Lessons of Love (31 page)

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Authors: Jolynn Raymond

BOOK: Lessons of Love
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Let yourself go, my little love. Feel for
me. A
ccept what I can give you, everything
I can give you. Accept everything I do and say. You are mine.”
felt her body relax under the relentless pleasure his hands were igniting in her body.
knew she was powerless to fight him. She abandoned her proprieties and forced down her shame a
s she rode the crest of feelings building between her legs and deep in her very core. Never had she felt anything like this. The double penetration and the power of his thrusts had

s head spinning.



s it, little one. Let go for me,
. Let yourself go. Accept the pleasure I give you.”
knelt between her legs and curled his fingers up, deep inside her cunny, stroking her sweet spot as he thrust his fingers hard into her bottom.
cried out, hips
rocking in time, head thrashing
hands curled into tight fists as she tumbled over the edge into the deep abyss of sensations that could only be found
at the hands of her husband.

Slowing his movements,
down gently, stroking and cooing, kissing her back and bottom. He
almost hated to do what he felt had to come next. Before
could come down from her state of bliss,
once again dipped his fingers into the jar of cream and greased up his cock. He spread his wife beautiful cheeks wide and pressed against her pucke
red rosebud. Her opening was only slightly stretched, having never been used before. He pressed the tip of his cock between her buttock
and inched forward, moving slowly but s
teadily deep into her bottom.

. Stop.”

Hold on li
ttle one. Take a deep breath and relax for me. We have to get past this point, then it will be okay.”
pressed ever forward until he was buried to the hilt in his wife tiny bottom. She thrashed under him, crying and he circled an arm under her belly to
still her. “
! You have to hold still. The
pain will pass if you relax.”

? Why are you doing this to me? Haven

t you hurt me enough? Haven

t you put me in my place? I

m sorry I went out. I

m a stupid little fool. OOOOHHHHH please
, it hur
ts. Oh God, please

could feel her husband

s body shake as he lay on top of her, forcing himself to be still, pressing her into the bed, his only other movement, the rise and fall of his chest as he fought to control himself. “
I know you

re sor
, and this isn

t meant as a punishment. Your punishment is over and I have forgiven you. I

m doing this so you will know how it would have felt had Gregor raped you here. I wanted you to know the pain that can be caused if that is the intent. With
me it will be ever so slight and only for a moment
if you just lay still and relax. I have no intention of harming you any more, love. This act can and will be pleasurable if you just listen to me and stop figh
ting. Now do as I say, wife!”

listened to him nor stopped fighting. Instead she began to twist in fury in her restraints. “
I hate you. Do you hear me? You

re a beast and I hate you. You

re vile and despicable and this, this is disgusting and cruel!”
bucked her hips then cried out

s cock pierced her deeper. She felt as i
f she was being torn in half.

! Stop it this instant.”
felt as if he were being torn in half as well. A part of him, the old part, screamed that his wife
needed to be tamed and broken. N
o woman s
hould act as she was now. This was a just punishment for her actions. The other part of him, the part that was now open to love and emotions, hated what he was doing to her and wanted nothing more tha
n to cease her cries.


With a
snarl of rage and anguish
pulled his now softening cock from of his struggling wife,
and rose from the bed. He took
his pocket knife from the dresser and cut

s bonds swiftly and silently, one after the other
then stormed to the mantle and swept
his arm across it, sending a vase of flowers crashing to the floor.
curled herself int
o a ball and shrieked in fear. T
he sound went straight to

s heart. What had he been thinking? He

d wanted to impress upon her the fact that she should obey hi
m, the knowledge of what could have happened and the depth of fear she should have for Gregor and all he

d done was make her fear him.


m... ”
She rolled over onto her side, curled up like a small child, and began to rock as tears washed down her c
heeks. “
, love, I

m sorry. I just wanted you to understand. And what I
did wasn

t meant to hurt you.”

Yes it was! I told you I didn

t like it. I told you I thought it was vile and disgusting but you didn

t stop. Instead you made me find pleasure and
then you... then you... You

t stop.”

There is nothing disgusting about that act of lovemaking!”
Her accusations were grating on his sense of pride, and heaping more bricks onto his already overwhelming load of guilt.
had never been a man who

had to apologize to a woman and to do so now, to bow before his wife after she

d been fool hardy and reckless whate
ver the reason, was very hard.

It was depraved and painful and somethin
g Gre
gor does. How could you?”

I have said I am sorry
, and
there is nothing more I can do. You are not hurt. Now silence that belligerent mouth of yours before you anger me further.”
moved back to the bed and
slid to the edge, away from him. “
Very well, have it your way my dear. If you find my presence
so objectionable you may sleep alone in your cold bed
but know we leav
e for Natchez in the morning.

I won

t go to Natchez. I won

. I swear I

ll never speak to you again if you make me go there. I mean it
. If you ever loved me, don

t make me g
o to the cit
y where your whore house is.”


s to keep you safe, you o
bstinate, pig-he
aded woman!”

We shall be quite safe here with Jonathan. Gregor will be gone. I won

t do it
. You can beat me until I

m black and blue but I won

t be shamed by
going to Natchez.
I am not one of your whores.”

Very well, wife. I do not wish to argue anymore. Get dressed. I

ll take you to your quarters. I

ll be gone in the morning and you won

t have to look at me for six days. That should make you happy, my littl
e ice queen.”

s words stung, but
blinked back her tears as she dressed and
walked back to her rooms, spar
ing not a glance or a kiss for her husband. Little did either of them know that their anger towards each other should not have been their ma
in concern.

Hidden in the moss covered oaks below

s window, Gregor grinned with evil anticipation. There was trouble in paradise and he would be the first to take advantage of the lover

s spat. He would make sure to meet
on the road t
o Natchez in the morning, so the man would think everything was going as planned, but then he would double back for
and Celia. Gregor had befriended the head cook, greasing his palm to ensure his help in dealing with Jonathan when the time was right,
and it looked as though that time would be tomorrow. The women would soon be his and after the quarrel
had just had, it wouldn

t be hard to convince his old partner that his bitch of a wife had run off for good while he was away.




left for Natchez at dawn, as the sun was barely peeping over the horizon. All he wanted was to take care of this nasty business and get back home so he could make things right again with
. Though he was still angry, he had to admit to himself
that he

d missed her terribly the night before. He

d lain in his cold empty bed and longed for the feel of her warmth beside him. The complete emptiness he

d experienced from just one night away from her, knowing how upset and angry she was, shocked him t
his core. Never had he felt guilty for punishing a woman. Never had
he felt this horrible remorse.


d always been a man who prided himself on his cold feelings towards women, but not anymore. If he were honest, he had to admit that he loved and needed
his little
beyond reason, and nothing would be right in his world until things were restored between them. More than once during the night he

d risen from his bed and stormed down the hall, ready to pull her from her bed and make her understand why h

d done what he

d done, but each time his steps had faltered. Each time his heart had felt the pain of her possible rejection, and in the end he always went back to the loneliness of his own bed, deciding it was best to give
time to get over her ang
er and hurt. He would see her in six days time
and with any luck, she would have missed him as much as he
knew h
e was going to miss her.

The sound of horses hooves coming onto the road behind him alerted
to Gregor

s presence. He reined in his mount a
nd turned, a cold sneer on his face. “
I hope you

ve packed all your belongings, Gregor. You

re never to come back here. Are you
ready to finish our business?”

Gregor ignored his question for the moment, preferring to taunt
. “

ve grown soft boy. Dr
eaming about your whore were you? You didn

t even look my way when you passed the spot where I was waiting for you. She

s got you bad,
. I could have been anyone. You used to be one of the best when it came to sensing trouble. Anyone could have come up
behind you
and blown your fool head off.”

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