Keep Me (Shelter Me #3) (11 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

BOOK: Keep Me (Shelter Me #3)
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Her gaze shifts away from mine.

“Don’t. Look at me, please.”

Agony, sorrow, and pain are etched in this woman deeply, but I am going to close her soul back up with pleasure, joy, and happiness, damn it.

“You have every right to be upset with Markus for betraying your trust. I get that, I really do. He called me because he loves you and he cares about you. And believe it or not, so do I.”

My voice cracks. I pore over her facial features, her expressions. She is so strong. More so than she realizes.

“Underneath all those layers you have built up around you to defend yourself is the kindest heart I have ever seen. Don’t let it bleed anymore, Shelby, open up and let someone in.”

There are so many things I want to know about her, so many things I want to do with her and show her over these next ten days. If we get to none of them then I truly don’t give a shit. The only thing I want to show her right now is that she has absolutely nothing to be scared about anymore. Bringing both of her hands up to my face, I entwine them with mine and pepper soft kisses across her knuckles.

“Now, let’s go have some fun, shall we?” I say with a smile.

She’s speechless as she shakes her head ‘yes’. This conversation has turned out much better than I anticipated. Even though it is not one that I ever wanted or expected to have, I am glad it is out in the open. I will admit to myself the fact that I am a little concerned that the feistier Shelby didn’t come out. I truly do have my work cut out for me when it comes to bringing back the true Shelby, the one I haven’t been able to get out of my head since I first saw her. We may need to learn a lot about each other, but the one thing she will learn very quickly is I never back down, especially not from her.

Chapter Twelve




Antonio threw me off balance when he pulled over, telling me Markus talked to him. The first thing I wanted to do was call Markus and chew his ass out for betraying me and then slap the shit out of Antonio for even bringing it up.

Panic rippled throughout me, thinking Markus revealed my deepest secret. The cab of the truck felt like it was closing in on me. I seriously wanted to run. I’m so glad I didn’t. Last night when Antonio told me you can tell so much from a person’s eyes, he was right. He had sincerity, concern, and compassion boring from his stunning greens into my blues, mixing the two together into the most beautiful hue of aqua.

As poetic as it sounds, I felt like I was swimming in the water of life. The one thing I did not see was pity. I’m fortunate in so many other ways, pity is the last thing I want anyone to feel for me.

I was a young girl when I heard the news, too young at the time to really understand its significance. However, the older I got, the more I withdrew myself from men. It felt safe. And now I am pissed, hurt, and more confused than ever, more at myself than anyone else, to be honest. I just sat there and listened to every word Antonio said, knowing I am not like that at all. I am one to defend myself in an instant when I feel like I am being cornered or backed against a wall with no way to escape.

As we drive in silence, I can feel the vibes radiating off of him. He cares. He wants to help me. I have never been more grateful toward a person in my life as I stare out the window watching the snow fall and all the white covered trees pass by.

This unfamiliar feeling penetrates deep inside me. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders the more I think about the things he said. He’s right. The choice is mine as to when and if I share my secret with anyone. Who knows what the future will bring? I should be living in the here and now, not in the future, and definitely not worried about something I have no control over.

It’s crazy how brutally honest Antonio is. I respect him for pulling his vehicle over, not wanting to start our time together with the phone call from Markus hanging over his head. I decide right there on the spot that I will tell him when I feel the time is right. I don’t want to think about it anymore. Not today, anyway, not when I feel somewhat at peace. Something tells me that Antonio wouldn’t turn away from me if I were to tell him, but I’ve had enough of the heavy stuff for now.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I turn toward him. It has been a little too quiet for my liking for some time now. I want to talk; I want to know everything about Antonio, and not just because he knows so much about me, but because he’s all I have been able to think about these past few days. Oh, who am I trying to kid? I have been thinking about him for months.

“Tell me about this house of yours we are going to,” I say in a more cheerful voice, ending this dreadful silence.

He looks a little taken aback by my sudden change. Good. I don’t want him to feel like I am mad or upset about any of this. There is something about him that makes me feel at ease and I like it. More than like it. I love it.

“It’s on top of a small bluff overlooking Lake Michigan. I tend to come up here more in the summer than the winter, as I have a small boat I take up and down the coast.”

“Really? A boat? Like a sailboat?”

I am thunderstruck. Antonio doesn’t cease to amaze me with all the things he likes to do.

“No, it’s not a sailboat. More like a small yacht. I keep it stored up there. I built a big pole barn to store it in,” he chuckles.

“A yacht? Holy shit.”

“Luke, Dad and I like to fish, we always have. It’s something the three of us have done since we were little kids, so when I decided to build this house a couple years ago, Dad and I went in together on buying the yacht. I use it more than he does since he and Mom like to travel now that both Luke and I are out of the house, but the three of us try and make it up here a few times a year. Although last year, it was just Dad and me. Luke had just found Shayne again, and there was no way he was leaving her so soon after he got her back.”

I love seeing his face light up about this. He seems so at ease when he talks. Our conversation continues on about his home and his plans to someday move here, as this is one of his favorite places to be. When we slow down and he gets off the highway, I take in the sight before me in amazement. There is more snow up here than I have ever seen. God, if I never have to see snow again in my life, I will be one happy girl.

“Please tell me your home is like a tropical island on the inside.”

“I’m glad to hear you have your sense of humor back, Firecracker. And I’ll give you that one. That’s funny! And to answer your question, no, I don’t have a tropical island, but everything I do have you will really enjoy. I can promise you that.”

He gives me a sideways glance with his chin ducked down while his eyes look up at me with a sexy curve to his lips. His look is effective. So is the meaning behind it as I feel like he is virtually stripping me naked in his mind. Yeah, those achy feelings are back between my legs. Slowly we come to a stop and turn onto a very small road which looks like it was just plowed.

“I thought you lived on a bluff? This looks more like a two track road out in the middle of nowhere.”

My tone is playful, yet somewhat disappointed; that is, until the house comes into view right before my eyes. I gawk with my mouth hanging open.

“You call this a
house? This is remarkable, Antonio. I am absolutely sure this is one of the most incredible houses I have ever seen.”

The house is on three levels  with wooden and brick siding. A huge pole barn sits off to the side, which I assume is the one he told me about earlier. I am so damn intrigued. When we come to a stop, I already have my seatbelt undone, and jump out to take in all of this beauty. It’s breathtaking, even with all the snow-covered trees surrounding it. I spin in a circle and beam with a huge smile. I am in my own little fantasy paradise as I imagine what his kitchen must look like. Antonio snakes his arms around my waist, pulling me in close to him.

“I take it you like it?”

“I love it! I bet it’s even more spectacular in the summer.”

“Words really can’t describe the beauty of this place in the summertime. Nature’s serenity relaxes me when I come up here. Come on, let’s go inside. I want you to see the view of the lake from here. It’s my favorite.”

Not wanting to take the risk of falling, I place my hand in his as we make our way up several snow covered steps.

“We should have everything we need stocked up in here. I have a high school buddy who lives up here and he and his wife check on the home for me and keep the drive plowed. I called them to let them know I was coming, so of course Natalie had to come over and clean and stock the fridge, especially when I told her I was bringing a guest.”

Placing his keys into the lock and opening the door, he lets me go in first.

“You were quite confident I would say yes then, huh?” I ask, wagering a flirtatious peep at him as I walk by. Then my mouth falls agape as I stare in wonder. “Holy fucking shit. This view is like eye candy.”

“It sure as hell is.”

Whirling around to face him, I catch him checking out my ass. He doesn’t even hide the fact that he was, either, as his line of sight follows it until it is out of view.

“You ass,” I smirk.

“No. It’s more like
ass, Shelby. I have seen this view hundreds of times, but I have to tell you, it has never looked as good as it does right now with you standing here.”

His words are flattering. He can stare all he wants because I need to check out everything. I turn and make my way to the windows. The entire back of this home is wall to ceiling windows. I step into the kitchen and damn near trip over my tongue, which has somehow fallen out of my mouth.

I could live in this kitchen. It’s L-shaped, with more counter space than any one person could ever need. The atmosphere is charming and has all the necessary amenities. Stainless steel appliances. A double oven just like Luke and Shayne’s, except this one is encased in a brick wall.

“I am in love,” I whisper.

Antonio walks up beside me, shoving his hands in his pocket.

“I knew you would love this room. It doesn’t get used as much as it should. I hope we can remedy that while we’re here, since we both like to cook.”

He sounds as if he has it all planned out, which I bet he does. I don’t mind it at all; in fact, I look forward to quiet dinners and talks and anything and everything that will come my way with Antonio over the next ten days. We may not know each other as well as two people can, but I don’t care. I just want to free fall over the course of these days spent in solitude with him.

“I would love that,” I reply as I walk over to the window behind the large, solid oak kitchen table, running my hand along the smooth surface as I pass.

“I am so not a fan of winter other than how sparkly white it is here, but my God, the sight of the lake from here iced over is impressive, don’t you think?”

“The shoreline of Lake Michigan in the winter is very dramatic with all the ice carried in by the waves. It’s a vision I love and it’s great to see it through someone else’s eyes for the first time.”

I shy away from his comment as I feel myself blushing. I keep my eyes transfixed on the picture before me until Antonio moves away. I follow closely behind. He flips on a light in yet another room down the hall from the kitchen.

“Take a look at this.”

“Oh, wow.”

It’s an indoor hot tub and it’s freaking huge.

“Is this like a solarium?” I ask with interest while checking out every aspect of the all-window room. There is a large white leather couch and love seat and an even larger flat screen television in one corner, while the hot tub sits close to the window facing the lake. A small bar is off to one side.

“It is, actually, although I have only used it a few times.”

“What? Are you freaking kidding me? I would be using it all the time, especially in the winter. We are so using this.”

My breathing quickens as I feel him draw nearer to me. The hot and humid room makes me grateful we ditched our coats in the kitchen before coming into the solarium. I concentrate on the softness of his shirt when his warm body presses against mine from the back and his hand slowly strokes my face.

“I’ll show you the rest of the house in a minute.”

The breeze of his breath tingles my ears as he speaks. Smelling the clean, natural male scent of him behind me has me entranced as I tilt my head back, resting on his shoulder. It’s as if he knows he has me right where he wants me when his lips skim my neck seductively.

“You’re someone to me, Shelby. There isn’t a thing about you I don’t find fascinating.”

The atmosphere tenses with sexual excitement and I moan when his arms come around my waist and he spins me around to face him. No words are spoken as he attacks my mouth with fury and passion. My nerves flutter, my heartbeat accelerates, and the minute his tongue meets mine, I am lost in this kiss. Lost to him, Antonio Schavone, the one man who could steal and break my heart both at the same time.

There are so many reasons why whatever this is between the two of us shouldn’t happen, but all uncertainty for me is gone. I deserve to be happy, and this sexy, kind-hearted man wants me. My arms go around his neck and his hands grab hold of my ass as he palms both of my cheeks, pulling me in closer to him. Our tongues smoothly stroke each other’s.

His heart is beating just as quickly as mine, which encourages me to continue on, knowing I am affecting him the way he does me. I feel a bead of sweat drip down my temple which makes me break our kiss.

“Have I told you I love the way you kiss me?” I say shyly as I wipe my forehead.

“No. But you do, huh?” He lifts one side of his mouth in a smirk as he releases me.

“I do. I really don’t mean to kick the mood in the gut here, but I am sweating my ass off.”

“I kind of like you all sweaty,” he grins slyly.

“I’ll bet you do. Let’s just save it for later and unpack, shall we?”

“Firecracker, there will be a hell of a lot more of that. I have ten days of you all to myself, and I plan on spending most of it kissing every inch of you.”

He turns with a smug, ‘I am so full of myself’ expression on his face and leaves me standing there more than just sweating. I am as good as drenched.

“Are you hungry?” Antonio asks after he brings in all of our luggage from his truck.

“I’m starving.”

I trail behind him into the kitchen.

“Let’s see what Natalie bought for us, then.”

“I really do love this kitchen. It’s like my own personal wet dream.”

Antonio stops dead in his tracks, causing me to smack into the back of him.

“A wet dream?” he repeats, spinning to face me.

“Well, yeah. Men have them over women, whereas I have them over kitchens, and this one... oh, never mind.”

I’m suddenly embarrassed over my outburst. I try to step by him, but he obviously isn’t done with this conversation as he plants himself right in front of me.

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