Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] (8 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Kailin Romance

BOOK: Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]
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“I won’t!” I hugged my mother tightly.

“Good, because, Summer there will be
days when it’s tough and you don’t know how to go on, as well as the most
happiest days in your life, so what you need to remember when faced with the
ups and downs, is that it will all work out.”

“Thank you, Mom!” I said. “I’ll

“Good,” she said, wiping at the corner
of her eyes. She noticed Cooper then and stood up straight. No one will get to
see the soft side of Major Jones if she can help it.

“Hello,” Cooper came up to shake Mom’s
hands. “So nice to meet you Mrs. Jones. I now know where Summer gets her beauty
and strength of character. You must be so proud of her.”

“I am,” Mom said, looking Cooper up and
down. She had a quizzical look on her face as she stood back to take Cooper in.
“Have we met before?”

“No,” Cooper said. “I tend to look like
everyone’s best friend, ex-boyfriends, or sons so that’s probably why you think
I look familiar.”

“Okay,” Mom said, still looking
confused. “Well, I’m late for my flight, but I’ll call you, Summer, and let you
know how things are going in San Fran.”

“Keep an eye on Rachel, too,” I said.
“She’s going up there too for a while.”

“Ah Rachel,” Mom said. “I will. Nice to
meet you Cooper, and please, don’t let Summer get you down. If she does, do
what makes her happy and she’ll come around!”

My face was red then. “Thanks, Mom!” I
shut the door, and faced Cooper.

“Nice family you’ve got there,” he
smiled. “You are indeed lucky.”





ver since that
night I visited Summer at the Pad, I’ve been sorely tempted to reveal myself to
her, to take her back into my arms and ask her to forgive me, to be with me the
way we were before I left.

When it comes to Summer, she can break
down any barriers I’ve erected. Any resistance I have set up, comes crashing
down when I hold her in my arms, when she looks at me with those eyes full of

Visiting her that night made it loud and
clear for me that I can’t leave Summer alone. She had taken sleeping pills…not
to kill herself with, but because she needed them to sleep. Anxiety? Insomnia?
That wasn’t Summer. She never had to use anything to go to sleep. She was
always on the go, full of energy, non-stop energy that she expended on
volleyball for school, teaching and running Aunt Sookie’s Academy, and studying
for school. They kept her so busy that by the time she fell asleep, she was
bone tired.

Someone like the Summer I used to know
never used sleeping pills.

So it alarmed me. Summer wasn’t taking
care of herself. She wasn’t sleeping right. She wasn’t eating right. She
wouldn’t let Drew in to check on her, too, I bet. And Rachel? Drew was supposed
to eventually let Rachel know about me, but I have no idea if he had.

When Rachel gets angry, she expresses
herself through clothes, through her hair. She doesn’t actually hurt herself by
starving or not sleeping. Rachel, as much as everyone underestimates her, loved
herself far enough to not let her body go. She wasn’t self-sacrificing like
Summer was. And she had Drew to fall on. As much as the twins dissed on each
other, they were also their greatest supporters.

So, of course, I was worried about
Summer. I could feel her loneliness even when all I did was sleep next to her
that night. I was just going to talk to her, check up on her, and leave, as
Drew requested. But I couldn’t. She needed me then, and I couldn’t leave no
matter what.

So, I made the call.

A call that may change everything.


“Hello Lamar?” I said into my phone. I
had swept my place earlier this evening, making sure there weren’t any bugs or
surveillance anywhere.

I’ve been doing this since I moved into
my low-profile condo. Upon entering my condo, I sweep the entire place before I
could let out my breath and relax. When I found a suspicious-looking device buried
into my roommate’s plant at the dorm, I knew I couldn’t live in a dormitory
with roommates and no privacy. Not with the kind of danger I was in.

So now in my small condo, looking out to
the ocean, with a clear view of the beach, I can live in peace, yet still feel
like I was part of the place I grew up in with Summer…the Pad. The place wasn’t
cheap, but it was a few blocks away from the Pad, and from where I was on the
top floor, I could even see the Pad’s beachfront backyard, see Summer’s car in
the driveway, and the front door.

In other words, I chose this place so I
could still watch and protect Summer. Drew didn’t even know it. Lamar didn’t
even know.


“Hey kid,” Lamar said in his deep
booming voice. He suited his position well…an FBI handler who had arranged and
organized everything for me to disappear without a trace so I can start my life
all over again without being Nat. “What is it?”

“When can I reveal myself to Summer?” I
asked. “When can I have my old life back?”

“Ahh, so this is what you called me
for,” Lamar said. “I know it’s hard for you with this new identity, but
proceedings are going too slow. You have to hold on a while longer. But there is
another matter, and you calling me now is good timing. This news literally just
came up this afternoon.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“Word is out that one of the top bosses,
Xavier, has escaped and had entered the U.S. seeking revenge, especially for
the guy who shut down his center overseas. And guess who that guy is? You. So,
now’s not a good time to come out and announce to the world, ‘Hey World, Nat’s
back!’ especially when these guys were able to get a photo of you. You don’t
even know how grave your situation is, do you, kid?”

“I have some idea,” I said. “It’s grave
enough you guys had to kill me off so they won’t come after me.”

“You do get it, then,” Lamar said. “I
figure you would since you’re a genius, but when it comes to matters of the
heart, you’re vulnerable, and that vulnerability can get you, your father, your
mother, your brother and sister, and Summer killed.”

My heart dropped hearing Lamar hit it on
the head with what I was thinking. I was being led by my love for Summer to
risk getting my entire family killed, not to mention anyone associated with me.
There was no way I could reveal my identity to Summer and my family now.

“So, this Xavier…what does he look
like?” I asked, ready to arm myself against him if I ever see him.

“That’s the thing with these criminals.
They are hard-core enough they change their looks with plastic surgery every
once in a while. The last time anyone has spotted him or surveillance camera
had picked up on him, he was dressed down, blending into whatever culture and
country he was in. Mostly in non-descript shorts and t-shirts. I’ll send you a virtual
postcard with his face in a crowd. He’s the third from the left edge. Third
from the bottom edge. And we’ll make it easy for you to get a license to carry
weapons. You will need one just in case. These guys mean business so if you
have to defend yourself against them, you will at least be equipped.”

“That would
help,” I said dryly.

we need you to stay alive, Nat. You are providing a great service to your
country and internationally. Your genius and expertise is rare. We will take
good care of you, no doubt. Are you fine with your new identity?”

wasn’t at first, but things are getting better,” I said.

good you’re blending in and adjusting,” Lamar said. “It makes your cover

am definitely blending in,” I said, not mentioning how I was able to visit
Summer at the Pad without her seeing me.

blend in, and before you know it, you will be a new person, safe to roam
anywhere you want to go. Beats having you sent to a witness protection program
or get accompanied by security men all the time”

Lamar,” I said. “In case you didn’t know, I moved out of the dorm and into my
own condo for safety’s sake.”

know,” Lamar said. “That was fine. Like I said, being in your situation you’re
free to roam and live life as you once did, but only as your new identity.
Moving to a condo is your own choice, and at least you can have privacy again,
instead of being at the dorm. Good thinking, Nat. Now if you’ll excuse me, I
have to go. Until next time!”

next time,” I said hanging up.


soon as I ended the call, another call came through. “Hey Nat, there’s been a
breakin at the Academy.”


idea who was behind it?” I asked.

that’s why I’m checking it out.”

any men with you?” I asked, meaning some of our security men from Donovan

when we get the entire place wired for a new security system installation. You
should be there to get your fingerprints scanned so you are cleared in the

worry,” I said. “I’ll find a way to handle that.”

yourself,” Drew said. “Anyways, I got some news about Summer…she’s been hanging
out with a guy who seem a bit mysterious. A classmate of hers. Don’t know how
far into this relationship she’s been, but they are moving fast.”

concern yourself with who she is dating or seeing, Drew. It’ll drive you crazy.
Just make sure she’s fine, and if the guy isn’t for her, she’ll figure that out

taking this all pretty calmly.” Drew said.

isn’t any other way I can take it right now.”

well, I hope to see you soon, Bro.”

too,” I said.

the call ended, I breathed a sigh of relief. Drew didn’t suspect a thing.





rew called me
the following day after my weekend helping Cooper film.

he said. “I want you to know, there’s been a breakin at the Academy, and I
think the security system we installed had been compromised. I’m heading there
to check it out. I thought you should know.”

go with you,” I said. After all, Aunt Sookie’s Academy was my responsibility.
“Thank you for telling me.”

know you’re busy and all, and that you have other things on your mind, so I
wanted to take care of this for you, Summer,” Drew said. “But if you want to
come out to the Academy, that’s up to you.”

go,” I said. “I’ll see you there in 15 minutes.”

Drew said. “See you there.”


quickly changed into jeans, a tank top and my leather jacket, grabbed my purse
and keys, and headed out to my SUV. Thanks to it being late at night, there wasn’t
much traffic, and I was able to arrive at the Academy earlier.

walked in and checked out the door. It didn’t seem as if it had been tampered.
Yet, thanks to Donovan Dynamics’ sensitive security system, it triggered an
alarm that notified Drew, who was in charge of the system. I turned on the
lights of the old theater which was converted to an acting school, and walked
around, trying to see if anything looked like it was out of place.

front room which was the lobby seemed like it had always been for years. I
walked into the classroom, which was the theater’s main room consisting of the
stage, seating, and an area behind it for concessions. Nothing seemed

I had to go into the back rooms where Aunt Sookie’s office was, where it had
become my office. I shouldn’t be nervous about going in there, but last time I
did, I found my computer hacked with warnings from a stalker named Sloane on
the screen.

also, the attack…the one where I was nearly raped by Sloane. Until Drew came
in, fought Sloane off, and saved me.

how we went through so much together. How he had always been there for me.

walked to the very spot where I was attacked and had been forced on my back to
the ground, and Sloane was pressing down on me, breaking my arm…


skin suddenly got goosebumps.

hair stood on ends.

couldn’t breathe. What if it was Sloane who had come back to finish me off?

couldn’t be, he was sent to jail, or so I thought. I never did see what
happened to him. I didn’t want anything to do with him after his second attack
on me at the USC campus.

trusted Nat and the authorities to put him away.

was too distraught and shaken up to handle it. He nearly killed Sloane, and I
was in no condition to face him, either.


bolted up from where I was kneeling on the ground checking out some strange
residue and ran straight to the hallway only to run into something hard and
solid. Then arms came around me, trapping me in place.

let go of me!” I cried, struggling with all my strength. “You are not going to
attack me again!” I cried and screamed, remembering the terror I felt when
Sloane had cornered me, threw me to the ground, and started forcing himself on

Summer, it’s okay. It’s me. Drew.” Drew’s soft but assuring masculine voice
stopped my struggling, and I leaned into his chest, feeling instantly relieved
but so tired.

I said wearily, “You’re here.”

always here for you,” Drew said, stroking my hair to calm me down.

thought…I thought you were Sloane,” I said, shaking at the thought of seeing
Sloane again.

it’s me,” Drew said. “It’s too bad you got here before me. I was going to check
out everything to make sure it was safe before letting you come in here by
yourself after the alarm system was tripped.”

got here early, and I just thought I could handle it. I mean, I’m a big girl,

okay to let someone else handle it, Summer, if you don’t want to…” Drew said.
“You don’t have to play the strong independent woman with me, although you
are. Once in a while, you can let someone else handle things, could you?”

nodded, hating to admit that I could.

I said, “He did a number on my psyche. I never admitted it or try to show fear,
but…Drew…I get panic attacks sometimes…especially when I’m alone, and…”

started crying, hating myself for being so vulnerable, especially around Drew.
What is with me and Drew? He brings out the part of me that I always try to

it’s okay, Summer,” Drew said, kissing my temples, kissing my eyelids. He
wrapped his arms around me so tightly I could feel his heart thundering next to

shivering went down, and I nestled closer to Drew. “I don’t know what I’d do
without you, Drew.”

won’t let you find out,” Drew looked into my eyes before crushing his lips on
mine. I kissed him back hungrily, as his tongue lightly touched mine, sending
an electric thrill through my entire body.


talk, don’t think, Summer,” he said. “Just be with me right now.” He deepened
his kiss and I was lost in it, feeling his love pour into me.

kissed and kissed, forgetting everything else around us until Drew’s phone went
off, and we pulled away from each other.

he said, almost as out-of-breath as I was. “I have to get this. It’s Donovan

I said, walking back into the office area to continue checking if anything was
missing or suspicious.

of the files were missing or rifled through. The desk drawers were locked.

turned on the computer and checked if anything had been opened or tampered

came into the office and saw me open a tab that had been in the history. It was
a search on Cooper Sorrento.

Why would anyone be searching for Cooper here…” My first suspicion came from
the one person I didn’t want to suspect…the person standing in front of me.

turned around to look at Drew. “Have you been here lately?”

was here this weekend,” Drew said. “Rachel asked me to come in here to pull her
acting resume and portfolio from the computer for her shoot in San Fran. She
was in a hurry and couldn’t come in herself.”

you were the last one using this computer?” I asked.

guess, unless someone else did. Why?”

showed him the search on Cooper on the computer, and looked at him.

face said it all. He looked surprised that I found his trail, but embarrassed.
“Summer, I just wanted to see what kind of guy you were hanging out with. I
know I sound jealous, but…”

do, Drew,” I said.

checked him out because I was looking out for you,” he said. “You don’t know if
he could be another Sloane, Summer. You don’t know anything about him, yet
you’re spending so much time with him…”

he’s a friend and…”

we were friends. Best friends. You confided in me about everything, even about
your crush on Nat.”

was before we grew up,” I said.

miss that, Summer. I miss being your friend. I loved being your lover but it
just seemed I can’t satisfy you. I’m not enough for you even though I’ve tried
to be. I’ve tried so hard to be the kind of man you want me to be. I’ve tried
to be like Nat, I’ve tried to be just a casual lover, and even propose a just
sex arrangement, but even all that…you have doubts about us. Maybe, Summer.
Maybe…I finally realize now, I’m not the guy for you. Maybe it’s time for me to
accept that and stop pursuing you. I wanted to be with you so badly, but maybe
it’s not in the stars for me.”

was almost speechless, but as I watched Drew ball his hands into fists in
determination, I knew he was dead serious.

Nothing to say?” Drew asked roughly. “I was right then. You never loved me for
me. You will never give your heart completely to me. Well, I can’t have that,
Summer. I want to be with someone who loves me and only me. I’m sorry, truly
sorry it worked out this way, but now I know, and…you’re free to date anyone
you want…Cooper even. And I’ll move on, too.”

that, he left me abruptly, without giving me the chance to speak or catch up to

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