“Yeah okay you’ll know who your daddy is soon,” Mariah said referring to Ice. Kaylen flipped her the middle finger.

“We could walk on the beach after this,” Jasmine suggested and everyone agreed.

Their dinner went by fast and smooth. Jared, Donte, and Ice had all of the ladies on their backs laughing so hard. It was good to have adult conversations when the children weren’t around. After dinner they all took a walk on the beach. It was late and dark but still they were all up for it. Ice noticed how cold it was getting and Kaylen was shaking a little so he gave her his jacket. He wrapped his arm her waist as they walked for a little then ran into the water to get their feet wet.

Kaylen brought out a weaker side of Ice. She humbled him in ways he didn’t understand yet. He was young and still learning the ropes of loving a woman as he went along. He wasn’t perfect but he was willing to give love a try. He knew what he wanted and it was all worth it because in the end he planned on having his own family.

“Are you my girl?” Ice asked in between kisses.

“If you want me to be,” Kaylen responded back on her tippy toes.

Ice was truly enjoying her company. It was different from what he was used to. He knew for sure that he changed and slowed down so much because if he didn’t he would have fucked Kaylen so long ago then dogged her out. Now he was acting like a man and taking care of business. He didn’t know how to take it slow but he was slowly just going with the flow. As much as he wanted sex with her he knew he wouldn’t respect her if they did it too soon.

They all went back to their rooms for a nightcap. For Jasmine and Jared as soon as they locked their door their clothes came off. Being that they were parents of three they didn’t have time to waste. Whenever they had time to pleasure each other they took it without a doubt since they were always so busy with the kids or work.

Mariah on the other hand wasn’t too pleased with Donte. She planned on enjoying her mini vacation but as soon as they entered in their room Donte’s phone went off with a random bitch calling him. She didn’t know what it looked like on his end but on her end she wanted to be mad and go off but then there’s a part of her that felt secured. She shouldn’t have to keep addressing women over her man. Then again, she started to feel like the women that kept interest was the reason why he didn’t marry her yet.


Monday morning everyone flew back to Los Angeles after their long weekend. They wished they could’ve stayed longer but they all had work to tend to. Ice went home with Kaylen since he was flying back to Oakland in the morning. He knew he couldn’t stay away for too long.

“I had fun this weekend did you?” Kaylen asked as she drove back to her condo.

“Yeah it was straight. It was different though.”

“How so?”

“I’m just not used to this shit.”

“Just because you’re from the hood doesn’t mean you have to only be in the hood. Get out more and enjoy what’s out here,” Kaylen said.

“Well then what’s out here?” he asked.

“Well for starters you could spend the night with me and we could go from there,” she suggested.

“Aight sounds like a plan.”

Kaylen looked at Ice for a second before she turned back to the road. She captured a mental picture of him in her mind. She felt like sometimes the things Ice say or when he puts her up on game about life is what she cherishes. She takes the things that he taught her over anything else he could offer. She never had that kind of relationship before. Even though Alonzo treated her well for his time being he never taught her anything though. Even though Kaylen was a grown woman and there wasn’t much you could say to her it just wasn’t anything like when your man schools you about life or break something down to where only you could understand. With Ice he made everything possible for Kaylen.

When Kaylen pulled up into her parking spot Ice took out their luggage. They were both ready to just relax and take it easy for the remainder of the day. Their weekend trip still consumed so much of them that they were feeling lazy. At the moment Kaylen wasn’t trying to get too attached since something always went wrong and plus she knew he was going back home very soon. She never really put too much thought into how a relationship could work when they lived so far apart.

“Have you thought about how we could work with you being in Oakland and I’m here in L.A.?” Kaylen asked as she unpacked her luggage.

“If this is what we both want we’ll make it work and nothing will be able to keep me away from you,” he said and she smiled.

“That was a damn good answer!” she laughed.

“I’m leaving from here tomorrow though,” Ice said deciding it was time to get back to his grind.

“Why so soon?” she asked.

“You know I can’t stay away from my money for too long,” he said. He sensed her attitude about it and knew she didn’t want him to leave but he had to. He couldn’t stop his cash flow for anyone.

“I’ll be here for your grand opening okay?” he said trying to cheer her up a little.

“That’s three weeks away,” she said counting down already.

“Look you just gonna have to deal with it,” he said.

Apart of him wanted Kaylen to come to Oakland but then again he didn’t want her coming because his whole life was located back in Oakland. He felt like if she came he wouldn’t be at home because he would be hustling then at the same time he wouldn’t feel safe knowing that she’s around. She was an open target so he felt like he should keep her on the low for her own safety.

“Maybe one day,” she simply said.

Kaylen left it alone since she didn’t want to start an argument between them. She knew he would be back soon. Going to Oakland wasn’t an option for her right now. She was just going to enjoy the rest of her night before Ice left.

“You wanna go to a movie or something tonight since you’re leaving?” she asked.

“How about you cook and we watch a movie right here,” he said. Ice wasn’t into parading women around town. He felt like it wasn’t cool since niggas was aiming at him everyday. It didn’t matter if he wasn’t in Oakland or not he wasn’t going to just be chilling with his guard down.

“Okay we can do that.”

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