Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] (3 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Kailin Romance

BOOK: Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]
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I was still a little frustrated with him
for getting me so riled up just to stop abruptly. It was cruel. Didn’t Drew
know how every time I’m near him, it was as though all my nerve endings become
alive? My senses, my skin grows alert in anticipation of his touch. With Drew
standing so close behind me, clearly as aroused as I was, I pressed my butt
against the front of his crotch and pushed backwards to pin him against the
wall while I rubbed my butt in circles around his hard-on.

Drew groaned, “Oh that feels good,

I rubbed faster moving my hips in
circles and then up and down.

“God Summer, keep this up, and…”

The elevator bell rang and I launched
forward, leaving Drew bent over with a raging hard-on.

I looked around where we had stopped,
thinking we would have an audience when the elevator door opened.

No one. The elevator doors opened into a
small hallway that led to two large grey non-descript doors.

Drew came up from behind me, took my
hand, and led me through the doors and into a luxurious modern-style straight
out of Architecture Digest penthouse suite.

“Where are we?” I asked again.


Drew led me to the middle of the living
room furnished with expensive soft leather Italian sofas, plush angora area
rugs and glass tables. “This,” Drew said, gesturing all around him, “is my new


“Really?” I asked.

“Really,” Drew said. “I know you were
expecting something different for me, but all this comes with the territory of
having been promoted by Dad to President of Donovan Dynamics.”

I swallowed. That position was Nat’s.
Did that truly confirm that Nat had given up everything about his old life,
including a stake in the company he helped built?


I looked around. The place looked so
sophisticated, elegant, and upscale. Not at all like the Drew I knew.


More like Nat.

“Where’s Nat?” I asked. “You’re lying
Drew, this isn’t your place. It’s Nat’s. So he’s been hiding out here? Now,
where is he?”







smiled slowly
and calmly said, “Summer, this is my place, and this…all this is also who I

He walked over to the double door steel Sub-Zero
refrigerator, opened it and grabbed a chilled bottle of water out, placing it
on the large marble-top kitchen island. He bent down and pulled out a pot,
filled it with water, turned up the stove, and placed the pot on top of the

“Bet you’re hungry,” Drew said. “I’m
making dinner. You can make yourself comfortable while I cook. He took off his
jacket, placing it on the back of one of the chrome and leather barstools at
the island, then rolled up his sleeves. I watched him confidently navigate
through the kitchen, taking out pots and pans, vegetables, spices, and other

In his black shirt that hugged his broad
shoulders, muscular chest, tight rippled abs, and strong arms; he was
incredibly sexy, taking charge of the kitchen. He looked up at me and smiled.
It was his beautiful Drew smile, filled with happiness and charm. He was happy
being here, cooking dinner, having me here with him. Despite how angry I was
with what he’d done, I couldn’t help smiling back at him. I loved seeing him

He poured the vegetables he chopped into
the pan he fired up, stirred it a little, then covered it with a lid, before
washing his hands, drying them and then taking out two wine glasses which he
filled with the water from the expensive-looking water bottle he took out. He
walked over to me and handed me one before sinking into the sofa seat next to
me. He took a sip of the water and placed it on the glass top table in front of
us. He watched me as I took a sip, and he took away the wine glass to place it
on the table next to his. Then he turned to me, and cupped my chin, turning my
head to face him. “Believe it or not, Summer, all this is mine. Since Nat left,
and I had to step up to be the one in charge of Donovan Dynamics, in charge of
my family and looking out for you, it made me grow up. I was into football,
into modeling, and caring only about sex like a lot of guys my age, but when I
found out more about what my father and Nat had built up with Donovan Dynamics,
about losing people you love and about love, it made me think about a lot of
things. Including what I really wanted, who I wanted to be, and what I want my
future to be. I’m not that irresponsible playboy you thought I was…the Drew who
disappointed you, who don’t deserve you. I wanted to be a better man for you. I
want all this, Summer. I want you, too.” His lips crashed onto mine, kissing me
with a force that made me leaned back into the sofa while he pressed into me.
My head began swirling as all I could think about is Drew kissing me like he
couldn’t get enough of me. All I could feel was his hands touching, caressing
my legs up my thighs and now in between my legs.

“Oh Drew,” I sighed, kissing him back,
matching his fervor kiss by kiss.

“Summer,” Drew said, between kisses.
“You’re the only girl I’ve allowed to come here. You’re the only person I’ve
brought here. This place, Summer, this entire building, is mine, and you will
be all mine, too. You are the only girl I’ve ever loved.”

I felt his hand fist around my panties
and with one tug, he had ripped it off…just a strip of cream lace and silk
lying in a heap on the rug next to us. His two fingers plunged into me, hitting
the most sensitive part of my entire body and causing me to gasp.

Drew smiled. “I’m going to give you a
Drewgasm right now, before I return back to check on the pasta primavera I’m

I was about to say something but Drew
took out his two fingers from where he had been rubbing me to the point I
wanted him to fill more of me. He stuck his fingers into my mouth where I can
taste myself. “You taste incredible,” Drew said, taking his fingers back out of
my mouth and sticking it into his, where he licked them one by one, closing his
eyes and savoring each lick. “I could lick you forever. I miss the taste of
you, Summer, because it’s you.”

“Hungry? I am, and I’m going to start
with dessert first.” He pushed me all the way down, tilted my hips up, pushed a
cushioned pillow under my hips, and kissed me on my folds. As soon as his hot
wet tongue licked me, I nearly jumped out of my skin. It was electric hot,
sending tendrils of pleasure all over my body. I moaned, grabbing Drew’s thick
wavy black hair, pulling him closer to me. He increased the pressure of his
tongue and circled the area around my clit, making me wanting more.

“Drew…I want…”

“What do you want?” he growled.

“You to not stop,” I breathed.

“There’s no stopping me, Summer.” His
mouth enclosed on my entire vaginal area into an intimate kiss, while his
tongue continued stroking my clit.

I grabbed the pillow behind my head and
arched my back and felt my entire body trembled.

He moved his mouth to kiss my clit and suck
hard on it, taking my breath away. Without stopping his fingers from touching
me, he grabbed my hips, squeezing my buttocks while he pulled me closer to his
face and hungrily sucked and licked me until I was crying his name. “Drew, oh
Drew,” I moaned. “I missed you…”

“Summer,” he groaned, wrapping my legs
around his shoulders and lifting my bottom up while he continued hungrily
devouring me. “You’re so wet, so turned on…” he stopped massaging my hips and
stuck two fingers in me sideways, turning them gently inside of me until he was
palming me and stroking my sensitive g-spot, while his thumb stroke me up and

The sensations exploded around me, and
my body was whacked with strong tremors, jerking up and down, while I ran my
fingers through Drew’s hair.

He groaned, as he showed his arousal,
but continued his relentless onslaught on me.

I felt another tremor go through me,
making me bite down on my lips. “Drew, this is. Too. Much.”

I cried out in pleasure and my eyes
opened in wild ecstasy as he placed two more fingers in me, while continuing to
lick and devour me. He turned his hand and slowly pumped me, pressing down in
an area that made me feel full, and then his tongue rimmed my folds, licking up
and down. His forehead rested on my clit and began rubbing it, brushing it with
his hair.

It was the most arousing, incredible
sensation that made my nipples harden, my eyes rolled back, and my stomach
clenched. “Oh my God, Drew!” I cried. “I…” I felt another clenching and then my
stomach and entire body tighten, before an explosive climax thundered through
me. It whacked me for a few more seconds, making me writhe so hard, I nearly
knocked Drew off of me.

When I subsided, my face was flushed,
and I was panting, but felt so relaxed.

I opened my eyes, and Drew was facing
me, his hard-on so hard in his pants as he rubbed against me slightly. He took
my face into his hands and kissed me hard, then softly, his beautiful blue eyes
looking deep into mine. “I love you so much, Summer,” he said softly. “Whatever
I did to lose you, I’ll make right. Just please give me a chance…” he kissed me
again, and I felt something wet on my cheeks.

Drew’s eyes were still intensely on
mine, but there were tears that had escaped onto his cheeks.

He softly pushed a strand of hair from
my face when he pulled back his face to stare at me, to look at my lips, my
cheeks, and then my eyes as though he was memorizing me. “When you said you
never wanted to see me again, Summer, it nearly broke me. I thought I lost
you; I thought I lost everything.” He took a deep breath. “It was a feeling
I’d never want to have again, Summer.”

He kissed me again, resting his cheeks
on mine, and stroking my hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Nat, Summer.
I’m sorry I was too much of a chicken, too much of a good son to my dad, to
hold such a secret from you. It killed me to see you go through everything you
did, thinking Nat was dead, when I knew he wasn’t. I couldn’t let you know. I
was told if I did, it would put everyone I love in danger. Especially you. I
couldn’t risk you being in danger too from those guys who were after Nat. I’d
rather you end up hating me than being on their hit list, especially after what
Nat and your mother did.”

I pulled up. “My mother?”

“She was the real reason why Nat went on
the mission…to get her out. My father promised Aunt Sookie he would do
everything he could to look after your mother and you before Aunt Sookie passed
away. She was on a dangerous mission, and was taken hostage.”

I sat straight up now and adjusted my dress
as Drew got up. “Tell me more.”

“I will, but I have to check on dinner.”
He pulled me up on my feet and led me to the dining table off the side of the
kitchen island. He pulled a chair for me, seated me, and ran to turn off the
stove, and lift the lid of the pan he was simmering.

The rich scent of tomatoes, herbs and
spices, filled the room, and I heard my stomach growl.

“Looks just about right,” Drew said,
taking dishes out of the cabinet, draining some pasta, and preparing the dish.

He scooped out the steamy sauce and
added it to the pasta, and washed his hands before grating a block of cheese on
top and then chopping up some cilantro to add a pinch to the dishes.

With a smile of satisfaction, he brought
two plates out to the table, placing one in front of me and another in the seat
at the front of the table next to me, where he sat down.

He placed a napkin over his lap before
he unfolded another to place on mine, brushing his hands over my still
sensitive crotch area, sending a thrill through my body. He pulled back,
stopped, and smiled his typical and lovable Drew smile that I missed so much.

“As I promised, Summer, here’s dinner,
and some Drewgasms before dinner.”

His smile widen, as I felt a blush cross
my cheeks. “You certainly delivered on those promises, Drew,” I said thinking
about how incredible his Drewgasms made me feel just moments ago.

“And I’ll deliver on more promises,
Summer,” Drew said, taking my hand. “Including you begging me to make love to
you again, including me making you mine and only mine.” He looked confidently
into my eyes and said, “Now eat up. We have a lot of things we need to do





nearly forgotten how good of a cook Drew was, but with one taste of a spoonful
of pasta with sauce that he fed me, my mouth was filled with an explosion of

“Oh, this is so good,” I said. “How come
you’ve never made this dish when you were staying at the Pad with me?”

“Because Summer,” Drew fed me another
spoonful, and then licked the rest of the spoon. “I make dishes from the places
that inspire me. At Aunt Sookie’s Pad, I made dishes that reminded me of summer
days, of beaches, of the sea.”

“And this place?” I opened my arms
gesturing all around me. “What does this place say to you?”

“It’s another stage in my life, Summer,”
Drew said. “It’s the part of me who enjoyed traveling to new places. It’s the
part of me who love beautiful and luxurious things that comes with being the
son of a billionaire. It’s also me, who is stepping up to become the son my father
wanted me to be, to lead Donovan Dynamics one day.”

Drew looked away for a second before
facing me again. “I’m not trying to be Nat for you, Summer. I know you think
this is more like Nat’s style than it is me, but I’m letting you know right
now, this is just another side of me that you haven’t seen much of before.”

I blinked and stared at him, not yet
sure what he wanted me to say. Do I want the old Drew back? I’ve always loved
him, but deep down inside, I did wished he would grow up a bit, show more depth
than just the gorgeous hunk of a football hero that he portrayed to everyone,
including his own family.

I leaned back into my chair and took a
good look at Drew, noticing how his black shirt and slacks gave him a sexy
sophistication and a sense of danger that was irresistible. It brought out the
brilliant blue of his eyes, as well, which stared back at me with a
vulnerability that showed that he cared a whole lot about what I thought.

“If this is you being you and not Nat
nor what your father expects, then I love it,” I said.

Drew let out the breath he was holding.
“Thank God,” he said, getting out of his chair to go down on his knees to wrap
his arms around me in the kind of hug he always gave me. “I can’t go back to
being like I was before…always the little brother hiding and waiting in the
wings. Just Rachel’s twin brother. As much as I love Nat, Summer, I love
finally being the one my parents turn to…the one being taken seriously for

“I always took you seriously,” I said.

“I know,” Drew kissed me on my lips.
“That’s why you’re so different than everyone else. That’s why every word you
say to me, every gesture you gave me, growing up and even now, meant so much to
me. You are my everything, Summer. When Aunt Sookie’s stalker Sloane came after
you that one time and I found you just in time, I wanted to kill him for
terrorizing you and almost raping you. If you hadn’t stopped me, I probably
would have. Now these guys who took your mother hostage and then my
father…they’re ten times worst.”

He closed his eyes.

“Summer, the reason I didn’t tell you
about Nat is because not only would it put Nat, my dad, your mother in danger
over there, but they would have come looking for you too. Sloane was just one
small part of their criminal ring, and the work your mother and Donovan
Dynamics were doing, helped shut down that part. But it’s bigger than that.
It’s a larger problem than anyone knows.”

The look in Drew’s eyes was dead serious
as he let all that sink into me. I could only register part of what he was
saying, as the enormity of what Drew was saying hit me. “Oh God,” I said. “Nat
had to disappear, fake his death so that he could live.”

Drew nodded.

“And you, Rachel, your mother, and the
Team at Donovan Dynamics all had to act like it’s the truth in order for it to
work,” I went on.

“These criminals are the masters of
deception, Summer,” Drew said. “They can smell the setup a hundred miles away
if it isn’t authentic.”

“So me being closest to Nat, being his
girl…they were watching me, weren’t they?” I asked

“Like a hawk. You know how Sloane was
able to get private photos of you, was able to take photos of you everywhere,
even in your shower at the Pad?” Drew looked angry for a moment. “Even posed as
a fellow college student in our class?” Drew’s eyes flashed. “That’s how close
they can get to you.”

I shuddered, remembering how Sloane had
stalked me, how he had vandalized Aunt Sookie’s Acting Academy’s
theater…everything. It was just too close for comfort.

“So me being with you…me and you making
love for the first time when I was at my lowest and you found me in the
bathtub…that was all part of the plan? Did Nat want all that too?”

“Nat made me promise him that I will do
whatever it takes to protect you.”

“Did he want me to be with you? To have
us make passionate love with each other that entire time I was in grief over

“It had to look real, Summer, that you
were grieving him, that you had moved on, to me,” Drew said. “But no, it wasn’t
what Nat wanted. It couldn’t possibly be what he would want. But it happened,
and what happened between us while we were both grieving him, was real. Every
time I kiss you…every time I make love to you, is real.”

“But how did you get from barely knowing
anything and being mildly involved in Donovan Dynamics to now being able to run
Donovan Dynamics? You seem to know your way around pretty well.”

“I wasn’t completely left out of
learning about Donovan Dynamics growing up,” Drew said. “I worked there on and
off throughout the years, especially when Dad needed all of us kids to help out
in the beginning.”

“The superficial Drew who only cared
about one-night stands and football? Was that an act, too?”

Drew grinned, “No, not at all. That’s
just who I was then. You caught me then and saw through that façade. But it
sure made me look non-threatening to them so I guess it wasn’t all that bad.”

“No, it wasn’t,” I smiled. “I fell in
love with that Drew, but this one…it’s growing on me…”

“Glad this one is growing on you,” Drew
said. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint. But listen, Summer, there is a real good
reason why I brought you here tonight instead of anywhere else.”

I stared into Drew’s blue eyes,
demanding him to tell me the truth.

“Whatever we say in here, whatever we
do, it’s surveillance-free. We’ve been swept for bugs, viruses, whatever can be
used by the crime ring. This suite here is on top of Donovan Dynamic’s new
secret satellite office. It also provides a way for me, Rachel, and now Nat to
be down here as college students with you in Malibu.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. Did I hear

“You just said Nat was here too?” I

Drew blew out some air. “I shouldn’t
have said that.”

“Is he here?” I asked again.

Drew looked down and said, “Shit. I blew
that one.”

“Drew?” I asked, taking my hands to hold
his face so he’s looking me in the eyes. “I’ve been through so much the last
few months worrying and grieving over Nat…at least tell me something…is he here
in Malibu…so so close to me?”

Drew’s eyes held mine as he said those
words that he knew could cause him to lose me forever. “Yes.”


As though right on cue, the doorbell
rang, causing both Drew and I to turn our heads so fast to look at the door
feeling both dread and excitement.

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