L. Ann Marie (19 page)

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Authors: Tailley (MC 6)

BOOK: L. Ann Marie
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She signs 'yes, thank you'.  I sit and help her pick her clothes, then pack them in a duffle bag.  We get her electronics, toiletries and hair things, then we raid the kitchen for her favorite snack.  I leave her bag by the back door with the rest.

Cloud brings his boys in, Brenda is right behind him.  A guard from the gate is at the door; I take the box from him with a smile.  Evelyn sent grinders up for them and us, to take care of our dinner.  How sweet is she!  Maybe this won't be so bad; I've never been in a lockdown.  They usually tell me to stay inside, no matter what; I always do.  A couple of years ago, they had a fuckin war going on.  Who the hell would go out in the middle of that?  I put the box by the back door and wonder where the hell we're going; Jessie said down but the beach is the only thing out this door.

I stand at the sink window and watch the guys moving from house to house, closing the shutters.  I thought they were just decoration but they close and latch every window and door.  Kate comes down the stairs with two bags.  Cal and Bob come in.  He kisses me, then says he needs to get the bags down; he'll be right back for me.  They get the bags with the bigger boys and walk out to the patio.  I take Brenna from Kate so she can get some snacks for her and Devan.  Everyone is moving quickly now.  I follow Kate to the patio; the kids are going down the bulkhead.

When we get to the bottom of the stairs there's big wooden doors, then a hallway.  The kids do something at the alarm pad with their watches.  Kate just walks through, so I do too.  At the hallway, I see Jess and Elizabeth coming through another set of doors; Little Ben follows them.  At the beginning of the hall is another set of doors but it's closed.  I feel like I'm in a fuckin movie.  I wonder if there are people under the stairs and clamp my jaw tight so I don't laugh.  Danny and Cloud are putting up a curtain by some lockers.  They have three twin beds and some air mattresses against the wall.

"Amanda, Brenda, this is the girl’s side.  It's not much but you've got some privacy. The bathroom is close too."  He smiles at me.

I laugh, "Thanks, it will be appreciated more in the middle of the night than it is right now.  I'm sure my bladder will thank you."

"You have food, Sam is sending more; it will come through the elevator.  The doors will be sealed on the house side.  Nothing will be getting through them."  He walks out, pointing to the kitchen area.  "They have your stove running.  Brenda and the older boys all cook.  They're good at it too."  I laugh.  "The last time you'll get anything down here is when Sam sends the food.  Look around; if you need something you have to tell him right away.  Yeah?"

"Yeah, but I've never been in a lockdown, I don't know what I need."  I feel stupid right now.

"You got your laptop, iPad, iPod, vitamins and tooth brush?"

I smile, "Yep and sketch pad too."  Bob warned me I would be bored as hell.

"You'll be fine.  The kids pretty much take care of themselves.  They won't let anything happen to you."  I nod.  They won't let anything happen to me?

He walks away, I guess we're done.  I get my bag from the wall and put it down on the first bed.  Bob comes up to me.  "I love you, baby.  You'll be safe here.  If I can, I'll try to make it down tonight.  I'm not sure what's happening tonight but tomorrow is when we'll be hit."

I hug him.  "Get your charger for your leg."

"Thank fuck you remembered.  Shit."

I lift up on my toes.  "I love you.  I'll miss you when I'm sleeping."

"Just when you’re sleeping?  I'm doing something wrong."

I squeeze him, "Alright, I'll miss your cooking and making me laugh."

He laughs.  "Fuck, woman."

"I'll miss your big, fat d..."

"Amanda, the kids read too."  He cuts me off with a smile.

I laugh.  He looks over at Kate.  "I need to go.  I love you, baby."  He kisses my head and takes Devan while Kate picks up Brenna.  Jess follows them with Elizabeth into an elevator on the other side of the room.

There's a huge crash in the hallway.  "Just the doors being sealed.  They put a steel slab against the wood, it runs on hydraulic things; they explained it once.  What it means is no one can get in here from the doorways right now."  Brenda says.  Because that would be normal right?  Another big crash.  I guess that's the other door.

I start looking around.  The kids are sitting around a table talking; I walk over.  Little Ben stops talking and looks at me.  "Hi, Amanda.  We were going over the jobs for everyone."  I don't know what to say to that so I nod.  "Did you need something?"

Is he trying to get rid of me?  "No.  Do you need me to do something, make a list, anything?"  I have no fuckin idea what to do; I hope he does.  Jeremy, Christian and Jacob laugh.  I look at them 'get out of my head'.  They laugh more.  Damn!  "I'll just go over there."

Little Ben smiles, "Thanks, Amanda.  We can't really talk about Club business to the old ladies."  I nod.  Right.  I'll get some art done for next month.

I walk back to the bed and get my iPod, laptop, sketch pad and pencils.  At the kitchen table, I get my iPod playing my favorites and start drawing.  Brenda sits by me with earbuds in, opens a textbook and her laptop.  I know she's in college; maybe she's taking summer sessions.  I look over at the kids; Little Ben and Jessie are watching a TV screen that's up in the air.  Brantley, Taylor and Darren are on computers.  Joey and Ally are sitting across from Christian.  Beyond them Jacob and Jeremy are climbing a rock wall that I somehow missed.  I stand up and watch; they're climbing fast, without guides.

Brenda touches my arm, I look down at her.  She pulls her buds out, so I do too, "The kids are freaks of nature.  They do work for the Club and the Baxter's down here.  Right now, I'd say they're working on Club shit; we don't get to know what that is, so we will let them do their thing.  I make sure they eat when it's time; other than that, they will take care of themselves."

Am I the only one that thinks this is fuckin nuts?  "Jacob and Jeremy are climbing the wall without guides."

She looks over and smiles.  "Not anymore."  I look and Jeremy is flipping off the fuckin wall, I drop my iPod and move to run but he lands on his feet beside Jacob.  Fuckin kid almost gave me a heart attack.

Brenda laughs.  "Relax, you'd be amazed what they can do."  I'm still watching Jeremy.  He turns and smiles at me.  Damn.  I sit down and pick up my pad again.  Fuck!  Him and Christian are readers.  I wonder what the others do.  I really do feel like I'm in a fuckin movie of the week now; stuck in a hole with kids who aren't really kids but aliens from another planet.  I hear them laughing but I'm not looking at them.  I keep drawing because I'll get even more freaked out if they're laughing at me.



Chapter Twenty-One


Sleeping alone sucked.  I get to the Club quick, hoping for Sam's cooking.  The whole fuckin town is closed.  Our neighbors don't even question it; I always find it weird.  I guess it's the price you pay for bringing your kids up with no drugs or gangs.

Digs and Geek are all set up when Little Ben tells us we need to get the east wing cleared.  Jeremy still sees it getting hit by a rocket; at least that's what he's calling it.  We get Doc's rooms moved, then the Brothers families out of the area.  Luckily, all that's above Doc's is the Brothers rooms.  We pile everything in the back rooms the whores use as living and dining rooms.  Pres sent them all away for a week, so we don't have to worry about them mixing with the families.

He has Cloud move the helicopter to the reservation between us and Baxter's.  Security is guarding it.  We get the call: the Outlaws and Rebels are on the highway heading this way; there are two box trucks and six pickups trailing them.  I climb the stairs and switch out my brace for the leg.  Danny is standing at the door waiting for me; I'm not sure I like getting undressed to put the leg on with the fuckin door open and him watching.  I pull my pants up and slide my knife into the holder against the leg.

"That's handy, having the boot already on."  Danny says with a smile.  I nod.  What the hell am I supposed to say to that?

We go down to the meeting room.  Fuck, everyone was waiting for us; they look at Pres when we walk in.  "VP will be here in a few.  He'll be running Ops with me.  I'll get you your assignments when he gets here.  Right now, I want you on the bikes ready for a go.  HS1, you'll be split into two teams, snipers and riders.  Rich, pull three for sniper.  You're the lead, carry a screen with you.  Little Ben will be on controls."  Rich nods.  "HS2, go ahead to the bikes, roll to the side gate; Petey will open it for you."  Team 2 files out.  "Who's your snipers?"  He looks at Rich.

Rich looks at everyone.  "Jax, Bull and Slim.  They have the most consistent records."

Pres nods.  "Get them outfitted with plenty of ammo and a backup with ammo."  Rich takes them out.

"That surprises me.  I would have thought you two would be snipers."  He looks at me and Danny.

Danny shakes his head no, "You need riders that can make decisions for this."  Pres nods.

"You're out the front gate.  Cloud is on his way to the chopper; he has Eagle Feather at Baxter's.  Take care of each other.  Good luck, Brothers."  Pres slaps Danny on the back and goes out to the offices in the other wing.

I look at Danny and Driscoll.  "Let's get more ammo before we leave.  Maybe they broke out the grenades."  Danny smiles, walking out.

On our bikes, we're waiting for a go; VP came in a few minutes ago and every fuckin minute feels like an hour.  "HS1, you’re on with Pres and Digs at control.  I need a check."  There are six of us left and we roll through the check; clean up rolls right after us, then Cloud with two Brothers and Jake in the chopper.  I'm glad to hear Jake's with him; he's a fuckin dead eye with the mounted guns.

"Brothers, we have thirty nine bikes, two box trucks and six trucks headed our way from the south.  There are another seventeen bikes coming from the west with more trucks.  Our Brothers from the north are keeping the northern highway clear for us.  Our job is to clear the southern highway and keep the yard clear.  LP1 is your lead.  We have C1's team on cleanup and Blackhawk is our air support.  Your roads are clear; make the first exit and hold at the break in the trees.  Blackhawk will try to make it to clear the trucks before they make it to town."

Danny: "LP1 lead for HS1. Roger."

Pres: "C1, hold at the exit."

Dave: "C1 Roger."

We ride through town doing eighty; once we hit the ramp we run tight doing one hundred around traffic.  Thank fuck it's early and there's not much.  We hold at the break.

Pres: "LP1, half the group took the exit.  You have half coming your way."  Fuck.

Danny: "We don't have enough to split, Pres."

Pres: "Blackhawk is on his way to the back road now.  Hold where you are; Security and Brothers are on their way to the back road."

Danny: "Roger, Pres." We hear the bikes before we see them.  Danny has us wait until they pass.

Pres: "Security is slowing down behind you, LP1"

Danny: "Roger."  The bikes pass but Danny holds us.  When the trucks go by he gives us a go.  "B3, stop the box truck.  H11 and up catch the bikes, stop them from taking the exit.  H5, let’s get the trucks stopped."

There's a round of ‘Roger’ and we roll.  Our bikes eat up the road, bringing us right behind them within a minute.  The pickups are hit; one flips causing some on the bikes to look back.  I take out the two back tires of the box truck then ride by, hitting the driver and catching up to the bikes.  I hear the truck hit but don't look back.  I'm on Danny's right shooting at everything in front of me.  That’s one thing I never understood; the bikers always speed up.  We're on fuckin Ducati's; it's not like they'll out run us on low riders and street cruisers.  I'd fuckin slow down if it were me.  You do a hell of a lot more damage scraping skin at seventy than forty.  That's just me I guess.  Danny is shooting like a video game; he always makes me laugh.  I keep his side clear and weave around bodies and bikes.  It takes no time to clear the road.  Danny keeps us running at ninety.

Danny: "LP1 Clear."  Nothing comes back.  "Digs, are you still with us?"

Digs: "Hold on LP1, the fuckin east wing blew up."

Danny: "Digs, listen to me.  We need to know where we're going so the whole fuckin building doesn't blow up.  Look at your board and tell me where the fuck we need to be."

Digs: "Roger, LP1.  Head to the compound.  A truck got away while Blackhawk was clearing Main."

Danny: "Roger.  Digs, we have six of us; we'll split.  Where else are we needed?"

Digs: "Roger, LP1.  Second team can head toward Security.  LP2 is keeping one side clear but they're trying for the other side."

Danny: "HS11 and up, get to Security."

Digs: "LP1, the PD and Baxter's just took a hit.  LB doesn't think it's the same people."

Danny: "Digs, focus Brother.  We need you to see and run Ops right now.  Our priority is getting rid of the threat that's hitting the fuckin buildings.  C1, clean up the highway."

Dave: "Roger, LP1."

Digs: "Roger, LP1.  Security is holding the gate at the compound but the O&R pussies are not letting up on them.  You're two out.  You have two waiting for you at the crossroad, up against the building on the north and south side.  HS11, watch coming around Pine; two bikes waiting right in front of the bank."

We get to the pussies and hit them as we go by.  Stupid fucks were waiting until we passed, I guess.  As we get closer to the gate, we hear the shots. 

Danny: "Into the woods, B3."  I follow him through the path.  We come out right in front of the pussies, jumping over the block wall; we’re shooting as we're in the air.  By the time we make the road, the pussies are down.  The gate guards come running out, taking guns back with them.  We stop long enough to reload. "LP1 Clear.  Where are we going, Digs?"

Digs: "Security, LP1. They need help down that way."

Danny: "Roger, Digs."  We move fast through town.  The chopper is flying low; it goes over us, heading in the same direction.  Cloud is shooting when we get to the corner.  "Digs, is that a grenade launcher?"

Digs: "I don't think that's grenades he was going to launch."

Danny: "Have Security get that launcher.  Where am I going, Digs?"

Digs: "The west side. LP2 doesn't have a shot; they're keeping out of his view."

Danny: "Roger.  B3 take north."

Me: "Roger."  I turn going to the north corner; he takes the south.  I slow, giving him time to make the corner, then gun it with my gun ready.  Coming from both sides surprises the pussies, causing them to hesitate.  We take advantage and hit them high.  No fuckin wounded for them today.  Once they're down, Danny circles a bike.

Danny: "Digs, LB was right.  These guys aren't O&R pussies."  A car comes around the corner, tires squealing, guns ready.  Fuck!  We lift our arms and shoot.  The car hits the dumpster.  It had to be doing at least fifty.  The whole front end looks like it landed in the front seat.  We walk toward it, guns still aimed; as Danny gets closer he drops his arm.  I keep mine trained on the back seat.  "That has to hurt."  A pussy is moaning in the backseat.  He wants help.

"Sorry, pussy, we're not in the helping frame of mind today.  Check back tomorrow."  I'm pissed he was going to kill us but now that he's hurt he wants us to fuckin save him?  Fuckin morons always bring they're shit to us.

Danny shoots him.  "You're welcome.  It will go quicker now.  Come on, Bob."  We turn and see Jax and Driscoll picking up the launcher.  "That one’s mine, Brother."  Fuckin Brother.  I'm laughing.

Danny: "Clear at Security."

Digs: "Roger, LP1.  Pres says to get to the Baxter's.  Blackhawk needs you to flush pussies from the surrounding woods."  We get back on the bikes and ride through the reservation.



I'm washing dishes when the whole damn place starts shaking; it sounds like the building is falling down but nothing is crashing around us.  Chet and another guard come down the stairs against the elevator wall, yelling for everyone to get to the hallway.  I think that's Cal, but I'm not sure; I didn't even know they were here.  I call the kids to hurry.  The elevator explodes sending the guys flying.  Fuck!  The kids are in the hallway before me, fuck they move fast.  I do a head count.  "Where's Brenda?"

Ally signs 'shower'.  I tell them to stay put and run to the shower.  It's close to the hall; I chant 'please be ok' over and over as I run into the locker room.  She's dressing fast.  I tell her to get to the hallway and run back out.  Looking at the elevator wall, I watch for more falling wall or ceiling pieces.  I hear more falling but it sounds like it's in the elevator.

I yell over to the hallway.  "Little Ben, I need help.  Keep the little guys over there but bring the big boys."

I don't see the guys as I'm moving closer.  "Guys, I'm not seeing you; if you can hear me call out."  The kids are on the side of me.  "Let's make a grid and move what we can; we have to start close to the wall, so be careful and warn the rest of us if you see, hear or feel movement."  I get close to the wall and tell them to make a line; we move the small stuff against the wall.  Little Ben, Jessie and Darren carry a big stair platform.  The guard I don't know is under it.  Fuck, I check for a pulse and look at Little Ben; I don't know how they will handle this.

"Just do the job, Amanda.  We'll deal."  He looks sad, but surprisingly, he's not falling apart.

"I need a blanket; plastic would be good first, if there's something like that here."

He nods and signs to Darren.  I leave the guard and start moving debris with the boys.  About half away into the mess, Jessie stops us.  "Listen."  Darren throws something at Little Ben and runs.  "Move!"  Jessie yells; we all run for the hall again.  We hear more falling in the shaft but nothing is coming through where we cleaned.  Little Ben is talking to Jeremy and Jessie but I can't hear what he's saying.

He comes back to me, "We need to get Chet or he's not going to make it."

I want to scream, swearing, but I don't pay enough of a flat rate for that.  Christian laughs.  "Brenda keep the kids here, it seems to be safe.  We have to connect to upstairs and find out what the fuck is going on, but we need more than three of you helping; is there someone else we can use?"

Little Ben looks at the kids.  "Brantley and Joey, get a computer hooked up over here and get us back on with MC Ops.  Christian and Victor, help them move what they need over here.  Aaron, Ally and Alex, get the table moved closer with the twins.  Taylor, come with us."  Everyone moves quickly and methodically.  They work like adults.

We get closer to the back wall and I hear a noise.  "Stop!"  Everyone stops moving.  "Chet, call out or move so we can locate you."  We wait.

"Over here, Amanda!"  Taylor says, excited.  Thank God!  We move the wood; I have to wait for the boys to move the steel pieces.  It’s a whole section of wall; the steel must have held it.  They get the wall piece moved and we see Chet, face down in the pile of rubble.

"I need a first aid kit."  I check his pulse.  "Stay with me, buddy."  I'm looking at his arms, back and then legs; there's a piece of steel through his leg, standing at an angle.  Fuck!  What I wouldn't do for a fireman right now.

"Taylor, get the first aid kit and Jeremy over here quick."  Little Ben says.  "Darren, cover the body before he gets back.  "Jessie, get me two one hundred foot rope sections and a harness."  I can't move Chet, so I check for more injuries from the back.

"Little Ben, do you have a belt on?"  I hear him pulling it off.  I need to stop his leg from bleeding first then I can see what the fuck we've got.  The belt floats into my line of vision; I take it and slide sheetrock out of the way so I can get it around his leg without moving it.  Yes!  Score one for the good guys.  Taylor is back, but there's nothing in this case to help me.  I look at Little Ben.

"There's a full first responders case in Security."  He points up.  Fuck, it's a room, not the ceiling.

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