Lessons of Love (30 page)

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Authors: Jolynn Raymond

BOOK: Lessons of Love
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Now your arms.”
She moaned softly and sobbed into
the pillows. She wanted to take her punishment for him, but she was so terrified.

Do it now
She reached up and he deftly tied her wrists to the bedposts, then, moving silently he lifted her hips and put a pillow beneath them, for
cing her bottom i
nto the air.


m sorry
, I

m so sorry. I was stupid and careless. I wasn

t thinking and I know I

m supposed to do as you say. Please don

t hurt me.”
Her words rushed out of her but her pleas fell on deaf ears. He couldn

t give in this time. She could
have been raped or killed. He could have lost her forever. No, tonight

s punishment would pain her bottom, wound her pride, and break her willful spirit, but he felt it had to be done. He knew his actions would shatter her heart and the thought of her ha
ing him made his heart ache as well, but it was for her own good. Who knew what Gregor had in store for them? If warming her backside would m
ake her listen to his orders the
n so be it. In time
she would come to understand.

I believe you are truly sorry, l
ittle one, and I believe you see the error of your ways, but this must be done. What if he had come upon you outside?
he hates you. He blames the loss of his livelihood
on you. Let me assure you that i
f Gregor had you to do with as he pleased you wou
ld wish you were dead. Now you are going to be punished until I am convinced that you un
derstand that my word is law.”

He had gently stroked her back and bottom as he spoke to her, giving her a shred of hope that he would go easy, but she knew that assumpt
ion was wrong when he pulled his belt from its loops. This time when he brought it up, it came whistling down and left a streak of fire across her upper thighs. He brought it up again and caught her right where her legs parted and she cried out in pain. A
ain and again
raised the belt, blocking out her cries of anguish and pain until her bottom was
crisscrossed with red welts.

Tossing the belt aside, he knelt next to her and began a series of hard spanks with his hand, ignoring her look of pain and be
trayal. Those eyes he loved so much stared up at him, huge mossy pools of anguish which
bore straight into his heart.

You will listen to me when I tell you something
, is that understood?”
The crack of his hand as it beat her bottom resounded throug
h the room. She sobbed and nodded, unab
le to speak through her tears.

Answer me, wife!

Yes, yes, please. Stop
, please.”

You will obey me at all times. I am your husband and my word is law. I know what is best for you and you must listen to me. It
is my duty to protect you, woman! What you did was incredibly stupid and reckless.”
He turned his head briefly and forced the look of shattered pain on her face out of his mind, this
had to be done for her safety.

I know, please stop,
please. Oh ple
ase stop


You could have been taken from me,
. He could have... damn it,
. I love you and he could have taken you away. He could have put you in a place like Lily

s to be used over and over
or simply killed you after h

d had his fill.”
The volley of spanks continued until
lay limp, sobbing into her pillow. He finally stopped, breathing heavily, fighting off his feelings of remorse. He looked down at her bottom, it glowed red in the lamp light, and he knew it had
to hurt terribly. Guilt filled him but he pushed it away. It had to be done, her recklessness had nearly cost her
her l
ife. It was for her own good.

He rose and took a jar of cream from his wardrobe. It was a remnant from the days when he used to teach p
ainful lessons to the women who passed through his house on the way to their new owners. Dipping his finders into the jar of cream, he once again knelt at

s side, h
er muffled sobs could still be heard and his heart contracted painfully. She tensed at
his touch, shying away from him, the action hurting him almost as much as her tears.
pulled on the restraints, making a little sound of fear
as he continued to touch her.

Hush little one, it

s over now. It

s over. No more pain.”
spread the col
d cream across her flaming cheeks, slowly working it into the welts the belt had left and down to where the lips of her cunny were peeping out. Her hips were held high by the pillow and
took another dab of cream and began to work it down between the c
heeks of her bottom. He slid his finger down deep into the crevice and lightly rubbed.
started at his touch, sho
cked the this latest intimacy.


He didn

t respond, just slowly slid his finger up and down from her clit to her bottom hole
and bac
k while his other hand massaged her sore cheeks. After a while he could see her woman

s dew gathering in the downy hairs of her cleft. He took one hand and slid a finger inside her and then took the other and pressed it to the tight puckered rosebud of he
bottom using just enough force to slip the
tip of his finger inside her.

gasped, embarrassed by his touch. “
, no.”

You are in no position to tell me


and I would think you would be more agreeable after your punishment. I intend to ma
ster all of you here and now. This lesson will be complete.”
He backed off the bed, removing his clothes slowly, taking his time, making her wonder what he would do next. She pulled at her bonds and twisted her neck to loo
k at him with
n eyes
he thought h
e could drown in their depths.

When he was as naked as she,
crawled onto the foot of the bed between her stretched legs. He dipped his finger into the cream and went back to her tight bottom opening. He wiggled the tip around, loosening he
r, trying to get her to relax but her body rebelled. He slowly forced a finger inside her and she hissed in pain but he continued, wanting to dominate her in this ultimate way. The past had taught him that shame was a powerful lesson
and he didn

t underst
and that in this instance it would be a crushing blow
might never recover from.

, ple
ase. You

re hurting me. Stop.”

Did you know love, that some men take their wives here?”
He wiggled his finger and she drew in a sharp breath. “
They take them w
ith their fingers and their cocks and even sometimes wooden phalluses made just for chastising naughty women because it can be made to hurt so very much
and it serves as a good punishment and reminder of exactly who is in com

, please. I... I d
o try to obey you
. I do. Please don

t do this.”

I could do that to you,
. I could spread your cheeks and force my cock deep inside your sweet bottom, and I can promise you wouldn

t like it unless I wanted you to. I could hold on to your hot little bo
ttom and ride you until you were begging me to stop.”
He pulled his finger out and pushed it in roughly once more, twisting it, stretching her, pulling out, gathering more cream then plun
ging back in with two fingers.

squeaked and bucked her hips. “
lease don

. You

re hurting me. Don

t touch me
there. I

m... it

s not right.”

If Gregor had caught you today love, he would have taken great pleasure in raping you here. Think of that right now wife. He would have forced himself inside you he
re. Is
that what you wanted?”

How can you say that?
twisted against her bindi
ngs as new tears began to flow.


s his specialty for causing pain
and his cock is much larger than my fingers. I

m doing this to you now because I want you to reme
mber why I was so angry
and what could have happen
ed to you. Do you understand?”

Oh yes, please, please stop.”


m going to make sure you do,
. You must always know that as your husband I control your every move. You are mine, and you wi
ll do as I say. It is my duty to protect you and to provide for you, and I will use any form of discipline I see fit in order to make you o
bey me. My word is law, wife.”

Keeping his fingers thrust between

s scarlet cheeks, buried deep in her tight bo
reached underneath her with his other hand and found her nubbin. He dipped in her cunny, gathering what little of her dew he could find, determined to excite her and make her feel pleasure in spite of her shame. Her words had told him she found
this act indecent and he would make her body find pleasure in it simply because it was his wish. She had to understand that he was in control.
began to rub her nubbin as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of her bottom. He would make her accept th
e pleasure he could bring her while experiencing the humiliation of what she considered a dis
gusting act at the same time.

She tightened her muscles around his fingers, tensing and moaning. “
Relax, don

t fight it. I

m not trying to hurt you, just teach yo
u a lesson.”
Slowly, carefully,
moved his hands, stroking her nubbin and trusting gently into her tight bottom, over and over until he was rewarded with a little moan of pleasure and a flow of dew from between h
er cunny lips.


s my girl, feels ni
ce doesn

t it sweet? Let yourself go. You are mine in every way
, and your body can

t fight me. Why must you fight me with your mind?”
In and out, slowly, oh so slowly, in and out as his other hand began to rub her nubbin faster. Her hips began to mov
e in time, blazing cheeks quivering around his hand as she clenched and bucked.
abandoned her hard bundle of nerves and thrust deep inside her cunny, filling her completely in both her entrances and


She tightened and bucked her hi
ps as if trying to push him out. The knowledge of where his hands were caressing her
bringing her shame. A lady wouldn

t want to be take
n... there, wouldn

t enjoy it.

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