Justice Falling (8 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

BOOK: Justice Falling
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“Fine, but that hot cowboy’s ass is mine!” He pointed to Aspen accusingly. “You haven’t allowed me any time with him, and we have a lot to go over before my baby girl arrives. We haven’t even agreed on a nanny!”

Aspen’s placating smile widened as she winked at me. “That’s because Hank doesn’t want a nanny. He thinks maybe his Mom will come for the first couple months after the baby’s born and help out.” Oliver looked at Aspen, eyes wide, mouth agape.

“We cannot have ’maybe’s’ with our baby. Jesus Christ on a stick! When I get my hands on his fine ass he’s going to get a licking that keeps on ticking…and it’s not going to be in a good way!”

That was it. I couldn’t hold it back. I cracked up laughing at their comedic show. Tears pricked my eyes, and I staunched the flow with a Kleenex.

Oliver’s eyes narrowed at me, and then he put his hands on his hips. “Well. I was promised a lunch date. So, you’re coming with us. Get your things little miss Someone-Sent-Me-Flowers-But-I’m-Being-All-Secretive. Let’s go…scoot. Every second you drag ass, Aspen loses another million.”

My mouth dropped open, and I jumped to grab my things. Rosie was back from lunch and would catch the phones and visitors. I really had no reason not go with them. “Really?” I asked.

Aspen smiled and held open the door for us. “Not really. Maybe a thousand or two…” her voice trailed off as we walked onto her personal elevator. Perk of owning a building. You had your own elevator that opened only to specific persons. I’d only seen Aspen, Hank, Oliver, and Dean, Oliver’s significant other, use it. The lift was very high tech. She pressed her finger on the display and said “One” into the quiet of the space. The doors shut, and it went down.

“Since we don’t have to go to that healthy, green-seaweed, tree-hugging restaurant to please your caveman, what does my baby girl want?” He patted Aspen’s belly. She rolled her eyes and shoved his hand away.

“You and Hank are ridiculous. I would like to have Thai food at that greasy place around the corner. Tasty Thai.” She looked at me, and I nodded. I could go Thai any time, and I wasn’t picky. “And I don’t want to hear one damn word about it! And if you tell Hank, I’ll tell Dean about that fireman’s calendar you’re googley-eyed over. I bet he’d wonder why you keep the page on October even though it’s March!”

Oliver visibly shivered and leaned into me as we exited the elevator. “She’s really hormonal lately. Hank has been trying to force feed her all this healthy crap when all she wants to eat is a burger.” He snickered and Aspen stopped on a dime.

“Stuff it! Come on Cami. Let’s go.” She grabbed my arm and locked hers within mine. “All right. Get my mind off this giant bowling ball pressing heavily on my bladder. Who were the flowers from?”

I chuckled. Aspen was the first woman besides Jin who ever initiated “girl talk” with me.

“Hey, don’t leave me out. I’m not the shitty pickle on the side of the plate that no one wants to eat.” Oliver hooked onto my other arm. I sighed, realizing there was absolutely no way of getting out of this.

“It’s really not a big deal.” I shook my head. “Nathaniel Walker sent them to me.”

Both of them stopped while I propelled forward, which yanked me back. It was like a game of slingshot with me as the rubber band. “Sexy-assed Brit? Has the face of my candy man, David Gandy?” Oliver confirmed.

I shrugged. “I don’t know who that is.”

Oliver looked stricken and pulled out his electronic whatever thingy and frantically typed “I’m hungry come on. Talk while we walk,” Aspen pulled us along to the Thai place.

 “He came to the office for a meeting with Mr. Jensen the other night.”

 Aspen nodded.

“Then he just told me he was having lunch with me. I didn’t think he was really serious, but the next day he showed up right on time. We went to The Place and had lunch.”

“Really? And then today he sent you flowers?”


“Interesting.” Her lips twisted and she bit her bottom one. “He likes you. A lot.”

Oliver nodded then leaned over to show me a picture of what he called “Gandy Candy.” It was an image of a stunningly beautiful, half-dressed male model walking a runway in his boxers. My cheeks felt hot, and I looked away nodding at the similarities between my Nate and Oliver’s model crush.
My Nate?

“Girl, he has you in his sights. Did he ask you out again?” Oliver asked.

That’s the part I didn’t really want to get into. They would want to know why I said no. I couldn’t tell them.

“He did but I haven’t decided yet if I’m going.” I chose the noncommittal route to leave me with less to explain.

“Was he a shitty kisser? It’s okay, you can tell me.” Oliver frowned.

“No! He was an amazing kiss…”

Oliver’s eyes went wide, and his smile grew even wider.

 Aspen laughed, and covered her smile with her hand.

 And now they knew we’d kissed. Dammit!

“So, you’ve already kissed.” I shook my head trying to make him stop. “Oh no, honey, you’re spilling your guts. There’s no going back. And you said it was amazing. Right Aspen?”

 She nodded.

My shoulders sagged as Aspen led us into the restaurant and out to the street side where wrought iron bistro-looking tables sat.

“Look, can we talk about something else?” I pleaded with my eyes.

Oliver rolled his. “Fine. Whatever, let’s order, eat a little, and then we’ll continue with the third degree.” He reached over to Aspen’s belly and rubbed it again.

She had to be tired of all the touching. This time she allowed it, placed a hand over Oliver’s and smiled at him.

“Let’s talk about my baby!” Oliver offered and Aspen scowled then pushed his hand off her belly again.




Ask and ye shall receive. I believe that’s the quote. Who gives a blimey fuck. The woman who had destroyed all my thoughts, controlled every speck of time in my brain, was sitting at a bistro table not far from where I stood. I gestured to my colleague and best mate.

“I’m in the mood for Thai, and I see a couple mates of mine.”

Ty flicked his glasses down and scanned the view across the street. “The blonde and brunette with the suit?”

“Yeah, come on. I’ll introduce you to Aspen Reynolds.”

“The Aspen Reynolds. As in AIR Bright owner, Bright Magazine owner, pretty much owner of the stock market?”

I grinned and gestured to cross. “That’s the one.”

“They call her the “Octopussy” at the stock exchange because she has her hands in so many pies. And the ‘pussy’ part.” He made a gesture of a pyramid with both hands and licked his lips. “I hear she looks like a fucking model, and every man on the exchange wants a piece.”

I stopped in my tracks to stare in horror. A cab squealed past me, ruffling my suit coat with the near close call. Ty pulled me out of the way in the nick of time. Bugger!

“Shite. Don’t ever let her husband hear you say anything like that. He’s a big guy, southerner, and old-fashioned. He’d beat the living hell out of you.”

“Duly noted. I think I can hold my own with the ladies and their husbands.” Ty waggled his eyes with a disgusting grin.

It was times like these that I wondered how we’d been friends the past few years. Sure, we both treated women like something to get our jollies off on, but at least I respected them enough to not talk about them after. And…I never dated married women. He dated them even when he was married himself. It was the exact reason why he was divorced and paying a hefty alimony payment every month.

As we walked closer to the restaurant, I could hear Camille’s lilting laughter. Christ it did things to me. Sent me from grumpy to glorious in a few seconds. Aspen looked up and recognized me. I waved and she stood, her pregnant belly protruding proudly.

“Wow, Aspen. You’ve gotten even more beautiful since the last time I saw you.”

“Smooth, real smooth, Nate. Come join us. I believe we know someone else in common.” She winked and nodded her head toward Camille. I grinned, looking over at my beautiful girl. Only she wasn’t looking at me. Her eyes were on my colleague, Ty. The wide-eyed, deer in the headlights look she had across her face shook me to my core. Did they know each other?

“Camille, lovely to see you.” She shook her head and then closed her eyes, blinking a couple times. “Are you okay, Precious?” Without a second thought, I hopped over the small iron fence, and crouched down to clasp her hands. They were clammy and cold. “What’s the matter?”

She looked at me, her eyes frightened. It was the same look she’d given me in the restaurant on our date. As quickly as the look came, she shook her head, looked over my shoulder at Ty, winced, then blew out a breath. “I, uh, I’m fine. Sorry.”

I pulled up a chair, and handed her the glass of water in front of her. “Here, love, take this.” She took a sip, but her gaze wasn’t focused on me, the glass, or our friends. It was locked on Ty. Jealousy roared up my spine and out each limb, tightening, clawing at my senses, forcing out the beast in me.

“Have a seat?” Aspen gestured to the open space between me and her.

“Thank you. I’m Tyler Thornton, a friend of Nate’s.”

We both sat and Camille looked the other way, focusing on anything but me and my friend. I slid my hand into hers, and she held it in a vice grip. Something was wrong. The tightness of her jaw, the ramrod straight spine said this was not the place to discuss it. With long strokes, I soothed her hand until she loosened her grip. The waiter arrived and Ty and I ordered. Camille sat silent.

“So, Camille, this is my best mate, Tyler Thornton.” She looked at Ty, something akin to hurt slashed across her gaze. She took a deep breath and held out her hand. It visibly shook until Tyler extended his own and clasped it.

“I believe we’ve met. Though it’s been a few years, hasn’t it, sweetness?” Ty’s endearment, tone and the way he held her hand as she tried to pull it away spoke volumes. My inner beast drew its claws. I tightened my hand into a fist.

“Yes, it has.” She looked away.

“So, Cami, I see you’re no longer a waitress.” His blue eyes undressed her, scanning her form from tip to toe. She wore the standard black pencil skirt and a fitted green shirt that brought out her eyes. It took every ounce of respect for my friendship with him not to react like a Neanderthal, thump my chest and swing her over my shoulder and carry her off to my bedroom where I could stake my claim officially.

“Ty,” I warned. “This is a friend of mine. A
…close friend.” I slid an arm around her shoulders insinuating possession. I was pleasantly surprised when she snuggled into my side. It was the first time she’d willingly pressed closer to me. It felt beyond right. It was downright perfect.

“Just making polite conversation,” he said glancing at my hold on Camille. I wanted to smash the corresponding smirk of his face with my fist.

The conversation changed. Ty dominated the discussion, ranting on about a couple of companies Aspen was looking into purchasing. Normally I would have paid close attention. As Aspen’s lawyer, I made sure she made sound legal decisions. Entering into a possible business venture typically called for my expertise. Unfortunately, I was in no shape to participate. My focus was diverted to a stunning brunette currently acting strangely.

Camille pushed her food around her plate. Sometimes she’d look up, gaze at Ty and bite her lip so hard I worried blood would appear. I wanted to sooth that ache, kiss away the pain she inflicted on her perfect pout. There was something between her and Ty, and I needed to find out what.

In the middle of Ty’s description of a new company he was championing, Camille stood up as if the building caught fire. “I have to go.” Her voice was thick with emotion and cracked on the last word. She riffled through her purse and pulled out her wallet.

“Oh no, honey, this is a business lunch.” Aspen waved her off. Camille nodded, putting away her wallet.

“I’m sorry.” She looked into my eyes. Fear, sadness, and regret all warred for top billing in her gaze. Then she shot a glance at Ty and winced.

He leaned back and with the most smarmy expression possible said, “It was
good seeing you again, sweetness. Maybe we can catch up sometime.”

“I can’t take this.” Camille blurted and ran out of the restaurant. I moved to chase after her.

“No!” Oliver stopped me with a hand on my chest. “Something stinks about this.” Oliver pointed between Ty and me. “I’m going to check on her. Make sure Aspen gets back to the office safely. Got it?”

“Yes, but I--“

“No buts. Take care of my girls.” He pointed to Aspen, kissed her cheek then patted her belly. Aspen cringed, clearly annoyed with her personal assistant. “I’ll see you at the office after I find out what the hell set a fire under our girl’s ass.”

“That ass is sweet. I can attest to that.” Ty held his hands about a foot apart and thrust his hips.

“Cock sucking wanker!” I pulled back my hand ready to pummel the bloody bastard. A huge arm grabbed my bicep, preventing me from hitting my mark…Ty’s smirking mug. A body-builder type patted me on the back.

“You gonna start a fight with a pregnant woman at your table?” The beefy stranger gestured to Aspen. I looked at her surprised face. Her hands covered her round bump protectively.

“Sorry. Thanks, mate.”

“Respect!” The testosterone filled man fist pumped me. I’ll never understand the fist pump. Or is it bump? “What the fuck, man! You were going to hit me?” Ty yelled. He fluffed his suit coat, and buttoned it at the waist.

“Don’t ever talk about my woman like that!” I growled making my intent very clear.

“Your woman! Now she’s
woman? Just a half hour ago she was your friend.” Ty flicked the shoulders of his suit coat and ruffled a hand through his brown hair. “I’ve already had her, and it wasn’t worth the effort. You can have my sloppy seconds.”

“I’m going to murder you,” I gritted through my teeth.

Aspen put a hand on my chest and then Ty’s. She looked at Ty then back to me. “Enough. Tyler, it was…well not exactly pleasant meeting you. I think it’s time for you to go.” He frowned as she added, “Nate, walk me back to AIR Bright.”

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