KnightForce Deuces

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Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #IR - Paranormal

BOOK: KnightForce Deuces
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Deuces – Book two of La Patron’s KnightForce Series by Sydney


Just as Silas’ den has expanded with
half-breed pups, so has the Wolf Nation. Millions of half-breeds
are accepting their rightful places in the nation and Silas
couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy of the
inclusion of mixed blood and take matters into their own

In its infancy stage, KnightForce
captains, Angus, Asia and Tyrone step up to the challenge to
eradicate any and all threats. In a battle of wit and will,
KnightForce takes on the rebels with a strong hand. On the home
front, Silas and Hawke race against time to protect their den from
enemy forces, deal with a sly, calculating federal agency and deal
the Liege a crippling blow. With confrontations hitting them from
various sides, there is never a dull day in KnightForce


This book may be read alone, however, it is a
continuation of the La Patron, Alphas Alpha series. To understand
the depth of the relationships between Jasmine, Silas, Asia, Angus
and Hawke, I suggest you read the following books. BirthRight, book
one, is a free read and sets the tone for the series.

Book one is BirthRight,

Book two is BirthControl

Book three is BirthMark

Book four is BirthStone

Book five is BirthDate

Book six is BirthSign

Sword of Inquest

Sword of Mercy

Sword of Justice

KnightForce 1


Thanks to all my Den-mates and admins,
Michelle and Vicky, you are all the best at keeping me laughing
with new creative ideas. I heart you much.

A special shout out to Reyna, Sally,
Karen, and Kim, I could not have presented this story without your





Chapter 1


The pale skin of the man almost matched the
sheets on his hospital bed as he struggled against the straps
holding him in place. Red streaked the whites of his eyes. With
mouth agape, drool flowed down his corded neck. Whatever demons
plagued the poor soul sent constant shudders through his long, lean

The beige walls, concrete floors and icy cold
temperature of the observation room provided an appropriate sterile
background as Angus watched Vernon Dreft. The bastard had left him
lying on a cold table in the Colorado Mountains after stealing a
large quantity of his blood. Dreft looked exhausted but his body
wouldn’t stop twitching or moving. Visions of raking long claws
down the side of this bastard’s face, who took his blood last week,
teetered on the edge of dismissal. Rage battled disgust as he
witnessed Vernon pull on the restraints and shake on the bed like a
leaf on the cusp of a ledge, just before flying away. Angus had
sworn vengeance on the fool but karma cashed in first. He
unclenched his jaw as inhuman sounds escaped Vern’s mouth and
bounced around the room.

“How long has he been like this?” Angus asked
young Dr. Whitney, who worked at the human hospital just outside
Denver, Colorado.

“His brother, Henry, called an ambulance for
him yesterday. No insurance, so he wound up here. I worked the
emergency room, late shift. Anyway, I took a look at him and knew
something strange had happened. His skin had lost color. His eyes
flashed and his teeth, one minute they looked normal, the next they
crowded his mouth.”

Angus’ brow rose. “His body changed? Is that
what you’re saying?”

Whitney nodded. “Fortunately not into a wolf,
per se but something altogether different. Here’s what we have so
far. His brother said he mixed some things together and then
injected the solution but swears it’s not street drugs. The tests
concur he’s not on any type drug we’ve got on record.”

“I see. Go on.”

“According to his brother, for three days he
was on top of the world, something about making a lot of money
after finding the fountain of youth, that kind of thing.” The young
doctor shrugged and shared a “we-heard-this-shit-before” look with

Dread rolled down Angus’ back at the idea of
someone using his blood as a trace or major component for any type
of high. No wolf would be safe.

There’s probably more to what’s
happening but the brother is falling apart at the idea of losing
his brother to whatever is going on. You can try and talk to him,
he’s in the critical care waiting room. Last I saw of him, he was
rocking back and forth in silence. Doesn’t say much of anything. I
had a hard time getting through to him for that small bit I just
told you.”

He thought about the inherent ability of the
chameleon bracelet to sift through memories without exchanging
bodies or completely steal the identity of another, including their
physical appearance, which led to death. Angus decided to give his
condolences to Henry in person.

Whitney stood in front of the glass staring
into the room at Vernon. “After what happened to you, Alpha Chase
requested everyone report anything out of the ordinary. So when he
came in, I called it in.” He paused. “Main reason I called it in is
because I heard him murmuring in the corner about wolf’s blood. He
hasn’t admitted to anyone here what his brother injected into his
system but,” he tapped his ear, “I’ve got great hearing. I think
this is the man who stole your blood.” The doctor’s beeper went
off. “Sorry I have to go but I’ve cleared it for you to stay as
long as you need.” He handed him a folder.

Angus nodded as he flipped through the file and
Whitney left the room.

Inhaling deeply, Angus filtered scents, seeking
his own. He moved closer to the window and watched large red
splotches appear everywhere on Vernon’s skin. Dreft arched his back
as if fire were beneath him. The agonized scream told of
unimaginable pain. Vernon begged repeatedly for death.

An hour later, death heard him. Vernon Dreft,
blood robber, died.

Disappointed he hadn’t been the instrument of
Dreft’s demise, Angus used the chameleon bracelet to alter his
image slightly and went in search for Henry, brother of the now
deceased. Retaliation would fall on the brother for what they did
to him. Angus pushed open the critical care waiting room door
holding two cans of soda.

The pungent scent of fear hit Angus in the
chest. Alone in the room, Henry sat in a plastic chair in the
corner with his head resting on top of his knees as if he had been
praying and grew tired. Sorrow mixed with pain flashed in his eyes
when he looked at Angus before turning away.

“Have you seen a tall guy, mustache,” Angus
asked looking around the empty room. Something about the sad
posture of the young man stopped him from destroying him
immediately. Plus Silas frowned on public executions. His strategy
was to befriend the young man and then invite him someplace where
they’d be alone and then kill him.

Henry shook his head but didn’t look at

“I’m supposed to meet my brother, my mom’s in
one of the rooms back there, they’re working on her. She’s in a bad
way, even still I hope she makes it,” Angus lied.

“Want one?” he offered Henry a cold drink. Dr.
Whitney gave him 30 minutes alone with Henry, after that he would
inform him of Vern’s death. Either Angus would kill the man now or
follow him home and kill him there. Everything depended on their
impending conversation.

Henry peeked up, reminding Angus of one of
Silas’ pups, the way he looked at the can as if it held answers to
his dilemma. Angus had assumed the young man would be hungry and
thirsty since he hadn’t left the room. A sealed drink seemed the
safer option.

“Yes, thanks.” Henry stood slowly and took the
can. “My brother’s back there.” He tipped his head toward the

Angus shook his head. “Sorry about that, hope
everything works out for you.”

Henry returned to his seat.

“Mind if I sit here ‘til my brother shows up?”
Angus pointed to a chair a couple down from Henry.

“Sure. It’s been quiet in here for so long,
feels strange hearing another voice.”

Angus took a pull from his drink and inhaled.
Henry and Vern’s scents overlapped. Had Henry carried his brother?
Or was it the other way around. Vern had been strong for a few days
before his body crashed. There was something different in Henry’s
scent, Angus couldn’t place it but didn’t dwell on it either since
he planned to kill the guy.

“My brother loved these.” Henry held up his
can, his eyes filled.

“Hey don’t talk like that, he’ll drink another
one, the two of you’ll be sitting around drinking, laughing about
this day,” Angus said offering a small smile.

Henry released a long sigh and looked toward
the exit door. “No, I don’t think so. My brother’s gone, he’s been
gone for the past week and things will never be the same.” He took
another drink and sat back in his chair staring at the

Angus calculated the time from when he and his
team were in wolf form, fighting rebels in the Rockies. Angus had
been left behind as a decoy to infiltrate the rebels, except Vern
and Henry shot him with some kind of super tranquilizer and stole
his blood. They must have waited a day or two before creating the
mixture and then injecting it into Vern.

“Let’s hope you’re wrong,” Angus said, adding a
note of sympathy when he wanted to beat the crap out of this man
for what they did. It had taken days for the tranquilizer to clear
his system.

Henry finished his drink with one long gulp and
crushed the can. “No. I’m not. He’s stubborn, hard-headed, thinks
he knows everything and now…now he’s going to leave me here alone.”
He ended his rant with a whimper.

Angus picked up a lot about Vern’s personality
through Henry’s reaction. Anger, ripe and hard, had been Angus’
constant companion since he learned what these assholes did to him,
fizzled at the sight and beneath the pain of this defeated man.
“He’s your only family?”

Henry nodded without looking at him. “Always
been just the two of us. Nobody else wanted anything to do with us
since we was small. Vern…” He inhaled and wiped the tears from his
face with the back of his arm. “He took care of me, always

“Sounds like a good guy.” Angus hesitated on
the word good.

Henry looked at him. Red-rimmed eyes pleaded
his brother’s case. “He did some things that wasn’t always right
but mostly, when it came to making sure I had food to eat, a place
to stay and clothes.” He shrugged. “He’s my brother, I love

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