Lessons of Love (12 page)

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Authors: Jolynn Raymond

BOOK: Lessons of Love
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I don

t wish for you to hate me kitten. I have come to care for you and would like for you to care for me too, but
you need to understand that even so, I will not tolerate disrespectful behavior. You must bow to my wishes and if you do not I will be forced
to punish you."

By raping me?”

s voice came out as a strangled cry.

A man cannot rape his wife.

Jolie s
hook her head silently as tears fell from beneath lowered lashes.
As her husband he should treat her gently, not use her v
iolently as an object of lust.

I was too harsh and I am sorry. I won

t punish you in that way anymore, but that doesn

t mean I will h
esitate to chastise you in other ways. Why can

t you simply be obedient
? If you do as I ask I will not be forced to hurt you. Believe me little one, you have opened my heart to feelings I

ve never experienced before and punishing you pain
s me.”

took her hands, he wanted to make this right. He cared for her and wanted her to know it. She turned her head away, not wanting to look into those stormy eyes that took her breath away. She couldn't believe he honestly cared for her. Believing would only
break her heart. This was just a ploy to get her back in his bed. She finally turned and the tenderness in his eyes shocked her. Could he be telling her the truth? She longed to
believe him but did she dare?

"Listen to me little love. I will never force my
self on you again. I

m sorry I hurt you. I was wrong. Try to understand, all this is new to me. I

ve never…
cared for a woman before. You have bewitched me,
. I want you and nee
d you, by my side as my wife.”

turned away once more. Could she trus
t him? She

d heard him whisper sweet words before but they didn

t hold true. This new declaration was simply designed to get her back in his bed. His apologies were founded in lust not love.

"You want me in your bed."

was at a loss and it angered him.
"Damn it woman. Yes I want you in my bed but I also want you in my life."
had risen while shouting the words at her, losing control, storming across the room. She could be so impossible at times. He turned his back and ran a hand through his hair in
frustration. What did she want from him? Women and their emotions were something he'd prided himself on avoiding and right now was a clear example of why.
turned back around.

"Believe me or not, wife! I am speaking the truth. I care about you, you lit
tle vixen."
strode back to where she sat and roughly pulled her into his arms. "Did you hear me? I care about you. I care about you." His last words were whispered in her ear moments before he claimed her lips with a slow burning kiss.
yielded t
o the pressure of his mouth but her body remained cold and rigid. His tongue slid between her parted lips, swirling, tickling, teasing, demanding a response, and
felt her body begin to betray her. One simple kiss and her body yearned for more.
roaned as her
melted and pulled her close.
felt his hard shaft burning into her belly as his hands caressed her back and bottom. The sensations battered down her defenses and she slipped her arms around his neck, surrendering to him, unabl
e to stop herself. Desire roared through her as his tongue danced across hers and his hands cupped and squeezed her bottom. Her body was soaring even as her head was scr
eaming at her to be cautious.

almost gave in to temptation, knowing he could sedu
ce her, but he also knew she would never forgive him if he took her body and then told her about Celia.
knew the girl's circumstances would anger his high-spirited wife, and making love to her right before his confession would send her into a rage. Sh
e would accuse him of using her passion to try and soften the blow when he told her Celia had been destined
for a life as a sexual slave.

reluctantly broke the kiss and
looked up at him with hooded eyes full of passion.
had to take a deep b
reath. God how he
wanted her.

I came to tell you of your new chambermaid. Her name is Celia. She was meant to be sold to a gentleman customer of mine bu
t she will serve you instead."

's eyes opened wide in shock and her cheeks flushed with anger. She
shoved away from
and he let her go. "Was she forced to come
here? Stolen from her family?"

"Yes, but she will now have a bet
ter fate as your chambermaid."

"A better fate than freedom?"

"Celia has Negro blood
. She is a slave by law. Now she has
the chance to work in my home with you for a Mistress. I have assured her you are kind, and the men will be under strict orders not to touch her. Would you rather I take the girl to be sold at an auction or sell her to my customer, as was my first plan?

She had a choice
. She could either work for you or become a plaything in her Master's bed. She chose you. Now I don't want to hear another word. You and she must both remember that she will be sold as a whore if you plan escape. Celia has a better l
ife here. Realize that fact and accept it my dear. I refuse to give in on this issue." Although he cared for her, there were boundaries a wife simply couldn't cross. He was still her husband and she had to obey him. She would learn
that fact sooner or late

"And you dare to speak to me of apologies and tender
feelings. You're despicable."

growled as he strode over and stood before her. He reached out and titled up her face. Her eyes were steely and shone with outrage as were his. "
, this is the b
est arrangement for both of you. Celia will be safe and you shall have your needed chambermaid. It doesn

t change the way I feel for you. Be glad Celia has been saved from becoming a whore. My decision on this matter is final and I won

t dis
cuss it with yo
u any further."

There will be others.”

. A wife sho
uld not question her husband.”

A h
usband should not sell women.”

shook with fury at her tenacity. She was so incredibly stubborn. Women were to be submissive to their husbands, why did
she have to challenge him time and again?
grabbed her wrists in one hand and pulled her across the room to the bed. He sat on the edge and wrapped an arm around her waist. She twisted and tried to pull away but her efforts were no match for is strengt
stamped her
foot in frustration and anger.

. Nooooo!”

You have pushed me to the limit of my patience, little one, and this time your pleas will fall on deaf ears. Caring for you doesn

t mean I will allow
you to be an insolent shrew.”

He f
orced her squirming body forward over his lap and pushed her skirts up over her head.
found the slit in her drawers and opened them wide, expose her creamy white skin.
twisted and thrashed about, begging him to stop but
ignored her, holding
her in his strong embrace. He pushed her thighs apart, exposing her womanhood, dancing his fingers between her legs, making her scream in outrage.
trapped her kicking legs between his. Raising his hand, he began to rain hard stinging slaps upon

s bottom.
held nothing back and
twisted and squirmed, trying
to avoid his hand to no avail.

You will hold your tongue when I tell you to, and you will not question my decisions. Do you understand me wife?”

s bottom was burning from his p
owerful slaps. He was showing her no mercy, punishing her bottom and thighs time and again. She had truly pushed him too far. She screamed for him to
stop but he ignored her pleas.

I asked you a question wife. Do you understand
who is your Lord and Master


Will you
remember to hold your tongue?”


m sorry
. I will obey you. Please stop.”
Her words were broken up by cries of pain as he continued to spank her. “

I have been far too lenient. If I had punished you
soundly last night this wouldn

t be necessary. You ... are ... to ... remember ... how ... much ... this ... hurts ... the ... next ... time ... you ... wish ... to ... be ... disrespectful.”
Each word was punctuated with a fall of his hand, and when he
inally stopped,
was sobbing and laying limp on his lap. He ran his hand gently over her hot skin, pleased with the crimson color of her cheeks, feeling quite certain he

d made his point. She would remember to hold her tongue
every time she sat down t

continued to caress her tortured flesh as her sobs ceased. He slipped his hand between her cheeks and ran his fingers up and down, up and down, over and over, gently stroking the innermost part of her body, nudging her legs further apart, brushi
ng his fingers over the delicate skin. She quivered at his touch and tried to close her legs but he wouldn

t allow it. He controlled her body, her pleasure and her pain. He slipped a finger between the lips of her womanhood and smiled when he felt how sil
y wet she was. He may have caused her pain, but the touch of his hand on her bare skin still ignited her passion. Perhaps the spanking itself made her body burn, on her bottom and between her thighs. She may be outraged but she was also aroused.
ht of bringing her to orgasm but changed his mind. He would leave her wet and ready for him. Her body

s response left no doubt in his mind that he would seduce her into his bed ton

If I had time, my dear, you would stay in this position for a good lo
ng while, pondering how a dutifu
l wife is supposed to behave.”

He lowered her skirts and pulled her up into his lap. She looked like a well chastised little girl, cheeks flushed from embarrassment, tears streaking her face.
wiped a tear from under her
eye and kissed her forehead.
squirmed on his lap, her petticoats rubbing her tender flesh. “

m sorry I had to do that love, but there was simply no other way. I hope I have taught you a lesson. I don

t enjoy hurting you kitten. It pains me to hear
your cries, but I will continue to turn you over my knee until you learn to conduct
yourself like a proper wife.”

frowned at
but held her tongue.
rubbed her back soothingly and pulled
in for a kiss. She expected hard dominance to keep
her in her place, but was shocked with a kiss as gentle as a summer breeze. The tenderness of it confused her vulnerable heart. Could he really care for her and her feelings? His soft kiss whispered that it could be true. Yes he had spanked her soundly,
ut she had to admit he

d given her fair warning, and now he was cuddling her, showing her tenderness, and drying her tears. If he

d no feelings for her he would have simply cast her aside and left her sobbing instead of comforting her. As the kiss deepene
her body trembled, aching for him. Her head whirled with caution as her need burned inside her, stoked hotter by her growing feelings for
. How on earth could she hate him
and love him at the same time?

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