Lessons From the Professor (6 page)

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Still, he couldn’t pass up because of fear and insecurity
the stroke of luck that had brought this woman into his path.

On most occasions, knowledge was power, but knowing why you
felt and acted a certain way didn’t necessarily make it easier to stop the
behavior you were exhibiting. He cursed Christine and her harsh words once more
before he returned his attention to the woman seated beside him. He’d take
things one step at a time.

“Before we take things between us any further there’s
something I need to discuss with you,”
said. He poured the dessert wine into her glass and filled his own.

His throat went dry as his palms grew sweaty as he and
Sutton moved from the kitchen and into the living room. They’d been seeing each
other for a couple of months, and things were going well. They never ran out of
things to discuss, and the passion between them sizzled. It was time to see
where she stood about BDSM before they took things further.

“This sounds serious,” Sutton said.

She tilted her head to the side as he nodded. He placed his
hand on the small of her back as he led her over to the couch.
He held her hand to help her lower to the
couch with her drink before he joined her.

“It’s important if we want to continue our relationship.”

“Are you unhappy?’

“No, my dear, quite the opposite.
Things have
progressed between us faster than I imagined, and I want to clear the air
before we move ahead.”


“There are certain things I like to do that are considered …
off the beaten path.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re a swinger.”

He let out a bark of laughter.

“Exactly the opposite.
I’d never
share what I considered mine.
something that takes a certain kind of woman to handle. I’ll treat you like the
most cherished being that ever existed, but in return there are certain rules
you’d have to follow and games and sexual behavior I’d like to engage in.”

“Like Leigh and James?”

“Yes. Tell me, Sutton, what do you know about BDSM?”

“Honestly, not much more than what I’ve seen on the television
and in the movies, and I’m smart enough to know those weren’t realistic
likes to twist things to up the entertainment value.”

pleased to see she
hadn’t balked. “Would you be opposed to experimentation in that realm?”

“It would depend. Can you give me more details?”

“I’m what you would refer to as a Dominant, or a Dom for

“So, you desire to
have complete control over your… partner?”

“In my case the term is submissive, and the truth is the
submissive holds all the power in the relationship. She decides her boundaries,
and then in turn leaves it up to the Dom to make decisions for her.”
He watched a spark of desire flicker in her
eyes and felt something tighten low in his stomach.

The idea turned her on. There might be hope for this
relationship yet. He would take his time and ease her into his world slowly.
His lids lowered at the thought of Sutton tied to his head board as he brought
her to the heights of desire.
Careful, old man, don’t jump the gun.
needed to proceed with caution. They hadn’t talked much about their sex lives,
and what he was proposing was anything but vanilla.
The last thing he wanted was a repeat of the
disastrous situation he’d found himself in with Christine. Sutton struck him as
a woman who knew what she wanted. But he knew she had no clue of the full
extent of what he needed from her.

He was a possessive
man. She’d have to trust him implicitly and be willing to give herself over to
his care in a way very few women had been able to accomplish.

“What if I don’t like something you do?” she asked.

Her eyes were lowered
when she laced her fingers and placed them in her lap. It sent a thrill through
him to see the submissive behavior she displayed naturally. It was almost as if
she recognized the dominant in him and deferred without coaching.
His cock twitched. The thought of a natural
submissive intrigued him. He’d be the first one to mold her and shape her to
his specific requirements.

“It depends. As your Dom I will push you to your limits, and
There’s always some discomfort
with growth. However, if something truly bothers you, or you do not wish to try
it at all, we’ll discuss it, and go from there. That’s one of the reasons it’s important
to have a safe word.”

“That sounds reasonable. Can we set up a safe word now?”

“If you’d like.”

“Before I choose,
will we practice outside the bedroom?”

“Yes, but I would never do anything that would embarrass you
or cause unwanted speculation in public. We both have a … public persona to

She nodded her head and took a shaky breath.

“Then, maybe it should be a phrase?
case we’re out when I need to use it.”

“Very clever thinking.”

“What about, ‘I think I’ve had enough for now’?”

“That sounds reasonable to me. It wouldn’t attract
attention, and it’s not a common phrase. For play in house I’d like to use the
stop light signals, green for go, yellow for caution or slow down, and red for
stop altogether.”

“I like that. Where do we go from here?”

“For now we’ll start slow, and if you have any questions
that come up feel free to ask. I also have a list of books you can read if
you’d like to familiarize yourself more with the lifestyle, providing you are
interested in giving this a chance.”

“I’m very interested,


“Are you?”



“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. I’m a very private man,
Sutton, and that I revealed my inclinations to you at all, says a lot.”

The words were
whispered, and he felt a smile curve his lips as she glanced at him coyly from
under her lashes.

Despite her age,
there was an aura of innocence that drew him in like a moth a flame.

His career and dealings with people had left him a bit
jaded. But Sutton was like a breath of fresh air.
A small
town girl who made a career for herself in the big city and yet somehow
maintained her values.

Jesus, now
I’m sounding like a writer.
His lips
pursed into a frown as he cleared his head, and got back on to the subject.

“What made you bring this up to me now?”

“We’ve passed the casual dating stage, and before we moved
any further I knew I had to make my intentions clear. Too be honest I noticed
early on that you had a penchant for submissive behavior.”

“I do?

One example is the way you avert your gaze
from mine, and allow me to make certain decisions. BDSM isn’t always extremes.
It’s more about nuances and power plays.”

“Power plays?”

“Yes, say we got to a restaurant.
We might discuss what you’d like to eat, but
in the end it would be I who ordered for the both of us.”

“But that’s just southern hospitality.”

, is it? You’ve given me the
power to make choices for you.”

Her eyes widened as she nodded.

“I suppose you’re right. I just never thought of it that

“Do you think you’d be interested in doing some exploring
with me now, Sutton? I know you must’ve wondered why I held off from doing more
than heavy petting. This was why, and now that you’ve accepted my terms I find
myself eager to begin. ”


She felt heat fill her cheeks as she peered up at him and
nodded. The thought of his decadent voice directing her actions made her
panties wet. She’d practically taken to carrying an extra set of underwear
around in her purse when they were together. There was something about him that
kept her in a constant state of arousal.
She had never been able to put her finger on the reason before, but now
she might have an idea.
She’d always
liked a man who made her feel safe and well cared for. Where she’d grown up
that was what made a man a man. Sure some girls didn’t like the old fashioned
and at times domineering type, but she’d chalked up that to city girl versus
country. She took a hasty swallow of her wine before she met his gaze and

I believe I would.
I’d like more …
details about what you’d like to try sexually. I-I don’t have much experience
in that department.”

“Have there been … casual partners?” he asked.
He studied her intently as he leaned forward
to caress her jaw with his knuckles.


“Good. I’m not sure where things will go between us, Sutton,
but I can tell you it won’t be casual, and there will be no one else while I’m
with you.”

“Does the same apply for you?”

“Yes. You’ll find I’m a very fair Dom.”
His caresses continued and trailed down to
her throat.

Breath hitched in her throat. She pressed her thighs
together as her center throbbed painfully. He’d never taken things any further
than kisses, and it’d left her achy and tense.
Pleasuring herself had become a daily necessity accompanied by an almost
violent release with his name on her lips.

“I-I should tell you something Sid.”


“There haven’t been any partners.”

“You’re a virgin?”

“Yes, is that a problem?”

“No, we’ll take things slow. There’s plenty we can do in the
meantime. Would you like a


“God, yes,” she moaned.

He gave a low chuckle that made her juices flow like lava.
She’d never thought of

as brazen, but right now she was fighting down
the urge to spread her legs wide and offer up a buffet of one. No one man
should possess this much swagger without trying.

“You’ve been such a good girl, pet. So patient while you
settled for kisses and light caresses.”
leaned in to kiss
the pulse point in her neck, and she dropped her head back onto the couch to
allow him full access. Sutton purred as he sucked the sensitive skin into his

“I bet if I slipped my hand underneath your skirt right now
you’d be soaking wet, wouldn’t you?”


“Did you touch that tight little pussy of yours while you
thought about me?”

“Oh God.”

“Answer me.”


“Yes what, pet? I want to hear you say it.”

“Yes, I touched myself and thought about you.”

“Show me.”


“Show me how you frig yourself while you think about me.”

“I- I don’t know if I can.”

“You can do it, love. I want to see that beautiful pussy of
yours on display.”

Sutton swallowed as she complied. Her hands shook as she
lifted her hips up and pushed her black pencil skirt up around her waist.

“I’ll take care of these,” he said.
He hooked his thumbs into her thong and
pulled them down her legs and over her heels.

She felt exposed and exhilarated as she opened her thighs,
and he leaned back to study her.

“Wider, love.”

Sutton trembled as she spread her legs shoulder length
apart, and he growled his approval.

“It’s just you and me here. Nothing we do together is

She bit her bottom lip, feeling nervous as she allowed her
hands to creep down to her slick folds.

“That’s a good girl.”

There was something satisfying about the gleam of approval
in his dark eyes as he watched her finger dip inside to get a sample of her
honey. She brought the liquid back to circle around her swollen nub. She felt
like a hare in the path of a cobra as she continued to drive herself higher and
higher, unable to look away from his eyes.

“Put your fingers inside that tight cunt.” Her breath came
in pants as she moved her fingers inside her slick channel.

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