Loose Ends (24 page)

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Authors: Electa Rome Parks

BOOK: Loose Ends
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Christian and I both laughed at our private joke because he knew I couldn’t talk freely.
“This morning you were sleeping so peacefully that I didn’t dare wake you.” I’d usually get up with Christian and go back to bed after he left for work. I loved spending those early-morning minutes with him during the summer. It was always so peaceful and reaffirming. I’d walk him to the door and give him a deep, passionate kiss to get him through the day.
“Well, it was a late night, but well worth it.”
“You got that right. Can’t wait to have a repeat. Listen, I’ll let you get to work. I’ll talk to you later, baby.”
“Bye, sweetie, love ya.” I handed the phone back to Brice.
He retrieved the phone and kinda gave me this look—a look I couldn’t quite read. He got up, gave me his chair and proceeded to point out and walk me through the problems he was experiencing on his PC. I’m no computer expert, but I know a little sumthin’-sumthin’. It appeared that some of his software hadn’t loaded properly and had to be reloaded. I set up his AOL e-mail account, gave him our e-mail address, at his request, and helped him to organize a few files into folders.
That was it. By then it was around two thirty or so. The morning flew by. Kree apologized and gave me a rain check on the lunch and shopping. She had to rush home to prepare Brice’s dinner.
I thought Brice was going to tell Kree that she could go shopping with me and not worry about his dinner. He didn’t say a damn word. I got the distinct feeling Brice didn’t want us to get too chummy. Understandable. I could tell her an earful, and Kree and I could definitely compare notes. I thought how lucky I was that Brice was no longer my problem. I shook my head in disbelief and walked out the front door behind Kree. Amazing.
My feelings flipped back and forth. Just when I was beginning to like him as a friend, he’d do something foul or make some crazy-ass comment. In the days and weeks that followed, I’d discover that would become our pattern. A love-hate relationship.
The summer was quickly zooming by and I was cherishing each sunny day. I had gotten into a routine of sleeping in, spending quality time with Christian when he wasn’t working, visiting Mama and Sharon, and taking Lyric to the park, the zoo and the neighborhood playground. Boring, but routine.
About two weeks after I had gone to Security Unlimited, Inc., Christian and I went dancing with Kree and Brice at Club Kaya in Midtown.
We had a ball and Kree showed out. The girl had mad dance skills. It’s a shame that Kree isn’t using her talent in some artistic capacity. The more I’m around her, the more her true personality revealed itself. Kree wasn’t as shallow as I initially thought. Brice overshadows her with his dominant personality and she dulls in comparison.
We had been at the club for about two hours. I had one too many drinks, but I was so thrilled to be out of my house, interacting with other adults, that I went all out. I had a nice little buzz going, feeling real good. I knew Christian wasn’t going to let anything happen to me. Not his sweetie. So it was all good. Besides, he was enjoying all my touchy-feely moves on him and reaping the benefits. Alcohol makes me horny as hell.
There was lots of laughter and drinking going on. Kree and Christian danced together several times as did Brice and me. I made sure it wasn’t on any slow songs.
At some point, Kree and Christian were hanging out on the dance floor again. She was all over my man, but it didn’t make me jealous. My Boo only had eyes for me. Being a woman, I still kept a watchful eye in their direction just to be safe. Kree isn’t that innocent if she’s married to Brice. I know the demands he makes in bed. Anyway, that left Brice and me alone together at our table in the far corner. We had decided to sit that one out. Mistake. That was when the weird shit began.
Twilight Zone
Brice stared at me with a look of amusement on his face as he nursed his rum and coke.
“What?” I asked, giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough? You know how you act when you drink. Drinking has always gotten you into trouble, Mia.”
“This is only my second—no, third—screwdriver,” I slurred as I tried to focus on him through slitted eyes. “What are you talking about? Anyway, you’re not my dictator anymore. So you can’t tell me what to do. Now,” I crooned into his face. I was up-close and personal. Did I fail to mention that drinking also makes me flirt? We were so close we could have kissed. I felt his warm breath, saw his long eyelashes, and could feel the heat rising off his muscular body.
“I’m crushed—your dictator? Mia, I wasn’t that bad. Cut me some slack.”
“Oh, yeah, believe me, trust me, you were. That’s how it felt, anyway. Always telling me what to do, what not to do, and how to act. And if I did something you didn’t like, well, we both know how I suffered the consequences.” The alcohol made me talk freely. We were eyeball-to-eyeball.
Brice continued to sip on his drink and watch me intensely. He leaned back in his seat and sized me up.
“Do you do that shit to Kree? Or was I just the lucky one?” I touched his knee with my hand.
“See what I mean? You talk that crazy bullshit when you get a couple of drinks in you.”
“Tell me, Brice, do you hit her, too? I’ve wanted to know from day one.” I was on a roll. “I haven’t seen any bruises.”
“No, Mia, I don’t hit Kree. I have no reason to. She knows how to be a woman and how to treat her man,” Brice said, scoring a point.
“And I don’t?” I asked in hurt and disbelief.
“Back then, you weren’t the woman I wanted you to be.” He touched my right hand, which was resting on the table. I felt an instant shiver traveling up my arm.
“Yeah, right, barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen was your ideal woman. And, oh, let’s not forget sucking your dick.” I moved my hand from within his reach. I didn’t want him to see the effect his touch had on me.
“I had no complaints about the latter. You did that one really well,” he exclaimed with a smirk.
My eyes shot daggers his way. There was a long silence. I redirected my attention back to the dance floor. I was determined not to let Brice get to me. Not this time. I bopped my head and snapped my fingers to the hip-hop music. People watched and checked out my man on the dance floor. He looked gorgeous dressed from head to toe in black.
“Mia, did Christian tell you I saw your old friend over in Germany?” Brice said matter-of-factly.
He got my attention again. I turned my head away from the dance floor to glare at him.
“Who? My friend? I don’t know anyone in Germany.”
“Oh, yes, you do. Think. He remembered you all too well. Had wonderful memories.”
“He? Now, I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, you do. Think real hard . . . I ran into your old friend Malcolm.”
I felt a cold chill as I looked into Brice’s piercing stare. I nervously picked up my glass and gulped. Yeah, I remembered Malcolm all right. Tall, dark, bald-headed, fine. Sexy as hell. Full lips. And he quickly turned into my worst freaking nightmare.
“Remember Malcolm? Remember he was the private who was eating my ex-wife’s stuff and getting her all hot and bothered in our house on our sofa?” he said calmly with an angry glare in his eyes.
I didn’t answer. I was having flashbacks to those times when I saw that look, and remembered what would follow: his open hand making contact with my body. However, I couldn’t turn away from Brice; I was too scared, and his eyes were hypnotic.
“And what did my beautiful ex-wife do? She let him taste her and enjoyed it, from what he told me. Said you were eager and asking for more. Couldn’t get enough.”
I still didn’t say anything. I was frozen like a deer caught in approaching headlights.
“Don’t you want to know what happened?” Brice asked as he leaned forward.
I slowly shook my head. I never took my eyes off him.
“No? Well, let me brief you anyway. First, I made him tell me exactly what happened between you and him. Then I proceeded to beat his muthafuckin’ ass, sent his punk ass to the hospital, and dared him to tell anyone I had fucked him up. Nobody messes with my woman.
“So, sweetheart,” he said, gently taking my glass from my trembling hand, “my point is that I really hate to see you drink too much because you do stuff that you shouldn’t. Don’t you agree?”
I nodded in agreement and Brice smiled knowingly.
“Are you enjoying yourself? By the way, you look beautiful tonight. That red dress is doing you much justice.”
“Thank you,” I managed to murmur in my alcohol-induced confusion.
What the hell? It was like the previous conversation never took place. His mood changed back to party mode in just that instant. He was like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. Brice was playing chaos with my emotions and he knew it.
“Let’s dance.” Brice firmly took my hand and led me to the crowded dance floor, on the opposite end from Christian and Kree, with no room for my refusal. As soon as we started to get into the upbeat tempo, it ended and the deejay flipped it and put on a slow jam. I tried to walk away from the dance floor, but Brice grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.
“Come on, Mia, dance with me. I don’t bite. What are you afraid of? Huh? It’s only a dance. Just a dance, Mia.”
I looked into his sexy eyes as he placed my hands slowly around his waist and pulled me closer. I felt his solid mass . . . I remembered
I instantly felt hot.
“Just one dance,” Brice said again, holding up a finger.
From that moment on, every nerve ending in my body was on high alert. I felt every touch of his strong hands as they pressed against me, just barely caressing my exposed back. His warm breath tickled my ear when he leaned into me. I felt his muscles ripple as I cautiously slid my hands up his strong back. My nipples responded to his touch and pressed into his shirt. Brice’s cologne was intoxicating, and, for a moment, I closed my eyes and breathed in his smell. I used to yearn for that smell.
I felt his strong hands slowly descending down my back toward my butt.
I opened my eyes. I pulled away to protest.
“Shhh. Close your eyes. Relax,” Brice whispered so softly that I wasn’t sure if I imagined it or not.
Brice pulled me back to him and I felt it, hard, thick and pressing into me. I was flushed and instantly wet.
The song crooned on. I couldn’t see Christian on the other side of the room. So I knew he couldn’t see us.
By now, my nipples were straining against the fabric of my halter dress, and when Brice palmed my butt with his hands and pressed me into his groin, I lost it. I let out an orgasmic, soft moan. Realizing my reaction, I jerked away from him and quickly pushed my way through the crowded dance floor to our table before he could stop me.
When Brice, Christian and Kree finally returned to our table a few minutes later, Brice was laughing and telling them about some dude in the club who couldn’t get a dance if he paid for one. Brice didn’t even look in my direction as he continued his story. I grabbed Christian’s hand and laid my head on his shoulder.
I whispered, “Are you ready to go, Boo? I’m kinda tired. I wanna go to bed, feel your warm body next to mine and just snuggle.”

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