Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] (2 page)

Read Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] Online

Authors: Kailin Gow,Kailin Romance

BOOK: Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]
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to wear that white almost sheer summer dress Drew loved seeing me wear. While I
was furious with him for what he’s done, a part of me cared deeply about what
he thought of me, that he still wanted me as much as I had to admit, craved him

I dressed in my sheer summer dress with
the tie around halter top with green and blue embellished gemstones lining the
chest and neck area. It showed off my shoulders and arms, which were toned and
tanned due to hours of playing collegiate volleyball, and slipped into pearl
and silver linen white wedges. I finished my look with chandelier earrings with
jade and sapphire stones that brought out the green, blue and gold specks in my
eyes. Then I brushed out my long thick chestnut hair, arranging it in waves
which framed my face. The look was polished, sophisticated, fun, classy and
sexy. All that time when I was with Astor and his entourage of hairstylists,
personal stylists, publicists, and manager did rub off on me, as they taught me
how to look and dress my best, especially as Astor’s girlfriend.

This look would have Drew eating out of
my hands. He is going to so regret not telling me about Nat when I get through
with him tonight and teach him to never withhold information from me and never try
to deceive me like that again.

I put on some mascara, lip gloss, and a
bit of blush before grabbing my silver clutch purse and headed out of my room
to the front door where I could see through the window panel near the door that
a car had pulled up in the driveway.

Before Drew could get out of the car and
come to the front door, I opened it and strode confidently to the passenger
side door of the shiny black Audi and tried to look in. The windows were tinted
so I couldn’t see anyone inside, but the door popped opened with a click
without anyone having to get out to open it.


I opened it further and looked inside at
the driver.


His face was masked in the dark of the
car, and he was wearing a black suit and black shirt without a tie. He was
facing forward without looking at me, with one arm casually on the steering

Really? He hasn’t seen me in two weeks,
been texting me, calling me constantly, and tried to see me at the Pad a few
times…so this is how he greets me? With indifference, with no show of
love…almost with a huge amount of arrogance. Who did he think he was?


“Drew?” I asked.

He turned towards me then, his face
coming out of the shadows and fixed me with his brilliant blue eyes. The
intensity of his gaze paralyzed me for a second, as he stared into my eyes,
almost angrily.

What was he angry about? I was the one
he betrayed.

I touched my hair, pulling one strand
behind my ear as I leaned into the car. It was Drew, only more dapper, more
self-assured in a grown-up manly way that was incredibly sexy. He didn’t smile.
He didn’t gush. He looked me over from head to toe without any expressions of
approval or disdain and said, “Good to see you, Summer. Now get in.”

Wow. I expected something a little
warmer from Drew, but in a way, it sent a shiver of desire through me that cut
through the anger I was feeling towards him. I got into the passenger seat, and
before I can buckle myself in, Drew leaned over, his head of wavy jet black
hair brushed my nose, and I could smell a musky vanilla scent that instantly
made me clench. His fingers brushed against my breasts slightly as he pulled
the seatbelt strap around me, and fastened it securely. His hands brushed
against my thighs as he tested it to see if it was tight, and then he looked
up, raising his face so close to mine, we were an inch away from being lips to

“There,” he whispered, his hot breath
caressing my lips, as his eyes followed the curves of my lips up to look into
my eyes. “You are nice and tight now, Summer.”


You bet I am.


“Gotta make sure you are snug and secure
because we’re going for a ride in my new car. Got it this afternoon, and I want
to see how fast it can go,” Drew said before jerking the car out of my driveway
and immediately accelerating to a speed that was much too fast for my

I found my voice again after we made it
to the highway, and he was steady. “Drew? Where are we going?”

Drew glanced over at me and said, “You
wanted to find Nat, didn’t you?”

I nodded. I did.

“Well, so do I,” he said. He gritted his
teeth, and I can see his strong jaws working. He was angry at Nat, just like I
was angry at Drew. We drove on for a few more minutes, and he didn’t take his
eyes off the road to look at me nor say anything else.

I didn’t expect this about Drew at all.
He wasn’t at all like the Drew I thought he would be. Could it be he no longer
wanted me as I wanted him? There was no denying how my body reacted to his
smell, to his touch, and even to the mere sight of him. I was already reliving
my hot memories of his tongue and hands on me, all over me, bringing me to ecstasy…of
the times we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, of his deep kisses that
always left me breathless.

I watched his expert hands guide the
steering wheel and felt a warm blush cover my face as I remember his hands
lathering me with soap and washing me in the bathtub, of his fingers plunging
into me, hitting my sensitive spot, and making me writhe in unbridle intense
pleasure before climaxing. I swallowed, feeling my entire body warm up in the
memory of Drew touching me, kissing me, and making love to me. I leaned back in
my seat, involuntarily arching my back and pushing my breasts forward while
closing my eyes. Those memories were so intense, I almost feel as though it was
happening now.

I must’ve moaned when I opened my eyes
in surprise, remembering where I was. I glanced over at Drew and saw the dark
hungry look in his eyes as he looked over at the area where my dress hem ended
halfway on my thighs. His eyes traveled up to my chest and cleavage then to my
mouth. “Had a good nap?” The corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile.

“I didn’t even know I fell asleep,” I

“From the sound of it, you were in deep
sleep and dreaming about something that was making you moan and touch
yourself,” Drew said, his eyebrows cocking slightly. “I can only imagine what
that could be or who you might be thinking of…”

I blushed, looking into his eyes and
turning away quickly. “I haven’t slept very well lately. It could have been
anything. Maybe even a nightmare.”

Drew laughed. “I doubt that.”

For some reason, his laughed riled me up
a bit. Why was Drew being so distant to me? It was like that time he said he
only wanted to be friends. Is that what this is?

I leaned up and turned towards him. “You
are so sure of yourself, Drew,” I said. “So sure you know me that well that you
think you’re the one I just dreamt about.”

“I never said that,” Drew said. “Now
you’re being presumptuous. What makes you think I would even be with you in
your dreams. Or for real? Cocky, aren’t we?”

“Maybe,” I said. “Maybe I was dreaming
about going down on you, running my tongue up and down on um Little Drew, while
squeezing you tightly with my hands, taking you deep into my throat until you
explode. Or maybe I was riding you reverse cowgirl-style while your hands play
with my breasts and we keep thrusting until we both climax?”

I glanced down at the front of his
pants, and noticed how a large unmistakable bulge was now making it tighter,
Drew had to readjust his pants. I almost giggle knowing what I was doing to
Drew just by talking dirty to him. Bet he didn’t expect that from sweet Summer.
Touche, Drew for pulling on this indifference to me act. Two can play this

Drew sucked in a breath and said,
“That’s quite a picture, Summer. Maybe you can make a career out of being a
phone actress?”

“Maybe you can make a career out of
being a gigolo,” I shot back.

“Why?” Drew asked. “Thinking about
sampling my services?”

“I’ve already sampled your services, and
well…” I shot him a heated look. “I could survive without it.”

Drew’s eyes widen in complete surprise.

There. I got him now. Truth of the
matter, he was an incredible and passionate lover…I couldn’t get enough of him,
and everything about him makes me heat up inside, including this banter going
back and forth.

“Really?” Drew asked. His eyes burned
into mine. He licked his lips. “As I recall, Summer, you can’t seem to have
enough of me. You always have multiple orgasms when we have sex.”

“Really?” I asked, cocking my eyebrows.

“You can’t possibly be faking all that,
all those throaty moans and passionate cries…” Drew looked shocked, almost pale
at the possibility that it can be true.

“Women do it all the time,” I said,
feeling some triumph in chipping away his armor of indifference towards me.

“Not with me,” Drew said. “Definitely
not between us.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“I can tell if you’re faking it or not,”
Drew said. “I didn’t just get known as having the Drew Effect on women for no
reason. None of them ever complained.”

Now I was stumped. His mentioning other
women sent a wave of jealousy through me, which I couldn’t help. Drew did have
that effect on women everywhere. He was constantly given slips of paper with
phone numbers or email addresses from women. For a guy that handsome, with his
tanned muscular physique, nearly jet black hair and deep blue eyes; there was
never a shortage of women he could have. Women practically threw themselves at
him in the most embarrassing way. In terms of experience, he was very sexually
experienced, and no doubt he could tell when and if a woman was faking an

I was quiet for a moment, remembering
how I hated how he was such a player, how he could be so casual about sex. This
was before he and I became more than friends. Then things became so complicated
with me dating Astor, then Nat, and then finally Drew until I threw him out of
the Pad and broke up with him two weeks ago.

“Summer,” Drew had stopped the car,
parked it into an underground garage in a large building and turned off the
engine. He turned to face me and used his hand to cup my cheeks before pulling
me towards him. “I shouldn’t have brought up the other women,” he said softly,
looking into my eyes. “I’m sorry.”


“That look on your face just now,
Summer,” he said searching my face with his intense blue eyes, “You still
cared.” His eyes darted to my lips as I nervously licked them.

“What if I do?” I said softly, almost

“It means I’m not sorry for this.” He
pulled me in for a kiss, crushing his full lips against mine, while his tongue
delved in to take mine. I hungrily kissed him back, relishing the feel of him
against me, the smell of him engulfing me, his arms around me as it had always
been – strong and protective and now possessive. Drew groaned as my hand
accidentally brushed against the front of his pants. “Summer, what are you doing
to me? These last few weeks without you…” he kissed me again, harder and more

I kissed him back, relishing in the feel
of him against me, his skin against mine. He was so warm, so passionate, I
could feel the heat of his body chase away the hollowness and pain in me. I
sighed. Since he, Nat, and their sister Rachel came back to Aunt Sookie’s
Malibu Pad for the summer a couple of summers ago, and the Donovan boys had
noticed me; my body had craved Drew’s touch. He really was sex on legs.

He had unbuckled my seat belt and
reached his hand under my dress and between my thighs, his skilled fingers
reaching for his prized possession where he rubbed and tantalized me to the
point I was writhing against him. “Drew,” I panted. “We have to stop.”

Drew tensed for a moment and looked up
from where his mouth was kissing the top of my breasts, while his fingers
worked me from below. “Stop?” he asked, his eyes looking incredulous. “Right
before I…” he pulled one of my breasts out from my dress where it was bare and
took it into his mouth to lick and devour.

I was moaning my head off.

“Should I stop now?” Drew took a second
away from licking my breasts to ask.

“No, no, don’t stop,” I panted.

Drew took one long lick of my nipple
before he pulled away. “You’re right, we should.” He ran a shaky hand through
his hair and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I promised we’ll just talk so…I’m
sorry I got carried away.”

He opened the door of the driver’s seat
to get out of the car and came around to my door, opened it and reached for my
hand to pull me out.

He held my hand as he closed the door
and led me to an elevator, where he stuck in a key and pushed a button that was
marked “P”.

“Where are we going?” I asked, looking
up at Drew.

“You’ll see,” Drew said, standing behind
me so closely that I can still feel his desire for me pressed against my back.

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