Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 4 (5 page)

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 4
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Very laughed and got up to lead Kate to a chair. “It’s true. It’s driving Jase and Tony mad. They’re afraid to say anything for fear of Kate having a breakdown. It’s the only reason we were able to get out of the house alone today.”

The drawing room door opened and Derek sauntered in as if he hadn’t been in hiding. “Why hello, ladies! And to what do we owe this pleasure?” He intercepted Very and Kate and enveloped Kate in his arms, giving her a smacking kiss on the cheek which made her laugh and then cry again.

“Oh, look what you’ve done, you darling man!” Kate laughed through her tears.

“And I’d just stopped.”

Derek looked alarmed. “What did I do? Did I hurt you? Sometimes I forget what a big ox I am. I’m so sorry, Kate.”

Very came to his rescue by punching him on the arm. “You big lummox, she’s just overly emotional because of the baby. Why don’t you ever kiss me? I’m younger and available, and quite pretty if I do say so myself.”

Everyone laughed at Very’s comment, as she’d wanted them to. “That’s exactly

why I don’t kiss you,” Derek teased. “I don’t want to find myself dragged in front of the preacher by Jason and Tony. Not to mention Kensington and Wolf would probably kill me before I got there. And your head is swollen enough with your own charms, I don’t need to contribute to it.”

“My head is perfectly proportioned to my body, ape, and these days I think

Kensington would gladly sell me to the gypsies. As for Wolf, he does whatever

Kensington wants him to.” Lord Michael Kensington had had an on-again, off-again courtship with Very for the last year or so. Every couple of months he decided she was too young, or too argumentative, or too something and then after a few weeks he came crawling back because he clearly couldn’t live without her. It amused the rest of them no end. Wolf Tarrant was Kensington’s lover, and rather an enigma to everyone else.

Ian didn’t think Very’s assessment was right, but he really had no reason for his belief, just a feeling.

“And who could blame him?” Kate said archly. “You are a trial, Very. If I’d been thinking clearly when you were younger,

have sold you to the gypsies. I needed the money then.” Everyone including Very laughed with Kate.

Derek led Kate to a chair and after she was seated started to sit down on the settee facing her. He stopped in mid-motion and sprang back up at Kate’s next words,



Samantha Kane

“We’re here to help plan the wedding, of course. Ian said poor Miss Middleton has no one to help, and so here we are.”

“Well, it was good to see you both,” Derek said, walking briskly to the door. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon. Good day, ladies.”

“Derek,” Ian began, but the other man was out the door and gone before he could say more.

Kate sat stunned. Even Very was struck speechless. “What did I say?” Kate asked anxiously.

Ian sighed and sat dejectedly on the settee, his head dropping onto the back of the elegant piece of furniture. “Derek has yet to meet Sophie. He keeps disappearing, and avoids any situation where they might cross paths.”

“Oh dear,” Kate murmured. “That doesn’t bode well. Are you sure this marriage is a good idea, Ian?”

Ian sat up and placed his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together between them as he stared at the floor. “I can’t cry off now, Kate. I’ve set it in motion and I can’t leave Sophie in her present situation.” He looked up at Kate bleakly. “You’ll

understand when you meet her. If only Derek weren’t so stubborn. If he’d stop viewing her as the enemy and instead try to understand that she needs us. Why can’t he see what I’m trying to do here?” Ian stopped. “Never mind. Let’s focus on making this a beautiful wedding for Sophie. I’ll deal with Derek. He’ll come around.”

“But Ian,” Very said heatedly, “you can’t just make him accept her. You and he

have been together so long, you have so much you’ve shared together. I don’t think it’s right you’re bringing this Sophie here if Derek doesn’t want her.” Very took a

belligerent stance in front of Ian, her arms akimbo as she glared at him. “You owe him that much, Ian.”

Kate had been watching Ian closely. She spoke softly but firmly. “Very, you are jumping to conclusions again. Haven’t we talked about the danger of doing that? Come and sit. Let us reserve judgment until we meet Miss Middleton. We owe Ian that, I think.” Very reluctantly sat down with a final glare for Ian.

“Thank you,” Ian told her sincerely. “And I think when you meet Sophie you’ll

understand, Very. She needs all the friends she can get.”

Sophie approached the drawing room door with trepidation. Montague himself had

come to knock on her door and inform her that Mr. Witherspoon was waiting for her with some guests. Sophie didn’t like to meet new people. One never knew how to act around them or how to please them. It made her extremely uncomfortable. Harold and her father were forever telling her she had no social skills.

She had about decided to turn around and send her regrets when Montague

opened the drawing room door and announced her. She was clear across the landing at the time and had to hurry to the door. It was almost as if he’d known she was going to 24

At Love’s Command

run. She allowed herself to frown at him. He merely blinked benignly and stepped behind her to crowd her into the room, closing the door after her.

Sophie looked into the room and saw Mr. Witherspoon standing up. He walked

toward her and she couldn’t see around him although she sensed the presence of other people in the room. She could feel herself getting tense and uneasy. What did he expect of her?

“Hello, Sophie,” he said quietly when he stopped in front of her. “I trust you are well today?”

His manner was calm and Sophie found it soothing. Mr. Witherspoon had so far

shown himself to be a gentleman, and his reassurances in his study yesterday had alleviated many of her earlier fears. She was still quite embarrassed about how she broke down in front of him, however. What must he think of her? She straightened her spine and tried to speak confidently.

“Good day, Mr. Witherspoon. I am well, thank you. And you?” There, that sounded polite and self-confident. His answering smile told her she’d done well.

“I am fine, Sophie.” He turned back to the room and indicated two attractive, well-dressed women sitting there. “Let me introduce you to some friends. This is Kate, Lady Randall, and her niece, Miss Veronica Thomas.” He took Sophie’s elbow and led her farther into the room. “They have come to help you plan the wedding, my dear. I hope you don’t mind my asking for their assistance.”

Sophie felt herself blanch. Oh God, he didn’t trust her to plan the wedding. Of course, she knew nothing about planning a wedding. She hadn’t thought that far ahead, she’d been so focused on just getting him to agree to marry her. What on earth did one do at a wedding? The only one she had ever attended was Corrina’s, and she’d only witnessed the vows. She’d not been allowed to attend the festivities after. She could feel a crushing weight in her chest knowing she was already a disappointment to him. She looked up at Mr. Witherspoon. Before she could apologize, Lady Randall spoke.

“How do you do, Miss Middleton? May I call you Sophie? And you must call me

Kate. It is so wonderful to finally meet you. Ian told us of your upcoming marriage weeks ago. How exciting! Very and I can’t wait to help plan the wedding with you. I was married in a bit of a…hmm, situation, shall we say, so this is a first for me. You don’t mind, do you? I’d hate to impose.” Lady Randall stood and Sophie could see she was tall and beautiful, and exquisitely dressed. Sophie felt even more of a frump than ever in her plain brown dress.

“How do you do?” she murmured, keeping her face a polite mask. Everyone

seemed to be waiting for her to speak some more, so she continued nervously. “I’m very glad of any assistance you can give me, ma’am. I’m not well versed in planning social events, I’m afraid.” A discreet look at Mr. Witherspoon showed him smiling at her encouragingly. She mentally relaxed.

The younger woman who’d been introduced as Miss Thomas finally spoke. “How

do you do, Miss Middleton? Congratulations on your upcoming marriage.” She eyed 25

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Sophie in a confused way. “I hope you don’t mind my asking, but how long have you been out in society?”

Sophie’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. “I’ve never had a come-out, I’m

afraid. Father didn’t want the expense since I was already betrothed.”

“Veronica!” Lady Randall chastised. She turned back to Sophie. “Ignore her, my

dear. She’s terribly jealous. Ian is a wonderful catch, you know.” She smiled teasingly at Sophie, and Sophie had no idea how to respond. Did Miss Thomas want Mr.

Witherspoon? Had Sophie unknowingly interfered in their love affair?

Mr. Witherspoon stepped into the breach. “Veronica is no more jealous of me than she is of the dog next door, Kate. She knows I’d never put up with her wild ways.”

Sophie’s eyes flashed to him in alarm. Was he trying to tell her she needed to behave or he would punish her? He sensed her distress but seemed at a loss as to what to say.

“Sophie, I didn’t mean…” he trailed off and Sophie bit her lip.

“I didn’t mean to offend, Miss Middleton,” Miss Thomas spoke up, more confused

than ever. “I just thought your father was rather wealthy, is all. Ow!” She jerked as Lady Randall hit her in the arm with her fan. “What? Isn’t he?”

Sophie was mortified. She realized now Miss Thomas was talking about her old,

unattractive gown, not suitable for a young debutante. She bit down harder on her lip.

Lady Randall walked over and took Sophie’s arm, leading her to the settee. Sophie looked frantically at Mr. Witherspoon, but he seemed relieved that Lady Randall was taking over. “I’m sure Miss Middleton will tell us all about herself as we plan the wedding, Very,” she said firmly. “There’s no need to interrogate the poor girl today.”

“One little question is hardly an interrogation,” Miss Thomas muttered, spinning around indignantly to take a seat in a huff. Louder she said, “How are we to know what she wants if we don’t ask her about herself?”

“What I want?” Sophie asked, alarmed. “Want for what?” She couldn’t believe the young woman was talking to her aunt in such a manner. Surely she was going to get into trouble. Lady Randall tugged Sophie down to sit next to her.

Miss Thomas looked at her like she was a lackwit. “For the wedding, of course.”

“Yes, well, I’ll leave you to it, then,” Mr. Witherspoon said, backing toward the door. Sophie started to shoot up from her seat, unable to believe he was going to leave her alone with these two women. What on earth was she supposed to do with them?

“Yes, run along, Ian,” Lady Randall said officiously, placing a hand on Sophie’s arm to hold her down. “Men have no place in these affairs. A wedding is all about the bride.”

“No!” Sophie burst out, “Don’t leave.” Mr. Witherspoon froze and looked at her

stricken face. Lady Randall slowly let go of her arm while Miss Thomas looked at her in shock. She tried to keep the panic out of her voice as she continued. “I mean, I don’t know anything about planning a wedding. Father has said he won’t pay for a big


At Love’s Command

wedding. What am I to do? Where shall it be? I…I don’t know who to invite. I

don’t…don’t you have people to invite?”

Her voice was rising, but she couldn’t control it. Mr. Witherspoon looked pained at her outburst and Sophie tried to backtrack, tried to think how to repair the damage.

“What I mean to say is, I don’t require a large wedding or an expensive one. Couldn’t we just get married here? With a few witnesses? Or no one, not if you don’t want them.” By the look on his face she was just making things worse. She looked down and noticed she was wringing her hands and forced herself to stop. She looked at Lady Randall and saw pity in her face. When she glanced at Miss Thomas, the young lady’s face had gone from shock to horror. Oh God, what a mess! She should leave. She stood jerkily and took a step toward the door. “I should just go. Yes, I’ll just go.”

Mr. Witherspoon came up and took her hands gently. “Sophie, stop. Take a deep

breath.” His voice was calm and soothing, his face soft with an emotion Sophie couldn’t decipher. She took several deep breaths and did feel better. She concentrated on his face and let the panic subside.

“All right?” he asked quietly with a squeeze of her hands.

“Yes, yes, I’m better. I’m sorry.” She clutched his hands, still not wanting him to go.

“Now, about the wedding,” he began and Sophie’s eyes widened in alarm again.

“Sophie,” he said admonishingly, and she forced herself to relax. “Good girl.” He squeezed her hands again. “You may spend as much as you like.” He looked at Lady Randall when he said it, and Sophie glanced over to see the other woman nodding in agreement. He continued and Sophie looked back at him. “I will draw up a list of friends to invite. I know they will want to be here.”

“Of course they will,” Lady Randall murmured in agreement.

“As for where we get married,” he paused to make sure he had Sophie’s attention,

“I don’t care where it is. All I know is I want to marry you, the sooner the better. As a matter of fact, I’m going to get a special license. I didn’t want to force your acquiescence by obtaining a license before we’d had a chance to meet and talk, Sophie. With a special license we won’t have to wait.” He looked over at Lady Randall. “Kate, would it be possible to have the wedding as soon as next week? Perhaps Thursday next?”

Lady Randall looked a little shaken, but nodded her head. “Yes, it’s possible. We’ll be extraordinarily busy to pull it off, but we can do it, can’t we, Very?” she asked her niece. “It will be a beautiful wedding, Ian.”

Miss Thomas answered her aunt, her eyes on Sophie. “Yes, we can do it. We’ll get Kitty to help, and Mrs. Jones.” She turned to look at Mr. Witherspoon. “You’re right, Ian. I do see it now.” And with those enigmatic words, Miss Thomas smiled

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 4
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