Laces and Lace (Assassins #6) (30 page)

Read Laces and Lace (Assassins #6) Online

Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Laces and Lace (Assassins #6)
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“Whatever you say, sis. You know I’ll love you no matter what.”

“Oh my God, I am so beating your ass when you get here.”

“Bring it, sister,” he laughed just as Lacey came out the door, pulling down on her hat so that her ears were covered. She looked adorable, her face red from the cold, bundled in her jacket and scarf. He wanted peel each of the layers off and devour her, but that would have to wait. They were off to meet his parents.

. Yes, that was dripping with sarcasm.

“We are leaving now. See you in a bit,” he said and then hung up without waiting for her to answer. “Ready, sweetheart?”

She grinned. “Yes, I think I will make it without peeing on the seat.”

“That’s always a good thing,” he said as she passed. Reaching out, he smacked her ass, causing her to jump before looking back at him with a playful glare. “You’re hot, and I love you.”

She rolled her eyes as she giggled. Going onto her tippy toes, she kissed his chin. “Love you more.”

His grin was unstoppable as she climbed into the car and he shut the door, running around. Getting in, he basked in the warmth, rubbing his hands together before taking off and saying, “Off we go.”

“Yay!” she cheered, holding her hands to the vents. “It’s like crazy cold here.”

“Yeah, it’s insane.”

“For real,” she agreed, wrapping her arms around herself and looking out the window. “You grew up here, right?”

“I did. It’s a great place to live when it’s not cold,” he said with a grin.

“Do you like it more than Nashville?”

“No, I love Nashville. Tampa was nice too, the beach was beautiful, but Nashville is where it’s at for me.”

Excitement shone on her face as she looked over at him. “I’m really excited to live there. I’ve never lived anywhere but Chicago.”

Reaching for her hand, he laced his fingers with hers as he nodded. “You’re gonna love it.”

“I can’t wait,” she said and he could hear the excitement in her voice. He was glad to hear it too. After their conversation with the Martin family, he expected her to be a wreck. He would have been, but she was good. She kept to her word, saying she wasn’t going to let them ruin their honeymoon, as she was calling it. But Karson already had plans to take her somewhere amazing for the summer. He was glad that she wasn’t letting them get in the way or bother her, but at the same time, he felt like she was bottling up her feelings, and he didn’t like that. He wanted her to be honest, to yell and scream that her dad, brother, and sister-in-law were idiots. He didn’t want her regretting everything later, and at least if they talked it through now, she’d feel better.

“Answer me something,” she said, tearing him away from his thoughts.

“Hit me.”

When she pulled back and smacked his arm, he yelled out, “Ouch!”

But when he glanced over at her, he just shook his head. She was grinning at him, playfulness in her sweet eyes. “What? You said to hit you?”

“I meant with the question, Literal Lacey. Shit,” he said, rubbing his arm. “You hit hard.”

“I take boxing.”

“And that’s fucking hot,” he decided with a grin, making her snort with laughter.

“Anyway, serious here.”

“I was too until you slugged me in the arm,” he pouted.

“Aw, want me to kiss it?”

He smirked. “No, but I have something you can kiss,” he teased, wiggling his hips, gesturing to his cock.

She giggled loudly as she shook her head. “Anyway!”

He shot her a grin as he turned onto the street that held his high school. “Here is my high school,” he said as they passed his school. She looked out the window quickly as he glanced out toward his old school. He’d played some amazing hockey there and had the best time of his life. Things were so simple back then. His mom did everything for him, and all he had to do was study and play great hockey.

“It’s huge.”

“It has its own ice rink,” he supplied.

“Because that’s what you do in this cold-ass state, you play hockey.”

“The greatest hockey players are raised here, thank you,” he said with a nod.

“Chicago produces great hockey players too, I think.”

He glared. “Now, I’m just throwing this out there, but you know you have to be an Assassins fan, right? You’re not bringing any of those Chicago jerseys into my home.”

She set him with a look. “Is that right?”

“Yes, we are an Assassins household, not a Blackhawks one.”

She glared. “You can’t make me like your team.”

He glared back. “I can or you’ll never get my mouth between those legs again.”

“Now, that’s just plain wrong,” she said with shock lacing her voice.

“I’m serious about my hockey, Mrs. King.”

“I see that,” she said, letting out a breath. “Oh well, guess I’ll have to stock up on some Assassins jerseys.”

“Number sixteen ones, to be correct. Maybe we’ll get them to say Mrs. King above the number.”

“You’re swaying me to the dark side,” she said with a nod. “I guess it won’t be that bad.”

He scoffed. “Dark side, I think you have your sides mixed up, sweetheart,” he drew out.

When he glanced at her, her face was red, and this time, it wasn’t from the cold. “I really like it when you call me sweetheart. It’s all hot and countryish.”

“I aim to please, ma’am,” he said with a slow drawl.

“You should really do that in bed,” she suggested and he chuckled.

“Duly noted.” He laughed as his heart warmed. He loved their banter, their easygoing way. He honestly couldn’t get enough of her. And he had the rest of his life for this? He was pretty sure he’d just scored the goal of a lifetime marrying her.

“So anyway, stop interrupting me,” she scolded and he shook his head, a retort on the tip of his tongue but choosing wisely to swallow it. “When we were having that horrible conversation that we have yet to bring up with my family, what did Grady mean when he said you were a whorebag? Do you get around or something?”

He squeezed the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. He wasn’t proud of what he had done since he walked away from her. Grady hadn’t been lying when he’d said that Karson had been around; he had. It wasn’t something he liked to talk about, but he was a young player in the fast lane. Girls flocked to him like a bear to honey. He had money, he was a good-looking guy, he was strong, and he was horny. Not a good combination when his heart belonged to another and he was trying to forget. He wished he could look at Lacey and say that he had been a perfect church boy, waiting only for her, but the good Lord above would shoot him down.

“Yeah, I got around,” he answered slowly. “I’m not proud of it, not in the least.”

“Like, how many?”

“I lost count, Lacey,” he answered, wishing Grady to hell. “I know that is the last thing you want to hear, but just know that is my past and it won’t ever happen again. I won’t cheat on you; I’m not that kind of man. All those women knew the score. I only wanted sex. I never had a relationship with anyone—you were the only one who ever mattered. You are the only one I’ve ever loved.”

He chanced a glance over at her, and she was looking at him, watching his every move. “I trust you. I just didn’t know and wanted to know what he was talking about.”

“Yeah, I was trying to forget you. Which is basically impossible—you left your mark on me, my sweetheart.”

She grinned as she reached out, taking his hand. “Right back atcha, hot stuff.” He chuckled as she continued, “I know all about that. That’s the only reason I was with Ethan, trying to forget you. It didn’t work, by the way, and I’d probably still be with him if he hadn’t cheated on me.”

Karson almost stopped the car. Say what?

“What? That dickwad cheated on you?”

She nodded. “Yup, found him with my cashier. It was bad.”

He already hated Ethan Stanford with a passion in his heart, but now that asshole had a death wish. While yes, he was glad they weren’t together, he didn’t like the idea of someone hurting Lacey.

“I thought you two just called the wedding off,” he said, turning onto the road that would lead to his parents.

“Oh no, he made me sign a non-disclosure clause so when people came at me, asking what happened, I had to say we parted ways. I wasn’t upset or anything. I really didn’t even care. He was nothing to me. I just tried to use him as a stand-in and it didn’t work. But anyway, apparently he had a sex addiction or some shit.”

Karson wasn’t sure why he liked her words, but he did. He didn’t want her to hurt in the least, but it warmed him from the inside out that she’d never gotten over him either.

“Or he is just a douche,” he supplied and Lacey nodded.

“Yeah, that’s what I said. Oh well, he’s long gone, and I’m with the one I love,” she said, kissing the back of his hand.

“Very true,” he said, squeezing her hand. She may be okay with it all, but he had every intention on slamming that asshole in the boards the first chance he got.


“Here we are,” he said, pulling into the driveway of his family home.

“Oh, it’s beautiful,” she gasped as she looked out the window.

“Yeah, I bought it a couple years ago for them as a fortieth wedding anniversary gift,” he said as he put the car in park. Glancing up at the white brick, ranch-style home, he smiled. He had been excited to buy his family the home that they would grow old in as soon as Kacey moved her ass out. They had given him everything, and he was more than happy to return the favor.

“Oh my God! How sweet!”

“Yeah, I like them a little,” he said with a grin before grabbing their bags. Shutting the door, he went around to retrieve his wife, but she was already getting out of the car. “You’re supposed to wait,” he scolded.

She smiled sheepishly before kissing his nose. “My bad.”

He chuckled as he brought her in close not only to keep her warm but because he just loved feeling her. Walking down the snow-covered driveway, they made it halfway to the house before the door opened and Kacey came out. A grin covered his face, happy to see her. He hadn’t seen her in over six months; he missed the little shit. Well, she wasn’t that little. She was almost as tall as he was.

“Ah, my sister. You remember Kacey, right?” he said, letting go of Lacey to hug his sister, but when his eyes met hers, he knew he was in deep shit. Before he could even react, her foot collided with his balls and all he saw were stars as he crumpled to the ground.

“I’m not fucking gay!”

Lacey had no clue what to do.

Her huge husband lay in the snow, holding his balls and groaning loudly while his equally huge sister stalked over him. And what a sight she was. Kacey King was the spitting image of her big brother: broad shoulders, dark hair that was cut very short, the same caramel eyes, and she was toned. She was built like a hockey player, and Lacey was actually a little scared of her. She had only met her once before, and when she had, Kacey had been much smaller. But now, Lacey was convinced she could take out a grown man.

And she had.

“Hey, Lacey, sorry you had to see that, but your new husband keeps saying I’m gay, and I’m not fucking gay! I like dick, Karson! Shit! Now you made me look crazy in front of your new wife. Way to go, asshole!” Kacey yelled before stomping off to the house.

Lacey’s eyes were wide as she looked from Kacey’s retreating back to Karson. “Oh shit,” she muttered, bending down to make sure he was okay. “Baby, are you okay? She got you good, huh?”

“Give me a minute,” he begged and she felt helpless. If any other chick had the balls to hurt her husband, she would have been all about taking the chick out, but this chick was his sister. So that posed a problem. Plus, his sister was scary huge. Lacey didn’t go into a fight without knowing she could win.

“I should have seen it coming,” he muttered, sitting up and taking in a deep breath. “I’m gonna kick her ass, I swear.”

“That’s one option,” she agreed with a nod as she rubbed his back. “Or maybe you shouldn’t call her gay anymore. I don’t think she likes it,” she suggested and he glared up at her.

“You think?” he said dryly before shaking his head. “Crazy ass.” He then got up, readjusting his balls before shaking his head. “Hope you aren’t planning to try to have sex anytime soon. I’m pretty sure she broke my balls.”

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