L. Ann Marie (22 page)

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Authors: Tailley (MC 6)

BOOK: L. Ann Marie
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Chapter Twenty-Three

Two months


We walk into the empty shop; I'm surprised how big it is without all the shit the store had in it.  Danny smiles.  "We can get it done in a week.  I'm glad they stripped it down; it works better for me."

"The bathroom is a mess.  She didn't update it because they were here before she bought the building.  They kept putting her off; she said she wasn't going to nag them so she waited, figuring they'd let her know when they were ready."

He nods, "Not a problem.  The electrical needs updating too.  I'll get the plumber and electrician here first then we can paint and build shelves and a counter for her.  Nina still interested in running it?"

I smile, "Yeah, she likes that she can work right downstairs.  She doesn't like leaving the yard.  She was ready to quit her job the day I asked her."

"That's good.  Kate really likes her; she's been worried about her leaving the yard.  Her fuckin ex is dangerous; he doesn't give a shit if he lives or dies."  Fuck, that's as bad as it gets.  "Does Amanda know what you're doing yet?"

I shake my head, "No, Brother.  I'm not telling her until it's ready to open.  The sign won't go up until then.  I don't want her stressing out over it, she's so fuckin impatient.  When it's open, all she'll have to do is move pictures around."

"You already got the pictures to the printer?"

"Yeah, they sent some out to be framed and the one for the back wall is done.  It's fuckin huge."

He smiles, "The one with the fingers almost touching?"  I nod.  "She's going to love it.  Why are you doing all this?  Why don't you let her do it?"

"She's worried about how much twins are going to cost.  She wants to help pay their way.  She already makes good money but she's worried; I need to take that off her.  Rich said to give her something else to focus on.  I thought this would work; she's selling the shit out of the digital stuff she makes already.  Now she can sell the print stuff out of here.  Nina can take the orders, have the pictures printed and ship them right from here.  There's not much stress involved and she can make her money.  I know if I left it to her, she’d stress out; the point was to take stress away."

He shakes his head.  "Fuckin women.  She does know you make enough to cover her and the twins?"

"She doesn't know how much I have but I told her we're good.  I don't think it would matter to her though.  She just wants to feel like she's pulling her weight."

He shakes his head, "Jess, Nancy, CJ and Kate are like that too, they've got enough to live the rest of their lives comfortably without us men.  They don't stop though; the way they work you'd think they live paycheck to paycheck."

I look at him.  "We do too.  Every one of us gets up every fuckin day and goes to work; we could retire but we don't.  I get why she needs to work, I do the same thing. I think it's important that our kids see that."

He laughs.  "Fuckin smart Brother, hiding under the rings and ink.  I get it too."  He walks to the back pulling his phone and I smile.  He taught me more than anyone else in the Club; I know we think a lot alike.  He would have done this too.

We get the details settled and head out to work.  She's going to love it.




Chapter Twenty-Four

Two weeks


I feel like a beached whale today and I still have almost three months left.  I need clothes so I'm not fighting to get my stomach covered.  My boy and girl are growing fast.  Bob comes in and sits on the bench to get his leg on.  "What's a matter, little mamma?"

I want to cry but I smile at him.  "My babies are growing too fast.  I can't fit anything over my belly."

He smiles.  "I'd love to see my babies growing in your belly all day long but it's cold outside.  How about one of my shirts for now and I'll call Nancy to get you some clothes?"

"I love you.  That's all."  I bend and kiss him.  He just laughs.  I get one of his shirts and put a hair tie on the side so I don't look like I'm wearing an ugly dress.  He smiles, guiding me out.  "What did Nancy say?"  I heard him talking to her while I was trying to tame my hair.

"She has some clothes already at her shop for you; she was just waiting for you to come in.  I told her I'd pick them up while I was at your shop but she's going to check it out so she'll deliver them."  He lifts me into his truck.

"That's so damn sweet.  I love that woman."  I smile with tears in my eyes.  Fuckin hormones.

We get to the gate and Security follows us to the shops.  I read the sign. "Mandy's Muse."  I see it but I can't believe it.  He's not saying anything and I'm too excited to ask.  He always has the best surprises; I can't wait to get in and see what this is all about.  He lifts me out and walks me to the door of Mandy's Muse.  I love the name.  My pictures are everywhere but the one that catches my eye is the big fuckin picture on the back wall.  Meely and me with fingers almost touching.  Tears are falling down my damn face.

Nina smiles, handing me tissues.  "I cried when he explained it to me.  He's quite a catch, Amanda; too bad he's taken."  I squeeze his hand.  He is.

"I'm going to have a fuckin heart attack if you don't say something."  My catch says.  I look at him; he's nervous.  How the hell can he be nervous?

"It's beautiful, thank you.  I love the name."  I put my arm around him and squeeze his waist.  "Tell me what we're doing here; I don't think this will get a lot of traffic."

He smiles looking down at me.  "I didn't think so either.  The prints can be ordered online in different sizes.  Digs set it up on your website.  The orders come into the store and go to the printer.  He'll print them and deliver here; Nina will ship them and man the store."  He's so damn smart.

"I didn't think it would be much of a job but we already have twenty two orders and the prints just went online yesterday.  I already ordered more boxes and labels from the post office; they'll drop them with the mail today."

"Shit.  This is an awesome set up.  Thank you."  I lift up on my toes and kiss his lips.

Nancy comes in smiling.  "This came out perfect, didn't it?"  She says to me giving me a hug and Bob a bag.  He throws her chin making me smile.

"I love it!"  Bob kisses my head telling me he has to get to work but he'll find me for lunch.  I thank him again with tears in my eyes and watch him walk out.

"I never would have guessed that tattooed and pierced hottie would be such a good husband.  I'm freakin jealous, Amanda."  Nina says, making us laugh.

"I didn't think he'd be good boyfriend material when I met him.  I heard too many stories.  I don't know what I'd do without him now; he's filled that place that Meely used to have in me."  I tell her pointing to the picture.

"This place is unbelievable, Amanda!  I love your work!  You sell this on the Internet?"  Nancy asks walking from picture to picture.

"Yeah, it was just digital before; Bob set it up so the orders will go directly to the printer and they'll deliver it here ready to ship.  I'm still taking it in."

The bell over the door rings I smile at the flowers in the delivery guy’s hand.  Bob is fuckin sweet.  I don't care what he says.  People stop by and Nina sells some art from the wall.  She adds it to the printer order and puts new stuff up.  It's the perfect setup.  Nancy leaves us and I help a customer.  It feels good to see my work go out the door.  I feel relieved to see the pictures selling.  I was worried about doctor bills and clothes for babies that haven't even been born yet.

I have an appointment next door so I say goodbye to Nina; my guard follows me out.  The Prospect and Kellan congratulate me on the shop.  They saw it earlier.  I'm so proud that they complimented my art and proud of Bob for setting it up so people see it.  Quinn doesn't say anything; she's Quinn so I don't expect much.

Bob sent lunch to me from the Diner; he texts me that he's caught up at Security and can't leave.  Sam came himself so he could see the shop; he wants pictures of the bikers for the Diner.  I told him I'd make him some to match the colors he's got in there.  He leaves happy; I'm ecstatic.

We have late appointments tonight because of the new Coast Guard class that graduated.  The guys are loud and close to drunk; the whole parlor is packed.  Kellan is working to pop them out as quick as possible.  They all decided on straight black for now.  They'll make appointments for color later.  It's working out well except for Quinn, talking and flirting with all the guys; she's not getting much ink done.  Kellan's getting pissed but not slowing down, I think he just wants to get them out.

Bob shows up and gets some of the guys to move to the waiting area.  There are too many to all fit out there.  Quinn is pissed and not hiding it.  Once I finish my guy, I bring her to the back.  "I need you to work, not socialize.  If you're not into the ink tonight, I get it.  You need to decide if you want to stay or go."

"I'm not allowed to talk just because you got everything you want?"  She's fuckin pissed at me?

"So your problem is with me?  You can go ahead and go.  We've got this; call your people, tell them you’re no longer inking here."  I walk away from the stupid bitch.  I'm done with her and the attitude.

I take another guy and get his art set.  Just as I'm about to start, my head gets yanked back by my hair.  "What the fuck!  Crazy assed cunt!"  My guy yells at Quinn.

I pull my head back; I just know I lost hair to this nut.  I swing my elbow as I stand.  I connected with something by her scream.  When I turn I see her holding her nose.  Bob comes over and catches her by her waist when she makes a move toward me.  He carries her out as she's screaming, blood dripping.  "That's a sight you don't see every day."  Everyone laughs; I look at Kellan.

"She decided she's looking for someone with more money than I have.  Thanks for getting rid of her."  He goes back to his guy like nothing happened.  I wonder if he'd be interested in Nina.

Bob comes back in, collecting Quinn's stuff in her trash can.  "Anything else belong to that crazy bitch?"  He's pissed.

"Yeah."  Kellan pulls a key off his ring and hands it to Bob.

He comes to me.  "You ok, babe?"

I smile, "I think I lost some hair; a little less to tame but otherwise I'm good."

He smiles.  "Nice fuckin shot.  I wish I could hit her like that."

The guy on my table laughs.  "It was nice."

I shake my head and get back to it.  The night is long and quiet after that.  The new Guardsmen are happy with their ink and leave a big tip.  I hand it to Kellan and tell him to take care of the Prospect.  He tells me he has a guy that can fill Quinn's chair; he says he's a better artist.  I tell him to bring him in so I can meet him.  That's how it works around here; someone is out and another is ready to jump in the empty station.  Kellan has a good name in ink.  I do too but it sounds conceited so I would never say it out loud.  With our reputations, we never have to wait for an artist.

Bob helps clean my station; the Prospect cleans Quinn's and asks about apprenticing.  I look at Kellan.  I'm not here enough to mentor anyone.  Even with my hours cut down at Doc's, because of the new doctor, to once a week; I don't show here but two days and a half night.

"I'll take him on, as long as you don't mind."

I'm surprised as hell.  "I think it would be great."  The Prospect fist pumps making us laugh.



It's only ten but it feels later.  She's had a long day, even if it started at twelve.  I'm glad I went into the shop tonight.  Fuckin Quinn was going to start a riot with those Guardsmen.  Quite a few of them had hard-ons for her.  They would have been fighting over her before they hit the fuckin door.  I'm so fuckin glad Mandy hit her and got rid of her.  Even after I took her out, she was still hitting on me.  Stupid whore.

I pull in and get our mail; Security beeps letting me know he's off.  I watch him drive away smiling.  He thinks Mandy is the shit.  I agree, remembering what Rich said; he works every day to keep Tess.  There are plenty of Brothers that would jump at the chance to slide in there.  I'm never giving anyone that chance.

Mandy's talked the whole way home.  She loves the shop, she loves me and she loves that Kellan is stepping up.  My girl is full of love tonight.

I walk around the truck and lift her out.  "You hungry, babe?"

"No, I ate late.  It was crazy for a while there."  She's smiling; I guess it was a good crazy.  In the room, I ask if she wants a bath.  "Only if you make me dirty first; I've had this fantasy playing in my head all day."

I kiss her letting her know I'm up for making her dirty.  "What's your fantasy, babe?"  She drops to her knees and unzips my fly.  "I love the fuckin fantasy already."  I hold her head and move for her.  Fuck, she's good at this.  She's teasing my bar sending heat down my back.  When I pull her off my dick, she complains, making me smile; I love that she likes my dick in her mouth.  "I need to be buried in you, babe."  She quiets down quick.

I strip her down and drop my pants.  She kneels on the edge of the bed; she knows what she wants.  I stand behind her, rubbing my dick against her pussy; she's already wet.  Fuckin nice.  She moves against me, getting herself there.  "I love seeing my name on you, babe."  She’s got the MC logo on her back, with ‘Property of’ and a web over the top of it.  I fuckin love seeing my name right there.  I pull away and slam into her getting a moan.  I keep working to get her fuckin sexy sounds and finally get closer to the one that I want.  My hand moves to her bar; I roll it until she screams my name.  I flip her and slide back in.  When I see my babies, I can't slam into her. I move slow and roll my hips, hitting where she needs me to with my bar.  She hasn't stopped with the sexy sounds.  "Love seeing my babies in your belly, it's fuckin sexy as hell, Mandy."  I move faster; she's pulling my waist into her, trying to get me to go deeper.  I roll my hips and lift her legs up.  She moans grabbing her nipples; that always gets me and this time ain't any different.  "Fuck!"  I hit her hard and come, hearing my name again.  Fuckin love it.  I bend and kiss her lips.  She licks across my rings, getting my dick jumping.  "I love you, Amanda."

She smiles, breathing as heavy as I am.  "Love you too, Biker Man."  I pull out and get her to the tub; now she can take a bath.  She looks ready to fall asleep so I make it quick.

Getting her into bed, I watch her eyes close and smile.  I'm so fuckin glad she likes the shop; I was nervous this morning.  What the fuck do I know about running a business?  All I've ever done is work for the MC.

Once I know she's asleep, I walk over to the patio.  It's late but Danny and Tiny are here.  I sit with them for a while drinking a beer and watching the water.  "Amanda likes the shop?"  Tiny asks.

"Yeah, loves it; they're already making money."

"Knew they would; I saw her website.  She's fuckin good.  Sam ordered prints for the Diner."  Danny says never taking his eyes off the water.

That's good, just what I was hoping for.  "Everyone settle in ok?"  They just moved into the new house over the weekend.  It must have been hell living in Casper's house.

He looks at me with a smile.  "Yeah, Kate loves it."  I don't doubt it; he's a fuckin genius with houses.  This one is bigger than the last and the kids rooms are more age appropriate.  He's got them separated for the first time; they weren't too happy about that at first.  They must have gotten over it.  I liked helping but I still don't have a clue about building.

"You're in early tomorrow?"  Tiny asks.

"Yeah, we've got some leads; VP wants to get this shit settled.  I like that idea; we don't need another fuckin war in the yard."  I tell him.  There's an underling trying to take some territory from the Bosses, the family is not happy.  They've got no problem with us getting rid of him and his crew.  VP doesn't want to tell Baxter's until it's over.  I don't get that but I'll go with it if it means we'll stop getting threats to our women and kids.  Fuckin Congressman and his cronies.  He put too much shit in their heads.

"VP is picking four to deal with this quietly.  He doesn't want blowback."  Tiny says.  The guy runs Transportation but knows fuckin everything.  I don't know that VP has ever taken anyone but Danny; he's never had another partner.  I don't even know if Danny's been on any jobs with him; no one talks about those jobs.  I know he'll pick Rich; he's trained for what VP does.  I know Casper and Dave were military trained too.  They were the original Officers and High Security when Pres took over.  I was a Prospect then; I just made my cut when they were pulling people into Security.  VP worked with me and had me in High Security my first six months out.  I've been here ever since.  I hope he picks me but I know it's a long shot; I've never been trained for this kind of stuff.  I watch the water for a while.

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