Lessons From the Professor (5 page)

BOOK: Lessons From the Professor
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Sutton laughed at her friend’s expression
as she led her over to the opposite side of the store. Leigh was like a kid
being let into Disney World. She followed her to the back and stood in front of
the massive wall. Her eyes were drawn to the nipple clamps, and she leaned in
to examine them closer. Her nipples hardened in anticipation as she focused in
a nipple sucker. She loved breast play, and this would take her solo session to
a whole other level. Her pussy tingled as she pulled the package off the wall
and read the instructions. She might be a virgin, but that didn’t mean she was
a prude. She liked to get off as much as the next
and with the stress her job provided the need to take the edge of was almost a
daily necessity.

“You like nipple play?” Leigh asked.

“Yes, but the thought of a nipple clamp
seems painful.”

“I’d say it’s more intense than painful.
It heightens the sensitivity. Of course you have to start off slow and build up
your tolerance, the same as with anything else. It really goes hand in hand
with bondage play.”

Sutton nodded as she moved her attention
over to the bondage tools. What would it be like to have your hands bound while
the rest of your body was exposed to your lover? The picture on the cover of a
book intrigued her. A rope looped above and below the breasts, as if to make
them the star of the show. Her pussy throbbed as she imagined herself in the
position, her arms tied behind her back, a rope looped around her to present
her breasts to
The thought of his warm mouth attached to her
swollen nipple cemented just how attracted to the man she was.
Whatever it was that existed between them
needed to be explored, even if it turned out to be a fluke.
God, do I hope it wasn’t a fluke.




Chapter Four


glanced down
at the woman beside him and smiled. Things were going even better than he’d
anticipated. They’d all gotten together to attend the Food and Wine Festival.
The atmosphere was relaxed, and now that the sun had set, slightly romantic.

“Are you ready to do
some wine tasting?” Leigh asked.

“Sure, but I’ve never been much of a wine person,” Sutton

“In that case, maybe it’ll be better if we split up,”
said. He was
beyond ready to have some alone time. “I know Leigh and James prefer rich red
wines, and we should start you off on something lighter, perhaps a dessert

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” James said with a nod. “We
can text each other when we’re
and we’ll meet back
up at the main food tent.”

“Does that work for you, Sutton?”

“Yes, that sounds wonderful. I think a sweet blend would be
much more enjoyable than red. The ones I’ve tasted have always been much too

“Then we’ll be on our way.”
held out his arm, pleased when she
took it and followed his lead.

“Are you enjoying your first Food and Wine festival?” he

“Yes, it’s been a lot of fun. I would’ve never gone if you
guys hadn’t suggested it, so thank you for that.”

“You’re very welcome. It’s a lot more fun with you here, so
I don’t feel like a gooseberry.”

“A what?” she asked.

“A third wheel.”

“You Brits and your slang.”

He chuckled as they made a bee-line for the white tent
labeled dessert wines. “It looks like they have food pairings here.”

“Is that different from the normal tastings?” she asked.

“Well, sometimes you can use the aromatherapy approach where
you smell a certain scent before you sample the wine to help you recognize the
similar flavors. With the food sampling, it’s the same concept, but a lot more
fun in my opinion, at least with a dessert wine.”

“Because the best pairings to use are
fruits and pastries.”

, that
does sound yummy.”

They walked the tent as he looked over the wine selection.
He paused at the display of cheesecake and strawberries paired with a bottle of
Golden Rose.

“This one will be the perfect starter for you,” he said. He
led her over to the table, picked up a few strawberries, and placed them in
front of her on a white paper plate.

“Since you’ve never done a wine tasting before, I’m going to
act as your guide.”
He poured one fourth
of a cup of wine into a glass and stepped up behind her. “Your job is to relax,
and enjoy the experience.”

wrapped his arms around her from
behind. Her body was warm, and the shiver that ran through her as she relaxed
into him made his penis stiffen. He fought down the urge to grind his hips
against her.
He thought of cold showers
and annoying students. Sutton’s curves were lush as they rested against him,
and he was pleased to find she had something to hold on to despite her short
He’d never bought into the
whole thin craze that seemed to have swept across
sensed the slow and steady approach was the way to go with Sutton.
He presented the wine glass in front of her.
“First we’ll swirl the wine gently and sniff.” He lifted the glass up to her
“What do you smell?”

“Something … fruity?”

“Very good, now for a taste.”
He held the
wine glass up to her lips, watching over her shoulders as she parted her pouty
pink lips without hesitation. She had no idea how much she turned him on,
simply by trusting him and following his directions.
Images of her lips wrapped around his cock as
she knelt on the floor in front of him made him clear his throat.
I’m turning into a randy teenager.
“Now swallow. What did you notice about
the wine?”

“It’s a lot lighter than what I associate a red wine to be.
Sweet and a bit tangy.”

“You like it then?”

“Very much.”

“One last sip.
This time
open your mouth and let the air mingle with the flavor.”
He lifted the glass to her lips once more,
and allowed his fingers to stroke her throat as she swallowed and parted her

“Now we’ll mix that taste with some fruit.”

He set the wine glass on the table and exchanged it for a
ripe strawberry. He traced her lips with the fruit, wishing it was his tongue.
Her teeth were straight and white as she took a delicate bite off the red
berry. Her tongue flicked out to capture the juice that welled up on her lips
and ran down his fingers. He hissed, shocked by her boldness when she laved his
flesh with her tongue. So his kitten had claws. “Delicious,” she said. Her
voice had lowered to a silken purr that made him arch his eyebrows. “I really
love strawberries,” she said.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Perhaps I should purchase a bottle
of Golden Rose for us to enjoy together at a later date?”

“I’d like that,

“I’d offer you another strawberry, but then we’d be getting
kicked out for indecent exposure,” he whispered. He wrapped his arm around her
waist as he leaned down to inhale the tropical scent of her hair.

“T-that doesn’t sound like such a bad thing.”

He growled and nipped at her neck. “Don’t tempt me, you

A giggle spilled
free, and he set the wine glass on the table and led her over to the cash

“We’d like one bottle of the Golden Rose, please.”

He pulled out his wallet, enjoying the way she fit under his
arm. He took the wrapped bottle from the cashier after signing the receipt and
guided her out of the tent. They wandered around the grounds, stopping every
once and while to sample a different wine or look at crafts.

“Are you ready to take a break?”
He spotted a bench away from the crowd.

“I’d love to rest my feet.”

He guided her over to the shadowed area unable to resist the
caressed her bare arms with the tips of his fingers, savoring her quiet gasps
as he moved the light massage up to her neck. She was so responsive. If a little
touch created this response what would his mouth do on other areas?
He buried his fingers into her hair as he
leaned down and kissed her softly. She opened her mouth to allow his tongue
entrance, and he moaned as the sweet flavor of wine and strawberries exploded
onto his taste buds. He explored every inch of her moist cavern, feeling greedy
as he swallowed her whimpers.

She brought her arms
up to wrap around his neck and her fingers tangled into his hair, pulling it
taut. The pleasurable pain made him moan, and he forced himself to keep things
under control. The chime of a phone was like a bucket of water.
Stunned, they separated and stared at each
other in a daze as their breaths came in pants. The woman was an untapped
powder keg ready to explode, and he wanted to wring every bit of pleasure out
of her he could.

“I’d like to continue this,”

“I would, too.”

Her soft admission eased the tension that had set in as he
anticipated rejection. Despite the attraction that existed between them he was
old enough to be her father, and the sting of Christine’s cruel abandonment
lingered. He couldn’t help but feeling apprehensive.

Her whispered query was
like a chorus of angels singing.

“ I
know your schedule is
way more varied than mine, so
how about
your next day off?”

“That’d be next Thursday.”
“That’s perfect. My classes on Fridays don’t begin until after noon. What would
you like to do?”

“I think I’ll let you decide that, Professor.”
He smiled at the sound of his title on her lips.

“I like the way that
sounds on your lips.”

Say it

“Professor,” she whispered.

, you have no idea how much
you please me, without even trying.”
had all the makings to be such a good little submissive with the proper
A frown crossed his lips as he helped her stand, and they made their way
towards their designated meeting point. He was getting ahead of himself. It was
much too soon to be thinking about asking her to be his submissive.
Look where being over-eager got you last




Chapter Five


What am I
Sutton studied her reflection in the mirror as
she put the final touch to her make-up.
This was their sixth or seventh date, and things were starting to get
She liked
and the delicious sensation he coaxed
out of her.
However, if history were to
be believed she wasn’t good at the whole relationship thing. It was times like
this she wished she’d been less conservative and dated more.
She’d toyed with the idea of asking
where they’d gone
wrong over the years.
The logical side
of her brain knew she didn’t deserve to be cheated on, but it was obvious there
were other factors that had led to the betrayal.
Perhaps a bit of closure would allow her to
move forward with a clean conscious.
I’m sure his wife would love that, an
ex-fiancée showing back up to chat.
She snorted, and told herself to put on her
big girl panties and suck it up as she flipped the light switch off and headed
to her car.

There were going to have dinner at his place, and though he
hadn’t mentioned it
deal, Sutton sensed an important conversation would take
place tonight.


They’d enjoyed a nice dinner, and now it was time to bring
up the subject of BDSM. It

him that he’d become so attached to the
young girl in such a small amount of time.
It was in his nature to proceed with caution in all things. But it
wasn’t every day he found someone who suited him so well.
He was a sarcastic, asinine, old-fashioned
. He was honest enough to admit that.

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