KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette (20 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette
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“I’ve been involved in rescuing hostages.”

“I know that, I mean have you ever been a hostage? I just
wonder how Kyle’s being treated.”

“Nae, I have nae ever been a hostage. Well, unless yer count
my training. I did go through a straight thirty-six hoors of resistance tae
interrogation training. That was hard. But, they will nae be doing anything
like that tae Kyle. They’re nae trying tae get any information oot of him.
Apparently they already know plenty aboot him.”

“So what happened to you, when you did that training?”

“I was given a piece of information that I had tae keep secret.
I was blindfolded and tortured. Plus, I was deprived of sleep, food, water and
heat. I dinnae want tae go in tae details, but I always knew it was training. I
could have made it stop at any time by giving them the information.”

“That’s terrible.”

“It was a long time ago.”

“Well maybe, but I don’t like to think about you going
through something like that. And, I just hope Kyle isn’t being tortured,” she
said, getting upset.

“Stop yer talking and kiss me,” he said, trying to distract
her as he gently lifted and turned her around.

She was now on her knees, astride him and looked into his
eyes. She put her hands on each side of his face and moved her mouth towards
his. He gripped her back tightly and pulled her body tight and close to him. The
soft warm touch of her lips excited him. Their passionate embrace continued for
what seemed like hours as the powerful jets massaged their bodies. Scott moved
his lips away from hers and started to kiss her neck, then moved slowly down
her body. He kissed and nibbled at her breasts and nipples. All the time, his
strong hands held her firmly. He occasionally massaged her back and shoulders.

Scott was aroused, and he wasn’t a bubble bath connoisseur,
so after his second mouthful of bubbles he decided it was time to be back on
dry land. He slowly stood up, and lifted her as he rose. Her legs were wrapped
around his waist and she started to kiss him as he climbed out of the tub. He
walked slowly out of the bathroom and towards the bed, holding her tightly and
gently laid her down. She lay back with her arms above her head and Scott lay
on top of her. He supported his weight on his elbows. He kissed her again,
deeply, passionately, he didn’t want to stop. She reached her hand down and
gripped him tightly, then started to stroke slowly. He let out some muffled but
excited sounds, he was trying to control himself because he knew there were
other people in the house but she turned him on, a lot!

After a few minutes of
being stroked, he stood up, and lifted her legs. He rested her calves on his
shoulders. He teased and caressed her core with his fingers and tongue for a
while, before he gently guided himself deep inside her. As he moved within her,
she arched her back and again threw her arms over her head. She gripped the
headboard tightly. She now let out the muffled cries of excitement.

Scott continued to thrust, more and more vigorously,
eventually he moved her lower legs off his shoulders and eased them apart. He
moved his upper body forward and lay above her, once again supporting himself
on his elbows. His defined, muscular chest brushed against her breasts, with
every movement. As he continued to rhythmically move inside her, he kissed her
again and again. Soon, his body tensed, and he groaned with pleasure. He did
not want to stop and continued to thrust. Her breathing had started to quicken,
he knew she was close. He kissed her passionately, and moved one of his hands
onto her nipple. Within a few seconds she writhed in pleasure. As Scott rolled
to her side, he kissed her on the cheek.

“I’m sorry I got yer bed wet.”

“I think I can forgive you,” she said, laughing and smiling
at him.

believe I have tae travel
thousands of miles away from yer tomorrow.”

“I know. I will miss you.”

“I’ll miss yer too.”

“I really want tae
do that
But, I’m so tired.”

“You need to get some sleep. You have long flights tomorrow
and you’ve hardly slept at all over the last few days.”

“I dinnae think any of us have slept fer long.”

“Well, we’re in a real bed tonight. So, let’s make the most
of it.”

“Aye, we will. I’m looking forward tae holding yer while we

Tiffany smiled, kissed him on the cheek, then went to empty
the bath. A few minutes later they were both in bed, in each other’s arms,
falling asleep.

Chapter 17

Scott awoke to finger nails being raked across his chest. He
opened his eyes slowly and saw Tiffany sitting on the bed next to him. She was
already dressed.

“You slept like a baby,” she teased him, as she continued to
run her nails over his torso.

“Aye, I must have been tired. What time is it?”

“It’s just a little after six. We have to leave in about an

“Och, I’d better get oot of bed then.”

“You’re fine for a few more minutes. Plus, I’m enjoying
myself,” she said smiling.

Scott laughed, sat up a little and reached his hands around
her waist.

“Are the other guys awake?”

“Yes, they’re both downstairs eating breakfast. There is a cup
of coffee on the nightstand for you.”

“Thanks, but I’d rather have yer,” he said, as he pulled her
on top of him.

“You’re so bad, but I like it,” she whispered seductively,
as she nibbled the side of his neck.

He flipped her over onto her back and held her arms above
her head. She struggled, but she wasn’t going anywhere, his powerful arms were holding
her down. He kissed her neck and cheek before he brushed his lips against hers.

“I still
believe I have tae
leave,” he said, as he released his grip and sat up.

“I know it sucks, but you’ll be back soon. I’m being

“That’s guid, I like positive,” he replied, as he picked up
his coffee and started to drink.

“So tell me something about your background. What kind of
missions have you been involved in? Help me feel more positive.”

so many things. But,
talk aboot much.
a lot of things that I’m nae allowed tae talk aboot. Plus,
that I’ve tried tae put oot of my mind.”

“Okay, I’m sorry.”

“Hey, it’s fine. Dinnae worry Tiff. We’ll get him back,” he
said, as he put his drink down and hugged her. She nuzzled her head into his
chest and lay there for a few minutes. She didn’t want him to let go, but knew
he must leave.


About forty minutes later everyone was ready to leave. Again,
Chris traveled in the car with Alexei and Scott rode with Tiffany as they made
their way to the young man’s house. It didn’t take long for Alexei to get his
things. Soon, they were on the way to the airport. Alexei left his car at his
house, and they all traveled together in Tiffany’s car. It was a very tight fit
for the two guys in the back, as the Porsche didn’t have much room for back-seat
passengers. But, thankfully, it was only a short journey to the airport and they
were soon getting out of the car. Both Chris and Scott carried small backpacks;
Chris’s contained his small laptop computer as well as a few clothes. Alexei
was carrying a sports
he’d probably packed a few
more clothes than the other two. On-the-whole, they all travelled pretty

As the car’s engine idled on the side of the road, Tiffany
said goodbye and good luck to Chris and Alexei. The six-cylinder engine of the
Porsche purred, but was frequently drowned out by the sound of nearby planes.
As the two other men made their way into the main airport building, Scott
hugged Tiffany one last time before his flight.

“I’ll miss yer. Look after yerself and try tae stay

“Please, be safe Scott. And thank you again, for

“I’ll talk tae yer later. We’ll be in London fer a few
hoors. Bye.”

“Okay, bye.”

Scott kissed her and walked away. He turned to wave just
before he disappeared into the busy airport.


The three men sat together on the long flight. It seemed
longer than the twelve hours that it was scheduled to be. But, eventually they
landed at Heathrow. The eight-hour time difference from California meant it was
just after 6:00 a.m., local time. With a four-hour layover, before their
connecting flight to Moscow, Scott had plenty of time to call Tiffany.

“Hey Tiff, how are yer?”

“Hi Scott, I’m fine. But, Mom and Dad are panicking.”

“Och, what’s happened?”

“Mom got upset last night when I wasn’t here and she called Katy
and told her everything. She and Josh drove down here this morning and they
both were angry that we didn’t just call the police. Josh has been telling my Dad
that he shouldn’t have given you details to the off-shore account and the code
to release all that money. He kept telling him that you could just disappear
with the money and he should change the code.”

“Och Tiffany. I hope yer know I would nae do that.”

“Yes, of course I do. I talked to Katy and explained that
you and I are very close and that I completely trust you. She’s fine now and
she’s talked to her husband, Josh. He’s still pretty skeptical, but he’s backed
off a little.”

“Okay, do yer want me tae talk tae yer Dad, and tae reassure

“He’s finally asleep now. Neither of them has been getting
much sleep, so I don’t want to wake either of them. But, you already know all
about that too.”

“Aye I do.”

“And another thing, Dad called Bill Parnell earlier and told
him what is happening. He’s going to be flying in tomorrow morning. Bill is Dad’s
very best friend. I think it will help him.”

“Reet, have they told anyone else?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Try tae make sure they dinnae tell anyone else. If this
gets oot accidentally it could cause trouble fer us. Yer know how fast rumors
spread nowadays with the internet. We have tae try and keep a lid on this until
we get Kyle oot.”

“Right, I understand. Katy won’t say anything to anyone,
either. She understands now that Kyle’s safety is the most important thing.”

“Aye, and please make sure Josh knows that too. I know I
have nae met either of them. But, try tae get through tae them how important it
is tae keep this quiet. And that they can trust me.”

“I will. They are still here now. They’re going to stay here
for a few days until Kyle comes home. I’ll talk to Bill when he gets here too.
But, I don’t think he’ll have said anything to anyone. Well, apart from Sue,
that’s his wife. I don’t know if she’s coming with him. I would presume she
will. She and Mom are quite close too.”

“Okay and one other thing. Yer have tae talk tae yer Dad and
make sure he does nae change that code. If we meet these people and the code
does nae work, it’s going tae get ugly. It could get us all killed.”

“I understand Scott. I’ll make sure he doesn’t do that.”

“Is there anything else yer needed tae tell me?”

“Yes, Dad got an email back from the kidnappers yesterday.
It just said they will call you Friday afternoon.”

“That’s guid. Hopefully, we can get all this taken care of

“I hope so. I miss you.”

“I miss yer too. I’ll be back soon. I’m actually glad yer
have yer sister there with yer now. Hopefully she can help yer oot a wee bit.”

“Yeah, I know she will and I am glad too.”

how was yer journey back up
the coast?”

“It was good. On my way, I stopped in at Brooke’s salon to
see her for a while, before I drove up. We had coffee and talked for a while.”

“Yer did nae mention anything aboot what’s happening did

“No, don’t worry.”

“How is she doing?”

“She’s good, we had a nice chat.”

“That’s guid. Well, the guys have gone tae look fer a place
tae get breakfast, so I’d better go join them. We have a few hoors here afore
we go on
Moscow. I guess yer’ll be going tae
sleep soon. But, I will try tae call yer when we get there.”

“Okay Scott. Have a safe flight. I’ll talk to you later, please
be careful.”

“Aye I

Scott was not happy that Jim and Linda might have
experienced any doubts about him. But he knew that they hadn’t known him for
long, and yet they’d just sent him halfway around the world with ten million
dollars of their money. He fully understood why they may be a little nervous.


Scott returned to the others, and they ate breakfast. They
were all tired and jetlagged. He managed to get a couple of hours sleep on the transatlantic
flight, but he looked forward to getting some shut-eye when they got on the
next plane. After eating he went to meet his contact who brought the visas. He
was right on-time, as Scott expected him to be.

The time at the Heathrow International Airport, seemed to go
quickly and soon they were back in the air again. When they landed in Moscow,
Scott fully expected them to be delayed a little going through passport control
and customs, but to his surprise they got through quickly and without incident.
He thought maybe it was because they traveled with a Russian citizen. As they
made their way through the busy airport, Scott looked out for Tom. It didn’t
take long until he recognized his friend.

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