KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette (24 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette
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“There’s nae signal on this phone. Damn we need tae phone
yer Mom and Dad tae let them know what’s happening,” Scott said, looking at

He didn’t reply. He just sat there with his head in his
hands. Chris turned to Scott.

“Hey, they still have their account open where yer
transferred the money.”

“Can yer transfer it back?” Scott asked.

“Aye, I think so. Give me a couple of minutes.”

“Och we
stay here long. Do
what yer
I’m going tae check aroond tae see if I
can find the keys tae that van.”


Scott left the room and checked the bodies of the men. He thought
one of them must have the keys on them. He quickly found them on the man who had
been moved into the kitchen, as he returned into the living room.

“It’s done,” Chris said, smiling.

“Yer got the money back?”

“Aye, it looks like they just set up this account fer this
transaction. They did nae have it protected at all. It looks like they moved
one million tae another account. So, I
get that.
But, I’ve returned nine million.”

“That’s great. I’ve got the van keys, let’s go.”

“Scott, there’s a lot of information on here. Alexei, can
yer translate some of this?” Chris said, as he moved and sat next to Alexei.

“Just be quick,” Scott said, and then turned to Kyle.

“Did yer have personal effects on yer when they took yer?”

“Just my wallet and phone, some cash and a credit card, oh
and my driver’s license.”

“I dinnae see yer wallet aroond anywhere. I think yer’ll
just have tae accept that it’s gone and cancel yer card when yer get haem. And
see a phone either.”

“I don’t care about those things. They don’t matter. I just
want to go home.”

“I know yer do, come on yer two, let’s get going. Yer can
take the laptop and look at it in the van.”

As Chris and Alexei got up from the couch, Scott tried the
phone again. There was still no signal.

“Damn, nae signal still.”

“Aye, the internet signal keeps going in and oot too,” Chris

Scott knew they needed to make a call to California, but he
couldn’t risk taking the cell phone with them. It looked like a modern phone
and more than likely could be tracked. So, he left it on the couch.

“My phone is in the safe at the hotel,” Alexei said.

“Aye mine too. We’re going tae have tae go there anyway. We
get oot of Russia withoot our passports.”

They all moved towards the door. It was time to leave.

Chapter 20

Scott ventured out first, he checked the perimeter to ensure
there was no-one around. It was still very dark outside, and had gotten a
little cold. As they walked outside towards the van they noticed they seemed to
be at an isolated farm-house. There was a large barn next to the house and nothing
else anywhere in sight. It was hard to see since it was dark, but it appeared
to have trees and fields that surrounded the house. But, no lights could be
seen in any direction. He surmised there was no one anywhere in the vicinity.

Everyone got into the van and Scott started the engine. He
hoped there was gas in it; and luckily; there was almost a full tank. As Scott
started to drive away, Alexei spoke.

“He was right. There are other people on the way here. They
were going to take us to St. Petersburg. It looks like we were going to be sold
into slave labor and eventually sent to camps in Siberia.”

“I had a feeling something like that would happen.
Regardless, whether they got their money or nae,” Scott replied.

“Wow, this is scary,” Alexei gasped.

“What’s that list? Chris asked, pointing to the screen.

“It seems to be a list of
from all over the country, that
worked with them.
There are all sorts of people on here, Police Commissioners, top ranking
Military people, Politicians, Border Patrol, damn they have contacts everywhere!”

“Aye, it does nae surprise me,” Scott said, as he continued
to drive.

“The guys we just killed, were not the leaders then?” Alexei

“Nae, they said tae me earlier that they were former Russian
Special Forces. But, I dinnae think they were.”

“Where are we going Scott? They are going tae come after us,
yer do know that, reet?” Chris asked.

“What time were the other people supposed tae arrive
Alexei?” Scott responded.

“It says about 7:00 a.m.”

“Och, it’s just after four now. We’ve got time tae get back
tae the hotel. We need tae get our passports.”

“I still have the room key, they didn’t take that when they
searched me,” Chris said, holding up the card.

“Guid, I just hope Tom has nae checked oot yet. But, I
dinnae think he will have.”

“Who’s Tom?” asked Kyle.

“The guy who set us up.
But, dinnae
worry aboot that. We’ll explain everything tae yer when yer safe. What aboot
yer room at the hotel Kyle, how long did yer book it fer?”

“A week, I’m supposed to check out on Saturday. What day is
it today?”

“It’s very early Saturday morning. Do yer still have a key
tae yer room or did they take it with yer wallet?”

He checked his pockets, and pulled something out.

“Yup, my room card is still here. I was only there for a
couple of hours. I can’t even remember what my room looks like.”

“Check oot in these places in usually aroond noon. Is yer
passport in the room?”

“Yes, it is and my e-tickets to fly home.”

“Yer will nae need them. But, yer’ll need yer passport. We
have tae get our passports too. We
fly oot of
here on any flights that have already been booked. They’ll have people
everywhere. They’ll have people waiting fer us at the airport. I’ll figure
something else oot.”

“Have yer any idea where we are Scott?” Chris asked.

“I’m pretty sure we’re still West of Moscow. When the van
pulled away from the warehouse it definitely turned tae the reet, and I dinnae
remember any other big turns. Alexei, look oot fer road signs and tell me what
they say.”

“Okay, I will. There’s one coming up.”

“Aye, here it is,” Scott said, slowing down as they neared
the sign. They had been driving for about ten minutes and hadn’t seen any other

“We’re ten miles outside of
and forty-five miles from Moscow. I’m not sure where

“Can yer pull up a map on that computer,” Scott asked.

Chris took the laptop from Alexei and pressed a few buttons.
It took a few minutes but he found what he was looking for.”

is West of Moscow; it
looks like a pretty straight road in tae Moscow although it does look like we’re
on a back road. Aboot fifteen miles North or South of
it looks like there are major highways we can get on.”

“Back roads are guid, as long as we’re heading the reet way,
I dinnae think we can miss Moscow.”

“Scott, how do you know my Dad?” Kyle asked.

“It’s a long story Kyle, but I promise I’ll tell yer
everything when I know we’re all safe. At the moment, let me concentrate on
driving and figuring oot exactly how we’re going tae get oot of this country.”

“Okay, I wish I had my phone. There’s a girl I was supposed
to meet in Moscow. She was being bullied by some people. I really wanted to
meet her and help her.”

“Yer mean Tatiana?”

“Yes, do you know her?” he asked, excitedly.

“There’s nae Tatiana, Kyle. I’m sorry lad.”

“Yes, there is. We’ve been talking for weeks.”

“Have yer actually physically spoken tae her on the phone?”

“Only once, but not for long, she had to go work. We’ve
texted and emailed a lot though.”

“Kyle, the girl yer had a photo of was nae the one that was
talking tae yer. It was the guys who kidnapped yer. They may have had a girl
call yer once, but it was nae who yer thought it was. Tell him Chris.”

“He’s reet Kyle, dinnae worry aboot nae being able tae help
the lass. She does nae exist.”

Kyle slumped back in his chair. He was confused,
disappointed and embarrassed.


Just over an hour later, they entered the outskirts of
Moscow. Scott pulled over and changed places with Alexei, it was better if he
drove. He understood the road system and the signs. Scott helped Chris work out
the route to the hotel. There wasn’t much traffic about in the early hours so
it didn’t take long to get there. Scott told Alexei to drive to the very far
end of the parking lot, behind the hotel. The van was very distinctive and he
didn’t want it to be recognized. He and Chris looked out for Tom’s car as they
drove around the lot but neither of them saw it anywhere.


“I’m going in with Kyle. We’ll get his things and then we’ll
go and get our things from the safe in Tom’s suite. Chris, yer better stay here
with Alexei, yer shirts still covered in blood. We dinnae want tae alarm the
staff on the front desk.”

“Aye, guid idea.
I’ll change when
yer get my bag.”

“Come on Kyle, let’s go,” Scott said, getting out of the

Scott noticed that Kyle had been quiet after he found that Tatiana
was not real and that he had been tricked. He’d endured a rough week. He still
remained in the same clothes and had not washed or shaved for a very long time.
But, apart from that, he didn’t look too bad for what he’d been through.

“Will I have time to have a shower?” Kyle asked, as they
walked to the hotel.

“We’ll see. I’m sure yer need one, but there are people who
are going tae be coming after us. Yer do understand that they’re going tae be
trying tae kill us, reet?”

“Of course, yes. It would still have been nice,” he said,
trying to smile a little.


It was a little before 6:00 a.m. They entered the hotel and
took the elevator up to the room. Kyle slid his card in the lock and pulled the
handle, the door opened. He quickly packed his small suitcase, making sure he
had his passport and they left the room. Scott led him up the corridor to the
suite where Tom stayed, he wasn’t sure if there would be anyone inside. He
cautiously slid the card into the door’s lock; he slowly and quietly tried to
open the door. It opened. It hadn’t been locked from the inside. Scott quickly
checked the rooms, the suite was empty. Tom wasn’t there. He quickly gathered
up their bags, opened the safe and withdrew their passports and wallets.

“I know yer wanted a shower. But, Kyle, we really should get
moving. At least now yer can change yer clothes in the van,” Scott said.

“Yes, I suppose so.”

A knock on the door to the suite interrupted them. Scott
told Kyle to move into one of the bedrooms and get down behind the bed. After
he knew Kyle was out of sight Scott moved slowly towards the door.

“Scott, mate, it’s me,” the voice on the other side of the
door was a familiar Scottish accent.

Scott checked through the door’s spy hole to make sure Chris
was alone.
And, opened the door.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Tom’s here! He pulled in tae the lot a few minutes ago. He
didn’t see our van.”

“So, yer left Alexei
on his own in the van

“Aye, he’ll be okay fer a few minutes. I did bring the keys
tae the van just in case. Plus, he gave me his shirt so I could come in.”

“Okay, where’s Tom now?”

“He was talking tae the girl at the front desk. I slipped behind
him and in tae the elevator. I did nae really want tae leave Alexei. But, I
know Tom’s armed. I did nae want him coming in here and taking yer by

“Aye, guid man.”

“So, are we going to try and avoid him?”

now. He’ll know we’ve
been here if our things have been taken. We’ll have tae wait fer him now and
take care of him.”

“I thought yer were close tae him. How are yer going tae
react, if yer have tae kill him?”

“Dinnae worry aboot that. He made that problem quite easy
fer me when he betrayed us, and left us fer dead.”

“Aye, I know. He deserves everything he gets as far as I’m

“Aye,” Scott said, as he looked out the rooms spy hole

“He’s coming, go in tae the bedroom, stay with Kyle and keep
quiet. I’m going tae turn off the light and wait behind the door.”

About thirty seconds later, the door slowly opened. Tom
turned on the light and walked into the room. Scott noticed he looked a little
unsteady on his feet. He tapped Tom on the shoulder. Tom was startled and turned
around taking a sharp breath as he did.

Scott didn’t wait, as Tom turned Scott’s right fist was
already on the way. It connected flush on Tom’s nose, breaking it instantly. Once
again, there was blood everywhere. Tom stumbled, and fell back onto the floor.
Scott jumped on top of him and removed his gun. He checked him thoroughly for
other weapons and then, sat on top of him. He called to Chris and Kyle to come into
the room and handed Chris the gun he’d just taken from Tom.

“Another Makarov 9mm.
I bet this
one has real bullets in it though!”

“Aye, I bet it does,” Chris said, smiling.

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