Laces and Lace (Assassins #6) (31 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Laces and Lace (Assassins #6)
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Lacey snorted but then gave him an exaggerated wink. “Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure I can fix you.”

He laughed as he bent down slowly to get their bags that he’d dropped. “You may be correct on that, but let’s not try for a couple hours. I’m still seeing stars.”

She couldn’t hold in her laughter as he wrapped his arm around her and led her inside. As soon as they walked through the door, the warmth and smell of a fire burning hit her right in the face. And for some reason, she felt at home. It was insane. She never felt at home anywhere but her childhood home, but the King home was just that. A home.

With a grin on her face, she looked straight ahead as a woman who mirrored Kacey came toward her. Her face was weathered but still beautiful, with dark brown eyes and even dark brown hair. She was tall like Kacey and looked the way Lacey had always imagined Karson’s mom would look like. She wore a pair of jeans and a purple Assassins sweatshirt, and of course, an unstoppable grin.

“Oh my goodness! She is beautiful!” she exclaimed before pushing Karson out of the way to wrap her arms around Lacey. “Just stunning,” she whispered as she hugged her warmly. Lacey hugged her back tightly. She wasn’t one to hug people, but it seemed right to be wrapped in Regina King’s arms. Pulling back, Regina cupped Lacey’s face and said, “You know, Karson always said you were the prettiest girl ever. He wasn’t lying.”

Lacey’s face flushed with embarrassment as she smiled at her new mother-in-law. “Thank you. It’s wonderful to meet you, Mrs. King.”

“Oh no, you call me Ma, and I swear, Lacey, it’s a blessing to meet you. Come here,” she said, almost on the brink of tears as she squeezed Lacey tightly again. Over her shoulder, Lacey could see Karson rolling his eyes but he wasn’t annoyed at all. She could see in his eyes he was loving every second of this.

“Karl!” Regina yelled, making Lacey jump as she backed away. “Karl, honey, come here and meet our new daughter.”

Lacey’s heart skipped a beat as Mrs. King’s hand slid into hers, holding it tightly. It had been so long since she’d felt a hand as soft as her mother’s. There had been something about her mom’s hand that, when Lacey held it, everything was right within a second. It had been slender and soft and held all the love in the world. She could, to this day, still remember holding her mother’s hand as she took her last breath. She hadn’t thought of that moment in a long time, and she knew it was because Mrs. King had the same kind of hand. It held love and happiness, something Lacey hadn’t been around in a really long time.

Soon Lacey was fighting back the tears as she swallowed loudly. She felt Karson’s eyes on her, and when she glanced up, his head cocked to the side. She shook her head, hoping to reassure him that she was fine. Nodding his head, he looked at his mother.

“Hi, Ma,” Karson said but Mrs. King waved him off. “Don’t speak to me right now, Karson Jett. I’ve told you so many times to stop calling your sister gay. I hope you can give me grandchildren now, you idiot,” she said with a shake of her head.

“Told you,” Lacey teased, sticking her tongue out at him and trying not to think too much in to what Mrs. King had just said.

He glared but shook his head as his mother said, “They fight like cats and dogs, these two. You’d think they hate each other, when really it’s the other way— Where the hell is that man? Karl!”

Lacey snickered as Mr. King hollered, “I mean, shit, Regina. I was on the can. Got to wash my hands before you kick my ass. Give me a damn minute!”

“I swear, they were all raised in a barn,” Mrs. King said with a shake of her head, while Lacey couldn’t help but laugh from her gut.

Finally, Karl King came around the corner, and looking at the older version of her husband, she couldn’t help but smile. Coming right to her, Mr. King grinned. “So this is my new daughter, huh?”

“She’s pretty, isn’t she, Pops?” Karson asked, his eyes locked on hers. She felt a little uncomfortable with all of them staring at her, but then she also felt like she belonged. Like she was a part of the family.

“That she is. You did good, son. No wonder you turned into a pussy,” he said, smacking Karson on the back while Karson rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“I didn’t turn into no damn pussy.”

“Yes, you did,” both his parents said with a nod.

“It’s nice though,” his mother said with a grin. “Endearing. I bet Lacey loves it.”

She laughed. “I do, but I don’t think you’re a pussy, baby.”

“At least someone around here loves me,” he said, pulling Lacey into his arms.

“Whatever you say, son. She only came for the pie,” Mr. King teased with a wink.

“I do like pie.” Lacey played along, receiving a huge grin from her new father-in-law.

“That’s not funny.” Karson glared, but Lacey thought otherwise.

“I think it is. Anything that takes the attention off you is great, in my opinion,” Kacey said, leaning against the doorframe.

“Shut up. I should kick your ass—my balls are still crying.”

“Good, I hope I broke them,” she sneered.

“I’m gonna cunt punt you, you watch,” Karson warned.

“Karson Jett! My God! That is so vulgar!” his mom scolded while Lacey snickered beside him. “I swear I raised him better than that.”

“She kicked me in the balls, Ma! Kiss having grandchildren goodbye!”

Lacey eyes widened as Mrs. King smacked Kacey on the shoulder. “You know how bad I want a grandbaby! Be careful next time!”

“I’ll kick him in the mouth next time.” Kacey decided with a nod.

“That’s better,” his mother said with a grin just for Lacey. “They really are great kids.”

“Seems like it,” Lacey laughed.

Smacking his hands together, all the attention went to Mr. King as he said, “Well, sweetheart, it’s wonderful to meet you. Make yourself at home. Our home is yours, but the game is on, so unless you want to watch Milwaukee with me, I can’t talk for another period.”

Lacey grinned. “Actually, I’d love to watch Milwaukee play. Did Karson tell you I love hockey?”

“A girl after my heart. No, he didn’t. Come on then,” he said, wrapping his arm around Lacey’s shoulders.

With a grin, Lacey looked back at Karson and asked, “Karson, baby, can you bring me some pie after you get us settled?”

Mr. King’s body shook with laughter as Karson’s mother and sister laughed loudly, but Karson glared, not the least bit amused. “Again, that’s not funny.”

“I think it’s freaking hilarious. Come on, sweetheart, let’s watch the game. Karson, get that pie,” Mr. King said, leading her to the couch. When she glanced back, meeting Karson’s gaze, he didn’t look at all upset. He looked quite the opposite and exactly how she felt.

Completely and utterly blissful.

arl King cussed more than a sailor.

It was really odd because her father hardly ever cussed in front of her. He was very proper and cared too much about what people thought about him, but Mr. King didn’t have a care in the world. He was vocal and he was loud and Lacey totally loved him.

“For fuck’s sake! Did you see that play? Why didn’t he deke around him and go top shelf?”

Lacey shook her head. “I don’t know. It was obvious the goalie saw that he was going five-hole.”

“Obviously, dumbasses! And they want to go into the pros. Fucking hell!”

She couldn’t agree more and was having the time of her life.

“Karson, I swear to God, I will knock your damn teeth out!” Kacey yelled from the kitchen.

“Ma, tell her to admit it. It’s okay, I’ll love you no matter what—we all will.”

“I’m not gay!”

“She isn’t gay! I mean, my God, Karson, shut up and leave her alone!” his mother scolded, but Karson just kept grinning.

“I swear, they fucking fight all the damn time,” Mr. King said to Lacey with a shake of his head. “I miss Karson, I do, that’s my little buddy. But man, when he comes home or we are there, they are at each other’s fucking throats. Do you have siblings?”

Lacey giggled as she nodded. “I do, a brother.”

“Do you two fight like those two dumbasses?”

Her father would never call her a dumbass either. It was very refreshing, though, because it felt right. No one held back in the King household, but at the same time it was obvious that everyone loved each other. It was mind-blowing and simply amazing, and while Lacey loved it all, her father would hate it with a passion. Nate didn’t like loud, confident men who knew what they wanted, and that was Mr. King…and Karson, for that matter. No wonder he hated Karson so.

Not wanting to talk about Grady at that moment since she was still livid at him, she cleared her throat, buying her some time. “Usually. He’s extremely overprotective of me and treats me more like a fourteen-year-old girl than a woman,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s annoying as hell.”

“I bet,” he said with a nod. “I never really understood the overprotective thing with siblings. It isn’t my business, why the hell do I care? I have six younger sisters, and do you think I cared who they were screwing? Shit no, but if that douche hurt one of them, they’d die. But everyone has to make their own mistakes. That’s how we learn, you know?”

Lacey smiled as she nodded. “Yes, sir, I do.”

“You’re a smart girl, but I bet they are madder than hell at you right now. I can tell you aren’t one of those kind of girls to jump into a marriage.”

“I’m not,” Lacey said with a laugh. “But I’ve loved Karson my whole life.”

“Yeah, I can tell. Anytime he comes in the room, you’re watching,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re as much of a pussy as he is.”

Lacey snorted with laughter. “Well, since I have one, it makes sense, huh?”

Mr. King’s laughter boomed through the living room as he smacked his leg in amusement. Calming down a bit, he pointed at her, a huge grin on his face. “I like you, Lacey. You’re a good girl.”

“Thank you. I have to say, you’ve made me feel like part of the family.”

“You are,” he stated. “And don’t think I didn’t notice that you left out that your family is mad about you running off to Vegas with Karson.”

Her face warmed as she shrugged her shoulders. “Mad doesn’t really cover what they are, but I’m good with it. I’m happy with my decision.”

“They’ll come around,” he said, almost like a promise. “Karson is a very easy guy to love.”

She wanted to correct him, but she didn’t see what that would accomplish. She really didn’t want to tell the father of her husband that her family hated Karson and that they wanted to kill him. The Kings liked her, and it worried her that if she mentioned that, they might look at her differently. No parent wanted to hear anything bad about their kid, not when they thought so highly of them, and Regina and Karl King loved their children.

“You know, he did fuck up; we all know this. But surely, if you can forgive him, then they can,” he added, and Lacey was surprised by that.

“Karson told you that?”

He nodded. “Karson tells me everything.”

That made her heart skip. She never told her dad anything, nor her brother. Rachel knew some of what she felt but only the stuff that she was okay with Rachel blabbing to her husband about. As she sat there, staring into the same eyes as her husband, she honestly couldn’t think of anyone that she told everything to, but that all changed the moment she gave herself to Karson.

“That’s amazing,” she said softly.

“We are open books around here. You love us, we love you. You trust us, we trust you. It’s easy, you know? No secrets, no lies, and no betrayal. That’s how I raised my kids, and that’s how my marriage works.”

“I am in awe of you, Mr. King,” she admitted and he grinned.

“Told you to call me Pops and thank you,” he said with a wink. “I know we just met and this may be weird, but if you ever need anything, I’m here, all right? If Karson loves you, and obviously he does since he waited almost ten years for you, then I love you. All right, honey?”

She smiled, tears stinging her eyes as she nodded. “All right, Pops.”

Satisfied with her answer, he turned back to watch the TV and all she could do was sit there and swallow back her tears. He had known her for maybe an hour and had already accepted her as his. Her father would never do that. He was such a standoffish man, but like Karl said, he was an open book and she admired that a lot.

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