Loose Ends (25 page)

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Authors: Electa Rome Parks

BOOK: Loose Ends
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“I can’t think of a better way to end the evening.” He kissed me on the tip of my nose and pulled me closer.
“You’re shivering. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine now that you’re here.” Absently, I rubbed his back over and over. Christian’s presence was always calming and soothing to me.
A few minutes later, Christian and I said our good-byes and were headed out the exit door. As I glanced back, the last thing I saw was Brice kissing Kree on her neck and Kree laughing at something Brice said while he stroked her hair away from her heated face. I turned away with my body still humming from his touch.
A couple more weeks came and went and it was almost August. Where had the summer gone? Christian was back in work mode and I had made my displeasure obvious in my own way. I simply wouldn’t speak to him besides one-word answers. Christian would get mad, which was rare, and ask me why I couldn’t express my feelings to him. Doors would slam, we’d sleep in the same bed without touching, and he’d accuse me of not trusting him, not sharing with him completely, and holding back my love for him. These were accusations that had been tossed around by Christian throughout our marriage. And then he would do something fantastic or say something funny, and the whole episode of not speaking would pass over like a mild summer’s rain.
We hadn’t seen Kree and Brice since the night at the club. However, I had talked to Brice on the phone on a couple of occasions and everything was cool. I had thought about that night long and hard, and I think it was the alcohol and my active imagination reading too much into things. Brice was a true flirt and was just messing with me that night. In our brief conversations, he certainly hadn’t mentioned the incident or said anything out of line to me. So I didn’t mention it to Christian, and life went on. I did say to Christian that I thought Kree had a crush on him and that I was keeping an eye on them. He laughed; I didn’t.
So another Friday night found me sitting at home . . . alone. Christian was pulling a double shift for some reason. To be honest, I didn’t even hear the explanation because I was so pissed. Lyric was over at Mama’s for the night, and Sharon had a date—maintenance time. So we couldn’t even hang out. When I came in that evening after dropping Lyric off, I poured myself some of the white wine we had left in the fridge, lit some aromatherapy candles, turned on some light jazz, pulled off my sandals and planned to spend a productive evening working on my personal computer that was sitting on the kitchen table. Christian had brought it in from our guest room. Mama had recruited me to put together a senior-citizen’s directory for her center, and I had been putting it off for much too long.
I was pretty mellow after my third glass of white wine and had actually gotten a lot accomplished on the spreadsheet. I was startled by the doorbell ringing. I glanced at my watch and realized it was already nine P.M. I wasn’t expecting anyone. I peeked through the peephole and was surprised to see Brice standing there. I opened the door to his bright smile.
“Hi, Brice.”
“Hi. How are you?”
“I’m fine, but Christian isn’t here. Sorry. He’s pulling a double shift at his second home.”
“Damn. Well, my bad. I guess I should have called first.”
We were still casually standing in the doorway. Brice gave me the once-over.
“You look nice tonight, Mia. Are you going somewhere?” he asked, inspecting my black halter top that scooped down low in the front and my wraparound miniskirt that showed off my sexy legs.
“No, it’s just me and my computer tonight. Exciting, huh?”
“Listen, can I use your bathroom?” His eyes searched inside the living room, which was dim.
“Sure, come on in.” I opened the door wider for him to enter and stepped aside. “You know where it is. Help yourself.”
Brice nodded and strolled to the bathroom. I closed the front door and walked back to my computer. When Brice returned, I was busy sorting the spreadsheet in alphabetical order.
“You seem to be hard at work on something.” He walked over behind me and looked down at the computer screen.
“Yeah, I’m trying to finish this up for Mama so she can quit bugging me.” I laughed and looked up at him.
“Cool. Maybe you can show me a few tricks on Excel since you seem to be the expert. Compared to me, anybody is an expert, though.”
“Yeah, if you’d like.” I really wasn’t in a hurry for him to leave because I wanted the company. He was right about one thing: I hate being alone.
I began to show Brice the basics and explain the functions of the different icons on the spreadsheet. Suddenly Brice interrupted me.
He was still standing behind me, sipping a glass of wine, to which he had boldly helped himself. “Mia, you smell so good, girl. What do you have on?” he asked as he playfully sniffed my neck.
For some reason, I realized how close Brice was to me and that we were very much alone.
I laughed, “You always ask that. I’m wearing Seduction.”
“Seduction, huh?”
“You got it. Remember the name so you can buy it for Kree.” I glanced back up at him.
“How did Kree suddenly get into this conversation?” he inquired with annoyance in his voice.
I just shrugged it off. I really wasn’t up to getting into a confrontation with Brice.
“You know you can sit down,” I said, slowly kneading my neck with my left hand to get rid of some of my sudden tension and strain.
“No, I’m fine. I like standing. Go on with your lecture, Miss Schoolteacher; I’m listening,” he laughed.
I continued on, and, now and then, I would rub my neck.
At some point, I felt Brice’s warm hands firmly on my shoulders and he began to massage them in vigorous strokes.
“What are you doing?” I pulled away from his hold as if I had touched fire.
“Chill, Mia. You look like you need a good massage, that’s all. You look tense, so I’m helping you out. I have magic fingers, you know.”
“Oh, do you now?” I asked, feeling that I would give in to him.
“Relax,” he cooed, “let me ease some of your tension.”
Finally, I leaned back into his masculine hands and closed my eyes for a second. It did feel wonderful.
“Does that feel good?” he whispered seductively into my ear.
“Yes, yes, it does. You missed your calling.” The man did have magical fingers. I relaxed and enjoyed his touch. The CD started to replay as I reached for my wineglass to take another sip. I was rather mellow.
Gradually, Brice’s massage was becoming erotically and sensually charged.
“Here, let me untie your top so that I can massage your back easier.” Brice began to untie the knot without my consent.
I quickly jumped away from his prying fingers.
“What are you doing?”
“Relax, Mia, just hold the front of your top. I promise I won’t peek. It’s not like I haven’t seen your breasts up-close and personal before.”
I hesitated for a moment and leaned back. I slowly relaxed again and closed my eyes. I felt his strong hands making their way to the edges of my breasts. Barely touching them. Teasing them. I didn’t say anything. I was stunned. Again, I spoke no words when Brice bent down and started to lightly kiss the back of my neck, featherlight kisses. I felt shivers and my body started humming again.
“Relax, baby. Let me make you feel good like I used to. Remember? Don’t you want that? Trust me,” he softly whispered in my ear as he slowly pulled my top away to expose my breasts. “Beautiful.”
“Wait, what about . . . ?” I asked anxiously. “I can’t do this. I can’t. No, stop, Brice!”
“Shhh. Shhh. Calm down! This is just between you and me, baby. I don’t want to hurt Christian or Kree either.” His voice was calm like he was talking to a child.
“But I can’t hurt . . .”
“Relax. This is just about you and me. At this moment, no one else matters. Trust me; they never have to know. Never. This is our secret. We can take it to our graves.”
“I can’t do this . . .” I was torn between my love for Christian and my desire for Brice. He continued to stroke my back in circular motions.
“I know in my heart that you can’t say you don’t still love me. I know you do, baby. I see it in your eyes.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I was speechless.
“Mia, don’t say anything. Let me love you. Give me this one night. We’ve been given this opportunity for a reason, baby. Just me and you in our own little world.” He kissed my neck and nibbled on my left earlobe—my hot spots.
Heat exploded between my legs.
Brice slowly turned my chair around and admired my breasts for a few seconds with pure lust in his sexy eyes. Then he got down on his knees and greeted them like long-lost friends. Each breast was given special attention. He placed each one tenderly in his mouth, one at a time, while my arms encircled his shoulders.
Within seconds, my nipples were swollen and sticking out, practically begging for his mouth and tongue to continue. Brice teased one with his thumb, and the first moan escaped my lips. I was a lost cause. Brice sucked, caressed and nibbled on my nipples and breasts until I was so hot I could barely contain myself. I was out of control. Totally out of control. He knew he had me when I voluntarily opened my legs to reveal my womanhood to his searching hands.
Brice wasted no time in sliding up my short skirt, pushing my black thong panties to the side and slipping in his finger. He noticed how hot and wet I was. My womanhood was blossoming like a spring flower. Another moan escaped my lips when his two fingers explored further within my moist walls. Within seconds, my skirt was untied and my panties were off. He frantically pulled me to the edge of my seat and loved me with his fingers, tongue and mouth while I called out his name over and over again, louder and louder. I pulled his head down so he couldn’t get away. It felt too delicious.
Brice whispered, “I want to taste you again and again until you come in my mouth.” I threw my head back, wrapped my legs around his neck and held on for the ride. And what a ride it was. Brice didn’t stop until I had come at least twice. As my eyes rolled back in my head, I trembled uncontrollably in his arms.
“That’s my girl; let it go. It feels good, doesn’t it?”
Somehow, we ended up on the tiled floor and I was pulling, yanking, grabbing, frantically trying to get his shorts and shirt off. I desperately needed to feel him inside me, like my very existence depended on Brice’s being inside me. We were both breathing heavily by now and groping each other like there was no tomorrow. In our minds, there wasn’t. This was a onetime event.
When Brice finally entered me, I was so slippery wet that he didn’t stay in the first try. Then we started going at it like animals. Believe me, we were not making love; we were fucking like two wild beasts in heat. Brice was hitting it like there was no tomorrow, and I was eagerly rising up to take each frantic thrust. Brice was hitting it just right. Our moans were lust-filled and in line with the frantic pace at which we were going. There was no gentleness; we were satisfying a pure animalistic desire. We were fucking.

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