Authors: Sheri L. Swift

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“I suppose you are right.  One thing you must do for me Lana, once you are on the island, I want you to stay in the center.  No mer would risk going that far.  And another thing, you must not watch,” he said seriously once more looking into her eyes.  He knew that it would be hard for her.


“If it will keep you safe, then I won’t watch, although it will be one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do,” she said as she ran her fingers
along his cheek and then kissed him.




In the
morning, Titus
and Lana set out for
.  Titus was certain of two things about Damon.  One was that he desired Lana and would not want to pass up the opportunity to get her with little effort.  The other was that he knew that he would want to gloat over it with Titus.  Damon was a coward; he had proven that by leaving his brother Darious behind without any of his own guard to help him.  Titus knew that he would send his guard first to capture him.


Lana tried to do as Titus said; she kept her mind focused on how much he loved her and their little Rose.  She didn’t want to give Damon or his
men any advantage by reading her thoughts.  It was still so hard to do, especially as she let go of his hand and walked up onto the beach leaving him behind to what she knew was a very dangerous situation.  She did as Titus had instructed and went into the center of the island.  Lana sat down beneath the trees where she immediately began to cry and let out the emotions she had been guarding.  Now all she could do was wait and pray that Titus would be safe.


Titus pretended to look in the direction Lana had gone.  He was hoping that Damon and his guard might think that this was only a quick trip for Lana to get the bananas and coconuts
she had so many times before.  He waded hip deep in the water while resting on his tailfin.  He began to feel the strange sensation of their evil intentions as he knew that they were beginning to circle him.  He kept his thoughts focused on Lana and their love and little Rose and how quickly she was growing.  He knew that the timing was everything and he had to wait for the signal.  He looked to Micah in one of the trees; still not letting his thoughts reveal any of it.  Now he could even hear the water rippling behind him, but he stayed frozen for the right moment.


Micah gave the sign for swim, putting the backs of his hands together and pulling them out in a swimming motion.


Titus quickly dove straight out onto the shore and Micah and his men let loose their harpoon guns striking Damon’s guard.  When Titus turned to see them, there were twenty of the mermen dying in the water.  Damon was not among them.


Makoa surfaced with a grin as he was clutching Damon.  He had him in a headlock with Makoa’s arms under Damon’s and locking his hands behind his neck.  Damon thrashed his tail wildly, but nothing he could do could get him free of Makoa.  “You are not so brave when your guard is not with you,” said Makoa to Damon.


“Let me go or my King will bring a full war against you!” Damon shouted.


“If it were not for King Titan wishing us to bring you to him alive, I would have killed you myself,” said Titus through gritted teeth.


“So, the King Titan wants me alive.  He must know the danger he faces,” hissed out Damon.


“Take him, I do not want to look at him another minute!” Titus said aloud.


Makoa and many of Titus’ guard
bound Damon in chains and took him to Tullius.


Titus turned to see Micah and his men with Lana now coming towards him.  He was so thankful that their plan had worked and that Lana was safe. 
He called to them,
“Micah, you and your men must gather Damon’s guard and bury them where they will not be found.  We cannot risk someone finding their bodies


“Yes Prince Titus, we will do as you say.  We know of a good place,”
with a grin


“Thank you Micah, and your men, for all
you have done


“Thank you for coming up with such a great plan.  It worked perfectly

Micah grinned and winked.


“Yes, but I am not sure that the threat of open war has passed.  Our King will find out more from Damon.  We have to keep watch,” said Titus as he now held Lana in his arms and looked to her and kissed her.


Lana was so glad to be in his arms again, but now was worried about her daughter,
“Titus, I’m so glad your plan worked.  I just hate the thought of Damon being in Tullius; so near to Rose


“He will not escape, but I agree, let us go home,” he said as he took her hand and pulled her up on his back
.  Then he said to Micah,
“We will tell Tarra what has occurred, though I think she will know when she sees Damon entering the city


“Yes, let her know all is well.  I am thankful that she is safe with her people during this time.  Tell her that I will see her later,” said Micah as he and his men began loading up their boats that had been hidden on the other side of the island.


“I shall,” said Titus a
nd then
dove into the water with Lana.




When Titus and Lana got back to Tullius, Lana went to the home of Princess Cassandra and agreed to stay there with their daughter and Princess Tarra.


Titus went to the Hall where he knew King Titan would be interrogating Damon.


“I am not a fool Damon; I know that you have not acted alone.  I know that Tiberius has only allowed you and your brother to test our defenses,” King Titan
to the bound Damon with Makoa and another guarding him.


Damon gave a smug look to the King and said, “I tell you King Titan, I do as I wish, although I do think that my King will find it interesting that you have men of the islands helping you.”


“Our people have only ever wished to live in peace, but we will protect our pod against any who would wish to harm us
” said the King


“You are no match for my King and his guard.  He could have this Kingdom and all in it if he wishes,” Damon laughed out loud.


Prince Ti
tus could
ly hold his thoughts
as he stood behi
nd him.


Damon sensed Titus’ presence
and turned and gave him an icy cold stare.  Makoa jerked his chain and made him face the front once more.


“Enough of
take him
to the jail
King Titan with a wave of his hand.


As they turned to take Damon, he let his thoughts tell Titus that he would escape and make sure that he took Lana with him and especially let him know what he intended to do to her.


It was all Titus could do to just stand there with his nostrils flaring and gritting his teeth.  He knew that he must obey the King for now and be patient.


Makoa and the other guard pulled Damon forward and took him away.


“You have done well Prince Titus to not speak to him,” said King Titan.


“It is a hard thing
my King.  What will you do with him?” Titus asked
still trying to shake off Damon’s wicked intentions.


“I will release him tomorrow with a message to Tiberius,” King Titan
knowing what Titus would say.


“No, how could you!  He will never stop trying to take Lana!” Prince Titus shouted, forgetting with whom he spoke.


“I know it is a hard thing for you Prince Titus.  I am trying to keep from having an all
out war between the mer.  It is my hope that Tiberius will not wish it as well.  If Damon should try to harm any of our people again, then Tiberius will know that I had no other choice than to exact justice to the head of his guard for a second time,” the King said with understanding for Titus’ outburst.


“Forgive me my King; I know your ways are just.  I will try and do as you wish,” Titus bowed to the King and left the Hall and went straight to Lana and Rose.  He knew now more than ever; he would need to protect them.


“How can this be?” Lana asked in shock at the news that Titus brought her.


“We have already killed Darious, which was King Tiberius’ head of the guard.  King Titan feels that a second might lead us to all out war with the others.  It is not my wish that Damon go free, but I have no other choice but to do as my King asks,” said Titus reluctantly.


“He will never stop Titus, he will come again,” said Lana fearfully.


“Then he will seal his fate.  I will surely kill him if he ever comes near you again
” vowed Titus.


“I was hoping it was over and that you’d be safe, now I don’t know if any of us will ever be safe,” Lana said as she held little Rose and kissed the top of her head.


“I will protect you and Rose.  We will keep constant guard as well as the men of Kaloki Island.  We will catch him again and he will die,” said Titus with conviction.




That next morning, Titus accompanied Makoa and the rest of the guard who took Damon to the deep part of the ocean, far from Tullius.  Titus never acknowledged any of the thoughts that Damon continued to try and fill his head with.


hen all of the mer surfaced and the guard
began to release Damon’s chains
Titus spoke, “I know this is not over; I will kill you Damon if you ever come near Princess Lana or any of our people again,” Titus said


“I know it is not over, I think you are as much a coward as your brother Tarrock was.  Your mate deserves a far better mer than you.  I will teach her our ways and show her the pleasure that she has been missing


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