Authors: Sheri L. Swift

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“No!” Lana screamed and she ran and tried to help Titus, but she was too late.  Darious threw Titus into the water and turned back towards her.  He threw down the knife and grabbed Lana’s wrists with
both of
his hands and began kissing her hard on her mouth.  Lana fought to get free.  His evil thoughts were in her head and again, she nearly vo
mited to have his mouth on hers
and then he stopped.  She saw that his eyes were wide with fear and then he slowly fell to the cavern floor. 


There was Makoa standing behind him with the bloody knife in his hand.  “Are you alright Princess Lana?”


“Yes, but help Titus!” Lana screamed and Makoa turned to see King Titan and Prince Terrance bringing Titus up from the water and they put him in the pool. 


“How is he?” Lana asked the King.


“He has lost a lot of blood, but I will send someone to your father for his help and for the antibiotics that he has.  He has a good chance,” said the King compassionately.


“Titus, can you hear me?” Lana asked as she went to his side.  The pool was filling up with his blood and his father was wrapping him quickly with strips of cloth.


“Keep speaking to him.  He needs you Princess Lana, please do not l
eave his side,” said his father
Prince Terrance, as he continued wrapping him.


Lana got into the pool with him and held him in her arms.  She stroked his hair and whispered how much she loved him and was waiting for him to join in union with her.


It seemed forever before Lana’s father finally surfaced with his medical gear.  “Are you alright Lana?” he asked with concern as he quickly began to work on Titus.


“Yes Dad, but Titus has been stabbed by Darious, and with my knife,” she began to sob.



s okay honey, I’m sure there was nothing you could do.  I’ll do all I can to help him.  He has a good heartbeat and I know he has more than enough reason to want to live with you beside him

e smiled at Lana knowing he
r thoughts on how much she cared for


“I love him Dad, we were gonna ask your permission to join in union,” Lana said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.


“You see, that’s more than enough reason for him to want to recover as soon as possible,” said her father as he se
t up an I.V. drip
.  They had to strap Titus to a surfboard.  They propped one end in the pool, tryi
ng to keep his wound dry.  Cole
had cleaned and dressed the
as best he could


Some of the guardsmen came and took the body of Darious away.  Makoa sat next to the pool and Lana’s father noticed that he had a gash in his head.  “Are you alright?  You look like you could use some attention yourself,” asked her father with concern.


With a wide grin Makoa said, “I am fine Cole; just take care of Prince Titus.”
Makoa knew that Cole had not recognized him.


“Makoa, i
s that you?  You were just a little squirt the last time I saw you

Cole grinned


“Yes, it is I, and yo
u just got older,” Makoa chuckled


I sure did, boy it’s good to see you


After a few hours, Prince Titus began to stir and cried out, “Lana, Lana, where are you?”


“I’m right here Titus.  I’
m right beside you,” she said as she kissed his cheek.


Prince Titus opened up his eyes and looked to see everyone gathered around him.  He gave a slight smile and said, “Well this is not awkward.”


“At least
he has not lost his sense of humor,” laughed Makoa.


“Where is Darious?” Titus asked seriously as he remembered what had happened.


“I took care of him.  No one will ever have to worry about him again

to Titus with a knowing look.


“Thank you my friend, I can never repay you for saving Lana,” said Titus grateful for his friend’s loyalty and bravery.


“Neither can I.  A
nd thank all of you, even you Dad, for helping to save Titus,” Lana said
to them


Then Prince Titus looked to Lana’s father and said in a serious tone, “Cole, there is something I must speak with you about.”


“If it’s about you and Lana joining in union, you’re gonna have to wait at least three weeks until that wound heals some

Cole grinned


Then all those gathered around laughed and congratulated Titus and Lana.  They were both so happy and they let their thoughts tell the other that it would be worth the wait.  “Thank you Cole, I am sorry that I was not able to protect her as I promised,” said Titus sadly.


“Prince Titus, I have faced Darious before and know what you were up against.  It’s alright,” s
d her father
his shoulder.


“You never warned me about Damon Dad,” said Lana with a serious look to her father and all read her thoughts about his evil intentions towards her.


“I forgot that Darious had a brother, he was just a kid last I saw him,” said her father deep in thought.


Titus gripped Lana’s hand with his own as he looked seriously into her eyes and said, “He will never have you.”


“I am afraid that he has escaped along with their guard,” said King Titan apologetically.


“It is not your fault King Titan; we were all led on a chase.  If only I had realized it sooner,” said Titus sorry for all that had occurred.


“We were all fooled Prince Titus, they had the help from some of the mer inside the city,” said Makoa angrily.


“I know that Sirene was working with them when she brought me here, only she seemed like she didn’t want to do it,” said Lana sadly.


“Lana, I am so sorry.  I should have realized what her intentions were,” said Titus with tears filling his eyes.


you can’t be everywhere and know everything, sometimes things just happen beyond our control,” said Lana kissing him on the cheek once more.


“How well I know that one,” said
and all the others shook their heads in agreement.


“Let us take our leave and allow Prince Titus and Princess Lana to visit with her father and Prince Terrance,” said King Titan.


“You better get well quick or the guard will start slacking without you,”
ed Makoa as he began to leave.


“You make sure you keep them in line until I do

to Makoa.


“Sure,” said Makoa with a
as he dove down into the water.


“King Titan, before you go, I just want you to know that Darious and his gang hit us first and he was careless.  There were some sightings.  You best keep a low profile until you can migrate,” said Lana’s father seriously.


“I am sorry for your loss Cole, we shall do as you ask,” King Titan
as he and the others swam away.


“Was it really that bad Dad?” Lana asked.


Her father clinched his teeth and said,
“Yeah, he took out a
few ships and killed several.  H
e left a few witnesses, on purpose I think


“I am sorry that your people had to suffer by his hand,” said Prince Terrance.


“No more
than your own,” said Cole sadly


and Prince Terrance took their conversation over to the fire where they stoked the coals and added some more of the driftwood.  Lana wrapped her arms around Titus and looked into his eyes and said, “I really thought I’d lost you for a minute there.”


“I thought
I had lost you also and I could not b
the thought of what he was going to do to you.  I am so sorry Lana.  I told you that you would always be safe in my arms and here I am lying safely in yours,” he chuckled and then winced from the pain in his side.


“I’m so glad you are, you must try and rest.  I want you to heal as quickly as possible

he smiled and kissed the top of his head letting her thoughts tell him she couldn’t wait to be his wife.


“Yes, I have the best reason of all,” he said as he pulled her head down and kissed her gently on her lips and then he allowed himself to fall asleep knowing that she would be there beside him.



Chapter 12




The next few days were even harder than Lana could imagine.  Prince Titus had developed a fever and it was everything she and her father could do to keep him dry.  Even though they had him half elevated, he kept thrashing his tail and getting his bandage wet.  They even had a constant battle keeping Tempest out of the cavern.  Once, he
got past the guards and jumped into the pool with Titus.  It was hard for him to understand why the Prince was not able to swim with him.


On the fourth day, Prince Titus’ fever broke and he was finally sleeping peacefully.  Lana made a bed of seaweed next to the pool where she could be near him.
hank you
for hearing my prayers


“I think it’s about time
you let yourself get some sleep,” said Lana’s father to her.


“Yeah, I think I can rest now knowing he’s out of the woods

as she nestled into the seaweed for a long nap.


Lana woke to the tender kisses of Titus.  He had a wide grin and it warmed her heart.  “How did you get off the surfboard?” Lana asked with a slight smile and a raised brow.


“It is alright, your father said that I could, if I do not get wet,” he chuckled.


“Oh Titus, I’m so glad to see you feeling better.  You took a turn for the worse and again, I thought I might lose you,” she said with tears filling her eyes.


“It is over now and I am getting well, thanks to your father,” he said as he strok
ed her hair and kissed her once more


t is nice to see you two happy again,” said Princess Tarra as she swam to the pool.  “It is good to have you back Brother

he smiled as she hopped up on the ledge next to the pool and gave Titus a hug.


“It is good to be back,” answered Titus.


“Yeah, you might be back, but you still better take it easy and not get that bandage
wet again,” called Lana’s father
from beside the fire.


“Yes Cole, I hear you

.  “Tell
me Sister, what news have you heard of
the others?” Titus asked in a serious tone.


“No one has seen any sign of them, they must have all left.  I am sure that Damon is now head of the guard.  Who knows when he will try another attack, if ever,” said Tarra.


“Oh believe me, he will if he’s anything l
ike Darious,” said Cole


“He is worse than Darious,” said Lana with a chill running down her spine to remember the promise he made her.


“I will never allow it.  I would
surely die before he ever touches you,” said Titus with conviction.


“King Titan has said that the mer will leave within one week after your union,” said Tarra
seriously, knowing what it would cost Cole.


“That’s good, there are many still searching the waters for any signs of the mer and it will only be a matter of time before they force me to allow them to search here,” sai
d Cole


“Dad, how awful, what can we do?” Lana asked.


“You will go with your husband and your people Lana.
  It’s the only way,” he
said sadly.


“But Dad, how can I leave you like that?”


se you have to and because it’
ll be safer for you.”


“Do not worry Lana, it will not be forever.  We will return one day,” Titus said as he held her hand.


“You won’t be able to come back for at least three years, it takes time for peopl
e to forget,” said Cole
as he felt his heart would break.


“Dad, I can’t leave you for that long,” Lana began to cry.


“You have to Lana, it’s the only way.
I’ll miss you, but I know it’
ll be better for you.”


“I will keep her safe this time, we will stay together and we will not be caught off guard as we were before,” said Titus with conviction once more.


“I know you will Prince Titus, I kno
w you love her,” said Cole sincerely


“But Dad, what will you do?”


“I’ll be fine Lana, in fact, I’ve been thinking of having a union of my own with Rose.  How do you feel about that?” he asked with a half grin.


“Dad, I think it’s wonderful.  I know you’ll both be happy, she’s always been like a mother to me even if she never knew it

Lana smiled.


“I think she knows more than you or I ever gave her credit for

gave a wink with a smile.


“May it be so Cole, she seems to be a fine woman,” said Titus.


“Yes, congratulations, I have always liked her



maybe when all this blows over
she’ll finally get her chance to meet all of you.”


“Yes, it will be our honor,” said Titus sincerely.




The next morning, Lana woke to the smell of breakfast cooking and it made her stomach rumble.  “Is that bacon I smell?” Lana called out to her father beside the fire.


“Yeah, I tried to think of what to give you for your eighteenth birthday, but this was all I could come up w

He grinn


“Dad, I forgot today was my birthday.  How perfectly wonderful to have bacon and eggs again,” she said as she came and sat beside him.


“Yes, I nearly forgot myself,” said Titus as he hopped to the fire with them.


“Take it easy with that wound, you don’t need it busting open again,” said her father s


“Yes Cole

Titus grinned as he sat beside Lana.


“Good morning my Prince,” Lana said kissing him.


“Good morning and happy birthday my Princess

e kissed her back.


“Would you like some cooked pig?” Cole asked knowing what Titus would say.


“No thank you, that does not look or smell appetizing

e frowned.


“Titus, you haven’t lived until you’ve tasted cooked pig,” Lana teased.


“There’s plenty,” her father offered once more, but Titus only grinned and shook his head no.


“Good, then that means there’s just
more for me,” said Lana as she filled her plate.  “Thanks Dad, this is the best birthday gift for a merwalker
” Lana beamed.


“You’re welcome; I thought you’d like it.”


At that moment, Makoa surfaced in the cavern and swam to the ledge near the three of them.  “Did you find it?” Titus asked Makoa.


“Yes, it was right where you said it would be,” said Makoa as he handed Titus a small golden box.  Makoa looked to Lana with a wide grin and said, “Happy birthday Princess Lana, your Prince sent me on an errand for you early this morning.”


“Oh he did, did he?”
Lana smiled at Titus with curiosity.


“I have heard it said that it is a human custom to give o
ne’s intended a ring.  Since the
mer do not wear rings, I thought that perhaps this may do instead,” Titus said as he rose up on the mid joint of his tail and took Lana’s hand in his.  “Princess Lana, will you consent to live the rest of your life with me and join in union?”
Titus stared into her eyes and allowed his thoughts to tell her how very much he loved her.


“Yes Prince Titus, I happily give my consent,” she said as she was filled with so much love for him and she kissed him. 


Then Titus
handed her the golden box.
“This was crafted for a human Queen hundreds of winters ago and sent to her by ship from her intended.  The ship never reached her because it was caught in a storm and sank.  On the day that I agreed to be your intended, I knew then that I would give it to you.  You are a Queen among maidens and you honor me to be my mate,” he said with his eyes filling with tears for the emotion he was feeling on how special a moment it was.


Lana, with tears filling her own eyes, opened up the golden box and took out a rare and beautiful necklace.  It had a thick golden rope chain and the most beautiful large oval emerald set within a ring of tiny white pearls and surrounded by a small braid of gold.  The stone glimmere
d by the firelight and Lana thought;
this must be worth a fortune
.  She slipped it over her head and gave Titus a
kiss.  “I like it very much, thank you,” she said as tears ran down her cheeks.


“You are very welcome

as he held her close to him and knew that he would never forget this moment.



s a very nice gift Prince Titus.  Lana, if you know how I felt about the pearls, you don’t have to read my thoughts to know what I’m thinking abou
t that emerald,” said Cole
with a half grin as he shook his head.

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