Authors: Sheri L. Swift

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Lana was so excited that she could barely stand to wait the few days.  She wanted to time it just right.  She knew that her father liked to be home next to the fire on Christmas Eve.  Since the time zone in Fiji was sixteen hours ahead, she needed to make the call at 1:00pm on Christmas Day.  That would be
his time on Christmas
Eve and Lana thought that
would be perfect.


Micah’s friend assured him that he would have a room ready for them and that his wife could call her father in the States.


Lana was so grateful for Micah giving up any Christmas plans he might have had, but he told her that his family mostly celebrated on Christmas Eve and he planned to take little Talei then.




When the time came, Titus still was reluctant, but he allowed Lana to get into Micah’s boat.  Lana had been sure to leave her emerald necklace and crown of pearls behind as she did each time she left the water.  She wore a long blonde wig, l
arge straw hat, dark sunglasses
and a two-piece pink floral bathing suit with a matching wrap around her waist.  She also wore bright pink rubber clogs that completely covered her toes.  She brought a
large floral beach towel and laid it
over her hands, as to not show her fingers, and carried a large straw bag.  She had even put on dark pink lipstick.


Micah had to laugh;
they wil
l think that I
did indeed marry a haole tourist.


Titus and Makoa followed beneath Micah’s boat.  Although Titus let her go, he insisted on coming along to make sure that she got there and back safely.


Lana was worried for them because of the many scuba divers and those snorkeling around the island.  Titus insisted that she had to accept him coming along or not go at all.  She knew she had no choice if she wanted to talk to her father.


Titus let his thoughts tell Lana to be careful and that he loved her.  He and Makoa waited further out


Micah drove his boat to the hotel dock.  He helped Lana out and they walked to the entran
ce where his friend Joel
met them.


“Bula Micah, we welcome you and your wife.  We hope you both enjoy your stay.”


“Bula Joel
, I am grateful for this gift

Micah smiled shaking his hand.


Lana smiled and then looked away as though she were anxious to
get to the room.


gave Micah a wink and a smile as he shook his head slowly, implying that his wife was a real
  Micah chuckled
and took the key card from Joel
and led Lana to their room.


Once they had closed the door behind them, Lana let out a laugh.  “This is so fun! 
Micah for helping me to do it.”


“Thank you for helping me to convince my friend that I married well,” he laughed.


Lana put down the bag and beach towel and picked up the phone. 
Okay, here it goes

She followed the instructions for placing an overseas collect call.  She held her breath as she waited for her father to speak. 


Then her dad’s voice came on the phone, “Lana, is that you?” he asked with excitement.


“Dad, it’s me Tarra, your daughter.  You know, the one who got married in the South Pacific,” said Lana, hoping he’d catch on quickly.


“I’m not sure I understand,” he said confused.


“Dad, just call me kid, like you always have.”


“Kid, is it really you?”


“Yeah Dad, it’s me.  I wanted to say that I love you and Merry Christmas,” Lana said with tears filling her eyes.


“I love you to
kid, Merry Christmas.  Gosh it’s good to hear from you.  Is everything alright?”


“Yeah Dad, it’s wonderful.  You h
ave to know that your son
Titus and his wife Lana have a little girl.  They named her Rose.  She is about one and a half years old now.  She looks exactly like Lana’s mother,” said Lana barely able to get out the words.


“Oh kid, that’s wonderful, Rose will love that.  What doe
s Titus think about her


“He’s even more puffed up than ever, as you can imagine,” she


“Yeah, I bet he is.  I can’t wait to get to see her and you.”


“I can’t either Dad.  That’s why Micah; you know your new son-in-law, and I have come to the hotel.  We couldn’t miss another holiday without talking to you.  We just had a daughter of our own four months ago and she looks a lot like Lana, only she has Micah’s dark curly hair and skin.  You know, Micah’s father is the Chief of Kaloki Island and Micah is his firstborn.  We drove our boat to come to the hotel.”


“I see; sounds like history is repeating itself.”


“Yeah exactly Dad; you and Micah have a lot in common.  He likes to travel by boat too.  We will most likely get a bigger boat when we head back to
for a visit this summer.”


“Yeah, I’d say we do have a lot in common.  Are you happy kid?”


“Yeah Dad, you were right; it’
s a good life.  Are you and Rose married?”


“Yeah, and we have some news of our own.  You have a little brother, his name is Jedediah.  He’s nearly a year old.  He’s the future lighthouse keeper,”
chuckled Cole


“Oh Dad, that’
s wonderful news.  I’m so happy for you and Rose,” Lana said as her tears began to flow again.


“It’s alright kid; we’ll all be together before you know it.”


“I know Dad; I just miss you so much.”


“I miss you too.  Tell that husband of yours that he better take care of you and my granddaughter.”


“I will Dad, tell Rose I said congratulations on both accounts and that I miss her too.”


“I will kid.  So I’ll see you in the summer, on the day we agreed?”


“You can count on it Dad.  Tell Rose I said Merry Christmas,” said Lana knowing that they were nearing the end of their conversation.


“I will and you tell all of the family out there that I said Merry Christmas too and that I can’t wait to see them.  And kid, please stay safe.”


“I will Dad, I guess I better go


“Yeah, I’m sure your husband is a little anxious.  It’s been so good to hear your voice.”


“Yeah he is, and it’s been good to hear yours too.  Love you, bye Dad.”


“Love you kid, bye.”


Lana hung up the phone and began to cry into the pillow that was on the bed.


Micah knew
that it was
hard for her to say goodbye, “You
did good Princess Lana;
I know
it was not easy
for you to pretend to be Tarra.”


, but it was worth it

Lana smiled and she picked up her bag and towel and they headed out the door.  Lana went past the desk and on outside to the boat as Micah turned in the key card.


“Is everything alright?” Joel
asked with concern.


“Yes, she just misses her family.  I think it is best that I take her home


“Okay Micah, you let me know if yo
u ever want to come back.”


“I will Joel
, thank you again,” said Micah as he went out the door.




Once Micah had driven the boat halfway home, Lana too
k off her wrap, shoes, wig, hat
and glasses and put them all into the bag.  She couldn’t stand to be apart from Titus another moment, “Do you mind Micah if I swim the rest of the way with Titus?”


“Of course not Princess Lana,” he s
d compassionately.


Then Lana dove into the water and to Titus’ waiting arms.  He felt the sorrow she was feeling and could not wait to give her comfort.  He hugged and kissed her and told her how much he loved her and how brave she had been to make the call.


told him about her little brother Jedediah.


Titus was happy to hear that there would be a future guardian for the mer.  He swung her around on his back and they continued to follow Micah’s boat with Makoa.


When they reached the grotto, Lana went in and told Tarra all that she had talked about with her father.  Lana couldn’t help but pick up little Talei and kiss the top of her head.  “You are precious little one,” she said and then gave her back to her mother.


Lana and Titus
to the city with Makoa.  Titus allowed Lana to go to their home and he went and got little Rose from his parents and brought her back.


ed as she saw how excited Rose was to see her.  Rose quickly swam into
arms and began to play with
emerald necklace that
had just put back on, like
had many times before.


Lana did miss her father, but she knew
she would see him in time. 
thankful for the family
made together
, she thought and then
Lana kissed the top of little Rose’s head and told her of all that her grandpa Cole had said.

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