Authors: Sheri L. Swift

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Thank you mighty Arius for all of the gifts that you give


Thank you for the air that gives life to all

For the sun that gives warmth and strength

For the beauty of the moon and stars

For the blue seas depth and length

Thank you for the ebbing tides

From gentle currents to raging waves

For the crystal blue lagoons

For the hidden glistening caves

Thank you for the gift of family

For all of creation on land and in sea

For your mighty protecting hand

For your unending love for me

Thank you for my beating heart

For laughter and for sorrow

For the joy in each day

For the new Promise of tomorrow

Thank you for your guidance

For leading where I cannot see

For helping me through the storms

For choosing my destiny


May I live a life that is p
leasing to you my maker and High King


Tarra had finished the song,
she heard someone say, “Do my eyes deceive me, or am I seeing one of the mer?”


Tarra quickly sat up and saw a young man standing behind her.  He was smiling and looked much like Levu, only older.  He had the same dark curly hair and dark skin.  Something about his smile made her stay frozen when all of her instincts told her to jump into the water.


“Please do not be frightened, I will not harm you,” he said softly in his island accent. 


Something about this youn
g man reminded Tarra of Kitchi
and she could not think clearly.  He was tall and had a broad muscular chest and muscular arms and legs.  He wore the bright red flowered cloth around his waist like Levu. 
Why can I not leave?  I
s it fear or something more?
  She wondered.


“Micah, what are you doing on the island?” Levu asked as he and Lana walked up to them.


“I saw your boat and came to ask if you wanted to go fishing,” he answered, but his eyes never left Tarra.


Just then, Titus and Makoa surfaced and Tarra quickly jumped into the water.  “Is everything alright?” Titus asked with a stern look to the young man.


“Everything is fine Prince Titus, this is my good friend Micah and he will not tell your secret

miled Levu.


“I have heard of the mer, only I never saw one until today.  I am glad that I have.  Now I know that the legends of my people are tru
e smiled
to all of them


“Hi Micah, my name is Princess Lana,” Lana said trying to break the icy stare that Titus was giving him.


“Bula Princ
ess Lana, do my eyes deceive me,
or are you a merwalker?” Micah asked in disbelief.


“Your eyes do not deceive you, she is my mate,” said Titus not sure if he liked him talking with her.


“This is also Makoa and Princess Tarra, that I believe you have already met,” said Levu also trying to keep Titus from getting angry.


“Yes, I did meet the Princess Tarra briefly,” Micah said with a smile once more and noticed that the mermen were not smil
ing, “So
your name is Makoa, are you as fearless as your name boasts?” Micah chuckled.


“I strive to be.  It was a name that an island fisherman once gave my father.  He saved him from a school of white sharks after he had fallen from his canoe.  My mother liked the name so much that she gave it to me when I was born,” said Makoa proudly.


“Then your father was truly fearless,” said Micah amazed by it.


“Titus once saved me years ago, when my raft was breaking on the reefs

miled Levu to Micah.


“You have kept their secret well Levu, you never told me.  I am sorry if I have frightened any of you, I only saw Levu’s boat and stopped to ask him if he would like to go fishing.  I heard a young woman singing a beautiful song and saw the Princess Tarra just before Levu and the Princess Lana came,” said Micah trying to clear the air with the mermen.


“You did not frighten us,” said Titus coldly.


“Not a bit,” said Makoa also coldly.


“Titus, Micah is just trying to be friends, he didn’t do anything wrong,” said Lana a little tired of the mermen egos.


“I agree, Micah has done nothing wrong,” Tarra spoke for the first time.


“I assure you Prince Titus, he is a good man who brings honor to my village,” said Levu sincerely.


“Then I am sorry if we have acted rudely.  I trust Levu’s judgment,” said Titus humbly.


“It is well, I can see why you guard your women,” said Micah as he looked to Tarra and smiled.


Titus was not sure if he liked what he was implying.  “I think it best that we leave now Lana,” said Titus as he let his thoughts tell her that he still did not trust him.


“Fine, Levu thank you for helping me gather the coconuts,” she said and she quickly dove into the water with a small net bag that held some of the coconuts.  Titus took the larger bag from Levu and gave a nod of his head and dove into the water following Lana.  Makoa waited for Tarra to dive.  She paused only slightly, taking one last glance at Micah.  She could not help but give him a slight smile and then dove after her brother.  Makoa saw it and gave a quick glare to Micah and followed after Tarra.


“I am truly sorry if I have offended your friends,” said Micah to Levu.


Do not worry
, Prince Titus will come to know you as friend



“For my sake, I hope he does

miled Micah.


“She is totoka,
is she not?” Levu asked, knowing what Micah was thinking.


“Yes, she is beautiful
.  Is Makoa her mate?”


“I do not think so.”


“Good,” said Micah with a wide grin and the two of them headed out to fish.



Chapter 14




The next month seemed to be the hardest for Lana.  Titus never wanted her to go to
and she had to practically beg him to let her.  This began to put a strain on both of them.  She wasn’t feeling well and she began to wonder if she would be able to live the life of a mer.  She remembered what her father had said about her needing sunlight as much as possible and she thought that was the answer.


One day, she talked Titus into allowing her to visit the island without Levu.  She knew that it was because of Levu’s friend Micah, that Titus was more guarded.  Princess Tarra and Makoa, along with Tempest, went also.


Lana felt like she hadn’t had a place for her private thoughts in so long, all she wanted to do was sit under the shade of the trees and cry. 
Why did I agree
to leave
  She loved Titus, but she missed her father so much and she was beginning to lose her appetite for any of the mer food.  Most mornings, she didn’t even want to leave their small home in the city and she thought that maybe that was why she was getting so depressed.  Lana cried herself to sleep.


Titus began to worry; Lana did not usually stay so long without coming back to him. 
He had tried calling for her and he was not sure if she could hear him. 
For the first time, he was really afraid.  He knew that there was nothing that he could do to help her so deep on the island and he wished that he had brought Levu along. 


“Do you think she is
alright Titus?” Tarra asked.


“I do not know;
I wish I had Levu to help me.  Lana!  Lana!  Can you hear me?” Titus called out once more trying to get her to answer.


“Look, there comes a small boat, perhaps it is Levu,” said Makoa as he began to swim towards it.  When he reached the boat and surfaced, he realized that it was not Levu, but Micah.  He was not sure how Titus would feel about asking for his help.


“Bula Makoa, it is good to see you,” called Micah as he slowed his boat.


“I am not so sure I should do this, but I think we need your help,” said Makoa with a half grin.


“I will do anything I can, what is it?” Micah asked with concern, for he knew that it would take a great deal for the mermen to admit they needed him.


“We have not seen Princess Lana in a while and she is on the island.  Prince Titus is worried that she might be in trouble,” said Makoa seriously.


“I will come and help,” said Micah as he began to drive his boat towards the island.


Makoa swam quickly back to Titus to tell him the news.  Titus was not particularly happy that Micah was the one coming, but his fear for Lana outweighed his distrust of Micah.  Princess Tarra was glad to see him once more and Titus was not happy of that fact, Makoa only laughed at the two of them.


“What part of the island is she on?” Micah asked as he quickly jumped from his small boat into the surf.


“She went into the middle, she likes to sit in the shade,” said Titus with a knot in his stomach.


Micah ran quickly and called out, “Princess Lana!  Princess Lana!  Where are you?”


Lana woke up to the sound and looked to see Micah coming towards her, “I’m here, what’s wrong?” Lana asked confused.


“I am glad that I found you, Prince Titus is worried that something has happened to you, are you alright?” Micah asked with concern.


“No, I’m not alright.  I don’t feel well, I can’t stop crying.  I guess I fell asleep, but I’m not ready to see Titus right now.  I need more time,” she began to sob.


“I see.  Well, let me at least tell him that you are here and that you are safe,” he said compassionately and Lana just shook her head yes.


When Titus saw Micah coming back alone and could not read his thoughts, it was everything he could do to keep from hopping onto the shore.


“She is safe, but she says that she does not feel well and she is crying,” said Micah trying to calm him, seeing the look on his face.


“She is not well, what is wrong?  Why is she crying?” Titus asked still concerned.


“In my village, there is a Hawaiian
woman that is like a doctor to my people.  Her name is Grandmother Nalani and I could bring her here if you like?”


“Do you think it would be safe, can you trust her?” Titus asked with even more concern.


“She is a kind woman and
she has spoke
of the mer for as long as I can remember



“I guess I do not have any choice, I would be grateful if you would do this for me,” said Titus wishing that it were Levu instead.


Micah quickly jumped into the little boat and Makoa gave him several shoves to help him get past the reefs faster.


l Titus could do now was wait
; i
t ripped at his heart to not be able to help Lana.


It was only a little more than an hour when Micah returned with a small white haired native woman.  She did have a kind face and Titus was glad.  He was thankful for any help she might be able to give.  She did not even find Titus strange as she got out of the boat; she gave him a tender smile.  “Thank you, I am grateful for your coming to aid us,” said Titus sincerely.


“You are welcome Prince of the mer, I will do what I can,” she said in her island accent as she followed Micah into the trees.  When Micah brought her to Princess Lana, Grandmother Nalani smiled to him and asked him to wait with the Prince.  Then she looked to Lana with understanding, “Tell me what is the problem child?” she asked in a loving voice.


“I’m sorry if I’ve made my husband worry.  I’m not sure?  I don’t feel well and I can’t stop crying.  I love my husband, but sometimes he makes me so mad,” she couldn’t keep from sobbing.


“There, there now.  Is he mean to you?”


“No not really.  I used to get along with him just fine, but lately everything he does drives me crazy!” Lana began to sob even louder.


“There, there, tell me how long you have been married?” Grandmother Nalani asked sweetly as she rocked Lana in her arms.


“I don’t know, about three months I guess,” she sniffled.


“How long since he bothers you?”


“I guess about two months now.  Why, what do you think is wrong with me?” Lana asked with concern.


“I think maybe you’re gonna have his child

he smiled to Lana.


“You mean I’m pregnant?” Lana asked with wide eyes.


“I am knowledgeable in this, and I say yes

he smiled bright


“Wow, I di
dn’t see that coming.  Only now
it makes so much sense.  I stopped paying attention to my cycle.  I guess it was because I was living in the water like a fish and we’ve been so busy and I’ve missed my dad...” Lana poured out her heart to Grandmother Nalani and she gave Lana some advice on things she could eat as a mer and a human mother that would help her growing baby.  Lana was so glad she had taken the time to come and help her.  She was grateful that Titus had trusted Micah enough to allow him to get her.  After about an hour or so, Lana walked back to the shore with Grandmother Nalani.


Titus was still barely able to restrain himself at the sight of Lana with her swollen red eyes.  Then he saw a smile cross her face and he finally let out the breath he had been holding for so long.  Lana didn’t speak at first, she just began running to him and jumped into his arms.  He was more confused than ever and then she let her thoughts tell him that they were going to have a baby.  “A baby!” Titus yelled and he hugged her and spun her around in the water.


“You are with child?” Princess Tarra asked.


, now I know why I’ve been so moody and sick

he smiled to Titus.


“I was so worried about you Lana.  I never want to go through that again, from now on either Levu or Micah will be here too

e smiled and kissed her.


“I would be more than happy to come to the island any time you wish,” said Micah sincerely.


“Thank you Micah, thank you Grandmother Nalani

Lana smiled to them both.


“You are welcome child

miled Grandmother Nalani


“Anything I can do to help, just call out,” said Micah as he helped Grandmother Nalani into the little boat once more and began to drive away.  He could not help but give one last glance to Princess Tarra and he gave her that bright smile of his and she smiled back with a slight nod of her head.  Makoa saw it and just rolled his eyes with a grin and hoped that Titus did not see, but of course, he only had to read both their thoughts to know exactly what was happening.  Today he did not care.  Today he found out that he was going to be a father and nothing else mattered.


Titus did allow Lana to spend each day on
with Levu or Micah helping out.  He knew that it was important not only for Lana, but also their baby.  He knew that part of the baby was human like Lana and that they needed the foods that humans eat to keep them both healthy, as well as the food of the mer.


Princess Tarra spent a lot of that time getting to know Micah as they sat upon the rock where they first met.  Micah could not believe how very beautiful she was and
that she had not married
.  One d
she did tell him of Kitchi
and how he died.  He was sorry for her loss and he knew that it would take time for her to love again and he was willing to be patient.  He knew that even if they had a chance to be together, they would have to overcome some pretty big obstacles, like Titus for one.


As Lana began to get bigger, her appetite only increased.  Levu was able to get her food from other islands which included pineapples, mangos, and all sorts of leafy greens that Grandmother Nalani recommended she eat.  He would even bring her some roasted pig and sweet potatoes from his village at least once a week and she was especially grateful for that.  Titus teased her and said that his child would n
ot like
pig; she disagreed and ate it anyway.

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